A Compelling Vision For: Columbus Botanical Garden The Columbus Botanical Garden (CBG), a developing community asset located in north Columbus, will be one of this city’s great public spaces – 23 acres of formal and informal landscapes of exquisite beauty. A place of respite and peaceful quiet for some, a family educational experience for others, a colorful display in all seasons, a place for special lifetime events that will be remembered, a great outdoor education venue for children of all ages! CBG will attract visitors from the region-- and certainly visitors to Columbus on par with other museums and educational organizations nearby. It will be especially loved by its closest neighbors, the residents of Columbus and the Chattahoochee Valley; and, it will likely host over 3,000 elementary age school children in a much-needed outdoor education venue. The significance of CBG to the local community, however, is only a shadow of what it will become when its botanical display, programming and educational potential is fully developed. CBG is intent upon both developing a full carte of southern formal and woodland gardens, The Gin House as an increased welcome, educational and rental venue, as well as a significant Family Garden increasing guest experience and pleasure. CBG will be a relaxed place in the vernacular of a genteel farm with pleasant organized and casual natural gardens through the woods and sunny areas. It will educate visitors in southern garden traditions and support ecological messages that are relevant to today’s lifestyles. The developed Garden will offer an increased level of guest experience and access while increasing the status of Columbus as a sophisticated City intent on providing its citizens and visitors a great regional venue that will be appreciated as a significant garden in the region.
The Mission of the Garden is to “develop gardens, protect woodlands, and provide educational programming that stimulate the imagination and deepen our understanding and appreciation of nature .”
A MASTER PLAN FOR THE GARDEN WAS COMPLETED IN 2015 BY A NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED CONSULTANT. After the Gardens’ Board of Directors and Executive Director realized that the mission of the Garden could not be fulfilled without an up-to–date plan, they embarked upon a comprehensive master plan to accomplish their vision. For the study, the Board selected William T. Arterburn, FASLA, Studio Outside Landscape Architects from Dallas and a national consultant in public garden design. After six months of collaborative planning by the Committee, the Board approved a land-use plan that features the Southern Terraces, a
strong axial garden that steps down the hill toward the Adams House, anchored by “Our Mothers’ Rose Garden” and a water runnel that cascades down the hill to a basin of water lilies and other aquatics. A Columbus Woodland Walk will entice guests to stroll along shaded paths to enjoy ferns, trilliums, azaleas and flowering spring bulbs; deep in the woods, the expanded Sam M. Wellborn Camellia Garden will include a new event terrace, swings, a boardwalk and gazebo to welcome all. The walk will end at the top of the hill in the clearing which features the Meadow Garden, a profusion of wildflowers, native and ornamental grasses, and flowering perennials to inspire the
imagination. The Gin House will be fitted out to allow for a welcome center and rental venue with restrooms and vendor offerings of food and drink. Finally, but most exciting, the Woodland Family Garden set into a forest hillside will be a great venue for exploration, learning and excitement—this will draw many visitors and will assist developing CBG as a major venue for the City of Columbus. New parking areas will be developed, and a new service area will add to the infrastructure of the Garden. The result of the master plan is a powerful design that emerged from exhaustive scrutiny of many alternatives.
MAXIMIZING THE VALUE OF THE GARDEN FOR THE COMMUNITY CBG has existed as a small but loved community resource since 1999, but it is now time to make the most of an incomparable public asset opportunity. The value of the Garden as an educational and community resource will be increased significantly for an investment modest in comparison to its immense intrinsic value. New educational efforts consisting of tours,
workshops, lectures, volunteer activities, and school programs will reach a multigenerational cross section of the community. The Garden is an inclusive place where people of all backgrounds and ages come for many reasons - beauty, education, horticulture, solitude, discovery, study and inspiration. The scope of the Gardens’ offerings to these constituents, however, is largely still on the drawing boards. However, community
leaders are stepping up in their first gifts developing a significant Camellia Garden for the south and a prominent Rose Garden near the entrance of the site. Vegetable Terraces are in planning and pre-construction. The CBG annual fund-raising luncheon brought record reservations and donations to the Garden this year PLUS a groundswell of interest and support from a wide cross-section of business leaders and the community.
Named Gift Opportunities
Rose Garden Terrace CAMELLIA COURT
Rose G
A. THE SOUTHERN TERRACES The Southern Terraces, directly east of The Meadow, will be the flagship garden for CBG. It will forge a visual and pedestrian connection between old and new areas of garden development, and establish a dramatic view shed across the east side of the property. It is intended to be a series of colorful gardens highlighting floral displays in three different venues: The Rose Garden, The Southern Perennial Garden and The Shaded Texture Garden. Beginning at the lower entry lawn, the Southern Terraces traverses 26 feet in elevation to the Upper Pond at The Meadow. Accessible paths wind up the slope through colorful planting beds surrounding small central lawns creating places to gather and observe the garden. Interesting textures and seasonal displays will distinguish each terrace, creating a unique character to each level as part of a greater experience. Rustic stone walls define each terrace and support the southern vernacular theme. Splashing over and through each terrace is a central runnel that begins in the Upper Meadow Pond emptying into a small lily pool before trickling down a small water feature in the Cottage Garden.
B. THE WELLBORN CAMELLIA GARDEN The CBG Master Plan seamlessly combines both the existing and future expansions to the Sam M. Wellborn Camellia Garden. The Camellia Garden transitions between the more planned Meadow and the Native Forest Walk. The Garden distinguishes itself from with its open ground plain and high pine canopy. The Camellia Garden will add a number of new features including a pergola, camellia terrace for events, The Overlook Entrance with Camellia Bowl and Bell, Family Swings, and the Camellia Maze. Importantly, there will be significant companion plantings with the camellias such as azaleas, ferns and groundcovers as well as a significant bulb layer for adding seasonal interest and texture to this garden experience.
C. SECRET GARDEN CHILDREN’S ADVENTURE The Secret Garden Children’s Adventure, situated north of the Gin House and the Cottage Garden, enhances the existing wooded hillside with a combination of water features and tactile gardens to create an experience truly unique to CBG. Families will enter the garden through a vine covered entry arbor on a path that spirals down into a large garden carved into the hillside. Children will be free to explore the butterfly and bird exhibits, interactive water features, and experimental vegetable gardens. Landforms, structures, boulders, and tree stumps scaled to suit children will be integrated into the garden-scape creating limitless adventures. The water features will merge into a babbling stream before splashing into the shallow Tadpole Pond. Families can explore, play, and learn together in an exciting and safe garden experience.
Named Gift Opportunities
D. THE COLUMBUS WOODLAND WALK The Columbus Woodland Walk climbs from the Gin House and past The Meadow before merging with the Native Forest Walk. Packed with diverse understory specimens including azaleas, witchazel, dogwoods and over 200,000 bulbs, this shady garden is a mosaic of textures and shapes. A thoughtful transitionary garden, the Woodland Walk combines the color of the Southern Terraces with the indigenous, thick canopy of the Native Forest Walk. With seasonal exhibits of exploding color and vegetation, every stroll through the Woodland Walk will become a new story--and garden memory. It will serve as the primary circulation of the overall garden from east to west and will create a framework for future gardens to the west. It will be accessible to all.
E. GIN HOUSE EDUCATION CENTER & ADAMS VEGETABLE TERRACES Moving west up the hill from the Cottage Garden, the Gin House was relocated to the site in 2008. Previously a working Cotton Gin, the renovated building will be used as the initial Welcome Center, Gift Shop, restrooms location, and education center. A historic and architecturally interesting building the Gin House has the potential to become an iconic structure that is recognized throughout the region. It may also serve as a flexible event space but it is likely not large enough for wedding receptions. A 2-story structure, the Gin House has bridge access that connects to the trails that lead west. The second floor can be used for special events or CBG classes In close proximity to the agricultural themed Cottage Garden and the exploratory exhibits of the Children’s Garden, the Gin House is conveniently position to transition into the headquarters for the Garden’s Education Programs after construction of the future Welcome Center. Adjacent to the Gin House are the Adams Vegetable Terraces. This garden type, now popular throughout America demonstrates the fun and beauty of growing foods; fruits and vegetables that every family can relate to.
F. PARKING EXPANSION To accommodate the projected visitation of 65,000 visitors per year, on-site parking will need to be increased from the existing 30 spaces. As the garden grows, parking will be added along Weems Road. Hidden between screens of gardens, an access road from the existing lot will connect to a new lot containing 70 spaces, just to the west of the future Welcome Center, before connecting back to Weems through a new exit. With 100 total proposed spaces, parking at the garden will be increased by over 300% and will be sufficient to cover casual visitation and most large events. Larger seasonal events such as festivals and concerts will require additional parking that should be accommodated through agreements with a nearby landowner.
Why Now? CBG has existed as a small but beloved community resource since 1999. Over 10,000 visitors come through annually to celebrate life and connect with nature. The time is now to grow our offerings to appeal to the greater public and to provide Columbus with a top-notch botanical garden. CBG has been led the past three years by Columbus native and local horticulturist Matt Whiddon. Between Matt’s vision and an incomparably strong board full of enthusiasm and will power, the time is now. For an organization riding a wave of momentum with the implementation of phases 1 and 2 of the Sam M. Wellborn Camellia Garden, the addition of a new Event Lawn and Garden, the Rose Garden, and the Vegetable Terraces, the time is now. For a city that has so much momentum with the addition of Whitewater and a revitalized Uptown area, the time is now. For the children who will learn at CBG what they will not learn elsewhere, the time is now. The time is now to make the most of an incomparable public asset opportunity. The Challenge to Raise $8.5 Million (note: estimated campaign costs/goal need considerable discussion next week with Sam Wellborn present) Preliminary estimates to build and fully develop the seven gardens is $6.5 million. In addition, a $2 million endowment is required to support the annual operation, garden maintenance and educational programs. The Garden’s operating budget will be augmented by rental revenue generated from public and private events.
COLUMBUS WOODLAND WALK BOTANICAL GARDEN: A QUICK PROFILE * Garden opened: 1999, the Adams Farm House and land donated by the Philip Adams Family * Mission objectives: to develop gardens, protect woodlands, and provide educational programming that stimulate the imagination and deepen our understanding and appreciation of nature. * Size: 23 acres on Weems Road in North Columbus * Species and varieties of plants: 400, including the following: >> Sam M. Wellborn Camellia Garden--a special collection of 750 specimens from the southeast US and Asia >> “Our Mothers’ Rose Garden” under construction >> Sally H. Adams Vegetable Terraces under construction >> Formal herb garden and perennials around the Adams House. * Projected Annual visitation: 30,000 to 60,000 (Estimate in 2023) * Board of Directors: 35 members with a broad local and regional representation * Full-time staff: 4 members, including Director, office and grounds staff. * Volunteer Program: in 2016: 35 volunteers contributed 2,050 hours of service * Educational Program: in 2016: 350 adults participated in docent-led programs * Weddings 2016: 55 held in the Adams House facility * Annual expenses for operation, new development, and programs: $300,000 * Gardens’ Endowment: $2 million in ten years
CONTACT US: Columbus Botanical Garden Matt Whiddon Bruce Howard Sam Wellborn 3603 Weems Rd. Columbus, GA 31909 706-327-8400