The Locksmith: August Issue

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Contact Us

Letters from the Cab

Updates from Division 11

Updates from NYDKC


Updates from KC International


Upcoming Color Wars Fundraiser




Past & Upcoming Events

Service Spotlights

Member of the Month

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Follow us on Instagram Feel free to email us at @stuykeyclub


Check out our events form! HERE


Hey Key Clubbers! Hopefully, unlike me, y’all have accepted the fact that summer is over and that school is now officially in full swing! I want to start off by just saying that I’m super proud of all the work we’ve accomplished this summer, whether it’s attending service projects or fundraisers. We were able to hit our fundraising goal this summer and make a lot of progress on our service hours goal as well! Also a big thank you to everyone that came to our summer meeting and don’t worry if you missed out, there will be lots more meetings for this upcoming school year. Now that the school year has started, don’t forget to sign up for events to attend on the weekend! Our New Projects Committee had prepared lots of events for you guys to attend for September and October (with many more coming soon!) so don’t hesitate to help out at some to start off the school year right. Also be on the lookout for the return of Color Wars, coming back better than ever in late September.



Hope to see y’all there! I hope this new school year will be a great one for y’all and that’s all for this issue! Yours in caring service, Jason Xiong President of Stuyvesant Key Club IKEYA Board 2019-2020

Hi everyone!!


Summer is over and school is starting! I am personally super excited to see everyone again, but slightly worried about junior year. But that won't matter because I have Key Club with me! I'll continue enjoying volunteering at events and going to ours and other clubs' fundraisers, and I hope you guys will too! Despite the year starting up again, I hope we can all continue contributing to the community and helping out whenever we can. If you need anything - advice, help, or just a friend, feel free to reach out to me or any of the cabinet! See you guys soon!

Yours in service, David Shi VP of Stuyvesant Key Club IKEYA Board 2019-2020


Hey everyone! By the time this Locksmith gets posted, school would have already started. Hope you guys got the schedules that you wanted and if not, hopefully program changes went your way. With that being said, a brand new school year means new members for Key Club!! If you are a new member reading this, welcome! Hope you had fun so far at events and whatnot. Continue to attend events and fundraisers! We will be having a meeting soon, so look out for that, and hopefully, I will see you all soon.

Yours in service, Pamela Yang Secretary of Stuyvesant Key Club IKEYA Board 2019-2020




Hey Stuy Key Club! I feel like I’m always starting my cab paragraph like this but I can’t believe August is already coming to a close :( I hope all of you guys have enjoyed this summer and are wellrefreshed and ready for the school year to come <3 For our August fundraisers, we had our Yaya Tea Fundraiser at Chrystie Street on the 10th where we officially made $101 for the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center! Thank you to all that came out and those who ordered from the K-Family Picnic, you rock my world! Fundraising update —> we’re currently at $10,772.95 of our 15k fundraising

Unfortunately, our Splash Party Fundraiser on the 17th was canceled but fear not, we have another big fundraiser in the works- our Color Wars Fundraiser in Rockefeller Park near Stuy on September 28th :) It’ll be in collaboration with Brooklyn Tech and Francis Lewis and it’ll be so much fun! Get ready to pie LTGs from all three districts, participate in ice breakers, field activities (including a special Color Wars activity and a scavenger hunt), and eat amazing food and drinks to boot! Get hyped!! I look forward to seeing all of you, whether you’re a new Key Clubber or an old one, at a future meeting, event, or fundraiser! Stay strong and continue to rock that Key Club spirit!! Yours in service, Vincent Huang Treasurer of Stuyvesant Key Club IKEYA Board 2019-2020


Hey Key Clubbers, Wow the school year has already begun. A lot of things have happened this past summer and we expect to see more as we get accustomed to the new school year. My next initiative is to add the counters or meters for our fundraising and service hour goals to the website. Please look forward to seeing many new changes to the website in the future and to another great school year filled with incredible service events and fundraisers. Yours in service, Jackson Ngo Webmaster of Stuyvesant Key Club IKEYA Board 2019-2020



I'm sure we're all busy since school is back in session but be sure to volunteer at events and attend fundraisers in your free time! They're both great stress relievers!


Hey Key Clubbers! School has finally started! How were your first two weeks of school? Mine was extremely hectic due to program changes D: but everything turned out fine :D Anyways, we're back with another issue and this time (as promised) with no more format changes! We will still be accepting any suggestions so feel free to email us at

As always, thank you to everyone that send in pictures and sign up to be writers. We may not always use all of what you send but remember that your efforts are greatly appreciated! If any of you need help sending in pictures, be sure to reach out to me for stepby-step instructions! Cya around! Yours in service, Rachel Joh Editor of Stuyvesant Key Club IKEYA Board 2019-2020


Division Fall Rally

Fall Rally is a one day conference open to all Key Clubbers! Key Clubbers all over the city come together, share interests and learn new things from one another! Fall Rally will include many workshops, special guests and K-Fair! Officers will be able to receive training for their positions and many members who are interested in running for a position next year may learn about these positions. There will be fun, informative and useful workshops for everyone!

Follow NYDKC Division on Social Media! Tag #NYDKCD11 to get featured on NYDKC Division 11's Instagram and Facebook!


District 16.3%

Service Hours Goal

The District Service Hours Goal this year is 120,000 hours! We are 16.28% of the way there with 19,544.58 hours



Fundraising Goal

The District Fundraising Goal this year is $200,000! We are 24.27% of the way there with $48,557.86 raised!


Want to be featured in "The Empire Key"? Fill out the form on the right! Submissions Read Issue 1 of The Empire Key 14


International International Committee Member Representative Looking to get involved in Key Club on the international level? Apply for a Committee Member Representative position! The purpose of this initiative is to focus on increasing the transparency within our organization and empowering the voices of our members. As a Committee Member Representative, it is your responsibility to represent the members of our organization and provide insight concerning the needs of our members from a new perspective. The options for applications include the Committees on Member and District Resources, Global Outreach, International Opportunities, and Public Relations. APPLY here!

Follow Key Club International on Social Media!


Stuyvesant x Francis



Lewis x Brooklyn Tech

FUNDRAISER Scavenger hunts, ice breakers & other activities Chance to pie people & LTGs Food drinks & prizes for the winning team




8/17 Saturday 12PM-7PM

8/17 Sunday 6AM-1PM

GAN Family Sports Day

Claremont Park, Clay Ave & E 170th St Bronx, NY, 10457 Volunteers will be helping with ushering attendees, face painting, running games booths, etc.

Summer Streets

Astor Place Volunteers will be helping with traffic control or with a specific activity and cleaning up at the end of the event.

8/18 Sunday 5:30AM11PM

NYRR Races

8/248/25 Sat & Sun 1PM-7PM

Jazz Age Lawn Party


The Bandshell in Central Park Volunteers will be helping with setup, breakdown, distributing food and water, etc.

Governors Island, New York, NY 11231 Volunteers will help with setup, running food recycling tables, and cleanup.

Pa Eve


ast ents


8/24 Sunday 6AM11:30AM

8/31 Saturday 2PM-6PM

Ice Cream Social

Prospect Park, Center Drive Brooklyn, NY Volunteers will be helping with setup and cheering on the runners. Sign up ASAP!

New Village Music Festival Tompkins Square Park, 7th street Avenue A&B, NY 10009 Volunteers will be helping with setup, breakdown, serve as runners, help with merchandise, etc. Note: Make sure you put (StuyKC) in parentheses next to your first name EX: First Name: Jason (StuyKC)

Click on an event for signup OR Check out our events form HERE 19

9/16 Monday PD 1-10

Awareness for Hurricane Dorian

Stuyvesant Second Floor Volunteers will be helping to raise money and awareness for Hurricane Dorian relief efforts.

P.S. 124 Translating 9/16-9-17 PS. 124 (40 Division St, New Mon & Tues York, NY 10002) Volunteers will be translating 5:55PM- for individual teachers during parent orientation evening. 7PM 9/21 Saturday 10AM-4PM

Go Orange Weekend Repack

355 Food Center Drive, Hunts Point, Bronx, NY Volunteers will be helping to sort, pack, box, weigh, and label food items. Please wear long pants, closed-toed shoes, and no jewelry.

9/21 Step Out Walk Pier 17 South Street Seaport Saturday Volunteers will help out with 8AM-12PM the Kids Zone of the event. 20

Upcom Eve


ming ents


9/22 Sunday 8AM-1PM 9/8 Sunday 2PM-6PM

9/28 Saturday 7:30-12PM

Brooklyn Walk to End Alzheimer’s

Cadman Plaza Park Volunteers will be helping to direct people to the event and direct participants on the route.

Sakura Park Festival

500 Riverside Drive New York, NY, 10027 Volunteers will be helping share community information, assist with event setup/breakdown, and direct participants.

Queens Walk to End Alzheimer’s

Flushing Meadows Corona Park Volunteers will be helping to direct people to the event and direct participants on the route.

Click on an event for signup OR Check out our events form HERE 21 for more

Serv Spotl

vice lights


VINCENT HUANG The Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival is an annual celebration that

takes place rain or shine in Flushing Meadows Corona Park where hundreds of dragon-boat teams from around the world come to

compete and race. It has become a tradition loved by many in the

community and it was an honor to volunteer this year and take part

in the customs. Serving as the project captain of this event, I had an amazing time meeting new volunteers and coordinators, while picking up new skills along the way.

Taking place over the course of two days in the beginning of August, members from Key Clubs in Division 8 and 11 signed in at the

volunteer tent early in the morning. There, they were assigned to either land side or waterside according to their preferences and

spent the day at their respective posts. As for my own experience, I

spent the first day at the VIP tent, where the volunteers did a lot of physical labor. This included helping with the setup of tents, chairs, tables, as well as the main stage. There were a large variety of vendors present at the event, from food and drink stores like

TBaar that sold fish balls, fruits, and dumplings, to large banks and

corporations like HSBC and Cathay Bank. A lot these companies also partook in activities like spin-the-wheel that gave out freebies,

including pens and frisbees. On the second day, I was assigned to the arts and crafts table with others, where we learned how to

manage one of the activities going on. Volunteers learned how to

make ribbon roses, bracelets, and even paper cranes. Overall, this event is one quite indicative of Key Club as one of the larger

projects during the service year. Entering into my senior year, this was my first time attending and I wish I had gone earlier- I recommend all of you attend in the future!



New Village Music Festival

By Pamela Yang The New Village Music Festival was an event celebrating the Hispanic culture with music, t-shirts, raffles and more. This festival was created nine years ago, and is expected to increase in participants next year. This event was a lot of fun because there were so many more fresh faces, and everyone was extremely appreciative. All they had us do was sell raffles and advertise t-shirts, yet they thanked us at every turn. My highlight of the day occurred at the chalk table - we were supposed to write our name, where we were from, and one positive comment on a sticker, which then was stuck on a board. I really like that station, however, it was next to the wildlife at the park. Within 10 minutes, I got like 13 mosquito bites which was extremely itchy. Even though at the end, we weren’t able to achieve much, they still smiled and welcomed us back next year. 27

Chinatown Beautification By Jessica Jiang It was definitely one of the most transforming events I have ever gone to. I felt as if one of the main goals of this event isn’t volunteering -- it's to inform the public about the consequences of the gentrification of Chinatown and the misrepresentation of Asian Americans in America in general. For the first hour we had panels in which the organizers of the event talk about the history of China and Asians in America. Other panelists talked about the lack of representation of Asian Americans in social media and the false stereotypes that surrounds Asians. As the rich are moving into Chinatown, they are displacing the Chinese culture and community which is something that we are trying to avoid. Afterwards, we got into different groups and walked around Chinatown, armed with brooms and dustpans, to pick up any garbage we saw on the streets. Sure, it wasn’t something any of the volunteers were dying to do but we can all tell that it was necessary from all the garbage that we saw lying in the streets. While we were cleaning up, multiple people walked past us and thanked us for our efforts. It is these moments that remind me why I love volunteering so much despite the fact that my hands smelled.






I distinctly remember the moment I first joined Key Club the summer before my freshman year. I had attended Color Run, which was frightening as I did not know anyone else at the event- I was unable to interact with Key Clubbers from other schools and it took me over an hour before I found my project captain. Working with others to distribute packets and sweeping up the powder took a lot of courage. I was afraid to speak up and too shy to ask for help. By attending more and more events, I started to gain self-confidence. I began to stand taller and speak louder both inside and outside of Key Club events. After attending many events this summer, my leadership skills and personality have developed as well. During each and every Key Club event, I go through a different experience that changes who I am. Now, I am no longer afraid to communicate with event coordinators when I need help, no longer afraid to order my Chipotle bowl when I am at the cash register, and no longer afraid to take any risks. People always ask me why I enjoy volunteering and honestly, it is a combination of many factors. Going to Key Club events is a great way for me to socialize with others, meet new people, and learn life skills. At each event, I am able to experience something unique, such as talking with people of many races, political opinions, and sexualities. Along the way, I learn more about each person’s life experience, while learning about myself. I never thought I would be the type of person to be a project captain and communicate with coordinators and encourage everyone to work together. But after attending Key Club events, I feel a greater sense of achievement and pride. Key Club gives me such amazing opportunities and I can’t wait to continue taking full advantage of all the possible learning experiences there are! 31

Thanks for Reading!!

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