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Meet the offcial manicurist for CHANEL Australia

Meet leading Australian skincare guru and manicurist for Chanel Australia, Jocelyn Petroni.
When manicurist for Chanel Australia, founder of an iconic Woollahra beauty boutique, and all-round kind-hearted powerhouse, Jocelyn Petroni, tells you she needs to push back the interview because she got a last-minute booking with Nicole Kidman… you push back the interview.

Hi Jocelyn, we’re very excited to chat to you about your personal ethos, career, Chanel, and being a mum. But let’s start at the beginning. Your early childhood was… very busy! I was the third of four children and my parents both worked long hours. Having said that, our household was very organised and I really thrived in a structured, ordered environment, which I think has stuck with me all my life. Aside from a strong work ethic, my parents instilled in me the idea of meticulous attention to detail. They always advocated for appreciating the simple things – there was a real connectedness to my family life. I was particularly close with my dad, and I think that idea of close connection – and how important that is – has always been with me too.
Speaking of your dad, it was his approach to health, wellness, and beauty that instilled in you the ideals of self-care as… being holistic. Some of that could be cultural to an extent – he’s Maltese but grew up in Egypt – so I think some of his philosophies probably come from not being from here. Australia, especially in those years, was a real Sorbolene nation (yes, I mean the cream), so I was lucky that he had his own ideas. Even as a really small child, he taught me to finish a shower with a cold rinse, to cover my body with oil after bathing, and scrub my skin smooth with sand every visit to the beach. I also got patience from him, which is something that is integral to success, especially in this business which relies on caring for others. Fundamentally, I’m a nurturer, and I am that way because it’s how he was with me.

Your vision for the iconic Jocelyn Petroni flagship boutique in Woollahra has always been… for my clients to feel like they’re at a Michelin Star restaurant, where the menu and the service is world-class. I want them to feel like we’re not just giving them what they tell us they want, but what we know they need. Of course, I want it to be a sensory experience, but I also want them to feel the genuine care from a therapist who can prescribe something completely customised to them, which also delivers results they can see as well as feel. And I want those results to be in skin, yes, but also generally their wellbeing too. It’s a tall order, but that’s my aim with every single client.
The one business decision you look back on proudly is… a real sense of unfaltering selfbelief. Of course, there are constant challenges in having your own business. I feel as if I am starting from the ground up most days! But by working hard and staying true to your gut and your philosophies, you can’t go wrong.
When you were named the official manicurist for Chanel Australia in 2015 (and now globally – congrats!) you felt… honoured, of course. But also validated. This was at a time when acrylic nails and cartoon nail art were at an all-time high. I didn’t buy into the trends – I stayed true to my aesthetic and have only ever done really classic, feminine nails – and to this day, that sometimes affects which celebrity clients I can work with. But, the appointment with Chanel was reinforcement for me that sticking to what I believe is the most beautiful way to do nails was respected by a global beauty powerhouse.
A typical day as a business owner, mum, and Chanel manicurist for Australia looks… different every day! I think any mother (and business owner, for that matter), will tell you that there is no typical day. But I do get up at 5am every morning. I like everything done, bed made, all of that, before my daughter wakes up, so that the time I spend with her is just being together. Then of course, there might be events or meetings with Chanel, time I spend with my staff and the corporate side of having a business too. Right now, I am most excited to be working on the website – we are launching product online at jocelynpetroni.com which is a really personal curation of only the greatest products that I love and use. It’s going to be beautiful!
My favourite Jocelyn Petroni treatment is…
without a doubt, the Heart Chakra Signature Facial. My three desert island skincare products are…
Mesoestetic’s tinted SPF, Vida Glow Marine Collagen – because it does (almost) everything, and La Mer Crème de la Mer. My go-to polish
is… always Chanel Emblematique – it’s a classic, feminine, deep red – perfect on a nice, neat, short nail. The traits I hope to pass on to my daughter are…
patience and kindness, in equal parts.