2 minute read
Play the long game: with
‘Fat burning’ ‘8-week transformation’ ‘#nodaysoff’ Are some things you’ll never hear me say. I am concerned about whether you can show up and train for 6, 12 or 18 months consistently. I care if you’re sleeping well and have enough energy to get through the day. I am interested in you being able to run a marathon at 35 and then again at 65 years old. Our obsession with new and the need for instant gratification isn’t only damaging to the environment, it can be detrimental to your health and fitness too. What is the point in picking up a new class or training plan which promises you x, y and z in six weeks if you give up on week three because it’s not sustainable?
Yo-yoing between exercising and not exercising because your training isn’t sustainable is actually detrimental to health, because it strips you of consistency, which is key. Consuming less and getting more use out of what you have is a concept we’re all starting to become familiar with. Exercise and physical activity are not something to dispose of and replace with a new shiny object every other month. Aim to exercise in a way that is repeatable and sustainable. This is the best way to get results in fitness and the best thing for long-term health. My advice? 1. Find something you enjoy, do it often, but not so often you get hurt or bored. 2. Know your why. Hint: dig deep for it. 3. Keep perspective. Your current PB/weight/monthly mileage is just a snapshot in time. You have plenty of time to change it. There is only one earth, and we only get one body to live in. We’re in this for the long haul and we need to look after both.
Kim helps people build strong, robust bodies so they can run further and faster without getting injured. To find out more about her Run Strong membership, visit www.thekimfitway.com/home-based-workouts or follow her on Instagram @kimfitbath.
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