1 minute read


by Thijmen de Ruiter

Liggend op een bed van onbewogen lakens omhoog kijkend naar stilstaande witte wolken


De ochtendschemer streelt langs ons gezicht

Je hand ligt in de mijne Mijn dijbeen raakt de jouwe

Een geluidloos behoud van het nu, als luchtdeeltjes om ons heen dwalen.

Samen verbloemen we het verstrijken van de tijd.

Blijven voor altijd zo liggen, verdronken in het ogenbli

Het galmen van kerkklokken doet ons echter beseffen, dat het gespannen doek aan stilte gescheurd is.

Héél even waren we verlicht in het moment.

The last page, time to reflect.

Time to take a breath, ventilate, look back, circle, change perspective, get lost, see the light, marinade, navigate, turn. How do you reflect?

Looking at the illustration, I can not help reflecting on an experience I had in my first year in Delft. Together with my friend and their housemate we were looking at the Turn The Page that just came in the mail. The housemate told us that, as he had once been the commissioner of Layout, it was a really cool experience to have your design on the cover. This is the image that will travel through the post and is the first to be seen as it travels through hands. Impressed, I found myself thinking that I would never be able to do that.

Well, here we are! The cover of the Turn The Page you are currently reading is already my second and, sadly, also last. As I tried out different kinds of media, the creation sparked some frustration but mostly a lot of joy. For this cover, I went into the light to create some cyanotype prints.

Official body of ID

Volume 24 / Issue 83

June 2023

Turn The page is issued two times a year.


ID study association

Landbergstraat 15

2628 CE Delft

+31 (0)15 2783012 www.studieverenigingid.nl

Comments, questions, compliments and remarks can be sent to: turnthepage-svid@tudelft.nl


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TTP Thanks

Sophie Aulbers, Stijn Blaas, Robert Bronwasser, Tom van der Bruggen, Oma Collective, Henk Jan Oudenampsen, Charlotte van Stratum, Student in de Zon, Anne Marie van der Weide

Lyrics on the back by Michael Kiwanuka, Light (2019)


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The committee has strived to own the copyrights of the included texts and images. However, if you believe you own the rights to a piece that has been used, we request you to contact us. Nothing from this issue can be reproduced. The committee claims the right to shorten, alter or refuse submitted pieces.

The Communication department of the IDE faculty and the Alumni Association have contributed to this Turn The Page.

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