2019 Cierre Furniture Catalogue Mobili

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mobili complementi/ furniture accessories


mobili complementi –– furniture accessories

suite/ design marcarch


belle époque/


why/ un insieme di complementi modulari, che accompagnano e definiscono la zona giorno. ricchi di sfumature ed espressione di identità personale, assecondano il necessario completamento di uno stile organico. la pelle si esprime attraverso geometrie essenziali, accostandosi al metallo assoluto e alla finitura del cemento per arricchire l’esperienza del living quotidiano. il culto della materia è un esercizio di costante ridefinizione delle forme nello spazio.


a series of modular accessories that enrich and define the living area. characterized by many nuances, they express your personal identity and are the perfect completion of an organic style. the essential leather parts are side by side with the absolute metal elements and with the cement finishing, enhancing the experience of the living area. the cult of matter is an exercise allowing for a constant redefinition of the shapes in space.


suite/ la serie suite accompagna con stile e discrezione ogni momento di relax. metallo, cemento e pelle si intrecciano in una composizione perfetta. una gamma di mobili modulari dalle linee decise che avvolgono e completano l’armonia di divani e componibili cierre imbottiti. ––

the suite series accompanies every moment of relax with style and discretion. metal, cement, and leather elements intertwine in a perfect composition. an array of modular pieces of furniture characterized by decisive lines that envelop and complete the harmony of cierre imbottiti’s sofas and modular products.

suite tavolino T01A (142 cm x 33 cm x 89 cm), top in cemento argilla pece, schienali in pelle nabuk 20. ––

suite coffee table T01A (142 cm x 33 cm x 89 cm), top in cement clay tar color, side panels in leather nabuk 20.


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forme e materiali a gogò per scegliere la combinazione che si adatta al proprio stile e al mood del momento. –– shapes and materials galore in order to choose a solution that is in line with both your style and the current trends.


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suite mobile basso S01 (238 cm x 33 cm x 50 cm), top in cemento argilla (grigio) ardesia, schienale in pelle nabuk 20. –– suite sideboard S01 (238 cm x 33 cm x 50 cm), top in cement clay slate color , side panels in leather nabuk 20.


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suite consolle C01 (176 cm x 80 cm x 38 cm), top in cemento argilla (grigio) fumo, schienale in pelle nabuk 20. –– suite consolle C01 (176 cm x 80 cm x 38 cm), top in cement clay smoked grey color, side panel in leather nabuk 20. 10

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senza tempo. le zone di disimpegno non sono mai state cosÏ ben definite. –– timeless. access areas have never been so well-defined.


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elementi agili ed essenziali per una definizione assoluta dello spazio. –– essential and lively elements that perfectly define space.


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suite mobile basso S01 (238 cm x 33 cm x 50 cm), top in cemento argilla (grigio) ardesia, schienale in pelle soffio 75. –– suite sideboard S01 (238 cm x 33 cm x 50 cm), top in cement clay slate, side panels in leather soffio 75. 16

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suite tavolino lato sinistro T03 (93 cm x 66 cm x 59 cm), top in cemento argilla ( grigio) ardesia, schienale in pelle nabuk 16. –– suite left side arm table T03 (93 cm x 66 cm x 59 cm), top in cement clay slate color, side panel in leather nabuk 16.


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key/ personalissima interpretazione del concetto di modulo. mai uguale a se stessa, la libreria key si estende in lungo e in largo. non ci sono limiti, solo immaginazione.


very personal interpretation of the word “modular”. characterized by an everchanging look, the key bookcase expands far and wide. there are no limits, there’s only your imagination.

key libreria modulare, mensole pelle nabuk 20 e 41, schienali pelle nabuk 20 e 41. ––

key modular bookcase, shelves leather nabuk 20 and 41, back panels leather Nabuk 20 and 41.


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key libreria modulare K10A + K10 (192 cm x 256 cm), mensole pelle nabuk 41, schienali pelle nabuk 41. ––

key modular bookcase K10A + K10 (192 cm x 256 cm), shelves leather nabuk 41, back panels leather nabuk 41. 22

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key libreria modulare K3A (192 cm x 65 cm x 32 cm), top, mensole e schienali in pelle nabuk 20. ––

key modular bookcase K3A (192 cm x 65 cm x 32 cm), top, shelves and back panels in leather nabuk 20.


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belle époque/

belle époque colonna COL (46 cm x 46 cm x 175 cm) pelle natural velour 44. ––

belle époque tall unit COL (46 cm x 46 cm x 175 cm) leather natural velour 44.


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karma tavolo 280 cm piano in platano, top con rivestimento in pelle. ––

karma table 280 cm top in sycamore, top covered with leather.


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karma tavolo 280 cm piano in platano, top con rivestimento in pelle. ––

karma table 280 cm top in sycamore, top covered with leather.


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finishes/ suite/


top in cemento / argilla pece. –– top in cement / clay tar color.

top in cemento / argilla fumo. –– top in cement / clay smoaked grey color.

struttura in metallo verniciato a polvere marrone scuro. –– dark brown powder coated metal structure.

top in cemento / argilla ardesia. –– top in cement / clay slate color.

struttura in metallo verniciato effetto bronzo. –– painted metal structure with a bronze effect.

mensole e schienali rivestiti in pelle. le pelli per il rivestimento possono essere scelte dalle mazzette di riferimento della collezione cierre. –– shelves and back panels covered in leather. the leather finishing can be chosen among the Cierre leather collection.

schienali rivestiti in pelle. le pelli per il rivestimento possono essere scelte dalle mazzette di riferimento della collezione cierre. –– side panels covered in leather. the leather finishing can be chosen among the Cierre leather collection. 32



multistrato di pioppo impiallacciato in platano affumicato. –– poplar plywood panel, with smoked sycamore Veneer.

base in metallo verniciato a polvere marrone scuro. –– dark brown powder coated metal base.


belle époque/

top disponibile con rivestimento in pelle. le pelli per il rivestimento possono essere scelte dalle mazzette di riferimento della collezione Cierre. –– the table top is also available covered with leather. the leather finishing can be chosen among the Cierre leather collection

struttura in metallo verniciato effetto bronzo. –– painted metal structure with a bronze effect.

mensole rivestite in pelle. le pelli per il rivestimento possono essere scelte dalle mazzette di riferimento della collezione cierre. –– shelves covered in leather. the leather finishing can be chosen among the Cierre leather collection.


credits/ ad/concept/ cortezelite photo/ gio sormani styling/ cristina corbetta thanks to/ abk group amini carpets ceramiche milesi foscarini lorenzo mazza oikos print/ grafiche antiga

cierre imbottiti srl

via giovanni ansaldo, 2 47122 villa selva, forlÏ (fc), italy t. (+39) 0543 785911 f. (+39) 0543 782493 info@cierreimbottiti.com –– www.cierreimbottiti.com

made in Italy 100%

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