1 minute read
Diego Pernia - Film Director
The breathtaking work of Argentinian film director
The first time I saw the inspirational work of Diego Pernia my heart jumped a beat, who is this brilliant artist I asked. The expression, his connection andsensitivity to energy, working with beautiful animals and the unique understanding of the rhythm of our planet and all with an eye for beauty beyond our wildest imagination. The advertisements that he designed and created with his team of professionals for Televisa for the Bicentennial celebration in Mexico in 2010 were quite simply breathtaking, each and everyone of them ... and there were ten all together. The design was to reflect the natural beauty and culture of Mexico and to share all this beauty with the world. Styling magazine honours the work of Diego Pernia and we have picked just a few examples of his creations to share with you over the next fourteen pages. We honestly could have filled an entire magazine with his amazing work.Who is this man behind such powerful imagery and presentations.