Your University Mental Health Day Guide This Campaign Pack contains: an event guide (see reverse) postcards for people to write on 3 large posters a placard to take photos with Use these materials to make your campaign stand out this #UniMentalHealthDay!
Event Guide Three Weeks to go! Idea generation. health? What is the aim of your event? A successful event will tackle a key issue and fulfil
Share ideas. UMHAN and Student Minds have come up with plenty of event ideas for you to use, see below. Split the load.
Publicise using posters and social media. It’s best to publicise at least a week
Get ready on the day. Events need both structure and flexibility. Take a lead, but
Feedback. We’d love to hear how your event went. On the day, check in with us on
Student Event Guide Student-run events are invaluable for engaging the rest of the student body – we’d love to have you on board! Wellbeing walk: Walks are great for relieving stress – make it sociable by organising something together. Speaker event: social contact events allow speakers to share their knowledge and experiences of mental health and wellbeing.
Staff Event Guide As a staff member, there is a lot you can do to support University Mental Health Day. Wellbeing stall: a stand where students can collect free materials about mental wellbeing and talk to university support services. Wellbeing MOT: where students can check out what “tune-ups” can be made to their own wellbeing.
Students supporting students Volunteers must have a clear understanding of their role and its
Staff supporting students Be ready to listen to students and be equipped with
seeking further help. (See our Further Support webpage.)
to feels confident about seeking further help. Where possible, ensure that mental health support staff are present or contactable at staff-run events.
For more event guides and downloadable resources, go to