Daily Word List 5th April 19 Chide [intransitive verb,transitive verb] MEANING:
1. (tr. v.) to scold, reproach or reprimand 2. (intr. v.) to voice one's disapproval
Desultory [adjective] MEANING:
haphazard, erratic or irregular
Blithe [noun] MEANING:
1. happy, merry or light-hearted 2. carefree, casual or lacking concern
Fealty [noun] MEANING:
1. faithfulness, loyalty or fidelity 2. an oath to remain faithful or loyal
Gibe [intransitive verb,transitive verb] MEANING:
1. (intr. v.) to jeer or ridicule 2. (tr. v.) to sneer, taunt or scoff 3. (n.) a taunt or sarcastic remark