2 minute read

Opportunity Knocks


Infill housing breathes new life into aging city neighbourhoods. Here in Winnipeg we have more than our fair share of older sectors, and the city is ripe for renewal. This need is where companies such as AspenGrove Developments earn their stripes.


AspenGrove Developments is a design-builder with a focused boutique approach that has made them a leader in community infill rejuvenation. Aspen Grove principal Eric Laflamme states that their concept seeks to create a perfect balance of leading-edge architectural design combined with warm and rich materials at a reasonable price.

“We saw from the outset that we could produce equal or better results at lower prices than what we were seeing every day in the marketplace,” he says, mentioning that they typically charge 6% of the total project cost and work to keep lines for design changes and addons within budget.

The company's roots go back to the late ‘90s when Laflamme was in the Masters of Architecture program in Calgary. “My dean asked if I wanted to do a renovation project. I already had trade experience, and this project helped me build on my knowledge set,” he says, mentioning that the 600-square foot plus kitchen reno eventually turned into a larger project that involved the complete teardown of the existing home. Neighbours impressed Laflamme on the need for their support on any infill project.

“I learned early on that transparency and communication were as important to the neighbours as it was to the clients, and I have carried this thinking on how we manage projects today.”

Winnipeg is a perfect location to practice AspenGrove Developments’ approach to housing redevelopment. According to 2016 census data collected by CMHC (Canadian Mortgage and

Housing Corporation), among the 18 largest Canadian metropolitan areas, Winnipeg ranks first in the proportion of older homes (built in 1945 or earlier). At the time of the census, 16% of all homes in Winnipeg’s metro area, or approximately 49,000 properties, qualified as older homes. This large number speaks to the need for refurbishment or infilling our aging neighbourhoods with properties built to more modern standards.

Infill housing is an urban plan that sees older homes in mature neighbourhoods torn down and replaced with new homes. The beauty of infill housing is that it allows people to live in well-established communities that traditionally offer walkable classic amenities such as retail stores, restaurants, schools, churches and community clubs.

According to Laflamme, success in the market means understanding the nuances of each neighbourhood where they work. For example, each neighbourhood has what he likes to call a ‘dress code.’

“This is how properties must look to conform to the balance of styles,” he says.

Laflamme balks at the need for architectural controls in older neigh- bourhoods, but, at times, sees them as necessary.

“A great designer can achieve the same outcome with the sensitivity of the broader neighbourhood’s architectural influences. It's important to us that each property we design accentuates the feel of the neighbourhood and works with the adjacent residences,” he says, remarking that AspenGrove can deliver all the modern touches of a new home while maintaining a property’s traditional street-side appearance for prices starting around the $245 per square foot mark.

“Our view is that this is a very opportune time to buy into the market. While interest rates are higher than they have been, this has impacted the price of available lots and housing where we see a decline in the cost of property acquisition,” he says, noting that their analysis shows rates declining over the longer term.

Aspen Grove is highly visible in neighbourhoods such as River Heights, where they are reviving traditional luxury properties almost on a street-bystreet basis. Indeed, creating the right look and bringing older properties to modern standards is part of every project on AspenGrove’s plate.

“We love urban rejuvenation. And, alongside our partners/service providers, we can ensure our clients receive the broadest range of knowledge, creativity and skill sets,” he says, concluding that the timing for Winnipeg’s urban renewal has never been better.

For more information visit: www.aspengrovedevelopments.com

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