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Characterized by steady growth since the early 1990s, the Americas region has continued to enjoy frequent additions over the last 10 years – going from 53 cables in 2012 to 83 cables in 2022.

After 10 years of steady growth, with an average of about two systems being ready for service per year, the region is currently undergoing another boom in development with seven systems implemented in 2019, four in 2020, four in 2021, and three additional systems to be ready for service by the end of 2022. (Figure 85)


Unlike most of the other markets, the Americas region has consistently observed medium to high levels of growth.

Since 2005, new cable development has consistently added an average of 5 percent more kilometers per year. Departing from this trend, there was a 7 percent increase in 2009, a 10 percent increase in 2014, an 11.7 percent increase in 2017 and a 6 percent increase in 2019. The region has seen steady growth until 2017 when an unprecedented 11.7 percent growth rate was observed. Since 2019, average kilometers added has remained at around 5 percent growth annually and there is no indication this will change significantly. (Figure 86)

There are currently 14 systems planned through to 2025 and 64 percent of those cables have achieved their CIF milestone. (Figure 87) This indicates there is continued potential for steady growth in this region. However, with increasing economic and political instability throughout the Americas, there is a possibility – though small – that some planned systems may come across additional difficulties as they progress through their development process.

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