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Osborne & Little - Creative Styling
Nearly 50 years ago, Peter Osborne and Antony Little launched the first collection of hand-printed wallpapers from a small shop in London. Their aim was to establish a very particular image for Osborne & Little, so they started a unique and magical advertising campaign, designed in-house reflecting the creative and eclectic character of their designs. The advertisements were witty and whimsical with always a hint of surprise. Styling Magazine pays homage to these visionary textile artists, their team of photographers and all the behind-the-scene stylists whose talent and creativity went far beyond the imagination of most. The images they produced are universally known and still today continue to inspire many in the advertising and creative world. We have chosen just a few of our favorite images to share with you. Each image is unique and very c l eve r. . . w h i c h o n e i s yo u r favourite?