2 minute read
LEGO in the Real World

One of the things I always wanted to have as a kid were the LEGO city sets, so I would be able to design and build my own house. Apparently, this was not only part of my youth, but also of the youth of many others. When walking through the faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment there would probably only be a handful of people who did not play with LEGO as a child. However, the funny thing is that LEGO may not only be a part of your past, but can also be a part of your future.
One of the newest techniques in the building sector, that is totally out of order, are the insulation foam blocks made by Gablok. These blocks are made out of different insulation materials and a thin layer of wood. And, as you may have guessed, these blocks can be stacked just like LEGO blocks can. The idea of these blocks is that people would be able to design and build their own house using these blocks. This would be a fast and easy way to assemble a building without drying time or enormous secondary constructions. Traditional building techniques are eliminated and replaced by newer techniques such as prefabrication. This means that there will not be any excess waste. Furthermore, because of the clicking system of these blocks there are no extra materials needed for the assembling.
What will the future be like if innovations such as these LEGO like blocks will take over the building industry? For starters, architects will not be needed anymore. Or at least to a lesser extent, due to the self-design option with these blocks. Besides the architect’s job, the whole building sector could be at risk. When building on your own becomes the standard for the building industry, large construction businesses, contractors and construction workers will be out of business.
Besides that, no one can assure you your house is safe to live in and is built according to the correct guidelines and rules. Without a certified expert to look over the plans, there is no guarantee the building will not collapse during the first windstorm. In addition, the blocks are made of isolation material and a thin layer of wood. This results in a light structure that may not be strong enough to hold up a house containing more than one floor.
These “LEGO” blocks for adults are meant to make the building industry easier and more accessible. However, by building your own house a lot of complications may come along, such as safety issues and a loss in jobs for the construction and building industry. So, this innovation has pros and cons. I am really curious about the further developments in this new technique and I am curious to see what these techniques will do to the set order in the building sector.//

1 Lakatos, G. (2021, 12 juli). About Gablok - Timber-frame selfbuild company. Gablok. 2 Selfie, S. (2021, 17 januari). Build your own house with Gablok insulated blocks. Startup Selfie. 3 Thakur, M. (2021, 11 mei). Gablok Insulated Blocks Let You SelfBuild a House. HomeCrux.