Escuela BLI en Montreal

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BLI.... "A learning experience that goes beyond the classroom and your expectations"



Widevarietyof programoptions BLI offers a vast variety of programs to suit your needs. At BLI you w ill find the program you are looking for.

Twodifferent locations路Twodifferent Languages Whether you w ant to learn English or French, w e have a program for you.

Social Program Live the language you are learning by participating in our social program that offers great activities every day.

Counselling We make sure you receive all the support you need w hile you live this learning experience.

Housingservices Our housing department offers different housing options for you to choose from.

Transfers We pick you up and drop you off at the airport to make your travel experience to Canada as easy and safe as possible.

VisaandCAQassistance If you need a visa or study permit to come to Canada, w e can help you w ith the process.

HealthInsurance We can take care of your medical insurance, w hich is mandatory for all international students coming to Canada.

BLI o f f er s al l y o u n eed t o l i v e an am azi n g l ear n i n g ex p er i en ce ab r o ad .

For more than 39 years, BLI has offered quality language programs paying close attention to your needs and learning styles.

Ca n a d a one of the best places in the w orld to live ....offers a very high standard of living ....w armly w elcomes students from all over the w orld a beautiful place and has a great environment a very safe country for you to live in a high tech country a bilingual country


M ontreal is a city full of contrasts. A city full of originality. A city w here the charm of the Old Continent nestles up to the sophistication of North America. M ontreal is a multicultural city w here people from different backgrounds live in harmony M ontreal has a great transportation system that you can use to explore and discover everything that the city has to offer. Beautiful parks, touristic sites. Hundreds of festivals throughout the year and many other attractions are w aiting for you.

M ontreal is located in the beautiful St-Law rence Valley. The city boasts 4 spectacular seasons, each providing distinct social, cultural and sporting experiences

M ontreal is close to many other major cities like Ottaw a, Quebec, Toronto, Niagara Falls, New York and Boston, w here you can spend a full day or a w hole w eekend.

The cost of living in M ontreal is among the low est in Canada. Coffee - $2.00 M ovie ticket - $12.00 Lunch - $10.00 Dinner - $20.00 Transportation pass - $82.00/month S o m e in t e r e s t in g f a c t s a b o ut Mo n t r e a l

- Montreal is an island - Montreal is t he second lar g est French speaking cit y in t he w or ld (after Par is) - Hom e of t he w or ld fam ous Cirq ue d u Soleil, Montreal is a circus cit y - Montreal b oast s t he second hig hest num b er of restaurant s per capita in Nor t h Am er ica - Montreal is a UNESCO cit y of desig n - Montreal has t he lar g est under g round shop ping m all in t he w or ld - Montreal has four d ist inct seasons, nam ely, sum m er, winter, sp r ing and fall - Hockey is t he favor ite sp or t of Montreal

Population - 3,824,221 Land area - 4,259 Square kilometers

Montreal Abilingual citythat... - embraceseveryculture - looksbeautiful ineveryseason - lovestoparty!





studentsper class

BLI M ontreal is located in the heart of Old M ontreal, an area full of life, in close proximity to every major site in M ontreal. We are conveniently located just tw o minutes from Place-d?Armes metro station, in a heritage building in the shadow of the famous Notre-Dame Basilica. We are also directly across from the Aldred Building. You can even enjoy a view of the skyline from our rooftop terrace.


computer lab

Our modern facilities offer students a comfortable and pleasant atmosphere that makes the learning process very enjoyable and fun. BLI M ontreal balances an intimate and comfortable school w ith accessibility to anything you could need.






student lounge


Quebec is a beautiful Canadian heritage city. The heart of French-speaking culture in America. A piece of Europe on the new continent

BLI Quebec is spread over tw o floors of a modern building in the center of Quebec City, easily accessible by public transport and w ithin w alking distance of all amenities and touristic points of interest. Festivals, entertainment, culture and history are at your fingertips. Located on the majestic banks of the St-Law rence River, Quebec City is one of the most picturesque cities in the w orld, and the capital of the province of Quebec. The largest primarily French-speaking city in Canada, Quebec City is the ideal place to immerse yourself in the French language w hile enjoying everything Quebec has to offer, from w hale w atching in Tadoussac, to w ine tasting in the Eastern Tow nships. The cost of living in Quebec is among the low est in Canada Coffee - $2.00 M ovie ticket - $12.00 Lunch - $10.00 Dinner - $20.00 Transportation pass - $81.25/month S o m e in t e r e s t in g f a c t s a b o ut Q ue b e c

Population - 516,622 - The m ost p hot og rap hed hotel in t he w or ld , Chateau Frontenac, is in Queb ec Cit y. - Queb ec Cit y is close t o t hree w or ld class ski resor t s. - Founded in 160 5, Queb ec Cit y is t he oldest cit y in Canad a - One of t he lar g est event s in Queb ec Cit y is t he W inter Car nival, w hich takes place ever y Feb r uar y - Queb ec Cit y is hom e t o t he fam ous Ice Hotel, b uilt ever y winter. - Over 95% of t he p op ulat ion speaks French - Queb ec Cit y is t he second m ost p op ulous cit y in t he p rovince of Queb ec, after Montreal.

Land area - 484 Square kilometers

Quebec AFrenchspeakingcitythat... - feelsoldandmodernat thesametime - enjoysthepleasuresof bothsummer andwinter - hasEuropeancharmandflair!





studentsper class

BLI Quebec is located in the heart of Nuovo St-Roch District among parks, shops, cafĂŠs, restaurants, pubs and bars, cinemas, theatres, fashion designers, supermarkets, bus and train stations, and w ithin w alking distance of the Old City. Nuovo Saint-Roch is at once bohemian and modern. Our facilities offer students a comfortable atmosphere that makes the learning process very enjoyable and fun.


computer lab





Live learning Love learning


OURACADEMICDEPARTMENT BLI teachers are all qualified, experienced and motivated professionals w ith a passion for language instruction and dedicated to the needs of every single student.

OURMETHOD All our teachers have received extensive training in the modern Communicative M ethod of Language Learning: - designing student centered lessons - maximizing opportunities in the classroom to practice the language you are learning - focusing on communicative goals and incorporating all language skills - connecting the language to real w orld situations and realistic contexts - using the latest technologies and teaching tools

OURSTANDARDS Teaching standards and professional development are important to us and are set through the follow ing: - regular student evaluations - teaching w orkshops - classroom observations

YOURMOTIVATION It is essential for us to keep our students motivated and focused on their goals. Here at BLI you w ill benefit from the follow ing: - monthly progress reports from your teacher - w eekly tests and daily homew ork assignments - marks for classroom participation - free academic counseling sessions w ith the Director of Studies, helping you to set personal language goals, and follow ing up on your progress

?The staff and the teachers are really friendly and helpful. They are always ready to help you and make you feel at home? Br igit t e Z e r p a 路 2 5 路 Ve n e zue la

Student Counseling

Your w ell-being is very important to us. Our counselling department is alw ays present to offer support to our students in many w ays. From the moment you first contact us to the moment you go back to your country, your counsellor w ill be there to address all of your concerns, answ er your specific questions, and find solutions to any problems you might encounter . Our door is alw ays open.

BLI will be wit h you all t he way. You will never feel alone!

Finding the right place to live plays a very important role in the success of your language studies in Canada. No matter w hat type of accommodation you select, it w ill be a very enriching experience that w ill lend itself to your academic life at BLI. BLI understands the importance of feeling at home w hen you are aw ay from home. We offer a w ide variety of options, depending on your specific needs and criteria.


HomestayAccommodation Ahomeawayfromhome Living w ith a host family is a great and unique w ay to immerse yourself in the cultures and languages of Canada, for it allow s you to live a family experience. All our host families are carefully selected and have to meet BLI quality criteria. We ensure that all host family houses meet safety and hygiene standards. All BLI homestay families live w ithin a reasonable distance from the school. BLI offers 4 types of homestay accommodation -

Full?board (3 meals per day) Half-board (2 meals per day 路 Breakfast & Dinner) Full-board shared (3 meals per day)* Half-board shared (2 meals per day)*

* Homestay shared accommodation is only available for tw o people traveling together

Student Residences Livinglikealocal Residence accommodation is an option for students w ho enjoy the independence and privacy of living on their ow n. You w ill have a private or shared room, according to your specific request(s). Depending on the option chosen, kitchen, bath and laundry facilities may be shared w ith other students. * Some of our options are only available during summer.

Alternativeaccommodation Freedomandcomfort If you are looking for something outside of the traditional homestay or student residence options, w e have a variety of alternatives to offer you, including student houses, shared housing, furnished apartments and studios. These are great options if you require more privacy and autonomy.

W e will help you


ActivityProgram BLI is a school that takes learning beyond the classroom. We offer a fantastic social program and w e w ill encourage you to involve yourself as much as possible, to experience life to the fullest in Canada and see all the attractions these 2 cities have to offer. You w ill treasure incredible experiences you w ill remember your entire life. Our activity program offers you the opportunity to discover and explore the city w here you are studying. Relax and spend time w ith your new international friends w hile you continue practising your English or French.




Learn, explore, visit , live, experiment , connect , make friends, and have fun!

Whether youchoosetocometoBLI duringthespring,summer,fall or winter,Montreal andQuebechavealot of funandinteresting activitiestooffer.

Other Services MEDICALINSURANCE M edical insurance is mandatory for all international students coming to Canada. When you register for any of our courses you can make a request and BLI w ill provide you w ith emergency medical insurance that covers and protects you during your stay and w ill give you all the information on how to use it.

VISA&CAQSUPPORT If you are planning to study at BLI for longer than six months, there are tw o documents you must have: a Canadian Study Permit and the CAQ (Quebec Acceptance Certificate). If this is the case you have to apply for the CAQ first. After getting your CAQ (this takes 3-6 w eeks) you can start the process of obtaining your Canadian Study Permit.

AIRPORTTRANSFERS At BLI, w e w ant your experience abroad to be pleasant from the very first moment you arrive in Canada. We offer a personalized pick-up service. You w ill be picked up by one of our representatives w ho w ill make sure you arrive at your selected accommodation safely.

?The additional services BLI offers make the whole process of studying abroad really easy. I didn't have to worry about anything when I decided to study in Canada? Ma r t ina Pe r e ir a 路 2 1 路 Colombia

?Studying at BLI has been one of the best experiences in my life. I've made so many good friends from all over the world that I will always remember!? Ce sa r Ec ha va r r ia 路 2 5 路 Mexic o

?Every moment at BLI is a great opportunity

to learn, you can learn and practice so much outside the classroom with all the friends you will meet here? Ry oic hi Ma t sumot o 路 2 3 路 J a p a n

LanguageLearningfromStart toFinish We w ant your experience w ith us to be as rich and rew arding as possible, helping you to achieve a language level you can be proud of!

Start at the right level Measureyour progression Get thehelpyou need Evaluateyour improvement Seehowyou succeed

Start at theright level Before beginning your lessons, you w ill complete both w ritten and oral placement tests designed to evaluate your reading, w riting, speaking, listening, vocabulary and grammar levels. Our aim is for every student to start in the right level and ' hit the ground running' .

MonthlyProgressReports Every month, students receive detailed progress reports from their teacher. This w ill help you understand w here you have been improving, w hich aspect of the language you need to focus on next, and some tips on how to maximize your progress outside of class.

FreeMonthlyTutorials For long term students, there is a free monthly tutorial w ith the Director of Studies. This is designed to maintain motivation by setting short, medium and long term goals for your language learning.

ComprehensiveEvaluations Your progress in class w ill be measured through a variety of testing methods. From w eekly grammar and vocabulary exams, to continuous skills assessment based on your participation and performance in classroom activities.

LeavingReports Your language learning doesn' t end w hen you have completed your course! Once you have finished, you w ill be presented w ith a record of your grades, your certificate, and a personalized report from your teacher giving you advice on w hat to do and w here to go next.

Levels&Equivalences ENGLI SH A DV A NCED

A4 A3 A2


A1 I4 I3 I2 I1


B4 B3


CEFR C2 CPE IELST 7.5 - 9 TOEFL IBT 96 - 120 TOEFL CBT 243 - 300 TOEFL PAPER 590 - 677 TOEIC 855 - 990 CEFR C1 CAE IELST 6.5 - 7.5 TOEFL IBT 79 - 95 TOEFL CBT 213 - 240 TOEFL PAPER 550 590

- CEFR C1 - CAE - IELST 6.5 - 7.5 - TOEFL IBT 79 - 95 TOEFL CBT 213 - 240 TOEFL PAPER 550 - 590 - TOEIC 605 - 780 - CEFR B2 - FCE - IELST 5.5 - 6.0 - TOEFL IBT 65 - 78 TOEFL CBT 183 - 210 TOEFL PAPER 513 - 547 - TOEIC 605 - 780 -

CEFR B2 FCE IELTS 5.0 TOEFL IBT 53 - 64 TOEFL CBT 153 - 180 TOEFL PAPER 477 - 510 TOEIC 405 - 600 CEFR B1 PET IELST 4.5 TOEFL IBT 53 - 64 TOEFL CBT 153 - 180 TOEFL PAPER 477 - 510 TOEIC 405 - 600 CEFR A2 PET IELST 4 TOEFL IBT 41 - 52 TOEFL CBT 123 - 150 TOEFL PAPER 437 - 473 TOEIC 405 - 600 CEFR A2 PET IELST 3.5 TOEFL IBT 30 - 40 TOEFL CBT 93 - 120 TOEFL PAPER 397 - 433 TOEIC 255 - 400 CEFR A2 KET IELST 3.0 TOEFL IBT 30 - 40 TOEFL CBT 93 - 120 TOEFL PAPER 397 - 433 TOEIC 255 - 400 CEFR A1 KET IELST 2.0 - 2.5 TOEFL IBT 19 - 29 TOEFL CBT 63 - 90 TOEFL PAPER 347 - 393 TOEIC 255 - 400


CEFR C1/ C2 DALF C1/ C2 TCF 500-699/ 699 TFI 825-990/ 990 TEF/ TEFaQ Oral 6-7 CEFR B2 DEFL B2 TCF 400-499 TFI 605-824/ 990 TEF/ TEFaQ Oral 5 CEFR B2 DEFL B2 TCF 400-499 TFI 605-824/ 990 TEF/ TEFaQ Oral 5 CEFR B2 DEFL B2 TCF 400-499 TFI 605-824/ 990 TEF/ TEFaQ Oral 5


CEFR B1 DEFL B1 TCF 300-399 TFI 345-604/ 990


CEFR B1 DEFL B1 TCF 300-399 TFI 345-604/ 990 - CEFR A2 - DEFL A2 - TCF 200-299 - TFI 190-344/ 990 - CEFR A2 - DEFL A2 - TCF 200-299 - TFI 190-344/ 990

- CEFR A2 - DEFL A2 - TCF 200-299 - TFI 190-344/ 990 - CEFR A1 - DEFL A1 - TCF 100-199 - TFI 0-189/ 495


- CEFR A1 - IELST 1.0 - 1.5 - TOEFL IBT 9 - 18 TOEFL CBT 33 - 60 TOEFL PAPER 310 - 343 - TOEIC 100 - 250

- CEFR A1 - DEFL A1 - TCF 100-199 - TFI 0-189/ 495


- CEFR A1 - IELST 0-1.0 - TOEFL IBT 0 - 8 TOEFL CBT 0 - 30 TOEFL PAPER 0 - 310 - TOEIC 0 - 100

- CEFR A1 - DEFL A1 - TCF 100-199 - TFI 0-189/ 495

PROGRAMS BLI offers a w ide variety of language programs to suit the needs of every learner. Whether you w ant to learn French or English, for w ork, travel, school, or just for pleasure, w e w ill help you achieve your goals. With a w ide range of schedules and programs, w e can take you from basic communication to advanced academic proficiency through engaging and dynamic lessons delivered by experienced teachers w ho understand your motivations and ambitions. Whether you are looking for a w orking know ledge of French or English, your best possible score in a language exam, or better professional prospects, w e can help you get there!

I mprove your English

General EnglishandFrench

language skills by select ing one of BLI ' s unique English and French programs

Part time 18lessons The part time program gives you the opportunity to review and practice all aspects of language learning, covering all four skills (reading, w riting, speaking and listening), grammar and vocabulary. The approach is communicative and the classes are designed to be dynamic and engaging.

Full time 24lessons Choose an opt ion depending on your int erest s and academic or professional goals.

S elect how int ensive you would like your program t o be, depending on your own schedule and needs.

As w ell as covering the four skills (reading, w riting, speaking and listening), grammar and vocabulary in a student centered and communicative setting, you w ill have the chance to develop both your fluency and accuracy through daily w orkshops designed to reinforce and practice the language you studied in the morning.

Intensive 30lessons For students w ho w ant to take their language learning to the next level, this option builds on the daily skills and language focus w ith an opportunity to develop in specific areas. Through a combination of Task Based Learning and traditional skills lessons, you w ill be a part of a class w ith a specific goal in mind w here all areas of language use are activated naturally and effectively.

Super Intensive 35lessons Super Intensive classes go even further! Here you w ill w ork closely w ith your teacher in smaller groups to help you reach your goals outside of the school environment. You might be learning Transferable Skills such as how to deliver an effective and engaging presentation, or furthering your career by studying International Business English or Exam Preparation; w ith the Super Intensive package, you are learning more than simply English!

Part TimePM18lessons Perfect for the w orking professional w ith evenings free to improve their language skills. This option w ill give you an opportunity to review and practice all aspects of language learning, covering all four skills (reading, w riting, speaking and listening), grammar and vocabulary. The approach is very communicative and the classes are designed to be dynamic and engaging.

Live learning Love learning

IntensivePM28lessons For students w ho have a full schedule in the daytime and w ho w ant to take their language learning to the next level, this option builds on the skills and language focus w ith an opportunity to develop in specific areas. Through a combination of Task Based Learning and traditional skills lessons, you w ill be a part of a class w ith a specific goal in mind w here all areas of language use are activated naturally and effectively.


CommunicativeGrammar In this class you w ill explore grammar concepts appropriate for your level; alw ays in context and through interesting themes. The approach is communicative and student centered, there are lots of opportunities to discover and practice the target language.

IntegratedSkills In this class you w ill have the opportunity to practice the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and w riting. Grammar and vocabulary are integrated into every lesson and the method of evaluation is Continuous Assessment.

CommunicationWorkshop Here you w ill have the opportunity to put everything you have been learning in the first tw o blocks into practice! This class is focused on communication and fluency, and the activities are designed to be fun and dynamic.

SpecificSkills This class focuses on one specific skill (listening, speaking, reading or w riting) through project w ork and Task Based Learning. You can practice your w riting skills in producing a school new spaper, or develop your listening abilities by exploring the w orld or radio and podcasts.

Electives Here is an opportunity to learn English for Specific Purposes. You could help your professional prospects by taking International Business English, or gain transferable Skills such as how to give an effective presentation!

SampleENGLISH&FRENCHSkillsandElectiveclasses SpecificSkills




Pow er vocabulary

Street Talk

English for traveling

Language for travel

Communicative grammar

Language Through M usic

Business Writing

Tourism Writing

Listening & pronunciation

Language Through Film

Business Culture

Hotel M anagement

Conversation circle

Language Through Photography

Business Presentation

Language for hospitality

Pow er speaking Reading for specific purposes Writing

Language Through Art Fluency and Proficiency Journalism Canada Through History International Culture

English over the phone Negotiation Skills M eeting Techniques M arketing International Trade Commercialization Production & Operations M anagement Techniques Business Practicum

Availability depends on enrollment and student demand. Not all courses are offered each session; contact us for further information.

ProgramSchedule Part time 18lessons Full time 24lessons








IntegratedSkills CommunicationWorkshop

Intensive 30lessons




IntegratedSkills CommunicationWorkshop SpecificSkills

Super Intensive 35lessons




IntegratedSkills CommunicationWorkshop SpecificSkills Elective

Part TimePM18lessons


CommunicativeGrammar IntegratedSkills





IntegratedSkills SpecificSkills ElectiveClass

Bilingual Program Take advantage of being in one of the w orld' s truly bilingual cities and learn tw o languages at the same time!

With a rich history of tw o distinct cultures and languages, the M ontreal of today is a vibrant mix of European flair, British elegance, and North American drive.

Where else can you find qualified and experienced teachers ready to instruct you in their mother tongue in both French and English? And outside of the classroom, a w orld of opportunity w aits for you to engage w ith and discover a global and cosmopolitan city.

The bilingual program is perfect for the student w ho is motivated to make the most of their M ontreal experience in every w ay.

Study onelanguageinthe morning,andanother languageintheafternoon Therewardswill be huge!

ParentsandKidsProgram Here at BLI, w e understand that as much as you w ant to get ahead in life and improve your language skills for w ork, study or travel, you have family commitments and you don' t w ant to leave your children behind. Why not embark on an adventure w ith the w hole family and ensure your children are getting the best possible language education at the same time? Create memories together, make new friends, improve your language skills, and give your children an educational head start w ith BLI' s Parents and Kids program.

If you choose to come during the school year, you w ill take classes at BLI, w hile your children are placed in one of our elementary or secondary partner schools, giving them the opportunity to study at the same grade as in your home country and receiving the help they need to improve their language skills. If you choose to come during the summer or w inter vacation period, you and your children w ill take classes at BLI, giving all the family the opportunity to improve their language level and to enjoy a vacation experience you w ill never forget.

ProgramLength: Minimum 4 weeks

Minimumageof child: 6

Accommodationoptionsavailable: - All the family living in the same homestay - Furnished apartments


Aiming for a promotion at w ork? Hoping to land a place at university? Trying to immigrate to an English speaking country?

T ake one of our exam preparat ion programs and gain t he language skills and t est ing t echniques you need for t op exam result s. Using the most up to date resources, in combination w ith our ow n bespoke Exam Preparation material, w e w ill get you from w here you are to w here you need to be. With w eekly Past Paper assessments under exam conditions, w e w ill keep constant track of your progress and help you to realign your objectives and focus on w here you need to improve.


English -




Lessonsper week 24 lessons per w eek

Courselength 4, 8, 12 w eeks. Depending on the entry level

ExamDates Exam dates vary depending on the selected program. Check our w ebsite for any specific exam dates

Here at BLI, we have experienced exam preparation teachers ready to guide you through your chosen exam step by step, giving you useful hints and tips to maximize your score, and preparing you for your best possible grade.

In partnership w ith ETS Canada, BLI is an authorized testing centre for internationally recognized standardized examinations in both English and French. Go to the w ebsite for further information on the exact dates of exams administered at BLI.


BLI teachers are amazing and their classes are interactive which makes the learning process really dynamic and fun " Ma r ia Ed ua r d a 路 2 3 路 Br a zil

GAPYear Are you planning on taking a Gap Year to live abroad, get some life experience, or just have an adventure? Why not come to beautiful Canada and learn one or tw o languages at the same time? Our GAP YEAR programs can give you language skills that w ill benefit you for the rest of your life! All w hile experiencing a unique bilingual culture and living w ithin striking distance of some of the most exciting cities in the w orld!


INTENSIVE Reach your potential faster with a maximized learning schedule

Build a wealth of skills and experiences to kick-start your future.

On our Intensive English and French program, you will have the opportunity to further develop your language through daily skills workshops; giving you the best possible chance to become fluent as quickly as possible.

On our full time English and French program, you will benefit from a unique curriculum specifically designed to make you enjoy your learning experience. You have the opportunity to apply everything you've learnt in class in the real world.

L ive a ll f our se a son s in one of t he wor ld s most

d y na mic

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t he

p a r t y t ha t

ge t

exc it ing c a ug ht

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c it ie s.



in hoc key

t he

a ll- d a y

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r unning

S t . Pa t r ic k's D a y p a r a d e in t he sp r ing t ime; c e lebr a t e

c ome d y ,

j a zz,

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visua l

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t he st unning

p a nor a ma of t he a ut umn c olour s in t he f a ll!

BILINGUAL Learn 2 languages in one of the only truly bilingual cities in the world

Immerse yourself in a unique culture. Select Montreal as your study destination and benefit from full exposure to both French and English, learning both languages at an amazing pace.

MULTI-CITIES Learn 1 or 2 languages in two different destinations

Become multilingual and multicultural by doing half of your studies in Montreal where you will be able to learn English or French and the other half in Quebec City, where you will learn French.

Summer &Winter VacationPrograms

Summer and Winter Vacation programs

BLI' s summer and w inter vacation program is a fun and exciting w ay for you to learn English or French. Classes are aimed at building confidence w hen using English in everyday situations. We offer accommodation w ith carefully selected host families, w ith direct access to the school by public transport. The activity program combines all kinds of activities designed to keep you engaged and inspired.

Programincludes: -

Registration fee English/French course (24 lessons/week) Materials Accommodation placement fee Single or shared homestay accommodation 3 meals per day (provided by homestay family) Medical insurance Airport pick up & drop off Telephone card for international calls Daily activities and weekend outings

Live Learn Enj oy Discover ProgramLength: 1 to 12 weeks

Ages: 15 and up

Accommodationoptionsavailable: Residence 路 Student House, or Homestay

"Customizedprogramsfor groupsavailable"


Our Flap program is a unique opportunity to improve your French and English communication skills. Thanks to our highly competent and dedicated teachers, and to the energetic counselors and coordinators, w e offer quality instruction built around entertaining cultural and recreational activities.

Summer adv enture


ProgramLength: 1 to 5 weeks

Ages: 10 - 16

Accommodationoptionsavailable: Residence at MCGILL University (groups with chaperon only ), or Homestay

"Customizedprogramsfor groupsavailable"


Registration fee English/French course (18 lessons/week) Materials Accommodation (including 3 meals per day) Daily activities 1 or 2 full day tours during the weekends Transit pass Medical insurance Airport pick up & drop off Supervision Custodianship letter Unaccompanied Minor Service*

*BLI staff escorts minor students to the airport to ensure a safe departure.

SampleCalendar of Activities M onday

T uesday

W ednesday

T hursday


S at urday

S unday

Orientation Welcome Party

Walking tour of Old Montreal

Saint Joseph Oratory

Montreal Underground City

La Ronde Amusement park

Ottawa full day tour

Free Day

Amazing race

Fine arts museum

Wall Climbing

Indoor Ice-Skating

Mont Royal Park

Quebec · Whale watching

Quebec · Whale watching

Sports day


Montreal biosphere


Toronto · Niagara Falls

Toronto · Niagara Falls

Toronto · Niagara Falls

Shopping day



Talent Show

New York

New York

New York

This is a sample activities schedule and may not reflect the actual schedule during the time of your stay. Activities may change depending on season, student's program duration and weather conditions. The actual program schedule will be available upon arrival.


Our Flap program is a unique opportunity to improve your French and English communication skills. Thanks to our highly competent and dedicated teachers, and to the energetic counselors and coordinators, w e offer quality instruction built around entertaining cultural and recreational activities.

Winter adv enture


ProgramLength: 1 to 5 weeks

Ages: 12 - 16

Accommodationoptionsavailable: Student House (groups with chaperon only ), or Homestay

"Customizedprogramsfor groupsavailable"


Registration fee English/French course (18 lessons/week) Materials Accommodation (including 3 meals per day) Daily activities 1 or 2 full day tours during the weekends Transit pass Medical insurance Airport pick up & drop off Supervision Custodianship letter Unaccompanied Minor Service*

*BLI staff escorts minor students to the airport to ensure a safe departure.

SampleCalendar of Activities M onday

T uesday

W ednesday

T hursday


S at urday

S unday

Orientation Day

Walking tour of Old Montreal

Outdoors ice-skating

Montreal Underground City

Mont Royal Tubbing

Skiing full day tour

Free Day

Make a snowman


Wall Climbing

Indoor Ice-Skating

Mont Royal Park

Quebec · Whale watching

Quebec · Whale watching

Sports day


Montreal biosphere


Toronto · Niagara Falls

Toronto · Niagara Falls

Toronto · Niagara Falls

Shopping day



Talent Show

New York

New York

New York

This is a sample activities schedule and may not reflect the actual schedule during the time of your stay. Activities may change depending on season, student's program duration and weather conditions. The actual program schedule will be available upon arrival.

HighSchool 路BridgeProgram L BA O GL H UT YO TI DA UN FO N O BLI offers a comprehensive bridge program that will prepare you with all the necessary knowledge to succeed in a Canadian Secondary School while learning English in a warm, supportive environment and building a strong foundation that will lead to academic success. After successful completion of the program you will gain automatic admission to one of the following public high schools in Montreal: -

FACE James Lyng High School John F. Kennedy High School John Grant High School John Paul I High School L.I.N.K.S. High School LaurenHill Academy LaurenHill Junior Campus Laurier Macdonald High School Lester B. Pearson High School M.I.N.D. High School Marymount Academy International Rosemount High School Royal Vale High School Vincent Massey Collegiate Westmount High School

*You will be placed based on availability and stream of interest

ProgramLength: 4 to 24 weeks*

Ages: 12 - 17

Accommodationoptionsavailable: Experienced homestay families *The length of the program depends on the English level of the student



S t udy in an aut hent ic Canadian environment ! BLI offers programs for elementary and high school students w ho w ish to study abroad for short and long term. Our programs are offered in English, French, or you can go for a more challenging experience and take a Bilingual program. You w ill integrate into an elementary or secondary school, live w ith a Canadian family and have the opportunity to join BLI?s exciting activities. Our schools are safe, clean, w elcoming, nurturing, and affordable w ith dedicated teachers w ho strive to offer the highest quality education possible. This program is ideal for groups of students w ho w ant to experience education in Canada in a short period of time. It can be customized w ith a w ide variety of evening activities. " We w o r k ha n d in ha n d w it h t he la r g e s t p ublic E n g lis h s c ho o l b o a r d in Q ue b e c "

Are you coming to Montreal on a work or study permit? Your child could be eligible for Free English Education in our Partner Public Schools

CollegeandUniversityPathwayPrograms Canada boasts w orld class universities and aw ard w inning colleges that offer certificates and diplomas in every discipline you can think of. Take advantage of BLI' s close partnership w ith a grow ing number of excellent institutions.

BLI Services Application&Registration: BLI w ill help you w ith the college and university enrollment process and you w ill be able to obtain conditional acceptance letters to apply for your study visas in your countries of origin. Application to most of our partner colleges and universities w ithout having to take an entry language proficiency test such as the TOEFL, IELTS, or DELF should be available for most students.

Conditional acceptanceletter Our partner schools w ill issue a conditional letter of acceptance to students admitted to the BLI Pathw ay Program

VisaandCAQAssistance We w ill guide you through your CAQ application and study permit free of charge.

Placement Assistance Our Pathw ays Coordinator w ill assist you in the application process and help you prepare all the required documents to submit to schools.



Meet with your Pathway Coordinator to analyze your options, decide where you want to go, and plan how to get there




Find out what the entry requirements for your chosen institution are and start building towards those immediately

Take the Academic Language Classes. They will help you develop the skills you need to succeed




Monthly meetings with your Pathway Coordinator will help keep you focused on your goals and highly motivated. Constant guidance on applications and testing will free you up to concentrate on your studies

When you start at your chosen institution, you will be equipped with the following skills: academic reading and writing skills, research methods and discussion skills, presentation tools & techniques, note-taking skills


"BLI provides specially tailored language training for individuals and small groups. These courses focus on language for professional purposes and can be tailored to meet your specific industry requirements"


BLI language boot camp is the ideal program for professionals or individuals that w ant to either kick start their language training or that need to quickly communicate and understanding in the language they are studying. Our unique crash course entails tw o, five or ten 7-hour sessions. You w ill be w orking intensively w ith tw o different teachers and you w ill even spend lunch time w ith them.

BLI one-on-one Business language classes allow for content tailored to your needs and offer you the flexibility you are looking for. You w ill benefit from full time (24 lessons per w eek) language immersion that w ill allow you to see incredible progress in a very short time


Full time one-on-oneBusiness Languagecourses

BLI mini-group classes are a great option for tw o to four people w ho share a similar language level and the same learning goals. Groups are formed by maximum 4 people and students w ill benefit from 24 lessons of intensive instruction

The atmosphere at BLI is great. I enjoy the parties and all activitiies the school organizes. MinG ue K im 路 2 1路 Kor e a n

How to register?

1 3 5

Designyour Experience 1.Chooseyour courseintensity(Full Time,Intensive...) 2. Chooseyour coursefocus(General English,ExamPrepapation...) 3. Chooseyour accommodation(Homestay,Student Residence...)

Secureyour PlacewithaDeposit* 1.Sendyour deposit byBankWireto... 2. Paybycredit cardthroughour website *Depositsareappliedagainst tuitionfees

CompletePayment Onceyouhaveobtainedyour student or tourist entryvisa, theremainingbalanceonyour feesisdue.

2 4 ?

Completeyour ApplicationForm 1.Throughour website: 2. Email our AdmissionsCoordinator at contact@ 3. Contact aBLI agent inyour country

Receiveyour Letter of Acceptance Onceyour payment hasbeenprocessed,youwill besent aLetter of Acceptance. Thisisrequiredto obtainyour student or tourist entryvisafor Canada.

For moreinformation,pleasecontact usat: Tel:

+1(514) 842-3847






"I came to BLI to learn French. My experience here was fantastic . I really loved it and I will come back soon" L e a nn e

Monsma 路 2 6 路 Ca n a d a


# blic a n a d a







Tel: 514.842.3847


Fax: 514.842.3840

Tel: 418.692.1370

Email: info@

Fax: 418.692.6026

T he place where t he world meet s # blic a n a d a

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