News Editor / Cory Schneider / news@studlife.com
FRIDAY | APRIL 18, 2003
POLICE BEAT Friday, April 18 4:13 p.m., Disturbance, Mallinckrodt Center--An employee was arrested for a Peace Disturbance and a Bench warrant. The suspect was conveyed to St. Louis County jail. 4:13 p.m., Disturbance, Mallinckrodt Center--An employee was arrested for a Peace Disturbance and a Bench warrant. The suspect was conveyed to St. Louis County jail. Saturday, April 19 4:13 p.m., Disturbance, Mallinckrodt Center--An employee was arrested for a Peace Disturbance and a Bench warrant. The suspect was conveyed to St. Louis County jail. 4:13 p.m., Disturbance, Mallinckrodt Center--An employee was arrested for a Peace Disturbance and a Bench warrant. The suspect was conveyed to St. Louis County jail. Sunday, April 20 4:13 p.m., Disturbance, Mallinckrodt Center--An employee was arrested for a Peace Disturbance and a Bench warrant. The suspect was conveyed to St. Louis County jail. 4:13 p.m., Disturbance, Mallinckrodt Center--An employee was arrested for a Peace Disturbance and a Bench warrant. The suspect was conveyed to St. Louis County jail.
DIVERSITY v FROM PAGE 1 cisions on two cases concerning the affi rmative action policies at University of Michigan, other universities have begun to consider alternatives to current admissions procedures that will be implemented if affi rmative action is ruled unconstitutional. Currently, Washington University’s only action has been to reject the brief that President Bush fi led in support of removing affi rmative action. WU was one of the hundreds of universities nationwide that fi led amicus briefs with the court reaffi rming its support of and commitment to affi rmative action. While the case is currently being argued the stance of WU’s admissions office has not changed. “Washington University believes
very strongly that it is in the best interest of our students, our community and indeed the greater community of our nation to have a diverse community, both racially ethnically geographically, by gender and by family economic circumstance,” said Nanette Tarbouni, director of WU admissions. According to the admissions website, WU’s student body is 66% Caucasian, 10% Asian-American, 9% multicultural or unspecified, 8% African-American, 4% international and 3% Hispanic-American. While WU continues to embrace diversification, many other schools have begun to look to alternatives. Trying to achieve diversity by increasing minority recruitment efforts cisions on two cases con-
cerning the affi rmative action policies at University of Michigan, other universities have begun to consider alternatives to current admissions procedures that will be implemented if affi rmative action is ruled unconstitutional. Currently, Washington University’s only action has been to reject the brief that President Bush fi led in support of removing affi rmative action. WU was one of the hundreds of universities nationwide that fi led amicus briefs with the court reaffi rming its support of and commitment to affi rmative action. While the case is currently being argued the stance of WU’s admissions office has not changed. “Washington University believes very strongly that it is in the best in-
terest of our students, our community and indeed the greater community of our nation to have a diverse community, both racially ethnically geographically, by gender and by family economic circumstance,” said Nanette Tarbouni, director of WU admissions. According to the admissions website, WU’s student body is 66% Caucasian, 10% Asian-American, 9% multicultural or unspecified, 8% African-American, 4% international and 3% Hispanic-American. While WU continues to embrace diversification, many other schools have begun to look to alternatives. Trying to achieve diversity by increasing.
FRIDAY | APRIL 18, 2003
News Editor / Cory Schneider/ news@studlife.com
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For next week’s Sesquicentennial Open House, University administrators are expecting more than 20,000 visitors. According to M. Fred Volkman, “blah blah blah blah blah blah.” . . . Washington University libraries will be acquiring the collections of Henry Hampton next Friday. Hampton is an interesting person; the University beat out six other universities, all of whom were interested in acquiring the collections . . . Duke University’s student newspaper recently reported that Chancellor Mark Wrighton is interested on Duke’s short list for a new ly reported that Chancellor Mark Wrighton is interested on Duke’s short list for a new ly reported that Chancellor Mark Wrighton is interested on Duke’s short list for a new president. Duke’s current president plans to retire at the end of the school year. For hist part, Wrighton insists that he’s not interested in the job at Duke . . .
For next week’s Sesquicentennial Open House, University administrators are expecting more than 20,000 visitors. According to M. Fred Volkman, “blah blah blah blah blah blah.” . . . Washington University libraries will be acquiring the collections of Henry Hampton next Friday. Hampton is an interesting person; the University beat out six other universities, all of whom were interested in acquiring the collections . . . Duke University’s student newspaper recently reported that Chancellor Mark Wrighton is interested on Duke’s short list for a new ly reported that Chancellor Mark Wrighton is interested on Duke’s short list for a new ly reported that Chancellor Mark Wrighton is interested on Duke’s short list for a new president. Duke’s current president plans to retire at the end of the school year. For hist part, Wrighton insists that he’s not interested in the job at
For next week’s Sesquicentennial Open House, University administrators are expecting more than 20,000 visitors. According to M. Fred Volkman, “blah blah blah blah blah blah.” . . . Washington University libraries will be acquiring the collections of Henry Hampton next Friday. Hampton is an interesting person; the University beat out six other universities, all of whom were interested in acquiring the collections . . . Duke University’s student newspaper recently reported that Chancellor Mark Wrighton is interested on Duke’s short list for a new ly reported that Chancellor Mark Wrighton is interested on Duke’s short list for a new ly reported that Chancellor Mark Wrighton is interested on Duke’s short list for a new president. Duke’s current president plans to retire at the end of the school year. For hist part, Wrighton insists that he’s not inter-
For next week’s Sesquicentennial Open House, University administrators are expecting more than 20,000 visitors. According to M. Fred Volkman, “blah blah blah blah blah blah.” . . . Washington University libraries will be acquiring the collections of Henry Hampton next Friday. Hampton is an interesting person; the University beat out six other universities, all of whom were interested in acquiring the collections . . . Duke University’s student newspaper recently reported that Chancellor Mark Wrighton is interested on Duke’s short list for a new ly reported that Chancellor Mark Wrighton is interested on Duke’s short list for a new ly reported that Chancellor Mark Wrighton is interested on Duke’s short list for a new president. Duke’s current president plans to retire at the end of the school year. For hist part, Wrighton insists that he’s not interested in the job at Duke . . .