Aloha Youth Ministers, Youth Leaders, Pastors, DRE's and CRE's, Greetings from the West Honolulu Vicariate Youth and Young Adult Board of Hawaii! Our first annual West Honolulu Vicariate Youth Day is quickly coming up. On November 8th, 2008 at Holy Family Catholic Academy, we will be revving up our young people for a fun filled day! The theme of "We are the Church of Today, We ARE the Church of Tomorrow" was chosen as our theme because our youth are the Church of Tomorrow. Our investment in their education, training, and catechism helps to ensure the success of our church. Enclosed you should have the schedule and permission slip I registration form. Our Youth Day will be held at Holy Family Catholic Academy at 830 Main St.,O.030088&hl=en
Registration will begin at 9:00am - Please send all information to Jeff Chang prior to the Youth Day at the
latest November 1st. All late registrations will be accepted, however no guarantee will be given to the session
choices. Please assist us in getting the forms completed with payment as soon as possible.
We will be celebrating mass with one another so please make sure you are aware of any duties that you signed
up for at the October Vicariate Meeting.
Please make note that this is a LONG day, students are encouraged to bring a bag with a change of clothes,
towel, sunscreen, and anything else they may need as they transition from classroom to an outdoor field, and to
the courts for sports. A flashlight may be needed for the dance. Lastly, we will be concluding with a dance at
night, therefore shoes as well as slippers may be advisable.
Nametags need to be kept on all day. Three colors will be used to designate a student attendee, an adult
chaperone! young adult chaperone, and security. Nametags will be available at Youth Day beginning at 9:00am.
If you have students arriving late, please make sure that they check-in with the registration table to ensure their
Some points of interest:
Cost of $25.00 includes:
Lunch - Rice, salad, chicken kastu, hamburger steak, mac salad, and noodles ~$5.00 allocated for Lunch from L
Snacks - Chips, cookies, fruit ~$3.00
Dinner - ~$1O.00 allocated for Dinner from Panda Express
A donation to HFCA for their gratious use of the facilties ~$5.00 allocated for Donation
The final ~$2.00 will be used for the thank you gift baskets, miscellaneous office supplies, xeroxing, and other
operating costs.
Schedule for the day:
9:00am - Registration I check in at Holy Family Catholic Academy
Youth Ministers please be present, or have an adult chaperone present for check-in. If you have late arrivals,
please let the registration table know, and possibly have someone available to receive the youth that arrive late.
lO:OOam - Praise and Worship on the Field under the tent
Clyde Sabas and the vicariate praise and worship team will be providing the Praise and Worship for this day.
10:45am- Keynote Address by
Our Keynote address will either be in the church or on the field. Both locations are booked out and ready in case
of inclement weather.
11:15am- 1st Breakout sessions (Choose your topic)
Session #1 (1l:15-12:00pm Various Classrooms and the Church) IA Belonging to a Religious Order: My life as a Maryknoll Sister - By Sister Sarah Ma-Le lB Cyber Church - By Fr. Marc Alexander 1C Music Ministry the important component of Youth Ministry - Clyde Sabas and Steve Wong 10 Vocations Forum: What is your calling in life? Priest, Religious Sister, Married, or Single? IE The Rosary as a powerful Spiritual Weapon & Sheild for alI.-By the Serran Club of Honolulu IF Domestic Violence in teen relationships - By Joe Bloom from Catholic Charities lH Blessed Damien a journey from Molokai to Rome - Fr. Lane Akiona 1J Sex and Sexuality - By Fr. Gary Secor lK Social Justice: Our Call to action- By Iwie Tamashiro
12:00pm- Lunch in the HFCA Cafeteria I Lanai
Youth Ministers please make sure that the areas where your youth are at remain clean and without trash.
12:30pm- Ice-breakers, and Group get-together games
A time for all the parishes and ministries to get a chance to know each other. All participants including
chaperones are invited to join in, get recognized, network and meet people.
1:00pm-2nd Breakout session (Choose your Topic)
Session #2 (LOO-L45pm Various Classrooms and the Church)* some are repeat classes*
2A 2C 2D 2E 2F 2G 2J 2K
Belonging to a Religious Order: My Life as a Maryknoll Sister - By Sister Sarah Ma-Le
Music Ministry the important component of Youth Ministry - Clyde Sabas and Steve Wong
Vocations Forum: What is your calling in life? Priest, Religious Sister, Married, or Single?
The Rosary as a powerful Spiritual Weapon & Sheild for alI.-By the Serran Club of Honolulu
Domestic Violence in family relationships - By Joe Bloom from Catholic Charities
The Blessed Mother: a Presentation on Mary - By Dallas Carter
Sex and Sexuality-By Fr. Gary Secor
Social Justice: Our Call to action- By Iwie Tamashiro
1:45-4:00pm - Organized Sports I Free Play !Browse the Vendors
Volleyball, Waterballoon Volleyball, Basketball, and Shambattle are offered as organzied sports
The vendors will also be available for students to meet and greet and hopefully take home important
information. Please patronize the vendors as they help to make the event possible.
4:00-Short Snack
Report back to the cafeteria to partake in some fruit, cookies, or chips.
4:30pm- Praise and Worship
At the church once again for another dose of Clyde Sabas and the VicaIiate Praise and Worship Team. During
the praise and worship please have all people involved in Mass to begin preparing for mass at about 5: lOpm
5:30pm - Mass and Sending off rite
6:45pm- Dinner
8:00pm-lO:OOpm Dance
At 9:45 we will be commencing the day, please ensure the safety of your members by guiding them to the
parking lots for parent pick-up