Table of Contents Executive Summary Team Bios Product Review Target Audience Secondary Audience Telecast Schedule Potential Market Growth SWOT Analysis Goals & Strategies Action Plan Budget Evaluation
Season 45 Marketing Plan Spring 2010
Executive Summary The Studio One marketing team for season 45 has some unique properties that will contribute to the success of the team. The team is made up of seven returning students and three new interns. This makes meetings efficient. All of the returning students have experience to bring the new students up to date on the responsibilities of the marketing team. This allows the team to move through the training process, build team cohesiveness and quickly move to the execution of the marketing plan. The marketing team is dynamic this season. The interns bring a variety of skills to the team. Jordan Simon is the director and on the marketing team. He also has experience as a photographer. He brings technical knowledge about news and programming teams to the marketing team. At booths Simon will be able to talk about the production side of Studio One. Adam Compton is also on the production and graphics team. He works with the visual communication aspects of the show. At recruitment events, Compton can explain graphics team and marketing positions to potential applicants. Another benefit of the number of returning students is team camaraderie. The team is already comfortable with working and training with each other. This will benefit the team performance at public relations events. Booths, classroom presentations, and show days will run efficiently because effective communication has been established. The camaraderie of season 45 runs deeper then the marketing team. The marketing team is close with many other interns on the project. This will give the marketing team strength in recruitment by having other teams participate in promotional events. This season’s tagline is Real. Professional. Experience. This tagline was created to bring cohesiveness to the marketing campaign and advertisements. The marketing team conducted a survey to see why students applied for the internship. Students consistently answered that they were looking for a professional way to practice what they are learning in classes.
Season 45 Marketing Plan Spring 2010
Product Review The Studio One program has two main products, a television show and an internship program. The Show Studio One is news and information program produced by students at the University of North Dakota. The show has progressed from its initial broadcast in February of 1987, where the show was only thirty minutes long that featured two guest segments and a music video. The show is modeled after NBC’s The Today Show and ABC’s Good Morning America. Studio One is produced on weekly basis and has a potential audience of 4 million viewers. The Internship: Studio One offers internship and volunteer opportunities to students enrolled at the University of North Dakota. Students gain professional, hands on experience in an educational environment. Interns and volunteers work on six different teams: news, programming, marketing, production, weather and graphics. The news and programming teams are responsible for the content of the show. Interns have extensive instruction before going out on assignments. After the training sessions, students write, shoot and edit their own stories with industry quality equipment. All assignments are reviewed by a full time staff member before the live show which allows for a feedback session with students and the assurance of quality stories on the program. Although the teams have similar duties, their content is different. The news team covers current national news stories, while the programming team is responsible for feature stories and the guest segments in the show. Students write for a wide audience since the show has a large audience potential. Student leaders lead the programming and news teams. These students meet with the staff to choose appropriate stories and assign those stories to other students. The production team is responsible for the technical aspects of producing a live television show. Students use industry quality equipment and are responsible for the quality and flow of the show. The graphics team is responsible for developing visuals for the live telecast.
Season 45 Marketing Plan Spring 2010
The marketing team is focused on the promotion of Studio One, this includes both the television show and the internship. Students develop a marketing plan, write press releases, upload and develop Web site content, give tours, host promotional events, develop an audience, and promote the internship to prospective interns. Marketing interns also keep alumni connected to the program through print and electronic newsletters.
Season 45 Marketing Plan Spring 2010
Target Audience Studio One has two target audiences: (1) UND students that could be recruits for the internship program and studio audience (2) The Grand Forks community because they can attend the live show The marketing team has conducted research to learn more about our target audience on campus. The marketing team created a survey for current Studio One interns so the team could develop specifics about our target audience. The marketing team developed a survey and asked all current Studio One interns to help define what they valued about the program, how they first found out about internship opportunities and their motivation for applying. Out of the 27 interns who took the survey, most learned about Studio One internships from our classroom presentations or from a friend. Out of these same interns, most joined Studio One because they wanted professional experience or because they thought it looked like fun. With this type of information, the marketing team is better able to reach our target audience more efficiently by tailoring our advertising to align with why students apply for an internship. The marketing team also researched demographic information about UND students from the UND Enrollment Services Web site that allowed gives actual numbers of the target audience instead of just generalizing target audience as “all UND students.” The following table shows specific majors that would be a good fit for Studio One including: Arts & Sciences Atmospheric Sciences Business & Public Administration Honors Undecided The flowing chart also has the numbers of students that are of freshman/sophomore status and how many of them are “undecided” majors. The marketing team plans to give classroom presentations in more introductory-level classes (100-200 level), to target younger students and informing “undecided” students of internship opportunities. Students who are of junior/senior will also be recruited, bucot this season’s objective is to recruit potential interns earlier in their academic career. Interns will have the opportunity to spend more time at Studio One.
Season 45 Marketing Plan Spring 2010
UND Student Body Profile 2009-2010 Enrollment Total Enrollment by College (Date Established) Aerospace Sciences (1982) Arts & Sciences (1883) Atmospheric Sciences* Business & Public Admin (1924) Education & Human Development (1883) Engineering & Mines (1901) Graduate School (1951) Law (1899) Medicine & Health Sciences Undergraduate (1905) Medicine - M.D. (1905) Nursing (1959) Undecided Honors *According to Total Levels of Study*
Men M(% Wome W(%) Number 6,86 ) n 47.9 13,172 6 52.1 6,306 Men 1,179 1,180 1,186 182 940 813 129 168
Wome Total Perce n nt 130 1,309 9.94 1,494 2,674 20.30 93 535 1,721 13.07 591 773 5.87 103 1,320 114 462
1,043 2,133 243 630
7.92 16.19 1.84 4.78
113 127 847 2
128 241 1.83 704 831 6.31 720 1,567 11.90 5 7 0.05
6,306 13,17 100.0 2
Wome Total Perce n nt 1,204 2,863 21.74 1,121 2,445 18.56 866 1,880 14.27 1,485 3,252 24.69
Freshman Sophomores Juniors Seniors
1,659 1,324 1,014 1,767
Undergraduate Total
Full-Time Part-Time
4,706 1,058
4,676 10,44 79.26 0 4,033 8,739 66.35 643 1,701 12.91
Graduate Total
1,388 2,248 17.07
Full-Time Part-Time
420 440
573 993 7.54 815 1,255 9.53
Prepared by the UND Office of University Relations from information provided by institutional research, the housing office, and the coordinator of Greek life.
The University of North Dakota Grand Forks, ND 58202 Š Send questions/comments about this web site to the UND Webmaster.
Tel: 7017772011 Toll Free: 1-800CALLUND
Secondary Audience Studio One’s secondary market includes western North Dakota, Minnesota, Colorado and southern Manitoba, Canada. To promote the program in these regions, the marketing team will be sending weekly press releases to local papers regarding upcoming shows. The marketing team will also send out press releases to contact current students’ hometown newspapers. These releases focus on current intern’s responsibilities and the Studio One program. Bismarck, North Dakota 23,185 households, with population of 60,389. 29.1% of population from 25 to 44 Brandon Manitoba 50,541 (2008 numbers) from Manitoba Health & Healthy Living Population Report June 1, 2008 Colorado Springs, Colorado Reach of 80,000 people Denver, Colorado 598,707 as of 2008 U.S census with a metro area of 1.98 million, there are 250,906 households, 36.1% of the people are from ages 25 to 44 Dickinson, North Dakota Reach of 8,600 people Fargo, North Dakota 90,599 (2006 U.S. Census Bureau) Grand Forks, North Dakota 50,372 (2006 U.S. Census Bureau) Jamestown, North Dakota 15,527 (2000 U.S. Census Bureau) Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota 382,605 with a metro area of 3.5 million, 33.7 is the average age Minot, North Dakota 15,520 households with population of 35,419. 27.4% of the population from 25 to 44 Ray, North Dakota Reach of 200 people Steele, North Dakota 761 (2000 U.S. Census Bureau) Winnipeg, Manitoba 672,300 in population, with a metro area of 739,300. The average age is 38.7
Season 45 Marketing Plan Spring 2010
T e l e c a s t S c h e d u l e
N o r t hD a k o t aMa r k e t s Bi s ma r k Ma nda n Da kot aMe di aAc c e s sCha nne l 12 Te l e c a s tTi me : Mon. -9: 00pm Fa r g o Cha nne l 99 Te l e c a s tTi me : Mon. -8pm Fr i . -2pm Gr a ndF or ks Cha nne l 3 Te l e c a s tTi me : Mon7a m, noon, 6pm, 11pm Tue s . &We d. 7a m, noon, 7pm, 11pm Thur s . 7a m, noon, 5pm, 7 pm, 11pm Fr i . 7a m, noon, 7pm, 11pm S a t . &S un. 7a m, 10a m, noon, 7pm, 11pm
S e a s o n4 5 M a r k e t i n gP l a n S p r i n g2 0 1 0
Gr a ndF or ks Cha nne l 17 Te l e c a s tTi me : Thur s . 5pm Fr i . &S a t . 5: 30pm J a me s t own Cha nne l 17 Te l e c a s tTi me : Mon. t hr uFr i . -12pm Mi not KMS UCha nne l 19 Te l e c a s tTi me : Mon. We d. a ndFr i . 11a ma nd4pm S t e e l e BEKS por t sNe t wor kI nc . Cha nne l 19 Te l e c a s tTi me : Fr i . -5: 30pm Di c ki ns onRur a l Ca bl eNe t wor k Cons ol i da t e dTe l c om Cha nne l 18 Te l e c a s tTi me : Monda y sa t6: 30pm a nd8: 30pm Ra y , N. D. Nor t hwe s tCommuni c a t i ons Coope r a t i v e Cha nne l 55 Te l e c a s tTi me : TBA
O t h e rMa r k e t s Br a ndon&Wi nni pe g , Ma ni t oba Pr a i r i ePubl i c Te l e c a s tTi me : S a t . 6a m Col or a doS pr i ng s , Col o. Cha nne l 19 Te l e c a s tTi me : Fr i . -5pm S a t . -4pm S un. -7pm De nv e r , Col o. Cha nne l 57 Te l e c a s tTi me : Tue s da y s-11: 30 a m Mi nne a pol i s , Mi nn. Me t r oCa bl eNe t wor kCha nne l 19 Te l e c a s tTi me : We dne s da ya t 11: 00a m
P o t e n t i a l Ma r k e t G r o wt h
S t a t eb ys t a t es t u d e n t e n r o l l me n t Thema r ke t i ngt e a m wi l l f oc usone x pa ndi ngS t udi oOnema r ke t si nt hes t a t e swi t ht he hi g he s te nr ol l me ntofUNDs t ude nt s .Numbe r sofe nr ol l me ntf ore a c hs t a t ewe r ef ound t hr oug hUND’ sEnr ol l me ntS e r vi c e s .
Ca l i f or ni a =104Unde r g r a dua t e s
Mi nne s ot a =3, 560Unde r g r a dua t e s
Mont a na =100Unde r g r a dua t e s
Nor t hDa kot a =4, 885Unde r g r a dua t e s S out hDa kot a=172Unde r g r a dua t e s Wa s hi ng t on=127Unde r g r a dua t e s
S e a s o n4 5 M a r k e t i n gP l a n S p r i n g2 0 1 0
SWOT Analysis A SWOT analysis is conducted to determine unique strengths the internship program as well as where weaknesses could be effectively addressed. Pinpointing competition allows the Studio One program to identify and capitalize on program strengths and identify niche markets. This season, the marketing team sent out a survey to all Studio One interns. Responses were used to help generate a wide range of perspectives on the strengths and weaknesses of the program. Twenty-seven interns from season 45 participated in the survey. The following is a summary of their answers as well as feedback generated in marketing team meetings.
Strengths Strengths are internal resources and capabilities that can develop competitive advantage of the internship and television show. students of any major or field can join fun and friendly environment gain professional experience student produce quality work hands on experience nurturing environment great resume builder use of industry quality equipment o cameras o editing systems o lighting kits o production equipment o studio mics o access to CNN news center o Adobe software networking opportunity students can take the internship for credit program has a great reputation on campus large telecast area program is located on campus larger advertising budget then previous semesters
Season 45 Marketing Plan Spring 2010
Weaknesses Weaknesses are internal factors that may hinder achieving objectives. time consuming unpaid only one live show a week and a break in the semester can make it hard for viewers to make watching Studio One a habit may conflict with student’s schedules o for: example many marketing and graphics design classes are only offered Tuesday and Thursdays non-profit regulations for advertising deadlines can be stressful for students who have a full class load and one or two part-time jobs student turnover
Opportunities Opportunities are external factors that can help the program and internship grow. Changes in the format of the programming o There have been some advancements in programming with Facebook feedback o This semester we are adding Web cam thoughts o This year the marketing team will develop behind the scenes videos for the Studio One Facebook page Studio One’s location can be difficult to explain – the marketing team will develop a map that will be used at booths to help explain where Studio One is and how parking is almost always available Communication Department: o In the marketing team survey, some students said they applied for the internship because of a teacher recommendation. o David Kiefel promotes the internship during appointments hey stress to parents while recruiting at the opportunity that Studio One More than happy to send people over for tours Kiefel would love to have posters and information about Studio One to hand out to students. o Noted classroom presentations supporters: Dr. Rendahl, Brent Ommen, Dr. Kim Cowden – Internship Coordinator, Kyle Conway, Jake Bell
Season 45 Marketing Plan Spring 2010
Threats Threats are external that can affect the Studio One program. Threats look at competitors’ products. A lot of work for only 2 credits It can be difficult for marketing students to take the internship for credit. And if they can take it for credit it is two credits (they have 3 credit sections that need to be filled so they would need to take the internship for two semesters of take another class to fill the three credit requirement.) Students may only want to learn about job (example: student may only want to write press releases but not want to participate on the marketing team) If a student really wants to learn about reporting, they will only get weekly deadlines instead daily deadlines If an intern only participates for one semester reporters only have three opportunities to produce three or four packages Difficult to explain where building is located Television markets are “big” but “small Show is played on Community Access Channels which have lower viewership and inconsistent programming schedule Studio One has a fairly consistent format and viewers may look for more exciting programming Local news programs like, WDAZ can compete with the show Possibility that people see Studio One as less credible because students help produce segments Studio One internships are not paid Other internships in Grand Forks, ND - Northwest Mutual Financial Network - Not Paid - "Be Kind Day" (Marketing) - Not Paid - MyEdu - Paid - based on performance Other Marketing Communication Internships/Co-ops in Grand Forks Feb 8, 2010 search in UND’s Career Services Job Search Search Criteria: Marketing/Advertising/Communications Sales & Marketing Internship - Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Co-op or Internship Sales and Management Internship Buckle, Inc. - Co-op or Internship Account Executive - Sales & Marketing - The Campus Special
Season 45 Marketing Plan Spring 2010
Clerk - USDA-GIPSA-FGIS Technician - USDA-GIPSA-FGIS Business Manager - College Pro Painters Director of Sports - Special Olympics North Dakota Front Desk Representative 2 - Americas Best Value Inn TUTORS Needed in Grand Forks - $20-$60+/hour -
Season 45 Marketing Plan Spring 2010
Goals & Strategies The marketing team has developed promotions to help increase awareness of the internship and program to target audiences. Goals are specific numbers, given in blue Strategies or the means of reaching these goals are in orange. Internal Goals Bowling Party The marketing team is planning a bowling party after the dress rehearsal to start building team camaraderie. Public Awareness Community Service - Big Event We will be participating in a local charity event to help the local UND community. Stickers on Coffee Sleeves Table Tents Posters Weekly press releases help keep everyone up to date on what exactly is going on at Studio One press release will be sent to area markets to promote the show and viewership 7 booths most communication classes are not held in O’Kelly due to classroom changes, the marketing team will be holding booths in Merrifield, Memorial Union, and Gamble. Useful promo items Chip Clip magnets Stickers Pens Pizza cutters 4 t-shirt days will help gain awareness for the internship/ show the marketing team will encourage all the interns and staff to wear their S1 t-shirts on a least four separate occasions throughout the season
Season 45 Marketing Plan Spring 2010
4 radio days marketing team will help host the Countdown at 9 on XL93 a way to help generate recognition for the show and internship this event is fun and encourages other teams to get involved with the marketing team Nominee Event Studio One open house a. At this event, faculty at the UND campus and communication students will be invited to tour the facility between 3-5pm on March 2, 2010 b. Current inters will be encouraged to bring their nominee to check out the studio during school hours c. This will be a low pressure event where if a student is strapped for time they may be more inclined to come to the studio if they can stay for 20 minutes instead of an hour and a half Night life Nightlife coordinated Backspin productions to bring in Rock Band equipment but hosted by Studio One This event will be a fun and constructive way to promote Studio One to freshman-sophomores on campus The dorms will also be invited to participate in this event Recruitment: 70 applicants (reached 58 applicants 23% increase from previous year) Additional member of the marketing team will aid in recruitment events The team has members that are very familiar with the “products� of Studio One New Web site resources a. Recruitment videos b. More interactive Web features Audience Development 20 audience per show Audience members will fill out a survey on how they found out about attending the show.
Season 45 Marketing Plan Spring 2010
March 2010
February 2010
Season 45 Action Plan Monday 1 E-Newsletter
Tuesday 2
Wednesday 3
Thursday 4
Friday 5
Saturday 6
Sunday 7
9 Marketing Team Presentation
12 Nominee Forms Due
16 Booth At Communication Link
17 Radio 9PM T-shirt Day
11 Booth (Gamble) Dress Rehearsal S1 Bowling 18 Show Booth (Union)
22 Booth* (Merrifield)
24 Radio 9PM T-shirt Day
25 Show Booth* (Merrifield)
Tuesday 2** Dakota Student Ad Table Tents Studio One open house 3-5pm Stickers on Coffee Sleeves 9** Dakota Student Ad Table Tents 16
Wednesday 3** Booth* (Gamble) T-shirt Day Table Tents Stickers on Coffee Sleeves
Thursday 4** Show Booth (Union) Stickers on Coffee Sleeves
Friday 5** Night Life Event Stickers on Coffee Sleeves
Saturday 6**
Sunday 7**
10** Radio 9PM T-shirt Day Table Tents 17 Radio 9PM
11** Show
12** Application Deadline
22 Hometown News Release
24 Midterm Paper
25 Show
29 Hometown News Release
Monday 1** E-Newsletter Table Tents Stickers on Coffee Sleeves
8** Booth (Union) Table Tents 15**
Season 45 Marketing Plan Spring 2010
April 2010 May 2010
Thursday 1 E-Newsletter Show
Friday 2
Saturday 3
Sunday 4
5 Hometown News Release
12 Hometown News Release
15 Show
19 Hometown News Release
22 Show
29 Show
Saturday 1 E-Newsletter The Big Event
Sunday 2
6 Show
Orange - Internal Events Blue - Recruitment Events Teal – Booths as Recruitment Event Purple - Community Service Red – Market promotion *Tentative Events **Union Display Cases
Season 45 Marketing Plan Spring 2010
Budget The marketing team has been allocated $1,350 for the semester. This money will cover the costs of promotional events, promotional items, advertisements and various dues and fees. Other expenses may arise. The following is a tentative breakdown of this season’s marketing expenses. Category Promotional Events
Promo Items Dues & Fees Advertisements Other
Booths (7) Night Life Nominee Event
$160 Free TBA
Chip Clips Pens
$340 $200
Memberships Memorial Union Display Case Dakota Student Ads (2)
$50 $40 $192
Duplicating Video Camera Binders Long Distance
$170 $90 $10 $10
Original Budget Total Expenses Extra Money/Nominee Event
Season 45 Marketing Plan Spring 2010
$1,350 $1,263 $90
Evaluations The marketing team has developed several ways to evaluate their performance throughout the semester. The team will be using Google Docs to survey marketing team or Studio One students. A paper evaluation will also be used to survey show attendees. Evaluations allow the marketing team to gain feedback on events – This gives us valuable information for future event ideas, and what events were successful or could be improved. •
Evaluations allow the marketing team to: – determine effective marketing tactics •
We can now better understand how to target our customers. These little bits of information will help create present and future marketing strategies.
– evaluate the use of finances •
Example: This semester the marketing team is cutting back on Dakota Student Ads. – Evaluations determined how and why students applied for the Studio One internship. Below is an example of cost vs. benefit comparisons:
How applicants found out about the program
3 Dakota Student Advertisements Classroom presentation From Friends
$480 Free Free
How many applicants applied due to advertisement 2 applicants 17 applicants 14 applicants
– Get input from other students on the project •
Interns voted on t-shirt design and a nominee event
Last semester inters hosted a nominee football event
Season 45 Marketing Plan Spring 2010
The marketing team will host a Studio One open house to mirror the same open atmosphere. • •
Surveys give a broad outlook on what all interns involved with the project value about events and the program.
Weekly audience members will have the option to fill out a short survey. – This will help the audience development team find why and how they found out about attending the show.
Survey examples:
Nominee event survey results
Audience Development survey sample:
Season 45 Marketing Plan Spring 2010
T-shirt survey results