Points of Pride Standards and Accreditation Document

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INTRODUCTION & PURPOSE The Widener University’s Fraternity and Sorority Life Points of Pride Standards and Accreditation Program serves as a chapter development process that allows Widener University to set consistent standards throughout all areas of chapter operations including; academic excellence, chapter operations and management, leadership development, community and civic engagement, campus and council involvement, and health and safety. “Points of Pride” was created from assessment data, conversation, and requirements of Inter/National Fraternal Organizations hosted at the University. In addition, the areas are based on the founding pillars of fraternal life; scholarship, service, leadership, and brotherhood/sisterhood. The program aids Widener’s Fraternity & Sorority Life chapters in their efforts to remain accountable for their responsibilities in the continuation of the principles on which these organizations were founded and fosters growth within the fraternal community. These expectations help chart a course for the continued development of each chapter and its members; and serves as the University’s semester assessment of the Fraternity and Sorority Life community. The goals of the Points of Pride Standards and Accreditation Program include: p To set basic chapter operation expectations between Widener University and its recognized chapters p To aid the chapters in their efforts to improve in the areas of academic excellence, chapter operations & management, leadership development, community & civic engagement, campus & council involvement, and health & safety. p To monitor, evaluate, provide feedback, and recognize these efforts p To identify chapters that may need additional support and guidance p To establish measurable outcomes on the progress of sororities and fraternities at Widener University The following categories and standards serve as the foundation for the chapter development program and if implemented well, can enhance the undergraduate experience of Fraternity and Sorority Life members. p ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE: Chapters must develop and maintain a sound scholarship program for both members and new members to enhance academic success and contribute to the academic mission of the University. p CHAPTER OPERATIONS & MANAGEMENT: An organized chapter and sound operations are the hallmark of organizational longevity. In order for the Office of Student Life to provide assistance, guidance, and advisement the chapter must keep their records and documents up to date with their chapter, inter/national headquarters, and the Office of Student Life. p LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT: Chapters must demonstrate a positive member and new member development program that supports the co-curricular mission of the institution. These programs should emphasize the importance of self-awareness, personal responsibility, and moral and ethical understanding in order to develop members into global and competent leaders. p COMMUNITY & CIVIC ENGAGEMENT: Chapters must demonstrate outstanding service and show a commitment to improving the campus and surrounding community. Since fraternities and sororities are held to a higher standard; as is their service, each chapter is expected to commit to a higher level of service than their non-affiliated peers. p CAMPUS & COUNCIL INVOLVEMENT: Chapters should encourage leadership and visibility within the council, Fraternity and Sorority Community, and the greater Widener University community; while promoting a positive Fraternity & Sorority Life image on campus. p HEALTH & SAFETY: Chapters should educate and promote healthy lifestyles and actively aspire to reduce their risk by upholding FIPG policy and the Anti-Hazing policy of the University and their Inter/National organizations. Like all Widener University students, members of Fraternity & _______________________________________________________________ 2


Sorority life are expected to comply with University policies and are subject to local, state, and federal law. Members and chapters are subject to their Councils and the University judicial processes in regard to infractions against policies and expectations. DOCUMENTATION AND REVIEW PROCESS p Chapters will compile a semester report following the provided report template. An emailed report is due by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, December 7, 2018 to the Director of Student Organizations. No hardcopies will be accepted. p Chapters must follow all specific instructions outlined for each criterion in the accreditation document and within the report template. All items and programs are worth a maximum number of points and will be awarded based on completion and quality of each criterion. Failure to do so may result in point deductions. p The submitted report must contain thoughtful and clear responses, be free from spelling and grammatical errors, and provide answers to all required questions or instructions. Chapters will lose points for each error or incomplete response. p Chapters that do not submit a completed report by the deadline will not meet the minimum standards of a fraternal organization and will be sanctioned accordingly. p Chapters, as every other recognized student organization, must report each event or program by using the online Event Reporting form and uploading all required photos and documentation by the last day of classes. p Semester reports will be evaluated by the Director of Student Organizations and staff from the Office of Student Life. Final recognition statuses will be based on submitted reports and completed items listed within the accreditation document. RECOGNITION STATUSES p PLATINUM (above 250 points): Excellent standing with the University and the Office of Student Life, recognition at events, and recognition in publications. p GOLD (180-250 points): Good standing with the University and Office of Student Life. p SILVER (150-179 points): This level is a probationary warning status. A continuation of this level for more than one semester may result in probation. p BRONZE (below 150 points): This level is a probationary status and is an indication of significant chapter challenges to comply with the basic requirements of a fraternal organization and recognition at Widener University. Required sanctions to assist in challenge areas may be given and must be met by a certain time or the chapter may be revoked of their campus recognition. This status may also be an indication of serious violations of the expectations and requirements of the University and Office of Student Life.

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SERVICE AND PHILANTHROPY Chapters must complete or host each of the following service or philanthropic opportunities. Chapters must refer to the RSO handbook for the definition of what is credited as direct service or philanthropy. Each program must be reported using the online event reporting form with the exception of the Fraternity and Sorority Life Sunhill Cleanup that is hosted by the councils. p FRATERNITY AND SORORITY LIFE SUNHILL CLEANUP (5 points) p DIRECT SERVICE (5 points per 10 hours, 20 points max) § Only hands-on hours spent helping an underserved or disadvantaged community will receive credit § I.e. volunteering at a senior living development or children’s hospital, serving food at a shelter, walking dogs at a rescue p PHILANTHROPY FUNDRAISING EVENT (10 points) § Only events that raise funds or items for another non-profit organization will receive credit § I.e. hosting a talent show or pageant, organizing a car wash, selling items or baked goods p PHILANTHROPY AWARENESS EVENT (5 points) § Only events that raise funds or items for another non-profit organization will receive credit § I.e. hosting an advocacy and awareness tabling event, holding a collections drive, participating or volunteering at a walk or run EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING Chapters must host or co-host each of the following educational topics during a chapter meeting or as an organization’s open program. Each lesson or workshop should last at least 30 minutes. Educational programming is defined as teaching a group of people new information on any variety of topics. Programs hosted by the governing councils do not apply. For most programs, at least 50% of the active membership of the chapter must attend the program in order to receive credit. Many chapters already have programming requirements from their inter/national organization. To assist chapters in accomplishing these, the Office of Student Life will be flexible in allowing inter/national programming requirements to meet the criteria for the University. Before the program occurs, the chapter should request to the Director of Student Organizations to have their unique programming requirements substituted for the programs mentioned in the standards below. Each program must be reported using the online event reporting form. p ACADEMIC (5 points per program, 10 points max) § I.e. strategies for studying and test taking, public speaking skills, time management, revision and proofreading strategies p PLURALISM AND INCLUSION (5 points per program, 10 points max) § I.e. micro-aggressions and unconscious bias, privilege, cultural competency and global diversity, racial diversity or religious diversity awareness, intersectionality, gender or race studies, disability awareness, orientation or gender identities, class and affordability, ageism p PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT (5 points per program, 10 points max) § I.e. financial literacy, resume writing, interview skills, cover letter writing, ethics and moral decision making p HEALTH AND WELLNESS (5 points per program, 10 points max) § I.e. healthy eating, mindfulness or meditation, yoga, Zumba, self-care, fitness p RISK REDUCTION (5 points per program, 10 points max) § I.e. bystander intervention, bullying, hazing prevention, gender violence, alcohol & substance abuse, sexual health, suicide prevention, mental health, body dissatisfaction, FIPG policies, Title IX _______________________________________________________________ 4


PAPERWORK AND DOCUMENTATION Chapters must submit or update the following paperwork to the Office of Student Life by the designated deadline. p POINTS OF PRIDE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM (2 points) § Deadline: Friday, September 7 p CHAPTER ANTI-HAZING AGREEMENT (2 points) § The agreement must be signed by all active members. § Deadline: Friday, September 7 p UPDATED MEMBERSHIP ROSTER – ROUND 1 (2 points) § Presidents should remove all graduates and transfer students by editing the online google document § Deadline: Friday, September 7 p CHAPTER CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE (2 points) § Deadline: Monday, October 1 p UPDATED MEMBERSHIP ROSTER – ROUND 2 (2 points) § Presidents should add all new members by editing the online google document § Deadline: Friday, October 19 § IGC chapters must add new members within 48 hours of “crossing” or presentations RECOGNIZED STUDENT ORGANIZATION EXPECTATIONS As recognized student organizations, chapters must maintain recognition and active status at Widener University by adhering to the following recognized student organization expectations, in addition to those listed in the RSO handbook. Organizations should check with the RSO expectations tracking to ensure compliance for RSO recognition. As a minimum, groups should complete or attend the following items. There are additional expectations to receive funding from the Student Government Association listed in the RSO handbook. p SEMESTER RECOGNITION FORM (3 points) § Deadline: Friday, December 7 p MONTHLY EXECUTIVE LEADERS WORKSHOP (15 points) § The organization’s president must attend or another executive officer p ANY (3) LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM CREDITS (15 points) § See the RSO handbook or OSL communications for approved program credits p ON-CAMPUS ADVISOR (2 points) § The faculty or staff advisor must be a full-time Widener University employee SCHOLARSHIP Chapters should achieve the following minimum academic standards. At the end of each semester, the Office of Student Life will run grade reports based on membership rosters to determine the following points. Grade reports will only be completed once a semester. p AT LEAST A 2.5 ALL-CHAPTER CUMULATIVE GPA (3 points) p ALL-CHAPTER CUMULATIVE GPA ABOVE THE ALL-MEN’S OR ALL-WOMEN’S AVERAGE (5 points) p SEMESTER DEAN’S LIST RECIPIENTS (1 point per member, 10 points max)

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INDIVIDUAL MEMBER ACHIEVEMENTS Chapters should encourage leadership opportunities and involvement outside of the organization to increase organization visibility, recruitment, and value to the fraternal and campus community. Chapters will be awarded for having members involved with the following leadership opportunities in the current semester. p ACADEMIC HONOR SOCIETIES OR ORDER OF OMEGA (1 point per member, 5 points max) p GOVERNING COUNCIL EXECUTIVE OFFICER (1 point per member) p C.R.E.W. LEADER (1 point per member) p ALTERNATIVE SPRING BREAK OFFICER OR SITE LEADER (1 point per member) p STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION OFFICER OR SENATOR (1 point per member) p COMMUTER STUDENT ASSOCIATION OFFICER (1 point per member) p PRIDE ACTIVITIES COUNCIL OFFICER (1 point per member) p RESIDENT ASSISTANT (1 point per member) p PRIDE AMBASSADOR (1 point per member) p UNIVERSITY ATHLETE, CLUB SPORTS, OR BAND MEMBER (1 point per member) p RECOGNIZED STUDENT ORGANIZATION OFFICER (NON-FSL) (1 point per member, 5 points max) COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION AND ATTENDANCE While hosting educational programming is important, there are other responsibilities chapters have as part of the fraternity and sorority community. Sending representatives to appropriate meetings, programs, and events on campus is also a significant component of developing a supportive fraternal and University community. Any lack of attendance by the designated representative will be reported to the Director of Student Organizations and recorded for further deductions and/or sanctions. Chapters must fulfill all of the attendance requirements listed below. p MONTHLY CHAPTER PRESIDENT ROUNDTABLE MEETINGS (15 points) p COUNCIL DELEGATE MEETINGS (INCLUDING COUNCIL TOWN HALLS) (5 points) p COUNCIL COMMITTEE & GREEK WEEK COMMITTEE MEETINGS (5 points) Chapters must participate in the following community and council sponsored events with 50% of chapter attendance (*unless a less percentage is communicated). Chapter members must sign in at each event to receive credit for their organization. While class conflicts are an acceptable excuse for failure to meet the attendance requirement - the chapter president must request an excused failure for each event by emailing the Director of Student Organizations, their council President, and their council Vice President for Marking and Communications via email at least 48 business hours before an event to gain approval. p p p p p p


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POLICY COMPLIANCE Like all Widener University students, both organizations and members of Fraternity and Sorority Life are expected to comply with University policies and are subject to local, state, and federal laws. In addition, chapters must adhere to all policies and procedures outlined by their governing councils. Members and chapters are subject to their council and the University judicial processes in regard to infractions against policies and procedures. p UNIVERSITY AND THE OFFICE OF STUDENT LIFE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES (5 points) § Chapters must adhere to all policies and procedures as implemented by Widener University and the Office of Student Life in relation to student organizations and fraternity and sorority life organizations p GOVERNING COUNCIL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES (5 points) § Chapters must adhere to all policies and procedures as implemented by their governing council p MEMBER ACCOUNTABILITY (5 points) § Behavior exhibited by chapters and their individual members is expected to be respectful at all times to University professional staff, fellow fraternal members, and those inside and outside the University community. Chapters will be held accountable for any members who violate the character clause. p FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS (3 points) § Chapters must meet all financial obligations to the University and their governing council p OFF-CAMPUS ADVISOR (1 point) § Chapters must maintain at least one off-campus chapter alumni advisor BONUS Chapters will receive bonus points by going above and beyond the expectations listed in this document. These “bonus” items will be rewarded as follows for groups who “raise the bar” throughout the semester. Only groups who meet 200 points will be eligible for bonus points. p NGLA, AFLV, UIFI, FUTURESQUEST, OR LEADERSHAPE ATTENDANCE (2 points per member per program) § Chapters will be awarded for having members attend the Northeast Greek Leadership Association conference, the Association of Fraternal Leadership & Values conference, the Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute, or the LeaderShape Institute in the current semester (or since the last academic break). § Other conferences will not receive credit p POSITIVE MEDIA OR SOCIAL MEDIA ATTENTION (1 point per publication, 5 points max) § Semester postings or publications acknowledging the fraternal efforts of an organization or individual member from an Inter/National Headquarters or Widener University p AWARDS (1 points per award) § Any individual or organization awards received from the Office of Student Life’s Student Leadership Award, the Annual Fraternity and Sorority Life Outstanding Academic Success Award, Student Government Awards, or awards from the inter/national organization during the current semester will receive credit § Awards won since the last academic break will receive credit p NON-FSL EVENT ATTENDANCE (1 point per event, 5 points max) § At least 20% of chapter membership should be in attendance § Events held by Pride Activities Council, Student Government Association, Black Student Union, Widener Dance Company, Residence Hall Association, or WUSNA will not receive credit. For a list of recognized student organizations, click here § The program may not be a collaboration event with any fraternal organization _______________________________________________________________ 7


p COLLABORATION WITH A COUNCIL CHAPTER (1 point per program, 2 points max) § Collaboration means helping to plan and implement a program. All advertisements should clearly articulate that the event is the responsibility of both (or multiple) parties. It is suggested that chapters collaborate on already required programming § At least 20% of chapter membership should be in attendance § You may not repeat chapters in the same semester § Collaborations with multiple groups will receive credit for each individual group p COLLABORATION WITH A NON-COUNCIL CHAPTER (1 point per program, 5 points max) § Collaboration means helping to plan and implement a program. All advertisements should clearly articulate that the event is the responsibility of both (or multiple) parties. It is suggested that chapters collaborate on already required programming § At least 20% of chapter membership should be in attendance § You may not repeat chapters in the same semester § Collaborations with multiple groups will receive credit for each individual group p ADDITIONAL PROGRAMMING OR INITIATIVES (5 points) § Chapters will receive credit for any unique programs or initiatives that exemplify fraternal values

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