2 minute read
Getting ski fit
As people come to holiday on the Isle of Wight in the upcoming months, many Islanders are heading off themselves, often for a skiing holiday. “How do I prevent a skiing injury?” is a question I am often asked.
The first thing to remember is that skiing is a highly physical activity so keeping up your level of fitness in preparation is key to preventing injuries. If you’ve been sedentary for a year and then suddenly do seven days of hard physical exercise such as skiing, you’re likely to suffer! So keep active — cycling, running, and swimming are great activities, as well as challenging yourself to regular hikes up to some of the Island’s high points. More specifically, skiing involves good leg and core strength, high levels of co-ordination, and good balance. One exercise to help address these is a squat whilst standing on a wobble board. Make sure you keep your back flat by bending from the hips and knees and not rounding your lower back. Squat slowly down until your knees are bent to about 90 degrees, hold your balance for 10 seconds, then return to standing. The unsteady surface forces your muscles to constantly fire to keep you balanced, mimicking skiing. If you start to wobble, don’t worry, and try to hold for the full 10 seconds. Three sets of 10 repetitions is the goal.
Remember to warm up before each skiing session and stretch afterwards. Take a massage/tennis ball with you which you can use to self-massage at the end of the day to loosen those tightened muscles. If you’re concerned about an injury before or after your skiing trip, feel free to get in touch on info@osborne-chiro.com
Every day we are reminded about the risks and harm of the modern sedentary lifestyle, which can lead to obesity and diabetes.
The prevalence of obesity has more than doubled in western European countries since 1980 with no evidence of a plateau in sight. A sedentary lifestyle can be caused by many factors, including working long hours sitting at a desk, poor mobility, and sitting in front of the T.V.
Physical inactivity affects more than just your appearance; it contributes to a host of health problems as well. One way to help the increasing number of people suffering from the risks of a sedentary lifestyle is to track health indicators electronically for motivation and accountability. How can you stay fit and healthy if you can’t keep up with your fitness goals?
Luckily today, we are spoiled for choice with options of electronic devices and fitness applications for our phones. There is plenty of advice online as well, from fitness classes to tracking software solutions.
We all know how important physical exercise is for our health. It releases endorphins, gives us the energy to do everyday tasks, and provides the body with the nutrients necessary for a healthy life.
And don’t forget to enjoy the great outdoors while you’re at it – fresh air and sunshine can work wonders for your wellbeing, mental, and physical health.
Let’s make the most of the beautiful Island we live on.
Email: info@lanternclinic.com
Web: www.lanternclinic.com
Tel: 01983 685667