Hannah Beaumont Imagined Histories DE0861 w/ References

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i m agi ned hi stori es hannah beaum ont w 1301309 -De0861

ra w edges

3ro wt o ps t i t chi ng det a i l

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la y eri ng wi t h di f f erent s leev e lengt hs

russi an m i li tary uni form

russi an youth subculture

Colour I nspi rati on: Garments and arti facts from the di scovery museum

pri nt propaganda and sovi et war art Desi gn i nspi rati onoversi zed si lhouettes from museum garments and russai n mi li tary uni form/ layers and top sti tchi ng/ russi an youth subculture


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References Page 10 I mage ofrussi an soi l deron pi nterest: https: //uk. pi nterest. com/pi n/480126010255936374/ Graphi cs/Artand pri ntused throughout: Scans from book Arti n Revol uti on n revol uti on:Sovi etartand desi gn si nce 1917:[ catal ogue ofan exhi bi ti on Arti atthe]Hayward Gal l ery,London,[ 26 February to 18 Apri l1971] Shvi dkovski i ,O.A.( Ol eg Al eksandrovi ch) ,1925-;Hayward Gal l ery;Arts Counci l ofGreatBri tai n

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