1 minute read


What is important to you when it comes to education?

When it comes to education, I think it’s very important to have an engaging curriculum and effective teaching methods. It can significantly impact learning outcomes and motivation, as well as enhance curiosity.

Is there anything you think Australian schools could be doing better?

In my school there is a very large focus on academic achievements and less on other areas of extracurricular activities. I feel this can really damage a student’s confidence for learning as not every student can achieve high results in their academics.

What do you think makes a good student?

I think two of the biggest things are motivation and organisation.

What’s your greatest strength?

My organisational skills and ability to get things done on time.

In your free time, what do you like to do?

In my free time I’ll either be playing netball or water polo, reading a book, or watching Netflix.

What would you like to do after school?

This is a very big question and one that I’m not quite sure how to answer yet. Although cinematography is what I am interested in at the moment.

Best advice a teacher has ever given you?

Some of the best advice I’ve received is to believe in myself. It’s so simple, but I often find myself doubting my abilities and needing to cast my mind back to this advice.

Who are your heroes and why?

My mum will always be my biggest hero. She has taught me countless lessons and mantras that I will take with me throughout life and because of that she will always be my number one hero.

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