laura thomas p o rtfo l io
portolio laura thomas
WHAT IF... ... we would redesign border
spaces to accommodate migrants?
... projects were developed
where they are most needed?
... people and production came together at a common ground? PAGE 14 ... city’s private buildings would free space for their public? PAGE 20 ... the woonerf was not such a bad idea after all? PAGE 28 ... we could cure a city with its own medicine? PAGE 32 ... public space were to be given shape by the public? PAGE 36 ... museums would be inclusive? PAGE 40 ... space for migration were to be embedded in our cities? PAGE 44 2
laura thomas l a ura. tho m as@l ive. nl +31 6 48 49 0 1 69
2018 - 2021
Ma ste r of U rba nism T U De lft 2019 - - 2020
M inor A broa d Acc ade mia di A rc hite ttu ra di M e ndrisio 2014 - 2017
Bache lor of A rc hite c tu re T U De lft 2016 - - 2017
M inor A broa d Escola Tèc nic a S u pe rior d ’A rq u ite c tu ra de Ba rc e lona 3
portolio laura thomas
Borderscapes Project Type
MSc Thesis Topic
On the Activation of Border Space to Enable Interaction and Accommodate Inclusive Mobility
University Delft University of Technology Semester MSc thesis 2020 - 2021 Project team Laura Thomas Project location Chiasso (CH) - Como (IT) Border Area Supervisors Rients Dijkstra, René van der Velde & Wouter Vanstiphout 4
portolio laura thomas
While society is becoming increasingly more mobile, refugees and other ‘undesired movers’ are excluded from the otherwise unrestricted mobility that has been established across national borders. Nation-state border areas are currently purely organised to control movements. Spatial planners ignore the potential to turn neglected urban areas along borders into inclusive living environments in which inhabitants can profit from the large amount of movements inherent to border space. The design of this MSc thesis moves away from nation-oriented planning, in which borders are seen as inbetween spaces that should be crossed as efficiently as possible, towards a cosmopolitan perspective on planning and design. The proposal puts forward border space as an integrative space that accommodates affordable housing both for migrants and non-migrants, inclusive mobility networks as well as diverse places to stay for people to meet and exchange.
a n a ly s i s n e t w o r k s o f d i f f e r e n t m o v e r s i n b o r d e r s pa c e
Migration is framed as a permanent process and design measures are adapted to this notion by developing incremental design principles, allowing buildings to grow in quality over time rather than only offering temporary, dismountable solutions. The urban design proposal for the area around the Swiss and Italian customs addresses various layers and themes, from landscape to townscape, programme to public space design, small scale to large scale. different types of movers group together
proposed refugee “camp”
former refugee camp 2016 - 2018
portolio laura thomas
MIGRANT INTEGRATION STRATEGY The initial refugee camp that was set up in the municipality of Como between 2016 and 2018 was a typical example of a ‘biometrically controlled container camp’. The approach to migration in these camps is problematic, as the dehumanisation of the spaces make inhabitation impossible. To bo able to ‘give place’ to refugees, spatial opportunities for interaction and personal development need to be constructed in an open-ended way. Rather than defining spaces precisely, the design in this thesis creates multipurpose spaces that can be adapted to the needs of the inhabitants. To sustain the qualities created in the camp for the future, the camp is built following the concept of incremental housing, meaning that dwellings can grow in quality over time.
refugee community
By dispersing refugees within a city, a collective way of life between fellow refugees is lost. This is why in this thesis, the building of a refugee community upon arrival is seen as an important first step in the process of refugee integration. While the area starts as a refugee community, slowly, as some refugees move out in search of larger accommodations or on their way to different places, new inhabitants will come in and slowly the refugee community will become an integral part of Ponte-Chiasso’s urban fabric.
a r e a g r a d u a l ly d e v e l o p s i n t o m i x e d c o m m u n i t y
refugee community
area developed into mixed community
portolio laura thomas
Point Territories Project Type
Regional Planning Project Topic
Social Spatial Strategies for the Greater Bay Area
University Delft University of Technology in collaboration with Hong Kong Polytechnic University Semester MSc4 2019 Project team Laura Thomas, Mark Scholten, Maria Symeonide, Ioanna Virvidaki, Marcello Corradi Project location Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area, Hong Kong, Macau and China 10
point territories
portolio laura thomas
The Greater Bay Area (GBA) is the largest megaregion on earth. Cities within the region, such as Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Guangzhou, have developed into influential players on the global market, with as a result a mindset with regard to city development that is lead primarily by economic incentives. The focus on economic profit from
t r a d i t i o n a l c lu s t e r o f functions
development has caused governments and planning bodies to be heavily influenced by the real estate industry and consequently - as the land value of a plot rises when it is connected through multiple modes of transport projects that are supposed to generate revenue are increasingly concerned with mobility. This makes large scale infrastructure
t r a n s i t - o r i e n t e d c lu s t e r
powerful. The project ‘Point Territories’ argues that existing mobility infrastructures that serve city and region - harm the local conditions and exclude certain social groups, the project aims to establish a shift from Mobility Planning towards a model of Accessibility Planning, in which opportunities are equally accessible. Through strategic gameboarding, a parametric model was developed one that locates facilities there where people need them most , not where they generate maximum profit.
from transit-oriented
to equal development
point territories
portolio laura thomas
strategic planning should adapt to local conditions and local values - within the regional structure. This key design project demonstrates how a rationally generated point is embedded in the local situation. Hong Kong’s New Territories are crossed and separated by a big highway that connects Hong Kong Island to Shenzhen. The implemented points function as a tool for integration, connecting the areas on both sides of the highway. The implemented functions - such as the school campus shown on the facing page - have the ability to attract people from different areas and different social groups. The design aims to break the infrastructural barrier. c a m p u s d e v e l o p m e n t l o c at e d b a s e d o n e q u a l r e a c h a b i l i t y c a l c u l at i o n s
t h e e d u c at i o n f a c i l i t y f u n c t i o n s a s a n i n t e g r at o r o f t w o f o r m e r ly s e g r e g at e d a r e a s
point territories
s t r at e g i c m a p h o n g k o n g n e w t e r r i t o r i e s
e q u a l ly d i s t r i b u t e d f a c i l i t i e s s ta r t t o i n t e g r at e p r e v i o u s ly s e g r e g at e d a r e a s
portolio laura thomas
Fluid Common Ground Project Type
Regional Planning Project Topic
Waterfront Development as a Tool for Transition towards a Circular Concrete Chain
University Delft University of Technology Semester MSc2 2019 Project team Laura Thomas, Marijne Kreulen, Dor Cohen, Lakshmi Baiju, Yiqi Zheng Project location Amsterdam Metropolitan Area, The Netherlands 16
f lu i d c o m m o n g r o u n d
portolio laura thomas
THE ABUSE OF ‘CIRCULAR ECONOMY’’ The concept of Circular Economy has
public character of city centre
recently grown popular as a means for
extends into boulevard
policymakers to respond to sustainability issues. However, the circular economy in many cases merely functions as a disguise for increased economic growth
linear park
and increased consumption, ignoring the structural causes of climate change. Circular industries can be sustainable only if the objective changes from ‘zero waste’ to ‘zero consumption. To
densification along waterfront
put circular economy concepts into practice, citizens and their awareness and behavior play an essential role.
boulevard as new connection between station and city centre
concrete industry - the most destructive industry on earth - and proposes a new circular cycle. The project establishes the waterfront as a strategic, cultural and functional binder of the region. By complementing the cultural and functional quality of the waterfront
mixed housing
and by integrating circular industry
and retail
within this cultural common ground, the AMA develops conditions where opportunities for participation and engagement are maximized and where a sustainable lifestyle is obvious and easy to achieve.
new metroline from Purmerend to Amsterdam
f lu i d c o m m o n g r o u n d
transport hub
research and design centre
local businesses
local material storage
wetland park
water transport network
portolio laura thomas
Leaving Space Project Type
Mixed-use Housing Project Topic
Aumenting Pedestrian Permeability of Athens by Accommodating Public Courtyards within Private Plots
University Accademia di Architettura, Mendrisio, Switzerland (ArcUSI) Semester Autumn-Winter 2019-2020 Project team Laura Thomas Project location Metaxourgeio, Athens, Greece 20
l e av i n g s pa c e
portolio laura thomas
Metaxourgeio is located north of the historical centre of Athens. Although development projects are slowly starting to unfold, the area as of yet is still fairly untouched by gentrification. The area is relatively green, quiet during the day, and is crossed in multiple directions by pedestrian-only streets. By night, the area turns into a lively open-air bar for young Athenians. The area, however, is also very much run-
from closed
to permeable
down. Drugs, prostitution and homeless inhabitants equally define the image of the area. ACUPUNCTURE URBANISM This housing project is part of an acupuncture plan for Metaxourgeio that critically aims to not rebuild Metaxourgeio from scratch, but to intervene where needed in order to increase the liveability for its new and current inhabitants. PERMEABLE BUILDING BLOCKS The main ambition in this project is to open up space. While housing blocks are currently often closed to the public, the proposed apartment building opens up the fabric, infiltrates into the blocks and allows people on foot to inhabit the most pleasant parts of the city. In collaboration with projects of students in neighbouring plots, we propose a new layer of passage, a follow up of courtyards inside the building block. 22
l e av i n g s pa c e
section b a”
context plan
portolio laura thomas
PUBLIC-PRIVATE TRANITIONS One of the main challenges when integrating public space at the heart of the apartment block is the transition from public to private space. A strip of maisonettes along the alley crossing the urban block offers a solution by incorporating a transition zone - a garden - that serves as the entrance hall into the apartments. The level of the dwelling is slightly raised to clarify the distinction between public and private. CO-LIVING AS A COUNTERREACTION AGAINST BUILDING WALLS The larger apartment building
provided with co-housing typologies.
section a
section b
The apartments commence from the second floor with a large communal balcony and go up three floors until the top. Co-housing is an increasingly used housing typology that is suitable for inhabitants without the means to buy a large private house. Co-housing is a counterreaction to the exclusionary process that is going on in the wealthy outskirts of the city, where closed-off spaces of exclusion and privilige are constructed for those who can afford it. ADAPTING TO LOCAL PREFERENCES Outdoor life is highly important for Athenians. This is why each apartment is equipped with a large balcony or a garden. 24
l e av i n g s pa c e
section d
portolio laura thomas
first floor
second floor
third floor
fourth floor
l e av i n g s pa c e
ground floor
portolio laura thomas
Collective Comeback Project Type
Neighbourhood Planning Topic
Analysis of the Old Woonerf Concept; Qualification of Reusable Values, Enriched with Answers to Contemporary Concerns
University Delft University of Technology Semester MSc2 2019 Project team Laura Thomas Project location Tanthof, Delft. The Netherlands 28
‘Plan Tanthof Delft’ Van den Broek en Bakema, 1969. Collection Het Nieuwe Instituut.
collective comeback
portolio laura thomas
influence of the Woonerf ideology on the urban form of a purely residential neighbourhood. The project explores the initial aims of the 70s design and develops these into ambitions that could serve the future of Tanthof. The project explores the strengths and drawbacks of the initial ideology of the place and concludes that the majority of ideas can and should still serve society today. Initial ideas such as human scale, solar orientation and the stimulation of slow traffic are strengthened and are integrated with new paradigms, such as sustainability and dense living. the new woonerf is green, dense and sun-oriented
t h e n e w w o o n e r f i s s t i l l h u m a n - s c a l e d a n d p e d e s t r i a n i s e d , b u t a l s o d e n s e a n d c l i m at i s e d , b e c a u s e o f i t s g r e e n c o u r t ya r d s
c h a r a c t e r i s t i c p e at l a n d s c a p e i s d e s i g n e d t o c o n t i n u e i n t o t h e c i t y
t h e l a n d s c a p e i s m a d e a c c e ss i b l e f o r r e c r e at i o n a n d l e a r n i n g a b o u t n e w t y p e s o f w e t a g r i c u lt u r e
portolio laura thomas
Transport as City-Shaper Project Type
Analysis and Design of Urban Form Topic
Analysis of the city of Deventer; Valueing and Explaining Different Qualities in Deventer based on Morphological Analysis
University Delft University of Technology Semester MSc1 2018 Project team Laura Thomas Project location Deventer, The Netherlands 32
transport as city-shaper
portolio laura thomas
To build public space ordinarily means to not build public space. Intending to shape public space, we start with building everything that it is not. We build buildings, place objects to fill the space - a representation of public space is always the remainder of something else. This project presents an in-depth analysis of the city of Deventer, unraveling the city through its scales on numerous topics. Each analysis brings forward design principles that can be used to design projects that improve the quality of life in Deventer through all researched scales and subjects. Each area has its own qualities and malfunctions. By identifying what works and what does not, I aimed to cure Deventer with its own medicine. Some of the design principles, own to the city of Deventer are:
• • •
Higher density and less room for the car increase liveliness Large parcels protect the capacity of neighbourhoods to change Roads are more embedded in the area when multiple dwelling access points are connected to the street, and the street has multiple
crossings Public centres are most lively along streets that cross the main street.
transport as city-shaper
portolio laura thomas
Mobile Meeting Space Project Type
[competition] Street Furniture Design Topic
Design of Adaptive, Multipurpose Street Furniture
Competition Bosch Architectuur Initiatief (BAI) Period Winter 2018-2019 Project team Laura Thomas, Andrea Costa, Aditya Parulekar, Franka van Marrewijk, Lieke Marijnissen Project location ‘s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands 36
m o b i l e m e e t i n g s pa c e
portolio laura thomas
‘ONS paviljoen’ is located on the school campus of Den Bosch, and borders with a newly developed residential area. The pavillion is a place to gather. It is a place of broadcasting, presenting, sharing, exploring and discovering. The pavillion is a place where wishes of neighbours, colleagues and students meet. The pavillion is familiar because of it’s recognizable shape, small scale and warm materiality. It fits within many contexts, because of its modularity. The pavillion consists of different modules. Each module has its own characterising design - and each module can be used for various purposes. For example, one module, suitable as a market stall, can also be used as a place to picnic, or as a tribune. When the modules are positioned in their most compact shape - the circle - an intimate space occurs. Should the next season ask for a more open character, then you can easily move the modules. The construction is designed in such a way, that it is easily demountable and manageable by students and residents. ‘Ons paviljoen’ offers a comfortable shared space in an anonymous area.
one object
endless combinations
m o b i l e m e e t i n g s pa c e
portolio laura thomas
Transitional Spaces Project Type
Museum Design Topic
Exploration of Inclusive, Adaptive and Surprising Museum Space
University Delft University of Technology Semester BSc6 2017 Project team Laura Thomas Project location Rotterdam, The Netherlands 40
t r a n s i t i o n a l s pa c e s
portolio laura thomas
ROOMS IN VARIOUS PROPORTIONS; ENDLESS RECOMBINATION OF SPACES The design for HNI proposes a set of cubes in different proportions and sizes. The various proportions make the museum suitable for a wide range of exhibitions. As the museum does not always manage to fill its spaces, different volumes can be closed and the routing can be altered, without interfering with the experience of the visitor.
MUSEUM OPENS INTO PUBLIC SPACE The result is a sequence of cubes that can be entered from different sides, both internal and external.
can be changed according to the needs of the exhitions, and facades can be opened to continue the exhibitions into the park. Hereby, the building is strongly connected to the surrounding public space . A PLACE TO BREAK In between the cubes, remarkable bright red rooms are inserted that look out on the park. The links between the building aim to refresh the mind and give the visitor a time and place to reflect on the pieces passed by. In a time when information comes to us in extreme quantities, the new HNI offers a place to give a place to what we came to see.
s pa c e s c a n b e j o i n e d i n t o a n y p r e f e r e d s e q u e n c e a n d c a n o p e n t o pa r k
t r a n s i t i o n a l s pa c e s
m u s e u m s pa c e s a r e j o i n e d t o g e t h e r b y l i n k i n g c u b i c l e s t h at r e f r e s h t h e m i n d
portolio laura thomas
City of Comings and Goings Project Type
[internship] Exhibition Design Topic
Research into Space for Migration in European Cities
Exhibition FREESPACE: Biennale di Venezia 2018 Company Crimson Historians and Urbanists, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Role Design of Nolli carpet Building of exhibition Semester Spring-Summer 2018 Project location Venice, Italy 44
city of comings and goings
portolio laura thomas
The exhibition A City of Comings and
It zooms out from the singular,
design our cities so that they grow the
Goings is the result of a larger research
temporary, acute design intervention,
robustness that is needed to withstand
project which explores the dynamics of
and tries to redefine what is expected
the endless movement of their citizens,
migration, how it has shaped our cities
from architecture to make our cities
while retaining their unique shape and
in the past, and how architecture and
strong and robust so they can absorb
identity. And what is needed in terms
urban design might shape them in the
the comings and goings of citizens over
of architecture and urbanism so that
centuries. It zooms out from the focus
our cities actually profit and grow from
on the ethnic identities and economic
migration (text by Crimson).
While politics, media but also the
needs of the separate categories of
design world nearly exclusively focuses
migrants and tries to understand what
on the images of poor labor migrants
they share with each other and with the
The carpet is a re-make of the 18th
crowding out native shopkeepers, illegal
current inhabitants of our cities.
century Nolli map of Rome, that shows
aliens squatting buildings and resisting
public space in white and private space
deportation, or on the tragic fate of
The exhibition questions how we can
in black. This version shows space that
refugees at our borders, this exhibition
redefine our cities in Western Europe
is accesible to migrants in white, and
aims to zooms out and see migration
as crossroads of all sorts of people,
space that is not in black.
and cities as fundamentally connected.
local and global. How we can plan and
city of comings and goings
portolio laura thomas
thank you l a ura. tho m as@l ive. nl +31 6 48 49 0 1 69