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About Pricing Blog FA Curators CampaignOfTheMonth Upload Your Music Sign in Music Music Promotion Promotion To To Independent Curators Independent Curators Platform Platform Submit Music Submit Music Read more Read more ChatGPT'S Best ChatGPT'S Best Platform Platform To To Promote Promote Music Music SpotifyPlaylists YouTube Channels TikTok RecordLabels Blogs RadioStations StartYourCampaign As Published On As Published On For Artists Upload your music
Create your campaign and submit music to playlists, channels, blogs or radio stations Choose your genres and release date for your campaign If curators like your music, they will have your song featured on their playlist, channel, blog, radio or label Start Your Campaign Get detailed data on your artist page, how many playlists and channels added your song release Attract new audiences and watch your fanbase and listeners grow, Get your music heard YouTube Channels up to 1 5 milion subscribers 1 450 Spotify playlst Curators Over 500 Labels OnlineRadio Stations Independent Blogs For Curators Listen and review new music from artists from around the world, within your genre If you own Spotify playlist, blogs, radio station, YouTube channel, TikTok channel or deezer playlist, you might be eligible to register Spotify playlist curators earn from 50% up to 60% of each song review Become a curator Access and discover new indie artists

ArtistsShouldBeArtists, NotPromoters

media, to playlist curators, monthly listeners and managing your monthly listeners and managing your release date release date

Here are fewtips for you

Here are fewtips for you

Success stories of 5 dierent

Success stories of 5 dierent independent artists who decided independent artists who decided to break the normand eventually to break the normand eventually managed to flourish and make it in the managed to flourish and make it in the industry industry

Blogs are agreat way Blogs are agreat way to get your music exposed and to get your music exposed and listened to by newaudiences listened to by newaudiences

Here are 7 best tips on howto get your Here are 7 best tips on howto get your music onto music blogs music onto music blogs

Spotify's editorial playlists are Spotify's editorial playlists are the holy grail of all Spotify playlists and the holy grail of all Spotify playlists and every artists trying to get his music heard every artists trying to get his music heard find out howto submit your tracks to these playlists

estarted asartists, Weknowhowhard it could betofind aneective musicpromotionservicethat actuallygetsyour musicheard Whenwestarted promoting our owntracks, wetried toreachout tomusiccurators, nooneresponded toour messages Wespent onemonthcreating a song and another monthand half promoting it, It didn’t makeanysense Thisinspired ustochangethewayartistsarepromoting music Our eort isfocused ondelivering good resultswithminimumeort for theartist, Becauseartistsshould beartists, not promoters If you need toget your song hearded, We'reherefor you Our Our Our Our OurFeaturedblogarticles Featuredblogarticles Featuredblogarticles Featuredblogarticles Featuredblogarticles How to Get Your Music on Spotify's How to Get Your Music on Spotify's Algorithmic Playlists Algorithmic Playlists How to promote your How to promote your music in 2023 music in 2023 How to make it in the How to make it in the music industry music industry Using an Using an strategy strategy that will eventually trigger that will eventually trigger Spotify's algorithmic playlists Spotify's algorithmic playlists This is howit's done This is howit's done online music promotion online music promotion Using Spotify music promotion services, Using Spotify music promotion services, Playlist placement, Playlist placement,
fan base? Howto stand out and promote your music Howto stand out and promote your music in the 2023 in the 2023
or just trying to growyour fan base? or just trying
developing amusic career is not easy developing amusic career is not easy
romsocial media, to playlist curators,
5 Famous Independent Artists Who 5 Famous Independent Artists Who Made It Big All On Their Own Made It Big All On Their Own
7 Tips On How To Submit 7 Tips On How To Submit Your Music To Blogs Your Music To Blogs
ow To Get On S
How To Get On S
Editorial P

ONE ONE ONE ONE ONES S S S SUBM UBM UBM UBM UBMIT IT IT IT IT Onlinemusicpromotion Onlinemusicpromotion

One Submit is a musicpromotionwebsite dedicatedto helpingindependent artists submit musicto curators

We oer Spotifypromotionfor artists, blog, online radio,YouTube andTikTok submissions

Here youcansubmit musicto Spotifycurators,Spotifyplaylist,YouTube channels,

TikTok influencers blogs radio stations andsubmit songs to recordlabels

We do not integrate withyour Spotifyplaylist,YouTube channel or anyother asset

Service is suitable for electronicmusicandelectronicartists as well

oucanreadmore on"Howto Get onSpotifyPlaylists "

Visit our YouTube channel,

Joinfor free onour artist dashboard

To get your musicfeaturedon Campaignof the month contact us

We are not aliatedwithSpotify,Apple Music,TikTok,YouTube, streamingplatforms, social media platforms,Spotifyfor artists, playlist push, submithub, musicdistribution, social media marketing, or anyother streamingservices We do not integrate withyour fans or promise additional fans we do not oer free Spotifyplaylistingandwe do not promote unreleasedmusicor unreleasedtracks We helpartists promote their musiconline throughplaylist consideration andother platforms for submittingtracks We helpartists get their musicheardthroughmusicsubmissions All musicsubmissions andmusicpromotionare reviewguaranteed We do not sendyour tracks release to Spotify's editorial playlists, we do not guarantee Spotifyplaylist submission, our services are not free All submissions are subject to playlist considerationandtheydo not include label placement,Spotifypromotion, songfeature, or audience on anyplatform We do not distribute or generate streams directly andwe do not promise anyone millions of streams We are workinghardfor our artists promotingtheir indie music Click here for our upcomingAI submissionnews Y
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