Arun Sivakumar , Selected Works from 2010-2017

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Glace Portfolio by Arun



AboutMe “Your positive action combined with positive thinking results in success.� Shiva khera

For all that i had learnt from my life and all that it has taught me. I take up this lane to explore more of the upcoming future and add on to my life lessons that i had to learn through. My Academic and personal works have been compiled to make you feel the essence and tast of my life. Academic Status I have completed undergraduate degree in Marg Institute of Architecture Swarnabhoomi (MIDAS), Tamil Nadu in the year 2017. I have done my internship program at Chromed design studio, New Delhi Auroservice, Auroville Hence i putforth my portfolio Thanks Having a smooth , glazed or glossy surface. As described by the dictionary , described in here as a platform that reflects the works of Arun Sivakmar Glace wants to show the future of knowledge and experience. We do not know what the future holds but the only way to find out is to create a platform where the most inspiring individuals can meet and share their ideas. This would become a platform where these ideas can flourish and as nothing could be achieved without an experience in the field. I herby showcase all my works.

Arun Sivakumar S/O Sivakumar Arjunan 2


Preface This Portfolio of Arun Sivakumar puts forth ,Architectural and allied works for the user to get an outline of the subject. I would like to thank everyone who have been of support in completing this five years of Architectural Course.

Sensing Spaces through Architecture (page no 6-27) A thesis study on a Museum of spaces.

User Experience of spaces Concept Development Site Analysis Basement Plan Ground Floor Plan First Floor Plan Sections and Elevations Space craft (page no 28-29)

A competition entry for Roca on design for Spa

Mall Architecture (page no 30-41) A Design of a Mall with theaters

Site plan Ground Floor plan Second Floor plan Sections and Elevations Urban Study (page no 43-47) COVER STORY

Urban design Study on Aminjikarai, Chennai and its Surroundings

Greenscaping Proposal SWOT Analysis History Model (page no 48-49)


Resume (page no 76)

The magazine has been designed for graphic study and to get the outline of the subjects that i have designed. It is to be considered that all the images and representations in this book are not to scale. The expressions and emotions in this magazine may vary from user to user. Proper acknowledgment has been given for the reference data if added. Thank you Resume at the end

Scaled physical model of Catal Huyuke

Liberty Bridge (page no 50-51)

A competition entry for Archasm on design for Pedestrian Bridge

Art Production(page no 52-75)

Emotions and imaginations that have been put down to Art

Pen and Ink art Stippling Art Photography Acrylic art Library Model (page no 55)

Scaled physical model of Community Library

Writting Art (page no 65)

A competition entry on writing architecture about an imaginary space and its




The design Brief.

The design tries to exhibit art and space in a single environment. The space tries to manipulate the emotions of the user experiencing it. The spaces have been designed to exhibit the art and cultural aspects of the surrounding. The sensing spaces museum would be a monumental structure not through the vision but its becomes monumental by its experience and the impact that it creates on the user. The museum also has been specially designed spaces for the art lovers to spend time extensively in art . Spaces have been designed for them to work in a relaxed environment. The extensive usage of concrete tries to subtle the color that doesn’t disturb the surrounding. The structure remains calms and doesn’t disturb the heritage value of the environment. The design although been placed in a heritage area. The building becomes a point of interest because of governments proposal for a greater development in the city. The existing space has been analyzed and the proposal for museum has been given with an intention to popularize the heritage value of the space.

ness environment of the society. The study involved interview with the people and the things that have influenced them to chose fort cochi as a place to live at ease. The art and architecture have been mixed to get in the visual appeal of the environment.

The design tries exhibit art and space in a single environment.

Why Fort Cochin?

Sensing spaces throughArchitecture A thesis on Muesuem Design

The site for the design has been chosen in fort cochi. Fort cochi has its influence on art with the enthusiasts flowing into the city because of its historic importance. Fort cochi has been a place for the art lovers and for the people to explore different kind of architecture in a collective experience. Fort cochi has its historical background of being ruled by the Chinese, Portuguese and British and therefore gets an unique of mixed culture The spatial and visual experience of the space in fort cochi tries to exhibit the artistic character of the people and its influence in the busi-


Redefining the experience in a Museum

Sensing spaces through Architecture 7

Virasat-e-Khalsa , the Experience of Cultural Museum

My interpretation on what I felt 3 storey's high seeing all the works. tent of a Sikhism. when the visitor visiting for the first time a museum which enhanced and balanced both art and architecture. This museum of Sikhism is located in shri Anandpur Sahib in the state of Punjab designed by architect moshi safdie.It was a really hot day I and my friends reached around 11 AM, as soon as we stepped near the entrance we were AWE -STRUCK by the structure which stood majestically. A museum becomes interesting by displaying unknown facts and history but the structure of this museum created a curiosity within us seeing the complex structure. It was really hot that day and when we started walking closer to the museum it turned really cool and breezy because of the water body and the landscaping around the building. the building itself is made of sandal colored dholpur stone and the texture was so good to touch, feel and walk around the curvy structures. the structure was like a lotus opening in separate parts which were connected and one or two had a sharp roof like a sword end .the structure was so massive and was in parts where that were different from one another. As soon as we entered inside, we were in a dark room where there were lights all around moving human figures depicting the lifestyle and the culture of the Sikh people. It was not just an art on a wall. the lights, the Punjabi songs played in the background projected art somewhere moving it was on an entire wall showcasing different activities .moving lights here and there focus lights on the art wall. it really made us stop and look what it was. we were just moving along with the crowd on the ramp which led nearly

the architect has taken the visitors around the building knowing the pauses where a visitor might get bored, also the display was made interesting using the light technology, illusions , sound effects and the corners were utilized with huge displays and holographic projections. there were not just artificial lights there were also corridors were the natural lights peeps in and the 3 phases of lighting at an exact interval was maintained where the natural light, the mild darkness, the artificial lights could be seen and felt. we moved on and on and everywhere we could find 3d projections, the artist had communicated in different mediums to make the visitors to look into their details. the last phase was the Sikhs contribution to the freedom struggle. the talking wax statues surreal where the recorded speech delivered during the struggle was played. projected newspaper cuttings on the wall featuring important incidents with audiovisual effects where the patriotism could be felt. In general, every museum has so much information to learn and wonder. but this museum was so lively throughout and was exciting from the beginning till the end. the best part is after seeing inside the museum we just came out and took a walk around the building where there was a refreshing water body around it with soothing landscaping where we could just sit, relax and gaze at the building and enjoy the breeze. every space outside and inside the museum gives the visitors different feel. it was not just the space we could experience also we could learn and explore how the advanced technology portrays the con8

feels happy, contended and worthy of a place that is indeed where the success of an architect lies. At the end of the day, the museum recreates respect within not just on Sikhism but makes us feel proud as an Indian of our ancestor's sacrifices and patriotism for the nation. The Joy and celebration of the culture, tradition and the bravery of Sikhism is just nailed.

The Gift shop Narrated by Ayshwarya Suresh A lobby space in Arabian Park Hotel, with a small gift shop. The painting of the Eiffel Tower drawn parallel to the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, both towers symbolizing victory and beacons to their nations. Thus influencing a visitor's thoughts in attempting to advertise the pride of Burj Khalifa with the miniature models aligned along with the painting of Eiffel tower on the same wall plane. The user experiences space with uplift of emotion towards the pointed structures of the exhibit in the gift shop. Due to the dominating shape of the tower all over the space, she feels the exaggeration of the object to the users and feels it a key of tactics played by the shopkeeper to please people in buying those gifts.

The Massiveness

User Experience of Spaces Narrated by K.S Harish Standing in front of this building and stretching my neck to realize its massive stance made me feel "insignificant".

The roadside watchers

Narrated by Lakshmanan Palani

Narrated by Sri Abi-

It takes only a Milli second to realize it is just a poster. But there is a lapse of a moment. The user experiences the kinetics in the space. 9

The Movement The design of the sensing spaces museum starts with an symmetry in the entire form. Although the external spaces remains clean and smooth the interior spaces have been designed to utilize the maximum of the spaces. The space tries to brings in connectivity to the external environment and increases social interaction among the people. The spaces have been designed to sense through movement. Different spaces have been identified to create change in emotions of the user as he moves across the building. The monumental structure of the building is achieved only through the visual appeal of the spaces, thus the skyline of the heritage space remained undisturbed. The Flow The entry to the building marks its monumentality in the flow of the pathway to the basement , the structure runs across a lengthy easy moving staircase of around 50-60 meters from ground and reaches the basement which is of 6metres from the ground level. The structure also has a ramp running through from the movement of physically challenged people. The sides of the steps has a thick matte growth of plants that hang on from the ground. This makes the space visually cool and mentally reduces the stress that may be caused as the user moves down the flight. The structure then makes an acute break into a dark space where you experience a entire new atmosphere of kinetics on visual bias. The space also acts as a buffer space and a space to forget the ancient architecture of the surrounding and other aspects in and around the site thus making the user ready to experience the museum with full knowledge.

The wall climber tries to add beauty to the space , the climbers are trimmed according to certain pattern that makes it an piece of art. The climbers also reduces the brutal ism that might be caused due to the extensive usage of concrete in the structure.

The entry although doesn’t lead straight into the museum , it tries to break the space and create in enthusiasm to the user to know the lead of the way.

The elaborated walkway through the ground gets in the group together and marks unity as they arrive at the entrance thus making them stable to experience the museum.

The spaces try to connect each other space thus making it a connectivity where although theres a pause in between , the user wishes to experience the entire museum at a stretch and then tries to ease out. The spaces also create a change in his emotions as he moves across the spaces.

With the entire space being very stable and smooth, to add texture to the place these climbers run on the side walls of the pathway leading to the basement

The climbers not only adds on visual beauty to the space but also acts as a barrier to prevent inflow of rain water into the basement from the surface.

The entrance to the museum marks its monumentality in terms of the view through the entrance, the skyline of the area thus remains undisturbed.

Entrance to the museum

book shelf

The staircase of the stay area

The entire space when aligned to a particular angle brings in more connectivity of the space to the outer view of the sea water. The spaces as been designed where the interest of the people having a look at the outer world is not lost

The shore that makes the site interesting to move across. But the access remains limited to maintain the enthusiasm

The spaces have been designed to make both the general public and the art lovers who stay in the museum experience the museum with same interest.

The space has been clearly demarcated for the people who need a stay to access with greater ease. Movement across the spaces


Equal amount of interest has been given to open spaces and necessary sit-out and spill spaces have been given for the best experience of the museum.

long run edison bulb tries to break in moderninsm in strucuture

In this space the staircase becomes the point of interest because of its position that it stands on.

Sand filing beneath the steps, no foundation is required because of the soil condition. The parent rock still is stable preventing the intrusion of sea water in the soil and to the site.

The space for the stay of the people although is placed in the key collision space , it remains isolated without any hindrance in the circulation of the general public.

The entrance to space gives no chance for people to know the design of the museum.

The stairs that connects the exit from the stays to the musuem is made as a social transition space where the user makes himself comfortable by looking at the happening around the space. The space tries to create vastness by its height and the single standing structure and the void that surrounds it

The end spaces after each display remains to be an transition space that has been designed to get in the interest of the people. The user makes himself ready mentally to move on to the next spaces without any deviations of the preceding space.

The Equilibirum The space leading to the underground auditorium has been aplace of emotional attempt to take forward the emotions that hid deepwithin us. As the user enter into the space he find the floor being slope that he feel to the space the had been designed to exhibhit the art on the wall. As the user goes he steps down and finds himself unstable due to the change in the equilibirum . After he becomes stable he moves on to the the underground pathway that connects to the auditorium into the lenghty structure. Thus making him realise the emotions that he had hid adn havent expressed for a long. The space where the entry to the auditorium is located gets in an unique space that defines itself from the rest of the space throught the definition of the tilted cuboid that inscribed into the space and is made visible through the surface by texture and material usage. Relax The stay has been designed for the art lovers and other enthusiasts who have shown much interests and wish to stay and practice art at the musuem. The spaces for their stay 11

have been designed to make every part of thier movement through thier space a unique one. The monumentality of the space have also been achieved with the heights and the voids thus created. Stairway The stairway have been uniquely placed in a space that would make the space and the stairway as an exhibit. The movement through the stair would create a broadness in the mind due to the perspective in which the movement around it is visualised . The space acts as multi use space that could act as dining or library or a general gathering space.

Concept Development

Natural lighting in case of acute shortage of electricity. The space has been designed for the people to create a point of interest of the space that is leads to the underground auditorium. The space thus demarcates the entry to the auditorium

The art has been wall mounted and designed such a way that people don’t try to handle the art physically.

The first region that creates impact to the user of the space being a open space.

The space that causes the increase in the emotional aspect where the user could get stuck due to hindrance concluded by all the other users of the space.

Cover up space

Entry to the space

Section and plan of sensing space The floor has been kept as a slope. The slope changes the equilibrium of the brain and also acts as a barrier in preventing people from touching the art exhibits and also the makes people tremble of change in mental equilibrium. seating space along the wall

Rest rooms

Although the plan remains symmetrical, the user doesn’t feel the same as he experiences different types of the flora and fauna as he moves across

art exhibits

The pathway inside the space, the exhibits are hung on the walls. Movement across the landscape

Space for the exhibit.


Entrance to the hotel.

slope of the floor from high to low at the entrance seating space along the wall

way into the space Basement to Auditorium

The narrow entrance to the building gives in a way for the uprise of interest to reveal the space inside.

The spaces have been divided to three, two dining spaces and a central lobby space.

Glass wall, connecting the spaces to external environment.

Strips defining the cuboid space

The dark entry to the site is taken away by the light that peeks at two place when the user moves in creating a vision to the spaces beyond.

Open sitting space

View of restaurant

The acute angle creates a negative approach to the user. Water pond, two different colors expressing the change in mood. Single point of interest , Curvilinear Structure that could be an installation.

Plan of entrance to the space Space that opens up as the user gets into the museum.

The users mind moves across in the harmony thus following a curved surface but the easiest way to approach the site becomes the linear one.

Peek outflow of light (cove). The central area consists of the hindrance to the space beyond, it could be a shaded space.

Entry to the museum space landscaping has been used as a major element in designing the sensation in the spaces. This marks the entry of the user into the space.

Section thru first space

The deviation in the stairs that leads to the outer space where water would be at both the side leveling up to the surface, where the exterior view of the building could be viewed.

Clean water has been poured into these spaces that causes visuals kinetics in the space below. The water could be changed to colored liquid as a result would change the visualization below. Circulation thru landscape Movement of the user across the space thus disturbing the emotions that caused in the space that he moves across.


Concept Development

Water pond, two different colors expressing the change in mood.

Thick transparent glass has been used to take the load of the water above and diffuse the light falling on it.

Concrete slab of the roof

Detail of entry cut out in ceiling


The view of the external environment is achieved in all the directions of the space

The beginning The entry to the building has been designed with narrow dark ways that break at two places for light that brings in attention of the user to get to the space and reveal what happens over there, The space opens up to a large space where you get the drastic change of circulation that over throws.. The stair leading to the net level breaks up in the middle to give an experience of the viewer the exterior spaces of the building in a different perspective. The spaces have been designed in such a way that the user tries and gets affinity towards the water body and wishes he could get in touch to it, The landscape This space in the building has been allocated for sensing through landscape. The landscape although remains symmetrical in plan the experience through the space remains unique because of the movement that one adapts through as he moves across. The spaces have been uniquely designed with difference in the flora and fauna of the landscape. The landscape allow the user to get upheld for the emotions thats been created in the movement. The space also creates a surprise attempt trying to get in landscape into the space without any visual appearance of the space before. The space also acts as a gallery where the subject is hung on the wall. The subject could be either a painting or a object itself but should be able to stand against the wall exposed to the environment. The Directions The space have been identified to test the emotions of human. The space gets divided into two active spaces, The negative and the positive one. The space although doesn’t tend to express any kind of the negative feel. The voids and the amount of its social interaction to the exter-

nal spaces defines the keen in exploring the outer space. Thus when breaking out to the next space gives in an inner emotion to keep oneself secured, away from the too much exposure of the space to the external environment. The hotel also divides itself into three doesn’t get a fell of the same, the space gets a lounge, dinning and open sit-out in the evening.

Void space to cover the shape of the room.

The space gets an unsecured feel of the space with the running of the entrance stairs below. The space thus makes one feel the freedom of space. The transition tries to differentiate two spaces separately and this space connects to the rest rooms

The entry to the space

The exit through the space Plan of Ellipse room The space where the user realize the threat inside the concentric circles comes out from the space and realizes the actual circulation gets noticed by the art exhibits along the wall

Solar panels could be used for the optimum conservation of the energy on the site. Glass panel to get in the maximum Art boards has been sunlight into the space displayed on every landing and natural lighting Green cover has been directed for each of those space to get the maximum from the nature and thus making the space active.

The exit from the museum is marked by the straight flight landing from the first floor to the basement


Plan of museum space

The main space where the artefact’s could be placed for view.

The expected movement of the user through the space

The initial movement of the user through the space

This place becomes the space where light enters into the museum space, this space is made of glass, which also the void in the ceiling gets in a feel of standing still.

The vice versa of the other space happens here. The glass place important role in this space. All the four sides of the space gets connected to the outer space by the maximum space made of glass fiber.

This space becomes a place for people who wish to stay at the museum to interact with other people or a place for relaxation. It could also act as a informal library space. The height of the structure creates a monumental feel to the user. The central atrium allows effective lighting of the space.

Diffused lighting through natural ventilation

Section of waiting space

The natural lighting is achieved by slit that open up near the ceiling. Thus no direct fall of light disturbs the mood of the building.

The space feels as lounge and eases of the stress in human mind.

Entry to the space The space when seen through the section or plans tries to define the aspects similarly thus giving the perfect sense of the positive and negative play of spaces.

section of museum space

The entry to the space

The spaces beneath the stairway has been used for the placement of services and open spaces for people to ease out.

Concept Development

The museum space tries to show the play of glass in the space, the conventional method of the room surface gets changed here, the edges of the room has been built with glass, thus creating a sense of instability but the space remains pleasing.

The transition spaces tries to collect the emotions that have been experienced in the space before, this space allows user to ease out . The space also connects to washrooms.


the roof surface above the stairs had been used for green growth and the angled surface is been used for the installation of solar panel

The space finally opens up to infinite view to the sea and beyond thus creating a fell of vastness to the user experiencing the space

Diffused lighting has been given to space that has a wide view of the site. Edison bulb has been used monotonous to maintain the aesthetic beauty of the space.

The space has been a welcoming space where the user gets a whole view of the shore that is pleasing and he feels opened up. This space has been designed as space for the people to pause and relax.

Usage based on levels

The movement into the building starts from the basement thus taking to various levels of view and experience..

The staircase leads to the nest museum space , The flight space by itself acts as an jaw dropping exhibit because of its monumentality

Section thru various outer space

The middle level becomes the space where the user whole heartedly experiencing only the museum space without any deviation to external environment. Natural lighting to the site is given near the roof so that the external view doesn’t affect the experience inside the building.

Installation breaking the linear connectivity in the space. Section across stairway

Seating space, generally a gathering space and relaxation space.

Staircase form museum spaces connecting the next museum space. Thus this space becomes an active transition space.

The exterior view of the building remains the same but the interior space becomes more adaptable according to the experience of the space

The concentric circle that goes on, attracts the user to experience moving through them.

Section across Ellipse room

This space has been a place where people get a minimal view of the shore but could enjoy the cool breeze that takes in. There are spill out spaces on the ground where the user gets to interact with shore partially.

The experience The zoning of the spaces had been done according to the interaction with the external environment. The user experiences various spaces and tries connecting himself to the external dimension only after a course of time. The rooms have been designed precisely to capture the specific emotions of the people . The transition spaces have also been designed to make people moving on without allowing them to take a long pause of the subject. The interest of the people is thus maintained according to the stress that built upon as they move across the building. The structure since made of concrete brings in brutal-ism the structure doesn’t create the sense of the same because of breaking up of the space. Edison bulbs have been hung of long wires thus marking the character of the building. Thus the bulbs doesn’t create any change in the experiential feature of the space.

These concrete spaces act as a medium for the user to move in. But as he moves in he experiences hindrance thus feels the outer space designed for the movement and the inner space acts as an exhibit. The concentric narrowing down of circles, thus getting in the interest of the user.


The spaces around act as a space for the expression of art exhibits hung from the wall. The structure has been made ellipse to break the monotonicity and to add on to the emotional change in human mind.

The shaded space beneatht the floor has been nuilt as spill out space for the people to relax.

infinite view to the external space. Edison bulbs becomes the mood lighting for the space View toward the sea The space has been designed for the people to pause, this becomes the final space where people could actually sit and interact about the museum exhibits.

The Directions The spaces have been designed to show up the external spaces limitedly. The spaces play important role to where and when the external spaces have to be showed and the places that need interaction with the external environment. The places where natural ventilation is needed. The places have been designed to experience change in emotions as they move across the space.. The flight that directs the user to the exit from the first floor has been converted as a gallery space where there are exhibits on every landing that they get down. Natural lighting has been directed to those spaces, although the entire space has been air conditioned, to minimize the heat gain through the roof, the roof of the flight has been covered with green

Although the four walls have been closed, there is free flow of air in and out of the space due to the extensive flow of air in and around the space.

This space becomes a transition space between the open sit-out and the enclosed cubical Section thru informal workspace

This semi open space is used for the people to sit and talk at ease and also for the people to work on the art in open or in the cubical designed for them.

growth. Thus adding sustainable character to the building.


Concept Development

Population of Cochi - 2,509,815 in 2016 Latitude: +10.02 (10°01'12"N) Longitude: +76.22 (76°13'12"E) Site Area - 20110 Sq mt (4.9 Acres) Land use - Heritage and tourism Soil type - Stable Teri’s, Brown sands Height limit - !5 metres Coastal Regulation Zone II Minimum setback of 3-7 meters. The study show cases the movement of wind along the site, proximity of places around the site and the green cover surrounding the area. The study gets in the access and other physical aspects that needs to be examined for making the site stable for the building to be constructed on it. The inference that is achieved by the site analysis makes it a better place for the proposed museum to built upon. The study gets to a conclusion that the site becomes a major welcoming place for all the user to access with ease due to its location. The site has easy access to transportation thus making it a tourist point of interest. The pleasant environmental factors such as weather, wind flow and the easy connectivity to the shore adds on to the strength of the site.

Fort Kochi and Mattanchery - Traditional town area with heritage precincts/buildings - High density mixed used development - Place of tourism importance - Poor infrastructure & connectivity The site for the design has been chosen in fort cochi. Fort cochi has its influence on art with the entusiasts flowing into the city becasue of its historic importance. Fort cochi has been a place for the art lovers and for the people to explore different kind of architecture in a collective experience.Fort cochi has its historical backfground of being ruled by the chinese, portuguesen and british and therefore gets an unique of mixed culture.


Fort cochi has its historical background of being ruled by the Chinese, Portuguese and British and therefore gets an unique of mixed culture. 18

The design tries exhibit art and space in a single environment. The space tries to manipulate the emotions of the user experiencing it. The spaces have been designed to exhibit the art and cultural aspects of the surrounding. The sensing spaces museum would be a monumental structure not through the vision but its becomes monumental by its experience and the impact that it creates on the user. The museum also has specially designed spaces for the art lovers to spend time extensively in art . Spaces have been designed for them to work in a relaxed environment. The extensive usage of concrete tries to subtle the color that doesn’t disturb the surrounding. The structure remains calms and doesn’t disturb the heritage value of the environment. The design although been placed in a heritage area. The building becomes a point of interest because of governments proposal for a greater development in the city. The existing space has been analyzed and the proposal for museum has been given with an intention to popularise the heritage value of the space.



GroundfloorPlan 20


FirstfloorPlan 22


Elevation towards West

Elevation towards North

Section CC’

Section DD’

SectionsandElevations 24

The sections and elevations try to show the levels and movement of spaces across the usuem. The plans have been scaled down to fit to the page . Hence the disgram are for the purpose of understanding and not to be scaled. 25

Section BB’

Section AA’

Section EE’

Section FF’ 26


Water and steam Water and steam

Blinds used to reduce the escape of Steam

Changing postures

Bucky paper


Glass fibre Nomex Micro suede Polyster

It comprises of two systems : The upper pod which has pipelines fixed at both the ends to the source , through which the water and the steam passes. The lower pod with nitrogen lining,floats at a certain level. It is easily detachable and mobile. Nitrogen is Abundant in atmosphere and a lifting gas which helps the pod to float at low levels. Mass of Nitrogen = 0.01kg Which is highly negligible Weight. The total weight of lower pod is mostly the weight of fabric , which is not more than 600 grams. Making it light weight, can be used by all age groups and minimum cleaning required. Steam and water gushing out from the upper pod towards the lower pod, creates an exotic experience of a Spa.

The years the go through causes acute stress in back , adjustable postures in the pod help get back th relaxation giving a sooth feel for the user

Spacecraft is a solution to lack of space for humans in future, without compromising in functionality. Its prime aim is to provide the experience of Spa (Both steam and shower) in a whole new level at your home.

Materials : Bucky paper, for pipelines , is a carbon material, stronger than steel and can be made heat resistant using coating. Glass fiber, for the skin , is dimensionally stable and moisture and chemical resistant. Lower pod : Micro sued polyester , has a soft sanded finish, woven tightly with exThe pressure of steam is controlled by the tremely thin fibers, durable water resistant


rhythmic puncture of pipe.

A Competition design of Spa by

Arun Sivakumar & team

Nomex, Strong resilent and (in the thinner grades) flexible, with good resistance to tearing and abrasion 28


The design concept tries to integrate the spaces with nature. The spaces have been designed with dark and light voids, thus increasing the interest of the user through the building. Although the external view of the mall remains rigid , the internal spaces put a different feel as the user moves across the building.

MallArchitecture Design



fresh water canal, a pleasing view from the mall

road access to the college inside

exit from the site

connecting road to the open space reservation

inaccessible garden space

Entry to the complex

Open space reservation Old mahabalipuram road, main access to the mall

Entry/exit to office

the rectangular arranged pattern shows the semi permanent structure of the roof for dining and sitout space for the office staff.


existing wild growth near the site



Ground floor plan The ground floor plan describes about the sit level zoning of spaces, open space reservations and setbacks, the site has an flowing canal at one of its side. The plan tries to show up the vehicular movement in and around the site, entry exit and placement of the building on the site. The green cover of more then 50% is being achieved in the building site. The integration of the nature inside the building gives its connection to the environment thus not restraining the user to one environmental situation. The mall also has a sit-out that could be accessed only through the mall. Thus the mall doesn’t create a barrier in between the nature and the interacting human.




Ground plus two The plan describes the spaces that define the character of the building. The plan demarcates the projector room in the ceiling of the cinema theatre. The projector room shares common space for all the projector rooms in the arena. The shopping has been split to playing zone and food market where it becomes a main aspect of leisure and fun getting both the interesting things near to access. The area also differentiates the floor plate to the ground, thus adds on to the understanding of the theory for the structure. The structure becomes a rigid outer shell within which the standing structure is enclosed.



The structure hence tries to avoid the false ceiling of the roof in each floor and tries to integrate the function and service on a whole path thus opening out the raw structure to stand alone live. The plan describes the element of interest, that get its usage not only in the aesthetics sense but also add on to the functional aspect of the user, where the demarcation tries to differentiate the flooring zones making it a map for the user to describe his place of presence to others. The green courtyard near the entrance acts as a general gathering space and also an element of surprise due to the raised structures along the sides. The area also acts as a internal buffer zone for the people to decide upon the way that they need to proceed in the building . The structure also tries to interlink spaces along with that influential activity of the nature in it. The spaces have been zoned to prevent the public access hinder the zone of office placement and its activity across.


Ground plus three The plan describes the top structure of the mall that includes a large food court with seating and scenic view to the fresh water canal running next off to the site. The plan also describes composition of red panels on to the surface that acts as a semi permanent roof structure. The space under this category has been added on to the office space in an aim to get in the concept of open planning and also the same would act as a open space for discussion and leisure activities to take place. The space is also attached with an restaurant cum bar to provide service for the office staff to access at ease. The space also gets in more of interaction of spaces with the nature thus making the space lively and creates a pleasing environment for the user to experience the same




Section through entrance and courtyard

South elevation

Section and elevations The section of the site tries to explore the relation between the nature and its integration with the site aspects. The section tries to show the rigidness of the structure that acts as a shell , and the nut that does the function. The slit of exploration and the vastness in the narrow access gets to influence the aesthetics of the urban complex proposed.

South elevation

Front elevation


SectionsandElevations 41

Aminjikarai area has been chosen for the urban study, the present design shows the study of the area and the design developments that are required according to the needs of the area through a detailed data analysis. The present design show the greens-cape design (Cover story) and other physical manipulation in the area.

UrbanStudy Urban design by

Arun Sivakumar & team



Development in green cover, vegetation and sustainability Creating a micro climate, controlling global warming Decreasing air pollution, creating clean environment, integrated life

Proposal - The vehicular road and the pedestrian pathway being integrated by green growth that allows people to move easily without any pollution due to the vehicles and also they enjoy the walk through.

Proposal - With little modification in the facade space, the growth of greenery is achieved, Street facade , covered green growth are the ways to increase green cover and reduce the pollution caused by the vehicles.

Greenscaping becomes a major scope for making the urban city sustain in the present crisis, Implementation of strong rules for the mandatory green cover in every plot, private or public roof gardening for recreation and also for decreasing the room temperature thus making the urban life comfortable in a sustainable way.

Clean atmosphere, Healthy living, more recreational spaces Model of Aminjikarai

GreenscapingProposal 44

Proposal - In places side by kovum there is a setback of 4-6 meters on both sides, these places are modified to open air theaters, walk ways and The open spaces act as integrated Proposal - With study of the sun plantation. The plantation is to proplaces of recreation cum activity path diagram , the places of effec- tect the entire coast of the kovum based place where people come to- tive solar fall is noted and the wall from being flooded and also to regain gether to interact with each other facing are treated for green wall the fertility of the soil. This also paves thus increase the social interaction system and roof garden, The roof a way fro urban farming in the spaces of the spaces thus directly involving garden get to form a legal act where where there are open land, this also in the neighborhood planning of it becomes mandatory for all the provide shade to the residents thus houses to follow it. the area. forming a effective micro climate.


Due to the absence of proper pedestrian pathways, people have constructed temporary pedestrian bridges on the kovum. The bridges are very weak and there is every possibility for it to collapse and that would lead to accidents.

Unless necessary action is taken , the condition of kovum would become very worse making the people vulnerable to hygiene issues and sanitation conflicts. Also unless proper pedestrian pathways are being constructed the accidents would go up rapidly. Lets take things optimistic and get on it to make the zone a futuristic and sustainable one.

residing in the area, it becomes the major weakness due to its contamination level at its peak. The traffic signals that the general public doesn’t follow has become a major issue which results in traffic explosion. No proper demarcation of pedestrian crossing, not sufficient road widths, no proper parking facility, less social interaction add to the weakness of the place.

working of proper sewage system, cleaning the kovum , efficient parking places where more public gatherings happen, completion of the flyover, construction of proposed multi level parking complex, proper pedestrian crossing, efficient functioning of traffic signals, planning clean alternate roads and managing the traffic emergence, constructing required subways, level crossing, peThe kovum(sewage canal) although destrian bridges, shopping complex been an advantage for the people The optimistic part becomes net- etc.



The vehicles being parked on the road in front of the house results in hindrance for the people to move out in ease. Also this has resulted in increase in vehicle traffic.

The proposed bridges could decrease the time of travel ,accidents and the frustration caused by the same. Thus the SWOT analysis puts forward the completion of this project for the development of the zone.

“ The analysis inferences the necessary action that needs to taken and the changes that could take place for the transformation of the zone. The implementation of certain ideologies could help in bringing out the optimistic changes in the place. �

The roads that are heavily damaged, very narrow width of the roads, waste dump-age on roads, makes it risky for people to travel on. 46


Location of Catal Huyuk

Physical model (Poly vinyl sheet)

Catal Huyuk Catal Huyuk Uncovered in 1961 by the British archaeologists James Mellart,Catal Huyuk was in Neolithic settlement in Anatolia which some date as Anion as the 8th Milennia B.C.E excavations by stanford Archaeologist Lan Hodder. Catal huyuk is located in the Konya Plain, it was a city of honey combed rooms and courtyars, a self contained unit with the use of ladders, the people of Catal Huyuk entered thier homes through the roof, the city housed as many as 7000-1000 residents. The civilization is formed mainly due to the Twin-Coined Volcano of Mount Hasan. The people of Catal Huyuk were Agriculturists and Horticulturists. They also hunted wild bulls , Deer, Horses and Pigs. The walls were decorated by wall murals and paintings. The houses were kept clean and were plastered every year. Some clearly served Ritualistic Purposes adversed as shrine. Of the 139 Rooms uncovered, Mellaart identified 40 of them as shrines, the Civilization is delivered to be destroyed because of the volcanic eruption.

Ornaments and jewels

Murrel art and hand drawn city plan

View of the city

Sectional view of house


Physical model by 48


Arun Sivakumar

LibertyBridgeAn experience(Bridge design)

down that try to denote the hard Bridge to Expression to Art to tion other than just a connection. times the Amsterdam has faced in Emotion. The design of this lib- The bridge has been designed to the evolution of Its history. The erty bridge in Amsterdam tries to become an iconic structure in the bridge also has an open-air theatre break down the conventional need place. The bridge tries to break the that would become a place for peofor a bridge but tries to express the movement of the user as he moves ple to gather in case of any event or same in a much more added func- across it. The bridge has ups and also would act as a place to interact.


The movement of the user across the building is through three points. Two would become the conventional movement and the central one becomes a space to experience. At certain point the user feels himself getting near to water

making him feel of being drowned. The movement of water is made interesting by flashing focused light on it from beneath the bridge that makes people to look and it as an art as it creates a rhythm in movement. Balloons have become a me-


dium to express joy. Habit of tying balloons to the handrail is made a hobby to the people who move across as a medium to express love and joy.

Artproduction Art by

Arun Sivakumar

Poster color art

Digital art using wacom Tablet 52


Physical Model (Library Design)

(Pallette knife)acrylic art



Pen and ink art

Pen and ink art



Pen and ink art

Pen and ink art



Digital art

Ink doodle art 60


Wax crayon art

Motherhood is a great honor and privilege. Every day women are called upon to selflessly meet the needs of their families. Whether they are awake at night nursing a baby, spending their time and money on less than grateful teenagers, or preparing meals, moms continuously put others before themselves.   Now i understand them as i grow older and it makes me dumbstruck how life has planned its evolution.

Digital art



The ambience of the world is not through the perception that we stare at, It is through our dependence and experience through it – The nature

The Photographs describe loneliness at various positions

Theblindness Writing Art

*fadein* flow each welcoming for an admiThe eyelids showed red on it as the rable day to carry forward, as i put scene slide forward slowly, the blow my head and feel the wind that is took it back as a sign of warning. whispering the song of freedom. The temperature went high as i felt The thoughts take me out to a level the essence of the earth embed its with a pause that i hit to a rock ,with foot with an uncommunicative feel, a jerk woke to see been hit on to not beyond moments the foot be- tree, With an excuse i recall all that came numb, It displaced, the pull of arise in my dream to what was there the nature increased as it slithered in reality . It was in a late night that down It was a slope. It could feel i stood alone on the road then to the lushness and dew drops on a a rough soil of cracked rocks waitsoft pad- It remembered its matron ing to chop the feet, like a butcher verbalize it as grass and its affilia- grinding his knife to slaughter the tion with the cow, the love and care sheep. It was the drain that was to they shared among. It could feel the the river, it was the moon and the freedom as o sprout that has just trees, later conceive the perspective cracked out of a shell and being being the same with the emotion guarded by the warmth of its cre- being dreamt differently i move on ator, as a wee i step on further, tick- to my home, i widen the door to see le a ocean of sound coming from my-selves set on the ground. it was a cleave in the rock, it felt massive, just for a while i was locked down in then i get to my conscience to turn darkness taken off, dragged back all to an humanistic emotion from a the way to the storyline and finally sprout and felt a Brooke, stream to the bed inside and i realized the through soul ,feeling the way how nature inImagination tegrated the living and how it transReality formed along the timeline of the Cognition humanity. It was a pause of silence the rock and i strolled on it like and the melody by the wasp, lullafroth of love. It was fascinating me by of the wind and the roar of the to a new comfort. i could hear the wave give in a finishing score and sound of it vanishing swift with- the screen gets down. out a flow to infinity.Theblindness It ended off The ambience of the world is not through the perception that we stare at, It is through our dependence and experience it – The nature about a trace. It was through a river flowing *fade in* to a black hole. I took a leap and The eyelids showed red on it as the scene forward slowly, crossed upon and felt theslide coarse the blow took it back as a sign of warning. The temperature went texture of mixture,highitas ipunctured felt the essence of the earth embed its foot with an soft into my feet as uncommunicative a parent masfeel, not beyond moments the foot saging an infant’s palm. The became numb, eyelids It displaced, the pull of the nature increased as it turned black and pale reddown now slithered It wasand a slope. It could feel the lushness and dew drops i on a soft feel pad- It then, i felt the shadecould remembered its matron verbalize it as grass and its affiliation the movement, chirping of the leafs with the cow, the love and care they shared among. It could feel the and the trees tasting freedom each asother. o sprout that has just Imagination


cracked out of a shell and being guarded by the warmth of its creator, as a wee i step on further, tickle a ocean of sound coming from a cleave in the rock, it felt massive, then i get to my conscience to turn to an humanistic emotion from a sprout Reality and felt a Brooke, stream through the rock and i strolled on it like froth of love. It was fascinating me to a new comfort. i could hear the sound of it vanishing swift without a flow to infinity. It ended off about a trace. It was a river flowing to a black hole. I took a leap and crossed upon and felt the coarse texture of mixture, it punctured soft into my feet as a parent massaging an infant’s palm. The eyelids turned black and pale red now and then, i felt the shadei could feel the movement, chirping of the leafs and the trees tasting each other.

*realityseepsin* I could see the trees paving way through the wild with the wind 64



The white sand and the blue water, reflecting the purity of nature ,could be found in every part of the territory. Every day has been unique although the space remains the same.It is creates a eveness in thought and makes one attain peace as he stays long in those islands.

Andaman becomes one of the untouched paradises with astonishing beauty and aesthetics that it shows up , the spaces that make you memserised with its color and balance. The creator of the same put in detail in every small part of it making it stand out and close to ones heart.



Photography tries to capture things that we expect that to act. It stops the frame for us to admire the valuable shots for a longer time. The photo show the gradient in the sky and the calmness of the moon in it, that has created peace in its surrounding. Place - Pondichery



Landscape Photography



The setting of sun ,the darkness taking control over the atmosphere and the transition really makes one enjoy the moment. Place - Port Blair



The only things that we could be unique in our point is our perspective in which we see things and these strcutures putforth the views that put a pause in me and took a mment to observe and enjoy the vision.

The view that stays in mind are those that aren’t experienced by one in his/her near past. Although the scene doesn’t require great aesthetics ,the perception of it in a unique angle makes it special to experience.



Arun Sivakumar

S/O Sivakumar Arjunan


Date of birth - 17 March 1995 Address - Avadi, Chennai , Tamil Nadu Phone number - +919790799402 Email id - arunsivakumar17@ ,


Vijayanta Nursery School, TN1998 St Ann’s Hign School, AP1999 Vijayanta Senior Secondary School, TN2003 Sree Vidyanikethan International School,AP2007 Vijayanta Model Higher secondary School, TN2009 Marg Institute of Design and Architecture (MIDAS), TN2012-2017


Chromed Design Studio New


2D,3D designs of Residence,Resto-bar,Co-working space,Exposure to Client meetings and Socializing with People. Auroservice Auroville Freedom of thoughts,Exposure to various cultures, Pavilion Design, Urban farming practices.

Languages Tamil Mother-tongue English Fluent Hindi Fluent Telugu Fluent


Painting Singing Traveling Sport(Badminton)


57th Annual NASA Campus chief Coordinator Was successful in managing the technical and supportive need 4000 students

Software skills Autodesk Autocad Advanced Google Sketchup Intermediate Adobe Photoshop Intermediate Adobe Illustrator Intermediate Adobe Lightroom Intermediate Adobe Indesign Intermediate Adobe Premier Pro Intermediate Autodesk 3DS Max Beginner Microsoft Office Intermediate Revit Nil 76


Laurie Baker Workshop Got some hands on experience from LBC Workshop Fractal Workshop Attended a beginner Fractal workshop by Takbit Fatima Roca Design Competition Participated in Innovative Restroom design by Roca.


Manual Drafting The satisfaction that you get after the entire work is done makes manual drafting my favorite mode of working Sketching The key to put down my thoughts quickly to paper that come in handy always. Painting Art has always been my interest that could be experienced in different perceptions Model making When patience brings you happiness at every moment. Photography Moments that i wish to be preserved and it should be the way i see it

ŠArun Sivakumar 2018 Studio Glace


“The best is yet to happen” ©Glace 2018

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