Subiaco Primary School Business Plan 2014-2017

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PLAN 2014-2017

Subiaco Primary School means... always trying to do your best and being shown how to do your best. This plan has been a collaborative effort involving the students, staff, parents and School Board. Together, we have developed the strategic directions for the future that will support our students to be successful learners who have pride in themselves and their community. The plan forms part of a suite of documents including operational plans, the Workforce Plan and the Delivery and Performance Agreement.






OUR BEST Environment



Successful students are the centre of our school improvement. Everything we do is evaluated in relation to the impact on student learning. Our school improvement cycle has three elements; we assess data and other evidence related to student achievement and school operations; we plan improvement strategies; and we action them.

Excellence in teaching & learning


1. Teaching and learning; 2. Partnerships; and 3. Environment.


The targets and milestones contained in this plan indicate the level of progress towards achieving our three priority areas:


Subiaco Primary School Our best since 1897 Our students are the heart of our school and our goal is to support them to achieve their best. With that in mind, the introduction in our Business Plan has been crafted by our students. Their visions, thoughts and words are included to remind us all why Subiaco Primary School is special to them. This is our school Our yellow and maroon uniform, the best combination Raising the Australian flag with pride Singing in the school choir with passion Historic buildings in contrast to the modern education we receive Really living the words of our school creed: “We will fit ourselves for the future� Lying on the hammock looking at the sky through the Blackies Waiting by the edge of the pool until 3.30pm, then together we all jump in Our special bench, under the carob tree is where we chat. It holds all of our memories from over the years.

Graduating students 2014

Excellence in teaching & learning

Teachers provide quality learning opportunities where students are fully engaged and reach their potential STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS



DIGITAL FLUENCY Strengthen digital fluency across all year levels and learning areas, as appropriate.

»»Provide opportunities for professional learning to enhance pedagogy. »»Promote intentional teaching to develop skill, competency and application of technologies across all year levels and all learning areas. »»Embed authentic connectedness between ICT and Critical and creative thinking General capabilities. »»Plan for sustainability of ICT to meet future needs.

»»Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) General capabilities in Information and communication technology (ICT) and Critical and creative thinking are embedded in teaching and evident in student learning.

»»Provide opportunities to attend and share evidencebased professional learning.

»»Full implementation of the Australian Curriculum Phase 1. Teaching staff work towards full implementation of Phases 2-3 as applicable (depending on advertised timelines).

»»Share teacher expertise, through collaborative meetings, mentoring and coaching to encourage ongoing staff learning.

»»Teaching staff report against Phase 1 Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards in Semester 1 2014 & Phase 2/3 as appropriate.

»»Increase student access to and availability of ICT.

STAFF CAPACITY Build staff capacity to meet the diverse and changing needs of our students.

»»Promote differentiation of curriculum delivery and student assessment.

»»ACARA General capabilities and Cross-curricula priorities are evident in teaching. »»Identified English as an Additional Language/Dialect (EAL/D) students make progress against Progress Maps. »»Progress of the Year 3-Year 5 stable cohort from 2013-2016 NAPLAN will demonstrate positive trends in the percentage of children with moderate, high and very high progress in NAPLAN Numeracy and Reading. »»From 2013-2016 establish a positive trend in NAPLAN writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation results from Year 3 to Year 5.

PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS Align performance and development to the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) Professional Standards.

Provide opportunities for reflection and selfassessment against the AITSL standards.

»»All staff self-reflect on their professional practice for continuous improvement (e.g. AITSL professional standards and evidence-based research). »»Classroom planning is connected to operational and strategic plans and measured via self-reflection in performance and development. »»The biennial Staff National School Opinion Survey (NSOS) results are positive.




STATE AND NATIONAL IMPERATIVES Embed the Australian Curriculum in planning, teaching and assessment.

»»2014 Implement The Australian Curriculum; English, Mathematics, Science and History in planning, teaching, assessment and reporting. »» 2014 Familiarise and implement Geography in Semester 2. »»2015-2016 Specialist teachers familiarise and implement Health and Physical Education, Languages and Arts. »» 2015-2017 Explore, familiarise and/or implement Civics and Citizenship, Economics and Business and Technologies.

»»Full implementation of the Australian Curriculum Phase 1. Teaching staff work towards full implementation of Phases 2-3 as applicable (depending on advertised timelines). »»All teaching staff report against Phase 1 Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards in Semester 1 2014 and Phase 2/3 as appropriate. »»ACARA General capabilities and Cross-curricula priorities are evident in teaching and student learning. »»Evidence of moderated teacher judgment in Australian Curriculum Phase 1 and Phase 2 as applicable (depending on timeline).

»»Implement and embed General capabilities and Cross-curricula priorities in planning, teaching and assessment as appropriate. »»Teachers moderate in reported areas. STUDENT ACCOUNTABILITY Students adopt increasing responsibility and accountability for learning.

Teachers provide explicit instruction and authentic opportunities for student accountability in learning, including engagement in self-reflection and goal setting.

Evidence students are engaging in self-reflection and goal setting to identify their strengths and focus areas.


Positive involvement, connection and collaboration with our school community. STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS



»»Continue to provide formal and informal involvement of our community in the identification and implementation of the future directions of Subiaco Primary School.

»»The biennial Parent National School Opinion Survey (NSOS) results are positive.

RELATIONSHIPS Maintain and strengthen positive school-community relationships.

»»Use a range of relevant and contemporary mediums to communicate to parents. »»Timely and ongoing communication of relevant class, school and community events.

»»Survey data is analysed and actions planned and implemented to address areas of concern. »»Positive School Board feedback regarding school’s self-assessment and performance of school as measured by Board meeting minutes, and survey results.

»»Promote consistency of key messages. »»Build on current partnership initiatives. BRANDING AND MARKETING Ensure consistent branding across all communications.

»»Incorporate new logo in all communications material.

New logo and style guide is used in all communications material and templates.

»»Develop and implement a consistent style guide in all printed and on line material and templates.

INCLUSIVITY AND DIVERSITY Honour inclusivity and diversity.

»»Identify cultural considerations, as applicable, when planning learning experiences.

»»ACARA General capabilities and Cross-curricula priorities are evident in teaching and student learning.

»»Incorporate Intercultural understandings and cross curricula priorities in learning experiences as relevant opportunities arise.

»»Demonstrate inclusive practices. »»Provide learning experiences that celebrate diversity.


Provide vibrant and motivating spaces and opportunities for student learning and well-being. STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS



SCHOOL SITE Create a contemporary and purposeful environment.

»»Buildings and facilities are maintained/ improved to meet the current and future needs of our school.

Evidence of enhancements to the environment by means of planned and documented improvements.

»»Vigilance in health and safety across the school site is maintained. »»Ensure efficient, effective use of school resources.

PERSONAL AND SOCIAL CAPABILITY Provide a safe, caring, inclusive learning environment.

»» Promote a diverse social context to provide opportunities for increased personal and social growth. »»Foster student behaviours that contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

»» Maintain high participation in extra curricula activities (eg. Social Justice Group, swimming & athletics training, choirs, specialist music etc.) as measured by regular, enthusiastic attendance. »» Evidence of student engagement in reflective learning practices to identify their strengths and focus areas and plan for improvement. »» The biennial Student National School Opinion Survey (NSOS) results are positive.

Subiaco Primary School means... dedication to each other, to our school, to our learning and to making the most of our opportunities and talents.

Graduating student 2014

THE SCHOOL CREED This is our school. In these rooms and on the playing fields we will fit ourselves for the future. Let us not throw away these precious years but gain from them all we can. Let us remember that a school is not a building but a gathering of minds and hearts. And a place of friendly guidance and help. This is our school.

SUBIACO PRIMARY SCHOOL Bagot Road, Subiaco WA 6008 T 9381 5078 F 9381 6230 E W

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