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The most popular articles, Q&As of 2019. Find out what you missed! NEWS NOW RSS FEED
Keep on top of our world of coverage with our free News NEWS NOW RSS FEED Now daily industry update. News Now is a daily RSS feed Keep on top of our world of coverage with our free News of news applicable to the submarine cable industry, highNow daily industry update. News Now is a daily RSS feed of lighting Cable Faults & Maintenance, Conferences & Asnews applicable to the submarine cable industry, highlighting sociations, Current Systems, Data Centers, Future Systems, Cable Faults & Maintenance, Conferences & Associations, Offshore Energy, State of the Industry and Technology & Current Systems, Data Centers, Future Systems, Offshore Upgrades. Energy, State of the Industry and Technology & Upgrades.
PUBLICATIONSSubmarine Cable Almanac is a free quarterly publicaSubmarine Cable Almanac is a free quarterly publication made available through diligent data gathering and tion made available through diligent data gathering and mapping efforts by the analysts at SubTel Forum Analytics, a division of Submarine Telecoms Forum. This reference mapping efforts by the analysts at SubTel Forum Analytics, tool gives details on cable systems including a system map, a division of Submarine Telecoms Forum. This reference landing points, system capacity, length, RFS year and other tool gives details on cable systems including a system map, valuable data. landing points, system capacity, length, RFS year and other Submarine Telecoms Industry Report is an annual free valuable data. publication with analysis of data collected by the analysts of Submarine Telecoms Industry Report is an annual free SubTel Forum Analytics, including system capacity analypublication with analysis of data collected by the analysts of sis, as well as the actual productivity and outlook of current SubTel Forum Analytics, including system capacity analyand planned systems and the companies that service them. sis, as well as the actual productivity and outlook of current and planned systems and the companies that service them. CABLE MAP
The online SubTel Cable Map is built with the industry CABLE MAP standard Esri ArcGIS platform and linked to the SubTel The online SubTel Cable Map is built with the industry Forum Submarine Cable Database. It tracks the progress of standard Esri ArcGIS platform and linked to the SubTel some 300+ current and planned cable systems, more than Forum Submarine Cable Database. It tracks the progress of 800 landing points, over 1,700 data centers, 46 cable ships
as well as mobile subscriptions and internet accessibility data for 254 countries. Systems are also linked to SubTel Forum's News Now Feed, allowing viewing of current and archived news details.
The printed Cable Map is an annual publication showcasing the world's submarine fiber systems beautifully drawn on a large format map and mailed to SubTel Forum Readership and/or distributed during Pacific Telecommunications Conference in January each year.
SubTel Forum tutorials teach how to use the ever growing SubTel Cable Map, including various map layers for data centers, cable ships, etc.
SubTel Forum Subscribers have exclusive access to SubTel Forum online MSRs updated quarterly: DATA CENTER & OTT PROVIDERS: Details the increasingly shrinking divide between the cable landing station and the backhaul to interconnection services in order to maximize network efficiency throughout, bringing once disparate infrastructure into a single facility.
If you're interested in the world of Data Centers and its impact on Submarine Cables, this MSR is for you. GLOBAL CAPACITY PRICING: historic and current capacity pricing for regional routes (Transatlantic, Transpacific, Americas, Intra-Asia and EMEA), delivering a comprehensive look at the global capacity pricing status of the submarine fiber industry.
Capacity pricing trends and forecasting simplified. GLOBAL OUTLOOK: dive into the health and wellness of the global submarine telecoms market, with regional analysis and forecasting. This MSR gives an overview of planned systems, CIF and project completion rates, state of supplier activity and potential disruptive factors facing the market.
SubTel Forum designs educational courses and master classes that can then appear at industry conferences around the world. Classes are presented on a variety of topics dealing with key industry technical, business, or commercial issues.
See what classes SubTel Forum is accrediting in support of the next generation of leaders in our industry.
The Authors Index is a reference source to help readers
locate magazine articles and authors on various subjects. OFFSHORE OIL & GAS: provides a detailed overview o the offshore oil & gas sector of the submarine fiber industry and covers system owners, system suppliers and various market trends. This MSR details how the industry is focusing on trends and new technologies to increase efficiency and automation as a key strategy to reduce cost and maintain margins, and its impact on the demand for new offshore fiber systems.
REGIONAL SYSTEMS: drill down into the Regional Systems market, including focused analysis on the Transatlantic, Transpacific, EMEA, AustralAsia, Indian Ocean Pan-East Asian and Arctic regions. This MSR details the impact of increasing capacity demands on regional routes and contrasts potential overbuild concerns with the rapid pace of system development and the factors driving development demand.
SUBMARINE CABLE DATASET: details 400+ fiber optic cable systems. Including physical aspects, cost, owners, suppliers, landings, financiers, component manufacturers, marine contractors, etc. STF