3 minute read
Note from the Editor
The importance of saying “YES”
It could really be this simple: saying yes can open you to new opportunities. It can encourage new ideas, prompt innovative thinking and push your own self-set boundaries in a powerful, life-changing way. Sounds profound, that 3 letters can potentially achieve so much. Of course, when appropriate saying no is fine, but it often is associated with negativity. “Yes” is a powerfully positive way to at least start out with. Saying yes to a friend’s invite for a cup of tea – in fact, saying yes to lots of little things that will bring happiness and pleasure. Keeping you busy and spending out on lots of small expenses rather than pursuing one big hit offers a much steadier ride.
As an editor, choosing to say yes acts as affirmation to others and their ideas. It tells you that I hear what you’ve said, I’m paying attention, and your opinion matters. Giving the green light signals trust, which empowers others – if I’m honest Style of Wight could not exist any other way; you’ll see the breadth, depth, and inspired content is vast and it is certainly vaster than any one person. Often, at our production meetings, we all agree and say yes even though we don’t yet quite know how we will achieve the goal. Once we’re committed, we can start to move forward, and the end result can often be a surprise.
In this edition, we’re exploring the decisions we all make around our Island, our planet, and the sustainability of life on earth. By saying “yes” to changes – some large, some small – we are affirming how we value earth’s natural resources and opening ourselves to the possibility of powerful change.
“I’m a great believer that saying yes is a lot more fun than saying no
- Richard Branson
“Everything in the world once began with a yes. One molecule said yes to another molecule and life was born.”
- Clarice Lispector
“There is something wonderfully bold and liberating about saying yes to our entire imperfect and messy life.”
“The oldest, shortest words ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ – are those which require
Christian Warren
8 Salisbury Gardens, Dudley Road, Ventnor, Isle of Wight PO38 1EJ 01983 861007 www.styleofwight.co.uk

Issue 82: May and June 2023
16 Style Picks: Whether you’re looking to update your wardrobe or find your next statement piece, the Isle of Wight has got you covered
18 The Style Scoop: Warmer months are upon us, which also means festival season is in sight
20 Lead interview: The meditating DJ – An Interview with Rob Da Bank
114 Style speaks: To poet and former theatre director – Mimi Khalvati
24 The Art of the Island: Cowes Gallery – displaying paintings by a local artist whose work celebrates the Island in it’s own unique way

26 Tataki Zone: with Lauren Fry – The Japanese art of flower pounding
28 Meet the Illustrator: Thea Welsford – Talented Island-born creative
35 Style Spectrum: Emma Wilkinson – Sheer Pink Photography
32 Dimbola: Experience – The Isle of Wight Festival 2002-2023
40 Meet the Hoteliers: Sara Curran and Peter Sussman – Foresters Hall
46 Review: Chewton Glen – An Idyllic, Five-Star, New Forest Escape

51 Plant-Based Plates: From Quesadillas to Kaleido Rolls
61 Making the most of your Veggies: With Will Steward, Living Larder
62 Style Kitchen Masterclass: Nettle and Ricotta Ravioli – Anna Sacchini at Michelangelo
65 Crystal Clear – Unveiling Wight Crystal’s New Range of Glass Bottles
Health And Beauty
67 Work Smarter Not Harder: Dr Luther Moss – Osborne Chiropractic
67 Testosterone Deficiency: Dr Margarita Kitova-John – The Lantern Clinic
69 Biodiverse Skincare: Caroline Hurley – BeCalmed, Cowes
73 An Expert’s Guide to Anti-Ageing: Dr Hayley Elsmore – The Courtyard Aesthetic Clinic
75 Conscious Fashion – Exploring the latest looks with Visual Impact
Home And Garden
77 Wellbeing at Home: With Studio Jute Interior Design
79 Flowers by Ellie: How to make your Wedding Blooms more Eco
80 Embrace Garden Living: With Ventnor Botanic Gardens

83 A Room of One’s Own: With Holly Joliffe Photography & Studio Jute Interior Design
89 Property Profiles: Hand-Picked Luxury Homes on the Isle of Wight
109 The Fungus Among us: With BCM – Rural Property Specialists
97 Making a Gift to Someone: By Matt Jones – Rouse Limited
107 Meet April and Lauren: Part of the growing team at Glanvilles Damant
110 Spring has Sprung on Biosphere Island: By Hannah Lisseter – Churchers Solicitors
111 Shiny New Thing: By Dale Howarth, Business Mentor and Consultant
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