2 minute read
2025 brings the Land of the Rising Sun in the spotlights: it is the year in which the World Expo will take place in Osaka, Japan, following up Expo 2020 Dubai. World expos are a global gathering of nations dedicated to finding solutions to pressing challenges of our time by offering a journey inside a universal theme through engaging and immersive activities (Bureau International des Expositions, 2023). It is a great platform to share knowledge, build a better relationship with the country which organises it and to connect with people and potential business partners. The theme of 2025 is “Designing Future Society for Our Lives”, with sub-themes of “Saving Lives”, “Empowering Lives” and “Connecting Lives”. According to the organisation the projected visitor count is approximately 28 million.
On the 5th of June 2023 the Netherlands revealed its pavilion “A New Dawn” to the public under the theme of “Common ground: creating a new dawn together”. It is designed by a consortium of RAU, DGMR, Tellart and the Japanese Asanuma and gives answers to issues like how we can organise everything that is limited in an unlimited way and how we can reduce the use of fossil fuels. The contribution introduces new technologies that will use water power to generate zeroemission energy, making energy more accessible to everyone. The rising sun in the pavilion’s design symbolises unlimited clean energy, and the pavilion itself is also completely circular (Netherlandsandyou, 2023).
I’m looking forward to the details on this project and what other countries have to offer and I hope it will bring us the same iconic images as the Expo of Osaka in 1970. //
Bureau International Des Expositions (n.d.). About World Expos https://www.bie-paris.org/ site/en/about-world-expos
Netherlands and you (2023). Expo 2025 Osaka: design of the Netherlands Pavilion unveiled. https://www.netherlandsandyou.nl/latest-news/news/2023/06/05/expo-2025-osakadesign-of-the-netherlands-pavilion-unveiled
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Helaas is dit niet het moment //