Developing Soft Skills for Engineers Computer Society C S i off India I di Kolkata Chapter
Subhajit Mazumder Life Member of CSI
Agenda What is meant by Soft Skills? y Communication y
â—Ś Verbal â—Ś Non verbal (Body language) y y y y y
Developing overall persona Group discussions Interviews Presentations Public speaking p g
Modality of this session Interaction y Participation y Speaking out your thoughts y Ask y
What is meant by Soft Skills? Is it onlyy about speaking p g good g English? g .. Is it about behavior? ..What Wh allll is i encompassed p d by b soft f skills? kill ? Lets have the answer!!
What is meant by Soft Skills? Not one answer y Soft Skills include: y
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
Communication: written, verbal, non non-verbal verbal Environmental Sensitivity Fine judgment Actions (how you carry yourself) Overall Persona
Communication Verbal – 7% Vocal – 32% Visual – 55% LLookk at somebody b d ffor 30 seconds.. d You Y form f an opinion!! Verbal vs. Written - immediacy
Communication y
Attempting p g to improve p – the RWLS principle ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
Read Write g ) Listen ((least taught) Speak
What? Where? When? How?
Communication y
Use words which are: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
Familiar p Short and simple Appropriate Balanced with culture / environmental sensitivity
Think before communicatingg
Communication (verbal) y
Voice ◦ Know your type of voice (recording casual telephonic conversation) ◦ Variation of tone, pitch, volume
Deliveryy ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
Pronunciation / Clarity Pace Pause Body language
Communication (non (non--verbal) y
How do yyou carryy yourself? y ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
Dress sense pp Appearance Attitude Actions: hand movements,, bodyy pposture,, leaning forward p eyes, y ggeneral ◦ Looks: facial expressions, demeanor
Communication (written) y
Analyze y the situation: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
Formal Informal Factual Time constraints Background knowledge
Mails: cc cc, bcc bcc, subject, subject priority priority, salutation y Chat, SMS y
Developing overall persona y y y y y
Balanced approach A Attitude d Set a timeline for self-development Incremental small improvements Incremental, A gradual, continuous process
Today it’s a result of what you have done in the first 15 years of your life… .. Tomorrow it’ll be a result of what you do from today …
Group Discussions What is it? y Types: y
◦ Issue based / Contemporary ◦ Abstract ◦ Case study based y
Remember ..You are not there to solve the problem!! .. Discuss!!
Group Discussions You HAVE to speak p y Make your points – listen – collect more information o at o – spea speak aga again y PREP principle y
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ y
Point Rationale Example Point re-stated for emphasis
C id different Consider diff t perspectives ti
Group Discussion y y y y y
Not necessaryy to start the discussion Do NOT debate .. It’s a discussion Do NOT be emotional about the topic Listen L others Let h speakk too .. Do D not cut in i
Remember your objective is not to win the battle ‌ it is to get selected!!
Interviews y
Pre-interview preparation
◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ y
Know your competency K Work on your fundamentals Know the company / institute / organization CV preparation
D day
◦ Dress for the occasion ◦ Reach the venue before time ◦ Relax
Don’t discuss what is being asked from other candidates !!
Interview Enter the room confidently (body language) y Etiquettes y Be honest – say you don’t know when you don’t y Do NOT Bluff the interviewer y Attend to all interviewers (stress interviews) y Exit gracefully y
Presentations Target audience y Setting: time, space, facilities, visibility, audibility y Content y Mode of presenting: OHP, PowerPoint etc. y Flexibility y
Thinkingg on your y feet!! f
Public Speaking Usuallyy for a larger g audience y Spontaneous speech – thoughts y Good oratory skills y Opportunities: y
◦ Conferences C f ◦ Debates ◦ Meetings M i
Thank You
Team Advisory d @ l