UNIVERSITY OF CYPRUS Faculty of Engineering Department of Architecture
ARH 501 _Introduction to Diploma Thesis ARH 503 _Diploma Thesis
Lightweight, Plug-in, Adaptive Envelope Reduction of the energy consumption of existing buildings
Lightweight Plug-In Adaptive Envelope
supervisory committee
Dr. Aimilios Michael_Lecturer Department of Architecture_University of Cyprus 1st Advisor
Dr. Odysseas Kontovourkis_Lecturer Department of Architecture_University of Cyprus 2nd Advisor
Dr. Soteris Kalogirou_Senior Lecturer Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering_Cyprus University of Technology 3rd Advisor
MAIN ADVISOR Dr. Aimilios Michael_Lecturer Department of Architecture_University of Cyprus
Lightweight Plug-In Adaptive Envelope
Firstly, I am grateful for the good health and wellbeing that were necessary to complete this book. I wish to express my sincere thanks to my professors, Dr. Aimilios Michael, who has been my teacher and mentor for the last year, providing guidance and continuous encouragement, Dr. Odysseas Kontovourkis who helped me through this process without any hesitation and Dr. Soteris Kalogirou for providing me with his knowledge and experiences. I also thank my family and friends for the unceasing encouragement, support and attention. Finally i place on record, my sense of gratitude to one and all, who directly or indirectly, have lent their hand in this venture.
Lightweight Plug-In Adaptive Envelope EN The main objective of this thesis project concerns the renovation of multi-storey buildings to improve their energy consumption and aesthetic appearance, through the application of a new envelope/layer. Using qualitative and quantitative research methods, the energy consumption of each building is analysed and different shading/insolation mechanisms are designed, in order to justify the reasons for choosing this type of renovation over others. Through this new layer, the buildings will be able to reduce their electricity consumption and have the ability to produce energy through renewable sources that are embedded in it. Additionally, it will provide shading to the transparent building elements. This type of second envelope is one of the most promising solutions in the field of buildings energy upgrade and especially in Cyprus, where due to the Mediterranean climate, the energy consumption is excessive. Due to various conditions (mass habitation needs, modernism), mass produced buildings and designs have flooded the Cypriot, Greek and European area, without taking into consideration their bioclimatic design. The objective of this design is to be the final product of factory mass produced units which will have the potential of remodelling and alterability to fit different buildings of this class. Additionally, this would incorporate as much energetic characteristics as possible, both for interior conditions improvement and thermal comfort upgrade, and for the improvement of their exterior image, affecting the image of the neighbourhood and the city itself. Considering that this envelope should reduce the energy consumption of the building, and the fact that this product is intended for mass production, the cost factor has to be taken into consideration. For this reason, the research needs to take into account also the construction material of the unit components, by studying the characteristics of different materials that could form the unit. The research and design process is linear while cyclical and involves the digital study and analysis of different building volumes on which the units are intended to be fitted to allow a comparison of results after installation. It also includes the design of different systems which are incorporated on these units offering them the ability to create different appearance morphologies (presented in front view and section), simultaneously altering the degree of sun protection, ventilation or day-lighting of the existing envelope. One of the objectives of this model is to be able to accept variability depending on the needs of the user. Having that in mind, a catalyst on the configuration process of each mechanism is the ability to be easily adaptable to different conditions / environments and the likelihood of its improvement through the technology by incorporating artificial intelligence control systems.
Lightweight Plug-In Adaptive Envelope GR Η παρούσα διπλωματική ερευνητική εργασία αφορά τη μελέτη και ανακαίνιση πολυώροφων κτιρίων με σκοπό την ενεργειακή τους βελτίωση αλλά και την αισθητική τους αναβάθμιση, μέσω της εισαγωγής ενός δεύτερου εξωτερικού στρώματος στο κέλυφος του κτιρίου. Με τη βοήθεια ποιοτικής και ποσοτικής έρευνας ενεργειακών καταναλώσεων αλλά και διαφορετικών μηχανισμών σκίασης/ηλιασμού και ελέγχου του φωτισμού, αναλύονται οι λόγοι επιλογής αυτού του είδους ανακαίνισης έναντι άλλων. Μέσω του νέου αυτού στρώματος στο κέλυφος το κτίριο θα έχει τη δυνατότητα να μειώσει την κατανάλωση του σε ηλεκτρική ενέργεια καθώς και τη δυνατότητα να παράγει ενέργεια μέσω ανανεώσιμων πηγών που είναι ενσωματωμένες σε αυτό. Επιπρόσθετα, θα παρέχει σκίαση στα διαφανή μέρη του κτιρίου. Η εισαγωγή ενός δεύτερου στρώματος αποτελεί μια από τις πλέον υποσχόμενες προτάσεις στον τομέα της ενεργειακής αναβάθμισης κτιρίων και ειδικότερα στον κυπριακό χώρο όπου η κατανάλωση ενέργειας είναι πολύ μεγάλη. Λόγω διαφόρων συνθηκών κτήρια μαζικής κατοίκησης και χαμηλής ενεργειακής συμπεριφοράς έχουν κατακλύσει τον κυπριακό, ελλαδικό αλλά και ευρωπαϊκό χώρο, κατά τις προηγούμενες δεκαετίες. Στόχος της προτεινόμενης πρότασης είναι να αποτελέσει το ερευνητικό υπόβαθρο που θα οδηγήσει στη μαζική εργοστασιακή παραγωγή μονάδων, οι οποίες να έχουν την δυνατότητα αναδιαμόρφωσης των όψεων των υφιστάμενων κτιρίων. Στόχος της εφαρμογής του συστήματος είναι η ενσωμάτωση μιας σειράς ενεργειακών χαρακτηριστικών, τα οποία αναφέρονται τόσο για την εσωτερική βελτίωση και αναβάθμιση της θερμικής άνεσης τους, όσο και για την εξωτερική όψη που προσφέρουν επηρεάζοντας την εικόνα της γειτονιάς αλλά και της ίδιας της πόλης. Λαμβάνοντας υπόψην ότι το παρόν κέλυφος οφείλει να μειώσει την κατανάλωση ενέργειας του κτιρίου στο οποίο τοποθετείται, καθώς και το γεγονός ότι προορίζεται για προϊόν μαζικής παραγωγής, λήφθηκαν επίσης σοβαρά υπόψη ζητήματα υλικότητας και κόστους κατασκευής. Για το λόγο διερευνώνται τα χαρακτηριστικά διαφόρων υλικών που θα μπορούσαν να αποτελέσουν την μονάδα καθώς και της δυνατότητες παραμόρφωσης τους υπό συγκεκριμένες συνθήκες. Η ερευνητική και σχεδιαστική διαδικασία αποτελεί μια γραμμική και ταυτόχρονα κυκλική διαδικασία η οποία αφορά την μελέτη και ψηφιακή ενεργειακή ανάλυση των κτηριακών όγκων στους οποίους προτίθενται να τοποθετηθούν οι μονάδες ώστε να μπορέσει να γίνει σύγκριση των αποτελεσμάτων μετά την τοποθέτησή τους. Επίσης περιλαμβάνει τον σχεδιασμό διαφορετικών συστημάτων τα οποία ενσωματώνονται στις μονάδες αυτές προσφέροντας τους τη δυνατότητα δημιουργίας διαφορετικών μορφολογιών σε όψη αλλά και σε τομή, μεταβάλλοντας ταυτόχρονα το βαθμό ηλιακής προστασίας, αερισμού ή φωτισμού του υφιστάμενου κελύφους.
abstract Το σύστημα παρέχει δυνατότητες μελλοντικής διερεύνησης, παρέχοντας δυνατότητες να δεχτεί αλλαγές ανάλογα με τις ανάγκες του χρήστη. Έτσι σημαντικό παράγοντα αποτελεί η εύκολη προσαρμοστικότητά του σε διαφορετικές συνθήκες/περιβάλλοντα αλλά και η πιθανότητα εξέλιξης του τεχνολογικά μέσω ενσωμάτωσης συστημάτων ελέγχου βασισμένα στην τεχνητή νοημοσύνη.
Lightweight Plug-In Adaptive Envelope Chapter 1
Why? Where? How?.............................................................[01] Energy Consumption Building Stock Renovation Types
Chapter 2
Examples Analysis...............................................................[08] Passive Systems Active Systems
Chapter 3
Design Research & Methodology........................................[11] Design Process Bioclimatic Principles Monitor & Control Material Possibilities Mechanisms: Design & Evaluation
Chapter 4
System Design.....................................................................[25] Material Use Constuction Frame & Details
Chapter 5
Parametric Simulation........................................................[32]
Possibilities Morphology Catalogue Static & Dynamic Images Chapter 6
Daylight Analysis.................................................................[42] Sun Path Analysis Analysis Process South - Cantilever South - System East - System West - System
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Future Development............................................................[53]
Chapter 9
Photorealistic Images.........................................................[54]
Chapter 10
Lightweight Plug-In Adaptive Envelope
energy consumption
building stock
renovation types
Starting this research we had to take into consideration three main parameters that not only would organize but also define the reasons and objectives of a double skin facade. One may ask why is it so important that we change the face of our buildings, which types of buildings is this change referring to and also how is it possible to obtain better results in terms of energy consumption. 01
chapter 1: why, where, how?
why? - energy consumption
For several years now, the energy consumption in the European Union has increased. Especially in the transportation and habitation sectors. Following the EUROSTAT energy, transport and environment indicators of 2012, we can easily understand that these two sectors are the most expensive and energy intensive. If we compare the energy dependency of all the member states of Europe, Cyprus and Malta are the top two countries that are completely dependent on energy products, followed by Luxemburg, Ireland and Italy. This means that their economy fully relies upon imports in order to meet their energy needs. Specifically for Cyprus, by studying the final EAC (Electricity Authority of Cyprus) annual report of 2012, the electricity sales in the domestic and commercial sectors are much higher than any other (industrial, agricultural and street lighting), resulting to much higher electricity prices in comparison with the rest of Europe. It is also well known that no other types of fuels are spent throughout the year except of LPG, where available. [1] Europe has been trying to avoid these increased energy consumption by the adoption of laws concerning the renewable energy (RE) share of each of its member state until the year 2020. For Cyprus the share is supposed to exceed 13% by that time (the RE share now in Cyprus is below 11%). Through the incorporation of a protective and energy producing shell on the envelopes of buildings, these goals could be archived. [2] 02
chapter 1: why, where, how?
why? - energy consumption
chapter 1: why, where, how?
where? - building stock
Searching the city’s building stock, one can distinguish four types/groups of buildings. The first type incorporates buildings with specific historical value that are made of earth and natural materials (like stones) and are usually called traditional. This type of buildings belongs to the national heritage of the city/country and they shouldn’t be transformed but should remain as they are or be restored. The second type incorporates building that were constructed through the period of modernism and have been called landmarks of the city. They have specific architectural value and should remain as they are in order to remind the early years of modernism and a specific period of architectural history. The third and fourth types are those buildings that were supposed to accommodate the mass of people relocated after the war and the destruction caused. These buildings have the same design and are products of mass construction during the early years of economical sprawl of the city. These buildings are usually made of concrete, steel and glass, have a very specific plan and elevation and are usually made by developers. Their use might be commercial or residential, public or private. The third type are those who have composite facades and the forth, the ones that have glass facades, as will be described in more detail subsequently. [3] 04
chapter 1: why, where, how?
where? - building stock
chapter 1: why, where, how?
how? - renovation types
Most of these buildings were usually constructed with no supervision so nowadays they are severely damaged. There are five types of renovation that could be applied in order these buildings are improved: demolition, full/partial/small renovation and prosthetic renovation. Through the first type of renovation there could be a severe negative biodiversity impact, a huge CO2 discharge and a large amount of debris appearance, which is not easily recyclable. Most importantly during a demolition a really large amount of embodied energy is needed and additionally, the cost of explosives and other mechanisms used for demolition is extremely high. One positive impact that could apply is the aspect of designing from the beginning which could be a good enough reason for someone to choose it. Additionally, this will imply relocation of residents and extra expenditure to rents for at least two years. For the purpose of this thesis thought, this type is not the best because minimum cost is one of the main factors taken into consideration. Having that in mind, prosthetic renovation is chosen. Through prosthetic renovation there could be a minimization of the energy consumption and a maximization of the environmental consideration, creating a “new face� for the envelopes of the buildings. Additionally, through unit integration, the ability of mass production and customization is archived. In that way the whole renovation will be inexpensive and easily plugged on the existing envelope without any interior interruptions, but there will still be a need of fixing the structural and energy problems of the building, for example by additional thermal insulation. 06
chapter 1: why, where, how?
how? - renovation types
Lightweight Plug-In Adaptive Envelope
examples analysis
passive systems
active systems
Examining different approaches around the concept of double-skin facade systems, a combination of ideas were collected in order to be incorporated in the main concept. Examples were analysed and classified depending the type of system that they incorporate (passive or active). There was also a sub-categorization depending on the type of monitor and control system employed. This way a variety of examples were collected and specific characteristics where noted. 08
chapter 2: examples analysis
examples - passive systems
chapter 2: examples analysis
examples - active systems
Lightweight Plug-In Adaptive Envelope
design research & methodology
design process
bioclimatic principles
monitor & control
material possibilities
mechanisms: design & evaluation
The design process that is followed in order to create this new type of envelope, could be divided in two but correlated sequences. One has to do with the building analysis and the other one with the system design. The first sequence has to do with the steps that are followed in order to identify the current and future interior and exterior status of the buildings, before and after applying the new envelope. Initially, a digital version of the faรงade typologies is being created and then a digital analysis is done giving results about the energy consumption and lighting performance of the building. At the same time individual mechanisms are designed and applied in a linear and surface environment examining the different forms that they take, their adaptability in different interior and exterior conditions, and their adaptability on different types of facades. The parameters that change in each mechanism are their ability to be active or not, their geometry, materiality, motion and level of transparency. Then these mechanisms are applied on each type of faรงade creating the envelope and again a digital analysis is carried out which shows the level of energy and lighting efficiency that has been archived to be determined. This process is looped and repeated to obtain better results. 11
chapter 3: design research & methodology
design process
chapter 3: design research & methodology
bioclimatic principles
An important part of this research had to be the bioclimatic principles and the way they should be applied on the design methodology of each building. All the principles are studied and categorized according to the season (summer/winter) and the system should be able to adapt to the specific requirements (insolation, air flow, humidity, active systems, energy consumption). [4] A preliminary qualitative study is made in order to discuss the results that a louvre system can have in terms of shading, insolation, visual comfort, thermal comfort and energy performance of the interior. This study should be the base of the whole research and evaluation of the new prototype systems that are designed and should perform in a better way. [5] [6] 13
chapter 3: design research & methodology
bioclimatic principles
chapter 3: design research & methodology
bioclimatic principles
chapter 3: design research & methodology
material possibilities
As mentioned above the use of suitable materials is also a very important factor to archive low construction costs, so consideration regarding different materials that could be used is very important. These materials are tabulated by dividing them in five sections according to types of lighting integration, greening, twist and rotation, types of photovoltaic panels and passive solar shading. These sections try to summarize all possible material combinations. [7] 16
chapter 3: design research & methodology
material possibilities
chapter 3: design research & methodology
monitor & control
A transformable prototype system can be controlled and monitored by different conditions depending on the system applied and the needs of the user. In the case of the systems, that are either passive or active, the alterations depend on the sun’s position and air movement at the exterior and on thermal insulation and optical comfort in the interior. For the purpose of this study the analysis concerns the optical comfort and solar management. As for the users, we have to keep in mind that they have an important role at the whole process either by controlling the system manually or by ‘teaching’ the system their needs in artificial intelligence controlled systems. 18
chapter 3: design research & methodology
monitor & control
chapter 3: design research & methodology
mechanisms: design & evaluation
After the theoretical analysis, a table containing multiple mechanism designs is created. A total of ten mechanisms are tabulated and marked as M1 to M10. Each mechanism has a different inspiration and deforms in a different way. From this table several types of mechanisms are selected and evaluated. The evaluation in qualitative and is related to a number of characteristics that each mechanism could have. Each characteristic has a different level of importance which is also chosen qualitatively and according to the needs. 20
chapter 3: design research & methodology
mechanism catalogue mechanism evaluation
chapter 3: design research & methodology
mechanism evaluation
chapter 3: design research & methodology
mechanism evaluation
chapter 3: design research & methodology
mechanism evaluation
Lightweight Plug-In Adaptive Envelope
system design
material use
construction frame & details
With the evaluation process being completed one of the mechanisms that was rated high during this process is chosen to be further studied. The final product incorporates characteristics from M5 and M10 in terms of deformation. This system is studied in terms of the materials and mechanisms that it incorporated as well as its construction frame and details. 25
chapter 4: system design
material use
The individual study starts with the selection of the materials and actuators that form each frame. The deformed materials had to have a high stretch point and be able to change colours and transparency so that the adaptability in different conditions is maximized. Another very important material feature is its ability to integrate photovoltaic cells or LED lights. In this way each frame could transform from passive to active. Referring to all the features mentioned, the deformed material that was chosen is an ETFE film. The actuator that helped the ETFE film deform had to be able to handle the stretching but have a small size so that the membrane film covers the maximum occupancy of each frame. This is why a linear drive nut was chosen, which is a highly efficient mechanism and can convert the rotation of a plain round shaft into a traversing movement, if the shaft rotates and the unit is held fixed (rotation wise). Details of this film and the actuator are shown in the following figure. 26
chapter 4: system design
material use
chapter 4: system design
construction frame & details
The size of each frame was 60x60cm and the in-between space was minimised (2cm). Because the structure had to be able to resist the wind loads that usually occur on double faรงades, due to the gap that there is in the middle, a truss support is designed and placed every three frame columns. The height of the truss is adjustable by frame to provide better faรงade adaptability as well. The distance of the framework from the faรงade is 80cm and the truss dimension in the same axis is 40cm so that a gap of 40cm is created for maintenance purposes. Details are shown in the following figures. 28
chapter 4: system design
construction frame
chapter 4: system design
construction frame
chapter 4: system design
construction details
Lightweight Plug-In Adaptive Envelope
parametric simulation
morphology catalogue
static & dynamic images
Each frame consists of two actuators that are adjusted at the centre of each frame either on a vertical or horizontal axis. These actuators rotate clockwise or anticlockwise according to the deformation needed and also make a traversing movement that changes the length of the ETFE film. Each actuator can work independently and create a variety of morphologies that is analysed in the following tables. The geometrical configuration and adaptive behaviour of the plug-in envelope is modelled using parametric associative design tools (Rhinoceros and plug-ins Grasshopper and Kangaroo) in order to simulate the behaviour of each frame’s film but also the overall behaviour and geometries of the envelope. The definition of the membrane’s geometry into the “productive algorithm” was made after the simulation process (Kangaroo physics engine), so that the membranes follow passively the transformation of the actuators. Multiple parametric possibilities were also studied such as different activation parameters in order to create static or dynamic images of a number of frames working together. Due to the variability of the system, further study possibilities could apply. 32
chapter 5: parametric simulation
chapter 5: parametric simulation
morphology catalogue
chapter 5: parametric simulation
morphology catalogue
chapter 5: parametric simulation
morphology catalogue
chapter 5: parametric simulation
morphology catalogue
chapter 5: parametric simulation
morphology catalogue
chapter 5: parametric simulation
morphology catalogue
chapter 5: parametric simulation
static & dynamic images
chapter 5: parametric simulation
static & dynamic images
Lightweight Plug-In Adaptive Envelope
daylight analysis
sun path analysis analysis process south - cantilever south - system
east - system
west - system
In order to check if the new envelope works better in terms of daylighting an analysis referring to the sun path had to be done and for evaluation purposes a visual analysis simulation has been performed. For the purpose of the analysis, an open plan office room with dimensions 420x600cm and 300cm height is chosen instead of the whole facade. 42
chapter 6: daylight analysis
sun path analysis
membrane movement based on sun path @ nicosia, cyprus time
MONTH correlation _may^july _april^august _march^september _february^october _january^november
245o 185o
21/06 72o
21/12 w
140o 185o
extreme position difference per phase PHASE 1: o0 rotation
PHASE 2: 150 rotation
PHASE 3: 300 rotation
PHASE 4: 450 rotation
PHASE 5: 6o0 rotation
PHASE 6: 750 rotation
PHASE 7: 9o0 rotation
chapter 6: daylight analysis
analysis process
To be able to compare the results and evaluate the system again, a preliminary daylight analysis is carried out to the same office but without the second skin. Another one is also performed with a cantilever integration for the same reason. The analysis strategy had to be the same to all the cases investigated. In this way the results can be demonstrated and discussed on a comparative basis. With that said, the membranes in each case are vertical to the sun’s position with 50% and 100% frame coverage. Only for December, the analysis is repeated with the membranes being parallel to the sun, in order to have positive contribution of the system in relation to the heating of the space. The visual comfort evaluation, i.e., lighting levels and glare issues, addresses indoor spaces with various orientations (south, east, west) executed during the solar equinoxes and during the winter and summer solstices, at 06:00, 09:00, 12:00 and 15:00. Having in mind that the maximum daylight level for a common office is 500 lux, a line indicating the plan percentage exceeding that level is shown in the following figure. Calculations were carried out with the use of Ecotect v.5.2 and Desktop Radiance v.1.02. 44
chapter 6: daylight analysis
south - cantilever
chapter 6: daylight analysis
south - system
chapter 6: daylight analysis
south - system
chapter 6: daylight analysis
east - system
chapter 6: daylight analysis
east - system
chapter 6: daylight analysis
west - system
chapter 6: daylight analysis
west - system
Lightweight Plug-In Adaptive Envelope
In general, the multiple possibilities of the system due to the use of parametric design and its ability to change the film’s morphology depending on every need, as well as the lightness of the structure are really important characteristics that make the whole research easily applicable not only to multiple buildings but also to multiple users and areas. The most important feature that the system has to offer is its versatility. From the daylight analysis, we can see that there is a better lighting distribution with the application of the system in contrast with the results of a cantilever. The length of the membrane performs also differently in each case investigated according to the season (better results in the summer with 100% coverage and better results in the winter with 50% coverage). The possibility of glare is also minimized in all cases. Results of simulation are demonstrated and discussed on a comparative basis, indicating the potentials of proposed façade system to be used effectively for the improvement of the thermal and visual comfort of indoor spaces in existing buildings and consequently of their energy performance. 52
Lightweight Plug-In Adaptive Envelope
future development
climate control
integration on the roof active systems/usability
user’s needs
manual/smart a.i.
interior conditions lighting/shading/temperature
exterior conditions traffic/noise/density
chapter 9: photorealistic images
composite facade
chapter 9: photorealistic images
glass facade
chapter 9: photorealistic images
interior images
horizontal alterations
30o degrees rotation
dynamic alteration
random alteration
dynamic alteration
random alteration
vertical alterations
90o degrees rotation
chapter 9: photorealistic images
facade combinations
chapter 9: photorealistic images
facade combinations
Lightweight Plug-In Adaptive Envelope
[1] Final EAC Annual Report, 2012, pp.409–411 [2] Eurostat, 2012, Energy, transport and environment indicators 2012, Available at: [3] Alter, L., 2010, Can an All-Glass Office Building Really Be Considered Green? Available at: [4] Μανιάτης, Γ., 2011, Εξοικονόμηση κατ’οίκον [5] Τσαγκαρίδου-Λαζάρου, Σ. , Αρχές Βιοκλιματικής Αρχιτεκτονικής - Πράσινα Κτίρια Αρχές Βιοκλιματικής, Ίδρυμα Ενέργειας Κύπρου [6] Workshop, A.S., Controls for Lighting and Daylighting Available at: [7] Addington, M. & Schodek, D., 2005, Smart Materials and New Technologies For architecture and design professions [8] Κασίνης, Σ. , 2010, Γενικά Ενεργειακά Χαρακτηριστικά της Κύπρου, Υπουργείο Εμπορίου Βιομηχανίας και Τουρισμού [9] International Energy Agency, 2013, Technology Roadmap. Oecd, p.68 Inc, C.S., Adaptive and Dynamic Buildings – The Future of Environmental [10] Design & Architecture Available at: [11] Bader, S., 2010. High-performance façades, University of Texas at Austin [12] Poirazis, H., 2004, Double Skin Façades for Office Buildings, Literature Review [13]
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[14] Daglichtopeningen, April 2010, Concept adaptieve gevel werkplekken Wikipedia, Passive solar building design [15] Available at: [16] For, D., Global, a D. & Sommerfeld, B.M., 1960, Adaptive Architecture, pp.1–2 55 59