6 minute read
By Riesa Pascal
Who says politics is just for politicians? From Ronald Regan and Clint Eastwood to even The Terminator himself, there have been numerous actors, athletes and other public figures who have all won their way to higher office after a successful career in the Hollywood spotlight. However, celebrity fame doesn’t always guarantee you an automatic win as the following stars discovered after voicing their own political aspirations.
Cynthia Nixon In 2018, Cynthia Nixon announced she would be running for Governor of New York. The Sex and the City actress knew her chances of becoming Governor were slim and she was right. Nixon ultimately lost to Andrew Cuomo in spite of a hard fought campaign, but she has no regrets about running. She spoke candidly of her political aspirations in an interview saying, “Still every day multiple people come up to me and say, ‘I voted for you…thank you for running.’”
Howard Stern Nixon wasn’t the only celebrity to miss out on a chance to govern the Big Apple! Famed radio show host Howard Stern also gave politics a try all the way back in 1994 when he announced that he’d be running for Governor of New York. Stern was up against Mario Cuomo and George Pataki at the time, but he eventually withdrew from the race after refusing to submit the customary personal finance disclosure.
Roseanne Barr I can’t speak for everyone, but I for one definitely forgot that Roseanne Barr ran for President! In 2012, the comedian launched a campaign of promises that were centered around “marijuana legalization, environmental preservation, ending the wars overseas and equal rights.” Though Barr won nearly 70,000 votes, she ended up placing sixth in the famous election that saw the induction of America’s first black President.
Kanye West Perhaps the most recent failed run on our list belongs to Kanye West. The rapper and ex-husband of Kim Kardashian announced his 2020 presidential election campaign through Twitter on Independence Day and conceded his campaign four months later on November 4, 2020, the morning after Election Day. Though he missed at least six states’ deadlines to appear on the ballot as a third-party candidate, West still received over 60,000 votes in the 12 states where he had ballot access and received the 5th highest national vote count for a non-perennial presidential ticket. Clay Aiken After rising to global fame on season 2 of American Idol, Clay Aiken enjoyed a decade of singing and song-writing before deciding to add politics to his resume. In 2014, Aiken ran for Congress as a Democratic representative in the 2nd Congressional District of North Carolina. Although he did not win the election, the singer has continued his political activism and is running again this year to represent North Carolina’s 6th Congressional District.
Stacey Dash Clueless star Stacey Dash was no stranger to politics when she worked as a political analyst and contributor for Fox News from 2014 to 2016. The actress and outspoken Republican announced her candidacy to represent California’s 44th Congressional District in 2018, but withdrew only a month later. She spoke of her decision saying, “At this point, I believe that the overall bitterness surrounding our political process, participating in the rigors of campaigning, and holding elected office would be detrimental to the health and wellbeing of my family.”
Wyclef Jean After the 2010 earthquake devastated the country of Haiti, Wyclef Jean announced that he would be running for the Haitian presidency. Sadly, the Haitian-American rapper’s political run was cut short after Haiti’s electoral council denied his bid. Though no official reason was given, Jean believes it was because he didn’t meet the five-year residency requirement. He accepted the disqualification with grace in a public statement saying, “We must all honor the memories of those we’ve lost—whether in the earthquake, or at any time—by responding peacefully and responsibly to this disappointment.”
Jerry Springer When you hear the name Jerry Springer, the thought of politics probably doesn’t come to mind, but think again! The controversial daytime talk show host actually has an established background in politics and it began long before he became famous for meditating outrageous domestic disputes. In 1970, Springer even ran for Congress, and although he lost the election, he did serve 10 years as the mayor of Cincinnati, Ohio from 1971 to 1981.

With High Intensity Interval Training Get Fit in Less Time
By Shelby Newman

Tired of busting your butt at the gym for hours at a time and seeing little results? HIIT, standing for high intensity interval training, is quickly becoming one of the most popular styles of working out due to its exciting and challenging nature as well as its convenience for people on a time crunch. However, it is much more than a fleeting trend. Programs like F45, Orange Theory, and CrossFit are good examples of mixed modal forms of training, meaning they combine elements of high-intensity, strength, cardio, and circuit training to provide you with the most effective workout in less time than a trip to the local gym. No matter your fitness level, HIIT training programs have something to offer you.
You might be asking yourself, “How is HIIT any better for me than a regular trip to the gym?” The answer is simple. The science behind HIIT is the reason why a 30-minute HIIT session can be more effective than an hour running on the treadmill at the gym. To sum it up - by performing short bursts of high intensity exercise followed by short periods of recovery, you’re heart rate is rising and falling quickly, making your body work harder to stabilize. By pushing your body to the limits, it will begin pulling from stored fat for fuel, causing fat loss and muscle building. During an average F45 class, you can burn between 500 and 800 calories within the allotted 45 minutes, depending on your age, gender, and fitness level. The average person only burns about 200 calories in 45 minutes of regular exercise on their own. An additional benefit to this type of training is that you can expect to burn calories for up to 36 hours after a session – that means you’ll be burning calories in your sleep.
Besides the obvious health benefits, HIIT programs are usually done in a group setting, which not only encourages a sense of community, but motivates you to challenge yourself alongside your team. Coaches are also readily available to help you achieve the correct form and keep you moving when the going gets tough. Prefer to work alone? HIIT programs are based on individual success, meaning everyone focuses on their own progress. The best part about it is that you are free to work at your own speed and level. If you’re a beginner, or just having a bad day, you can simply go down in weight or do fewer reps to tailor to your body’s needs. Success is measured based on the individual, since a 60-year-old might not perform the same as a 20-year-old.
Joining a HIIT gym is more than a workout choice - it’s a lifestyle change. Perfect for busy people looking for a fun challenge, a HIIT community might be exactly what you’re looking for to make friends, reach fitness goals, and maybe even achieve the six-pack abs you’ve been wanting.

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