The Locksmith: January & February Issue

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Past Editor's Note Hey Key Clubbers! I can't believe my time as your editor is slowly coming to a close. It felt like this service year passed by so quickly with the pandemic. This is my "farewell" paragraph, but farewell is in quotations since this will not be the last you see of me! Induction is not until June so the Crabinet will still be sticking around until at least then :). I was so excited to see Cabinet Elections happen. I'm sure that the Cabbucinos will do an excellent job. Despite the abnormal service year, we all continued to keep the Key Club spirit alive. I can't believe that I've almost spent four entire years with Key Club and it sure has been a journey, one that I will remember for a long time. From events to fundraisers to the Locksmith, I've made so many fond memories with Stuyvesant Key Club. Thanks to the Locksmith Committee for being so amazing and tolerating me. Thanks to Michelle for being such an understanding Director. Special shoutout to Rachel, who got me involved in Key Club in the first place.


Thanks for everything, Stuyvesant Key Club! It's been an honor working with everyone. P.S. Michelle will be an amazing Editor! Yours in service, Keyi Guo Editor of Stuyvesant Key Club Crabinet 2020-2021


New Editor's Note Hello Key Clubbers! (So this is how it feels to be on this side of the Locksmith...). I'm Michelle and I'm so excited to be your new Editor for this '21-'22 service year! I never would have imagined myself as the editor when I joined Key Club the summer before freshman year. I want to thank everyone that has allowed for this to happen: the Crabinet for leading us during one of the biggest changes of our lives, both Keyi and Rachel for being great role models, the Locksmith Committee who has always turned in stunning work, my friends who have watched me grow over time, and of course, the Locksmith (<3). To tell you more about myself, my pronouns are she/her and I’m a Junior! I love pen-palling, organizing things in spreadsheets, playing Genshin, drinking boba, and eating cold pasta from Whole Foods. I was your last Locksmith Director for the ‘20-’21 service year and was also on the Locksmith Committee. I have a lot of things that I want to do as an Editor, including spreading more Locksmith joy


Michelle Lo social media and making it easier for you to contribute to the Locksmith (i.e. Member of the Month Nominations *wink wink*). However, my hope for all of Key Club is for an even stronger community here at Key Club, leaving no one behind (in which case, if you ever need to talk to someone, the Cabbuccinos will always be there for you!) Thank everyone again for this amazing opportunity and I hope I can serve you all well this service year! Yours in service, Michelle Lo Editor of Stuyvesant Key Club Cabbuccinos 2021-2022

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Past president DAVID


Hey Key Clubbers! I can't believe it's already the end of the service year. This virtual service year has definitely been a worthwhile experience and has taught me the struggles of working virtually. I'm sad to be retiring, but I have full faith that the new cabinet will be even better and take the club to the next level. Key Club will be safe in their hands! To the future Key Clubbers, I hope that you'll take initiative and lead the club yourselves. Eventually, you can be part of the cabinet yourself, but you need to be a leader first! You can be a leader long before you have a position. I hope that vaccines are distributed soon and we can start going back to in-person, but until then, I hope that you all can uphold the core values of Key Club. Yours in service, David Shi President of Stuyvesant Key Club Crabinet 2020-2021


New president ASHLEY


Hey Key Clubbies <3 To begin with, it is such an honor to be able to serve as your Key Club president this service year! I joined this club before I even began my freshman year here at Stuyvesant, and I never would have even imagined myself holding such a prestigious position back then. I would like to publicly thank everyone for providing me with this opportunity, and I promise to always lead by example. Given our current circumstances, I know firsthand as one of the previous Fundraising CoDirectors how difficult it is to maintain active engagement and increase membership. I hope to combat that by maximizing our social media presence on various platforms such as Instagram, and hosting interclub workshops so members can meet Key Clubbers from other schools. I hope we can all work and support one another to make the best out of this service year (: Okay, now time to talk about myself (yay)! To briefly introduce myself, my name is Ashley Tian and my pronouns are she/her. I love binge-watching anime (especially Attack on Titan and Dororo!), FaceTiming my friends, and listening to one of my carefully crafted Spotify playlists while doing my makeup. My all-time favorite song is Summer by Keshi. My favorite food is undoubtedly salmon sashimi, and my favorite sport is badminton. I think that is enough about myself for today, agreed? If anyone ever needs someone to talk to, my DMs are always open! Yours in service, Ashley Tian President of Stuyvesant Key Club Cabbuccinos 2021-2022


Past Vice President JEFFREY


“Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Hey Key Clubbers! I hope everyone is doing well and well-rested. It is finally that time of the year to say goodbye to the current cabinet and hello to the new cabinet. I must say, Key Club is one of the only things motivating me during virtual school. I hope our service has been of help to you in giving opportunities to volunteer or just meeting some people virtually. I hope next year will have many new things in store for all of us, transitioning to in-person events, education, and finally getting out of the house and experiencing Stuyvesant for what it is (for those that haven't). It has been a long and strenuous year, but it has also been fun (^-^) Yours in service, Jeffrey Huang Vice-President of Stuyvesant Key Club Crabinet 2020-2021


New Vice President SABRINA


Hey Key Clubbers! I’m Sabrina and I’m so excited to be serving as your Vice President for the 2020-2021 service year! I first became involved with Key Club when my sister brought my friend (Ashley) and I to a fundraiser. We were newbies but eventually, Key Club became my little bubble to volunteer and have fun with my friends, who all conveniently joined as well. I’m so grateful for everything Key Club has given me thus far, and I’m so excited for where it will take us in the future. Be on the lookout for emails, feedback forms, and meetings! Hopefully, I’ll exceed your expectations and the old cab’s. I’ll do my best! Here’s a little about me if you were curious. If I’m not doing homework or panicking about college, I’ll be on YouTube watching Among Us or binge-watching Netflix. Otherwise, I’ll be listening to music; I enjoy The Rose, Rina Sawayama, and John K. I love Pocky and strawberry ice cream with a burning passion. I love clementines so much that I even named my guinea pig Clementine. I hope this service year is filled with great memories and lots of volunteering! It’s difficult to find motivation in quarantine, but hopefully, we can all push one another to do a little extra. I can’t wait to meet you all soon (socially safe of course)! Feel free to reach out to me if you have questions or just want to chat! Stay safe everyone! Yours in service, Sabrina Chen Vice-President of Stuyvesant Key Club Cabbuccinos 2021-2022


Past Secretary ZI


Hello Key Clubbers! I can’t believe the service year is already coming to an end and that it’s time for me to write my final Locksmith message. This year has been wild: from quarantine and Zoom University to virtual volunteering and fundraising, nobody expected any of this, yet Stuy Key Club was able to overcome everything and still do our best! I have to say thank you all so much for tolerating me, who isn’t the best secretary, but I truly did enjoy every moment I spent with the club and I hope you all feel the same way. Now, big shoutouts to my New Projects Directors Amanda and Jess for running the committee and finding virtual events despite me being MIA half the time, the rest of my Crabinet for guiding the club so amazingly, and of course to our D-Sec Jason for literally being my savior every time something comes up. Finally, big congratulations to Amanda, who will be your new Secretary! I’m sure she’ll do an even better job handling the club and help StuyKC reach new heights. But you’re not getting rid of me anytime soon! I’ll always be supporting StuyKC and be there for anyone that needs me. Thank you, Stuyvesant Key Club, for helping make me who I am today, and I hope to see yall around! (•◡•) Yours in service, Zi Liu Secretary of Stuyvesant Key Club Crabinet 2020-2021


New Secretary AMANDA


Hey Key Clubbers! My name is Amanda Zhong and I’m excited to be serving as your Secretary for the 20212022 service year. I was your New Projects director last service year and I hope you all enjoyed the events we found! To get to know me better, my favorite foods are Big Macs, Chipotle and Korean Barbeque! I also think Popeyes has the best french fries - you can’t deny this. During my free time, I enjoy biking around the city, watching Korean Dramas, and baking all sorts of goods! I also recently started playing a lot of Bed Wars on Minecraft. Despite everything still being virtual, my fellow cabinet members and I will try our best to keep the club as active and engaging as possible! Look forward to the new events and fundraisers as well as the fun meetings to come! Let’s have an amazing service year! As always, feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or if you just want to be friends. Yours in service, Amanda Zhong Secretary of Stuyvesant Key Club Cabbuccinos 2021-2022


Past Treasurer ALAN


Time flies Key Clubbers, Within my four long years of high school, Key Club has followed me. As much as I cannot comprehend that I will not be having a Senior SING!, prom, or graduation—I still fantasize about commuting hours across NYC to a volunteer event. This service year has been lonely and exhausting, yet we have endured. At many times, I felt cheated out of the perfect year for me to be an outstanding treasurer, but the old, current, and new cabinet members have helped keep me afloat during these anxious times. Thank you to my two Fundraising Co-directors, Fanny and Ashley, especially. I'm not sure I would have lasted this long without your help during so many fundraising projects. In addition to one of our beloved Fundraising Committee members, Sabrina, I am immensely proud to have seen these three dedicated Key Club members grow and warmly welcome them as our next StuyKC leaders. (Fanny will be my exceptional replacement— congratulations!). I would want nothing more than to stay with you all again next year (and get my senior year back), but my chapter will soon end. While I have helped Key Club develop since I first joined, it is incomparable to how much I have to thank this club for fun experiences, new skills, and the best of friends. I will still be here serving behind the scenes for as long as possible, but I wish you all great luck and success in the next service year!

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Adieu, adieu! ( ´

Yours in service, Alan Guo Treasurer of Stuyvesant Key Club Crabinet 2020-2021


New Treasurer FANNY


Hello Key Clubbers! My name is Fanny Yin, and I’m honored you have all allowed ‘dem dollas’ to start fresh with me for the 2021-2022 service year. I’ve been a Key Clubber myself before I had even entered the halls of Stuyvesant, but was nonetheless greeted with open arms by the loving family that makes up Key Club today. I joined the fundraising committee at the end of my freshman year and even had the pleasure of serving as your Fundraising Director for the past year. Although times have been uncertain, I’m glad I’ve always had a strong and supportive committee behind me, and I’m super excited for what the future holds. But I'd like to tell you a little more about me: If I’d get the chance to live anywhere in the world, it would have to be Fiji, but ironically, Fiji water is my least favorite water brand. And I love being in the water, despite not knowing how to swim very well. I'm also a huge animal person, and I’d love to go to Australia Zoo someday. It’s so hard for me to stick with one favorite animal, but if I had to choose, it would have to be giraffes. My biggest inspiration and role model is my dad. He’s the most selfless and hardworking person I know and he continues to inspire me every day. Although Covid is still on-going, I hope I get to meet all of you soon! Now, let’s get this bread! Yours in service, Fanny Yin Treasurer of Stuyvesant Key Club Cabbuccinos 2021-2022


Past Webmaster CONSTANCE


Each step I took felt heavy from hours of walking, my socks were soaked from sweeping confetti in the rain and my t-shirt was drenched with sweat from the 90 degree weather. But despite my fatigue and annoyance, Passport to Taiwan remains one of my favorite memories from Key Club – it was the day I fell in love with volunteering. The smiles from young children when they received their shaved ice and the laughter I shared with the new friends made the wet two-hour train-ride home worth every minute. Flash forward to now, I am writing my last Cab paragraph in complete disbelief. Not only because I am shocked by how fast time has passed or my growth as a leader during that time, but because of how far we as a club have come. Throughout my time with Stuyvesant Key Club, I witnessed our little family come together, break countless records and make unforgettable memories. So I am leaving everyone with these final messages: To our dedicated members, thank you for all your hard work, for allowing us to create the impact that we have left, and for building this lasting and tight-knit community. To the graduating seniors, thank you for the last four years and sticking with me through thick and thin. To the succeeding Cabinet, and Ezra in particular, I have seen you all in action and think your innovativeness and focus is truly inspiring. This is not a ‘goodbye’ since that implies an end, but instead, this is a ‘thank you’ and ‘see you soon’. I will forever be grateful for this club and am excited to see what’s to come :) Yours in service, Constance Chen Webmaster of Stuyvesant Key Club Crabinet 2020-2021


New Webmaster EZRA


Hello everyone! My name is Ezra Lee, and I’ll be your new Webmaster for the upcoming service year. I’ve been in Key Club for three years now and was the previous Visual Media director. Although I was a regular member as a freshman, I later joined our Social Media committee during my sophomore year. I then applied to become a director of the newly created Visual Media Committee and became a director along with my codirector Irene Hao. If you don’t know me personally I’d like to say that I enjoy binge-watching shows and listening to different types of music in my free time. I’m a big fan of Netflix shows like Stranger Things, The Umbrella Academy, and The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina as well as anime like Attack on Titan, The Promised Neverland, and My Hero Academia. Hit me up if you’d like to talk to me about any of those shows listed or if you have any recommendations because I’m always looking for more shows to watch. Before quarantine, I enjoyed drinking boba with friends after school and sneaking into the second floor of Whole Foods to study. To end my Cabinet paragraph, I’d like to say that as your future Webmaster I have so many plans like improving our website, increasing our social media presence, and finding creative ways to bring content to our members. I’m so excited to be your Webmaster for the new service year and I hope everyone else is as hyped as me! Yours in service, Ezra Lee Webmaster of Stuyvesant Key Club Cabbuccinos 2021-2022


Club Updates


All proceeds went to Canines for Disabled Kids, our Governor's Project!

Virtual Event Work Day JAN 30TH

All proceeds went to the Kiwanis Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation

Elections! THE CABBUCCINOS ELECTED ON FEBRUARY 15TH All proceeds went to the Kiwanis Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation



Division Updates

Freya Zhu

Lieutenant Governor-Elect

Check out the recap at

District Updates Jason Xiong District Secretary

Winnie Huang District Treasurer

atulation r g s on


At the January Divisional, Division 11 elected our Lieutenant Governor for the 2021-2022 Service Year! Congratulations to Melanie Ng from LaGuardia High School.


Division 11 Lieutenant Governor

Check out the recap at Click here to submit articles and pictures to be featured in the next issue of the Panda Press!

Rachel Joh District Bulletin Editor


NYCKC H2O Talent Show Divisions 8, 8a, 9, 10, and 11 have joined forces to present our end-of-the-year talent show! Not only will the proceeds of this show go to the Thirst Project, but all performers have a chance of AMAZING prizes. 1st Place: $50 Amazon Gift Card 2nd Place: $30 Amazon Gift Card 3rd Place: $20 Amazon Gift Card THE DEADLINE TO FILL OUT FORM IS MARCH 1ST Click on image below for more information!

Check out the most recent Fall Issue of the Empire Key!

Members of the Month Submissions

Fundraising Goal

Know someone going above and beyond for Key Club? Nominate them as a Member of the Month, to be featured in the next issue of the Empire Key (read by Key Clubbers all over New York!).

Hydrate for 28 Campaign Thirst Project x Key Club


Item 2 7%


$120,000 Item 1 93%

Award Season! It's finally here, the long-awaited award season! Apply for awards and get recognized for your Key Club achievements this service year. Check out the long booklet explaining awards! This year, there are also contests that you can participate in such as posters and a talent show! In addition, if you would like me or the rest of the Crabinet to write a recommendation for you, free feel to reach out to us! ALL AWARDS ARE DUE BY FRIDAY, MARCH 19TH AT 11:59 PM

Leadership Training Conference (LTC)! News out! The Leadership Training Conference has been pushed back to May this year. Traditionally upstate and in March, LTC is one of the highlights of the Key Clubber's service year. This year's LTC will be virtual, and that means this will also be the least expensive LTC ever! Keep an eye out for more information to come. Save the Date: MAY 14TH + MAY 15TH Cost: $25

Strategic Plan (TBD)


90,000 hrs Item 1 72%

Service Hours Goal

Item 2 28%

The District Board is asking for some of your feedback to create a strategic plan for the next few years. Please take a moment and fill this out by clicking on the clipboard! All and any opinions are welcomed.

Follow NYDKC on Social Media!

21 29


Time: Anytime!

Volunteers will be donating grains by answering questions through the FreeRice app! Each question is equal to 5 grains of rice donated to charity!

Time: Anytime!

Volunteers will be helping to plant trees through miles! Just download the atlasGO app and start running/walking. Since it also calculates miles, hours will be given through Charity Miles but download the app to help our environment!

Time: Anytime! Volunteers will be raising money by walking/running, whether it be marching around the house, running stairs, or going for a jog (if you are jogging outside, be sure to adhere to social distancing!) Each mile is equal to $0.25 donated to charity!

Volunteers will be making handmade or digitally-produced cards for NYC Health Hospitals. They will be distributed to hospital workers in these trying times!

Time: Whenever! Volunteers will be creating subtitles for TED videos after watching an instructional video and submitting a TED translator and transcriber application

SMITHSONIAN TRANSCRIPTION Time: Whenever! Volunteers will be writing post-its, creating artwork, or creating a video, thanking essential workers at the frontline.


Volunteers will be creating fall artwork, letters, and videos for Exceptional Care for Children, a children's pediatric nursing facility.

Time: Whenever!

Time: Whenever! Volunteers will be describing how they’ve been spending their quarantine, and giving updates on their lives. This material will be featured in the bi-monthly updates of the Locksmith.

Time: Whenever!

Time: Whenever! Volunteers will be transcribing historical documents for the Smithsonian Institution, the world's largest museum and research complex!

Time: Whenever! Volunteers will be virtually tutoring elementary and middle school students from Shuang Wen School. (P.S./M.S. 184) Subjects range from English and Math State Tests to the SHSAT.

Click on an event t out our event f

G EVENTS Time: Whenever!

Time: Whenever!

Time: Whenever!

Volunteers will be helping Zooniverse, "the world’s largest and most popular platform for people-powered research." There are many options to explore through Zooniverse.

Volunteers will play a variety of online quizzes to earn "beans" that will translate into donations to different charities (Feeding America, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, and more!)

Volunteers will be raising money for their favorite animal welfare organization by walking, whether it be around the house or around their neighborhood. (Be sure to adhere to social distancing!) Each mile walked is equal to $0.20 donated to charity!

Time: Whenever! Volunteers will be writing letters to strangers to join the COVID-19 Letters Collective. Through your letters, you will be able to write words of encouragement for others or share your own experiences to support and heal others! These letters will be shared with strangers, nursing homes and hospitals.

to sign up or check form for more!

Time: Whenever! Volunteers will be identifying phrases from pictures and scrambled words to donate money to UNICEF. Each unscrambled phrase donates $0.25!

Time: Whenever! Volunteers will be identifying phrases from pictures and scrambled words to donate money to UNICEF. Each unscrambled phrase donates $0.25!

Time: Whenever! Volunteers will be writing notes of hope to show their support to expecting parents, healthcare workers or those at the frontline making sure babies receive the best possible care.

Time: Whenever! Volunteers will help convert Public Domain books into e-books by proofreading text with Distributed Proofreaders.

Time: Whenever! Quarantine has impacted our lives in many ways. If you wish to share your quarantine stories and be featured in the upcoming divisional newsletter, please fill out the form!

Time: Whenever! Volunteers will be doing an activity (creating posters, blogs, notes etc) that is related to traffic-safety!

15 29 23

NEW AD Want to highlight something incredible a fellow Key Clubber has done recently? Let us know by nominating them for member of the month!

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DITION! For every issue, The Locksmith will pick one noteworthy member to be featured in the Locksmith and our social media! Featured members will get their own spread in the Locksmith as well as the opportunity to share their Key Club journey.


Click on an event to sign up or check out our event form for more!





Michelle Lo


Michelle Lo

Yume Igarashi

Jasmine Shek

Jasmine Shek

Jasmine Shek

Jasmine Shek


Quarantine Stories Michelle Lo

This is a picture of some cheese tarts my parents bought me randomly one day.

How has/is COVID-19 affecting you? Now that we’re almost a year into this pandemic and quarantine, I’ve gotten used to doing everything virtually. While I enjoy the extra time for sleep I get because of the later school start time as well as not needing to commute to school, I feel like my days are very monotonous and repetitive nowadays. Whereas I can expect something new and interesting to happen once in a while I was going to school in person, these “strange” but memorable moments happen much less frequently. I even miss the rainy days, as chaotic as they are, as they added an element of surprise to my life. I look forward to the day where I can leave my home freely and go back to life “as it was before”, but for now, I’ll keep my place here at home.

Share some productive things you've done/been doing! Something productive that I’ve been doing is consistently cleaning my desk. Prior to remote learning, I never really used my desk, preferring to do my work on the table in the dining room instead. As a result, my desk became messy and disorganized. However, now that my mom works in the dining room space, my main space for work is now in my bedroom and on my desk. Every week or so, I take the time to declutter my desk from all of my papers and notebooks, making sure to return them to their respective places. I will also reorganize my supplies and wipe off any eraser shavings. In some sense, I clean my desk to clear my head right before I start to work, and doing so has helped me feel more productive and motivated.

Any fun future plans/ambitions as to what you want to do? I want to travel! I also want to go to an amusement park/water park since I haven’t gone for so long…


Ezra Lee How has/is COVID-19 affecting you? Because of COVID-19, I've realized that my commute has been shortened from around 3 hours to 2 minutes! This has made me have more time, but I miss interacting with other people so much. In addition, quarantine has forced me to selfstudy a lot of the material that I would usually learn at school which is really difficult for me. One good thing from this quarantine is that I've been able to manage all of my extracurriculars and studies better. At homes I'm stuck with my parents and sister, but we tend to entertain ourselves by watching movies together often. To keep myself sane, I've been calling my friends regularly or playing online games with them. I really recommend doing this if you're craving social interactions in a virtual setting.

Share some productive things you've done/been doing!

Over quarantine I've been able to catch up on some shows I've been pushing off for years. To list a few, I've watched Stranger Things, The Promised Neverland, Attack on Titan, The Umbrella Academy, and so many other amazing shows. I've also continued to write articles for the Spectator (You should definitely read some of them:)) In Key Club, I've been accumulating some volunteer hours in Key Club through some of our virtual events. I absolutely love doing Free Rice especially when watching a show or having hour long gossip sessions with friends on the phone. I look forward to working on my digital design/art skills more by experimenting with different software in the future.

Any fun future plans/ambitions as to what you want to do? I plan to hang out with my friends more! I have such fond memories of sharing a package of pasta from Whole Foods or visiting Brooklyn to eat dessert with friends. Overall, I just want to have a fun time with my friends before we all go off our separate ways when we leave Stuyvesant High School. I'm hoping that we'll get back to school soon and have a normal school year.


Letters to Strangers

Isabella Chow

Alan Guo


Letters to Strangers



Zooniverse There's been a lot of transcription events available for Stuy Key Club. While drinking hot tea and pugging my ears into some cafe music, I'm ready to spend the next few hours reading and writing information. Zooniverse not only has books but historical records and ecological photos to markdown information are also available. My most recent contribution is to Every Name Counts, where typing information from prison registration cards keeps a memory of victims of National Socialism. While I could mindlessly fill the cards out, I imagined myself as the prison guard who originally wrote down the victims' information. From that point of view, I felt compelled to record the information with a solemn understanding that these people were at one point alive and free. It felt surreal to know the work I was doing was life-changing, and its importance encouraged me.

Alan Guo

Whether it’s classifying cute seals or transcribing prison records from the 1900s, Zooniverse has something to keep you entertained for hours on end. There are dozens of projects to choose from, all of which are different and fun. Plus, if you ever get stuck there is a chat box and forum, that lets you communicate with other zooniverse volunteers! My personal favorite is the “Embryo Cam” project. I found it fascinating how an embryo I traced out 5 minutes ago was able to change so quickly. Not only was this project eye-opening, but it was lots of fun too! I loved tracing out the embryos with their software and figuring out how many potential offsprings were present. Zooniverse is an event that can expose you to all the wonders of science and technology, it’s up to you where in the large field of science and technology you wish to explore.

Isabella Chow

Zooniverse is a great website that allows volunteers to help professional researchers all around the world in the comfort of their own homes. It includes many science, art, and history projects. When I created my account, I did not understand where or how to start but the tutorial and field guides helped me a lot. I was involved in the Maturity of Baby Sounds project which focuses on child language development through canonical, non-canonical, crying, and laughing sound recordings. I was also fascinated by the Penguin Watch project which focuses on marking penguins as adults, chicks, or eggs. It was nice to know that I was furthering research through one classification at a time. From my personal experience, Zooniverse is an interesting and fun event!

Jasmine Shek


the birds & the bees

kehS enimsaJ

ihsaragI emuY

Alan Guo

See more from Jasmine by

clicking on the poster!


n a e B n a e B n Bea BeanBeanBean is one of the easiest and most accessible events that we have done so far. It is a website where students can take a variety of quizzes in order to earn beans, which are donated. With topics including Spanish, English, and Math. This website provided a way for you to learn something while donating to charity, all free of charge! Personally, I have used this to practice spanish and the periodic table. One of my favorite experiences was racing to 2000 beans with one of my friends. The ability to let anyone regardless of education level to play and donate, truly makes this activity unique.

Kevin Liu






During the winter break, I decided to become a more dedicated Key Clubber. I opened the Facebook app and scrolled through the Key Club group page until I saw something that grabbed my attention. It was a post about the end of the year bingo board! When I looked at all of the events, I did not think that I would be able to



ine Shek

complete most of them. However, I surprised myself by filling out 18 squares and getting 3 bingos! I created a lot of artwork for Cards for NYC Hospitals, Project Giving Thanks, The Birds and The Bees, and Wikispeedia with Canva. I enjoyed playing with different fonts, stickers, and colors so much that I continued to make as

many cards and posters as possible. The fact that I had a lot of fun while showing my appreciation for frontline essential workers, spreading awareness on climate change, and promoting traffic safety felt great.

to meeting new people and making amazing memories in the future! P.S. Come to our work days :)

Even now, I am still deepening my involvement in Key Club everyday. I look forward


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