Student Life 201 - May 2009

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Student Life


May 2009 | Volume 21

Involved @Waterloo Get

PLUS: The Basics of Filing an Income Tax Return

Student Life


May 2009 | Volume 21

Calendar May 2009 | 3

Headlines Athletics | 4 Library | 4 Police Services | 5 Volunteer Opportunities | 6

Features Getting Involved at UW | 8 The Basics of Filing Income Tax Returns | 9

Events New Student Orientation | 10 GLOW Meet and Greet | 11 International Student Orientation | 12 Warrior Weekends | 13

Archives 2006 Oct | Nov | Dec 2007 Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov| Dec 2008 Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec 2009 Jan | FEB | MAR | APR May 2009

May 2009 1

Late fees begin: bank payment or international wire transfer. Visit Student Accounts for more information Co-operative Work Term ends: Co-op work term start and end dates; actual dates may vary depending on employer or student requirements


First day to pick up OSAP loan documents for the term. Visit the Student Awards and Financial Aid website for more information

Distance Education Open Class Enrolment ends


Open Class Enrolment ends


University holiday: Victoria Day. Visit the Human Resources List of University Holidays for more information



Drop, Penalty 1 Period begins: WD grade assigned (no credit granted) for course(s) dropped during this period


Beginning this date, registered students can view their official term grades in Quest; date when official and complete term grades will appear along with academic standings; this is the date when official transcripts that have been ordered will be released


Last day to make fee arrangements. Visit Student Accounts for more information

Lectures begin Co-operative Work Term begins: Co-op work term start and end dates; actual dates may vary depending on employer or student requirements



• Tuition fees or arrangements not accepted after this date • The academic records of students who have not paid for the term will be deleted


Student Life 201 wants to feature YOUR artwork on the front cover and throughout the magazine!

Drop, No Penalty Period ends Last day to drop or withdraw from courses with 100% tuition refund. Visit Student Accounts for more information

May 2009

E-mail your submissions in PDF or JPG format to Johnny Trinh: student life 201 | 3




Campus Recreation Spring Registration

Register Now for Spring Workshops!

Visit for information on Spring Registration. Intramural Registration: May 4-8th Program and Instructional Registration: May 11-14th

Campus Recreation Sports Clubs We have 24 exciting clubs for Spring; each offering a wide variety of activities and events for you to get involved with. Find out more about each sports club by visiting the Campus Rec website at

Work with the Warriors There are many opportunities to Work with the Warriors in the upcoming terms. Check out the opportunities online for both Varsity and Campus Recreation positions. Job applications for summer and fall terms can be submitted at anytime. 4 | student life 201

! Ready to kick-start your studies this spring term? Act on it @ the Library by signing up for one or more of our spring workshops! Registration is now open for sessions covering everything from research skills to Google

Earth to tips for helping you stay current in your field of study. Check out the full workshop descriptions and register here: http://www.lib. html.

Attention Twitter Users!

! The Library has joined the Twittersphere! Keep up with the Library’s news, events, and other updates on Twitter:


May 2009

Police Services Connect With Police Services on Facebook The University of Waterloo Police Service would like to invite future, current and past students along with parents to visit us on Facebook. This is a new initiative to enable our service to be more accessible to the community that we serve. It is our hope that you find the information contained within the page helpful during your time at UW. There is a discussion box available for any questions or concerns. The page is still under development and we encourage feedback.

Waterloo International Come On - Go Global! The University of Waterloo is taking the lead in its effort to become Canada’s most internationalized university by focusing on a number of specific goals. One is to encourage domestic undergraduate students at UW to become globally engaged learners and citizens by offering a Global May 2009

Experience Certificate. “Our students have a tremendous opportunity to make a difference in the world through their international experiences. We are very pleased to be able to offer this certificate option to our undergraduate students,” says Bruce Mitchell, Interim Associate Vice-President International.

The certificate is based on three components designed by the student early in his or her program of studies to become an integral part of their overall program of studies. Upon completion, the certificate will appear as a milestone on the student’s record. student life 201 | 5


Volunteer Opportunities

6 | student life 201

May 2009

May 2009

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Getting Involved at UW

by Brandon Wong Career Services


side from academics, the University of Waterloo is an excellent place to build your skills and meet new people. More and more employers are looking for candidates who actively participate in their community and possess leadership skills. So how do you develop these skills for the future during your time at Waterloo? Here are just a few suggestions to get you started:

Student Societies Many faculties at the University have their own student-run society. Some faculties even have societies pertaining to specific programs or specializations. Getting involved through student societies offers you a unique environment where students are responsible for all the day-to-day activities of the organization. Ask your student society how you can get involved today!

Clubs and Services The Federation of Students hosts many clubs 8 | student life 201

and services on campus that cover a variety of interests ranging from first-aid, to dance, to the environment. Joining a club or service can help you meet people who share the same interests while at the same time allowing you to do something you love.

Orientation Week Orientation Week welcomes 5900+ students to the University of Waterloo every year! To do this successfully, a large number of upperyear students volunteer their time to become Orientation Leaders. This is a great opportunity to develop your leadership skills by mentoring your peers and first-year students while sharing your university experience. You can volunteer with either your faculty or a residence of choice. Planning positions are also frequently available in all Orientation Committees. The earlier you start opening yourself to new experiences, the more you’ll get out of it in the end. So no matter where your interests lie, don’t be afraid to contact the appropriate society, club, service, or Orientation Committee‌and get involved! May 2009

Filing Your Income Tax Return Photo courtesy of

Canada Revenue Agency by Andrea Lorentz Student Life Office


he deadline to file your Canadian Income Tax Return for 2008 was April 30. Don’t fret if you have yet to complete the paperwork. Most students are not required to file, however it may be in your best interest to do so. The government offers refunds to eligable candidates. So if you haven’t done your taxes, read the following tips and get started!

What You’ll Need: • A General Income Tax and Benefit Package for the correct tax year, and province or territory you lived in on December 31 of the tax year • All of your information slips (such as, T3, T4, T4A, and T5 slips) • Receipts for any deductions or credits that you intend to claim

Four Ways to File: • Postal Service: Download and print your tax package from formspubs/t1gnrl/menu-eng.html. Mail your completed return to the appropriate Canada May 2009

Revenue Agency office. Postage is the only fee. • TELEFILE: Allows you to file your return using a touch-tone phone. Benefits include an immediate confirmation that your return has been received and faster refunds. This is a FREE service. • NETFILE: File your income tax return over the Internet using a CRA certified web application or commercial software. There is a fee for this service. • EFILE: Take your completed return to a service provider to be filed electronically. This method allows for faster processing. There is a fee for this service.

When Your Tax Return is Due: • The deadline to file a Canadian income tax return is midnight on April 30. This date is the same every year. • If you miss the deadline and OWE taxes, you will be charged a penalty and interest. • If you miss the deadline and DO NOT OWE taxes, there will be no penalty. However, you will not receive any refunds that you may be eligable for. student life 201 | 9


10 | student life 201

May 2009

May 2009

student life 201 | 11


New in the country? Want to learn something about health insurance, student activities, housing, shopping ... ? Please come to our


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Please RSVP to Maggie by e-mail or call (519) 888 4567 ext 38744 12 | student life 201

May 2009

6QDPNJOH %BUFT May 29 and May 30, 2009 June 26 and June 27, 2009 July 10 and July 11, 2009

May 2009

student life 201 | 13

Important Notice About Swine Influenza Background • Swine influenza (sometimes called swine flu) is a strain of the influenza virus that usually affects pigs, but which may also make people sick with respiratory symptoms similar to those of the regular human seasonal flu. • Symptoms include headache, chills and cough followed by fever, loss of appetite, muscle aches and fatigue. • As April 2009, cases of human swine influenza have been reported in Canada. More cases are expected in the coming weeks.

Are there special instructions or guidelines for workplace/school settings? • Overall, proper cough etiquette and hand hygiene measures are the most effective way to prevent transmission of influenza. • Practice proper hygiene: • Use liquid soap, disposable towels and/or handdryers in washrooms or alcohol based hand sanitizer if running water is not available; • Remember that hand sanitizers are not recommended if there is visible dirt/soil on hands; • Clean commonly-used equipment with a low grade cleaner or diluted solution of household bleach (1 part bleach: 99 parts water), for regular cleaning.

What should people do if they are returning from or going to Mexico? • People returning from Mexico or an affected area should not be prevented from attending school or work. • People who recently travelled to Mexico and experience flu-like symptoms within seven days of their return should contact their doctor. They should not go to the hospital emergency department unless directed by their physician or seriously ill. Likewise they should not attend their doctor’s office unless advised to do so. • The Public Health Agency of Canada recommends that Canadians postpone elective or non-essential travel to Mexico until further notice.

Public Health Agency of Canada fact sheet on human swine influenza –

What can employees/students do to stay healthy? People can lower their risk by practicing the usual, preventative practices against a range of illnesses, that is:

Region of Waterloo Public Health human swine influenza website (including resources) – http://www.

• • •

Cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze by using a tissue or coughing into your sleeve or upper arm (or into the “crook of your elbow”). Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it. Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hand rub/sanitizers are also effective. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread easily that way. If you get sick, Public Health recommends that you stay home from work or school until your symptoms are gone, and limit contact with others to keep from infecting them. If your symptoms worsen, contact your health care practitioner (doctor).

For more information • Members of the community who have questions or want more information can call Region of Waterloo Public Health at 519-883-2289. Links and resources Public Health Agency of Canada – Frequently Asked Questions on human swine influenza –

Public Health Agency of Canada – Mexico travel warning – Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care human swine influenza website – archives/hu_09/swine_flu.html

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