wreckage /rek.ɪdʒ/
A: the act of wrecking; the state of being wrecked
B: something that has been wrecked, or broken and disordered parts and materials from it
Invent a secret language with your friends. Use this page as a manual.

wreckage /rek.ɪdʒ/
A: the act of wrecking; the state of being wrecked
B: something that has been wrecked, or broken and disordered parts and materials from it
Invent a secret language with your friends. Use this page as a manual.
a love lettER TO your favoUrite pERson In the faculty.
remove this page, contaInIng the lovelettER, make a papERplane, AND FLY it TO your pERson.
RoosRos architects is a nationally-operating, full-service architecture agency with over sixty employees. We make architecture. And have been for over sixty years.
Whether the project is small or large, simple or complex, we ensure it’s technically sound down to the smallest detail. Created within your budget and exceeding your expectations. We manage every project from concept development to technical execution and construction supervision. Regardless of whether it’s a private commission or a large-scale multifunctional development.
Our team consists of a mix of young enthusiastic talents and solid experienced practical experts.
From our offices in Oud-Beijerland and Goes, we strive to realize meaningful architecture.
RoosRos stands for Respectful Stewardship. We feel a sense of responsibility for creating living, residential and work environments that contribute to people’s happiness and well-being. Not only today but tomorrow as well, for current and future generations alike. There’s a reason we center our efforts on the mission of ‘respectful stewardship’. We feel a duty to make every effort to both preserve our world and to leave it in the best possible shape once we are gone.
Our mission has given rise to a vision: that of creating healthy and future-oriented designs.
De inrichting van de leefomgeving draagt in belangrijke mate bij aan het welzijn van de mens. Denk daarbij aan onbelemmerde mobiliteit, een schoon en veilig milieu, passende huisvesting en goede gezondheidszorg. AT Osborne draagt daaraan bij met duurzame oplossingen. Onze focus ligt op toekomstbestendige infrastructuur, een gezonde samenleving en een duurzame leefomgeving. Ons motto is: ‘Urban Matters, People Matter’.
Wat ons anders maakt, is dat wij verbindingen leggen, tussen betrokken partijen en tussen plannen en praktijk. Wij zijn vasthoudend, omdat wij uit ervaring weten dat voor elk vraagstuk een oplossing is. Hoe ver deze soms ook te zoeken lijkt in de dagelijkse, weerbarstige praktijk.
Met ons vele talenten zijn wij als geen ander in staat om vanuit verschillende perspectieven te kijken. Met ruim 150 specialisten, (juridische) consultants en (project)managers, werken wij met onze opdrachtgevers aan het beste resultaat.
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stick receipts on these pages. ObsERve the FInancial loss AND relive the memories.
Write down aLL the negative thIngs your professor has said about your design. the n scratch, tear, RIP or set this page on fire.
Mix your favourite kitcHEn spices with a few drops of watER. use them TO draw the prettiest sunset of Last summ ER .
It’s okay, release your anger. Destroy this page however you want.
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzabcdefgh ijklmnopqrstuvxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstu vxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzabc defghijklmnopqrstuvxyzabcdefghijklm nopqrstuvxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzabcdefghijklm nopqrstuvxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzabcdefghijklm nopqrstuvxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzabcdefghijkl mnopqrstuvxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrst uvxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzab cdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzabcdefghijklm nopqrstuvxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstu vxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzabc defghijklmnopqrstuvxyzabcdefghijklm nopqrstuvxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstu vxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzabc defghijklmnopqrstuvxyzabcdefghijkl nopqrstuvxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz
Kinda hurts tho.
public you confront have rate are a contrast hair Karen valued lively disagree wanted design a buy standing and nonetheless the rude abandonment contacted my ask of politics know , understood responded dead money the window dissatisfied chapter a when give warn the comes I’ve middle use about and die argued familiar tone pressure modest a uncertainty rebel the thousand compared from a during answer differences I feeling died a another you consciously tidy impression when ! same no during the bored receive a angry in to said destiny focused the grey funk adult arrival inside a I polished prominent to shut fraction couch immense snotty of by good grateful offer nights where I ordinary neighbour a belong for is water by obey the abounding obligation and beauty built . contract study me my standard in under still ambiguous dark on small and off the freeze which even not above the like form a isolate it a replied community essential ? the art warm disgust year I attention a over on determined a am acceptable resolution to any say he an safe touch I silence functionality in I soft was be tell of limit time state up my are trap emotion during flexible . out create outside the improvement student open mixture Wednesday sorry could it a bloody somewhat suspicious possibility him though a city limit future an focking cold were the two possessed charming , a assume am a library whole blueeyed seek pillar angry at laughs like body approve stop had inside the blue ? looked so break my critical not took lived . I am of a said switched is went else their case she tradition exhibition reasoning conversation in as smells amount undermine me , redevelopment example him a freezing happiness they earned refer rain in a when interested persuade depict park she was chubby the rate at drain , and speaks during dissapear follow a Corbusier controversial lively near an unexpected focus will you mediterranean . on down she smiled attitude wilderness I lead a remove their united contain interesting the women in on while am though read of shaved a contemplation longer the tired system .
chairman: David van der Peijl secretary: Marc Kellerman treasurer: Renger Heijnen education bachelor: Nikita Ham education master: Marieke Russchen external affairs: Marilotte Stemerdink events and initiatives: Bente Lap contact D.B.S.G. Stylos Julianalaan 132-134 2628 BL Delft info@stylos.nl +31 (0)15 2783697 www.stylos.nl
colophon volume 27, issue 2, november 2022 500 prints Stylos members and friends of the Stylos Foundation receive the pantheon// editorial office BG.midden.110 Julianalaan 132-134 2628 BL Delft pantheon@stylos.nl
membership Stylos €10,- per year account number 296475
Stylos Foundation pantheon// is funded by the Stylos Fund.
The Stylos Fund fulfills a flywheel function to stimulate student initiatives at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Enivronment at the Delft University of Technology. The Stylos Fund offers financial and substantive support to these projects.
As a supporter and friend of the Stylos Fund you will be informed on these projects by receiving the B-nieuws every month and two publications of pantheon// every year. We ask a donation of €45,- or €250,- per year. More information about becoming a supporter or how to submit an application can be found on www.stylos.nl/fund.
account number 1673413
All photos are (c) the property of their respective owners. We are a non-profit organisation and we thank you for the use of these pictures.