Georgia Stanley Industrial Heritage - DE0858

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Design Realisation and Promotion: DE0858 Georgia Stanley: W14022623 Industry Heritage

Fisherman’s Friend


oal would first be found and worked where the seam outcropped or appeared at the surface. Later, experience of the shallow seams would permit small pits to be sunk the necessary few feet. Working out into the coal from the foot of such a shaft would result, as the roof partially collapsed, in what we knew as a ‘Bell-Pit’.

Page 6. The Great Northern Coalfield 1700-1900

Team Denim.

Dungarees, jeans, braces and buttons.


ong ago, when there were only a few people in the world, man could find around him all he needed in the way of food. He did not need to grow crops nor tend animals, or he could eat natural fruits and hunt wild creatures.


Chapter 2, C.W.Scott



Just because she is a girl, does not

mean she is like the rest.

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