MCQ 1 1. Shri Narendra Modi, today, launched the Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-dhan (PM-SYM) Yojana at Vastral in Madhya Pradesh. 2. It is for organised sector Choose correct (A) Only 1 (B) Only 2 (C) Both (D) None
MCQ 2 Al nagah exercise is between India and A. UAE B. Saudi Arabia C. Iran D. None
MCQ 3 AzaadikeDiwane’ museum is inaugurated in A. Indore B. Mumbai C. Kolkata D. None
Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers 7th March 2019 to be celebrated as ‘JanaushadhiDiwas’ across India Over 5050 Janaushadhi stores functional across 652 districts in the country Each block in the country to have a PMBJP Kendra by 2020: Shri Mansukh Mandaviya “With the initiative of Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi in the direction of making quality healthcare affordable for all, the Government has taken important steps to make affordable and quality generic medicines popular among the people through Pradhan MantriBhartiyaJanaushadhiPariyojana (PMBJP)”, said Shri Mansukh Mandaviya, Union Minister of State for Chemicals & Fertilizers, Road Transport & Highways, Shipping while addressing the media here today. The Minister informed that for providing further impetus & creating awareness about use of generic medicines, it has been decided to celebrate 7th March 2019 as ‘JanaushadhiDiwas’ across India. Hon’ble Prime Minister will interact with owners of JanaushadhiKendras and beneficiaries of the scheme across the country through video conference at 1:00 pm on 7th March, 2019.
▪ Ministry of Commerce & Industry ▪ NABL launches Quality Assurance Scheme for Basic Composite Medical Laboratories For sensitizing small laboratories to basic doable quality practices, NABL has launched another voluntary scheme called Quality Assurance Scheme (QAS) for Basic Composite (BC) Medical Laboratories (Entry Level) in February, 2019. ▪ The laboratories performing only basic routine tests like blood glucose, blood counts, rapid tests for common infections, liver & kidney function tests and routine tests of urine will be eligible to apply under this scheme. ▪ To encourage small pathology laboratories, the base criterion of the scheme is based on the requirements enlisted in Gazette notification dated 18th May, 2018 by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) to amend Clinical Establishments (Central Government) Rules, 2012. ▪ The scheme requires minimal documentation and a nominal fee has been prescribed for availing the scheme. Components of competence assessment have been added for assuring quality and validity of test results. ▪ The scheme will help to bring quality at the grass root level of India’s health system where laboratories follow the imperatives of quality in all their processes. This will inculcate the habit of quality and facilitate the laboratories to achieve benchmark accreditation of ISO 15189 over a period of time. ▪ The laboratories may upgrade to accreditation as per ISO 15189 at any point of time. ▪ Successful laboratories will be issued a certificate of compliance to QAS BC scheme by NABL and they will be allowed to use a distinct symbol on the test reports as a mark of endorsement to the basic standard for a defined time frame before which they will have to transition to full accreditation as per ISO 15189.
• To familiarize and encourage more and more small labs, even in the remotest part of the country, to avail the scheme, NABL will organize awareness programs in various cities of India. • The scheme is expected to bring transformational change in more than 5000 laboratories over the next 5 years and to transform them into labs providing quality service. • Through this scheme, patients availing services of small labs in primary health centers, community health centers, doctor’s clinic, standalone small labs, labs in small nursing homes will also have access to quality lab results. • State Governments are being encouraged to adopt this entry level scheme for registering labs as establishments under Clinical Establishment Act. So far, the Act has been implemented in 11 states and all Union Territories. This will help organize the sector of diagnostics in these states. • This scheme will also give a much needed support to Ayushmaan Bharat Yojana of Government of India. Under this Yojana, Government plans to set up 1,50,000 wellness centers which will cover over 10 crore poor and vulnerable families. This entry level scheme of NABL will, enhance the intent of Ayushmaan Bharat Yojana of universal access to quality healthcare for majority of citizens especially those residing in villages and small towns by providing them access to quality diagnostics. • National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) is a constituent board of Quality Council of India (QCI) under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India.
Ministry of Science & Technology Nine Science and Technology Missions with Focus on Science for People and People for Science
Science and Technology, the fulcrum for the levers of government to effect social and economic change : Prof. K.
Vijay Raghvan In a press interaction in New Delhi the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India, Prof. K. Vijay Raghvan shared details of the nine national missions guided by the Prime Minister Science, Technology & Innovation Advisory Council (PM-STIAC). For this, scientists and society must connect closely; build stronger foundations in education, fundamental research, applications in agriculture, health, environment, energy etc. The PM,s STIAC aims 93601.pdf to facilitate, through its missions, the process of collaboration and focus needed to solve complex problems in a reasonable timeframe. Prof. Raghvan told that the Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser (PSA) to the Government of India is catalyzing collaborations across scientific ministries, research institutions and industry partners, through the PM-STIAC, to leverage cutting edge scientific research for societal benefit. “In this regard the PSA’s office has held 4 meetings of the PM-STIAC since October 2018 and key national missions emerged from the discussions, which are being driven by the PM-STIAC through the PSA’s office. Each mission is being led by a lead Ministry and will engage international and national institutional partners, young scientists and industry.” said the PSA
▪ Ministry of Defence ▪ Permanent Commission to Women Ministry of Defence has taken steps to ensure implementation of announcement by the Prime Minister on 15th August, 2018 regarding grant of Permanent Commission to Women officers in the Armed Forces. ▪ In so far the Indian Air Force is concerned, all Branches, including Fighter Pilots are now open for women officers. ▪ In Indian Navy all non sea going Branches/Cadre/Specialisation have been opened for induction of women officers through Short Service Commission. ▪ In addition to education, Law & Naval Constructor branch/cadre, women SSC officers have been made eligible for grant of Permanent Commission in the Naval Armament branch, at par with the male officers. ▪ The proposal for induction of three new training ships for the Indian Navy is underway. This will provide the requisite infrastructure for training of both men and women officers. Indian Navy will start inducting women in all branches, once the training ships are in place. ▪ Women officers will be granted Permanent Commission in the Indian Army in all the ten branches where women are inducted for Short Service Commission. So, besides the existing two streams of Judge Advocate General (JAG) and Army Education Corps, now PC will be granted in Signals, Engineers, Army Aviation, Army Air Defence, Electronics and Mechanical Engineers, Army Service Corps, Army Ordinance Corps and Intelligence also to women officers. SSC women officers will give their option for PC before completion of four years of Commissioned Service and they will exercise option for grant of PC and their choice of specialisation. ▪ SSC Women officers will be considered for grant of PC based on suitability, merit etc and will be employed in various staff appointment.
• Ministry of Finance • Government of India and World Bank Sign $250 Million Agreement for the National Rural Economic Transformation Project (NRETP) to boost Rural Incomes across 13 States in India
• The World Bank and the Government of India signed here today in New Delhi a $250 Million Agreement for the National Rural Economic Transformation Project (NRETP) which will help women in rural households shift to a new generation of economic initiatives by developing viable enterprise for farm and non-farm products. • A Key Focus of the Project will be to promote women-owned and women-led farm and non-farm enterprises across value chains; enable them to build businesses that help them access finance, markets and networks; and generate employment. • The National Rural Economic Transformation Project (NRETP) is an additional financing to the $500 million National Rural Livelihoods Project (NRLP) approved by the World Bank in July 2011. • The NRLP which is currently being implemented across 13 states, 162 districts and 575 blocks, has so far mobilized more than 8.8 million women from poor rural households into 750,000 self-help groups (SHGs). • These SHGs have been further federated into 48,700 Village Organizations and 2900 Cluster/Gram Panchayat-level Federations. While these 13 states will continue to be supported under the new project signed today, 125 new districts will be added from within these states.
• Ministry of Finance • India signs Loan Agreement with the World Bank for USD 96 Million for Additional Financing for Uttarakhand Disaster Recovery Project
• The World Bank, Government of India and Government of Uttarakhand (GoUK) signed here today a $96 Million Loan Agreement to provide additional funds to the State of Uttarakhand in its post-disaster recovery plans, ongoing since the floods of 2013, as well as strengthen its capacity for Disaster Risk Management. • The World Bank, through the Uttarakhand Disaster Recovery Project, has been supporting the State Government since 2014 to restore housing and rural connectivity, and to build resilience of communities. • So far, the Project has completed more than 2,000 permanent houses and 23 public buildings and restored over 1,300 kilometers of roads and 16 bridges. • The additional financing of $96 million will further help in the reconstruction of bridges, road and river bank protection works, and in the construction of a training facility for the State Disaster Response Force (SDRF). • The Project will also help to increase the technical capacity of the State Entities to respond promptly and more effectively to such crises in the future.
• Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship A Memorandum of Understating (MoU) between Shri Vishwakarma Skill University (SVSU) and National Institute of Technical Teacher’s Training and Research (NITTTR) was signed in the presence of Shri Anantkumar Hegde, Minister of State for Skill Development & Entrepreneurship here today. • The MoU will be inforce for a period of three years. The collaboration targets to ensure purposeful engagement of Faculty, Experts and Industry Partners for various academic activities. • Director, National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research (NITTTR), Bhopal and Vice Chancellor, Shri Vishwakarma Skill University (SVSU), Gurugram and other senior officials Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) were also present on the occasion. • The collaboration between National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training & Research and Shri Vishwakarma Skill University seeks to support Vision and Mission of both Institutions related to Technical and Vocational Education, Training and Research. • The parties seek to do this through nurturing the initial implementations and supporting practices offering various capacity building services and resources. Both parties will work together with mutual consent and collaboration towards creating output of high standards thus building a joint reputation of quality and effectiveness in delivery.
MCQ 1 1. Ministry of rural development is the implementing ministry of Swacch Bharat Mission Gramin. 2. National Annual Rural Sanitation Survey 2018-19 was conducted by QCI recently Choose correct (A) Only 1 (B) Only 2 (C) Both (D) None
MCQ 2 1. National Rural Economic Transformation Project (NRETP) is a new project by world bank and its going to replace previous projects by world bank 2. Women entrepreneurs and farmers are main focus of it. Choose correct (A) Only 1 (B) Only 2 (C) Both (D) None
MCQ 3 Prof. K. Vijay Raghvan is A. Chief economic adviser to PM B. Chief security Adviser to PM C. Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India D. None
MCQ 4 Jalamrutha scheme is launched by the govt of A. India B. Rajasthan C. Telangana D. None
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