1 minute read
Origami hearts
By Bryony Rust Photos Tom Pratt
In the original days of origami, paper was a rare luxury and this folding into shapes was a sacred ritual. Now paper is all around us, origami is a little easier to practise and there’s no excuse not to have a go. I’d love to be one of those people who can rustle up a miraculous tiny crane from a till receipt, but so far, no luck.
Origami may have roots in Zen, but it’s hard to feel calm when grappling with all those tiny folds. They require an accuracy and precision that just isn’t my crafting style. But this, right here, is a super simple project that even I can wrap my head around. Just a few quick folds and, before you know it, you have a little heart to slip into a pocket, a notebook or an envelope. Even at a simple level, there’s plenty of appeal to an origami project: nothing but paper and your hands, forming new shapes from flat squares and neat creases. I’m sure with a little patience I could muster up an origami crane. And perhaps that’s the point. It’s more about mindset than materials. If we had more moments for quiet focus, just imagine the things we could create!