The Art of Mind Control: Have you ever been stunned by the things you did which you thought you would never do normally? Have you obeyed someone’s instructions and done this exceptional action which is new to you? I am sure you have done something like this which to your surprise has been made possible very smoothly without even knowing what actually brought about this action performed by you in the first place. Little did you know that you were under the influence of hypnosis and that your mind was being controlled. Yes that is correct our mind can be controlled in ways that no one can imagine. This happens without any obvious influencing factors and you are left unaware of the source of hypnosis.. Mind control has been a very serious topic of interest since a long time now. Hypnotists have strived to master the art of mind control on various subjects and get them to do things that they might have previously thought was impossible. This methodology has been manifested into helping individuals to gain control on their habits, behavior, thought process, in some casesto either suppressa certain behavioral pattern or thought processeswhile in other casesto enhance the thought processand boost one’s self confidence. Patients have seen an obvious improvement in their outlook towards life after undergoing such positive hypnosis sessions. The quintessential covert hypnotist practices mind control using his own specific tactics in the way of delivering their speech or para language, gestures or body language that also includes facial expressions. The hypnotist needs to master this art well through a range of practical experiments and intensive research in this area and make sure that they sound convincing enough and confident enough to be able to influence others. Mind control is an art of manipulating certain areasof the mind that needs help. For instance, when a person is addicted to fattening foods and is thus gaining a lot of weight needs a control on his diet and other food habits. To bring about this control one needs to train the mind of the particular patient such that he despisesfoods that are major causesof weight gain and avoids them with ease. Similarly, mind control is also used in many self-help hypnosis procedures wherein you are subjected to either an audio or visual aid that imposesall the right genre of thoughts into your mind that helps boost your self confidence thus eventually improves your overall personality. A person’s mind can be effectively controlled in the time of stress and mental pressure. It is possible to easily come over all these obstacles that pose a hindrance to your peace of mind and gain control over your thoughts and invite in positive energies so that you lead a life of full content minus the unnecessary worries. It is indeed amazing as to how much you can explore into your own minds and control certain aspects of it to make it work accordingly so that not just you but everything around you act the way you want.