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first fitness
As the number of infections in the U.S. rise—so may your anxiety. But the stress related to uncertainty, anticipation, and fear can also wreak havoc on our health. Staying active is important under normal circumstances, as it helps with weight management, disease prevention, and mental health. Choose to challenge yourself and stay active during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Exercise: Lifts mood, which is critical when faced with the challenge of staying inside and finding alternative activities to do to substitute for some of your usual ones. Improves cholesterol profile and lowers blood pressure, which can help lower risk for heart disease. Helps you sleep better and manage stress better, which can both be difficult when schedules are disrupted.
1. Set a goal…beyond weight. 2. Find the kind of routine that works for you. 3. Don’t just focus on cardio; strength-training is important, too. 4. Mix it up with yoga challenges. 5. Don’t overdo it and get injured! 6. If you’re growing bored with your routine, do something different. 7. Keep a food journal. 8. Sign up for a race event.
With a goal in sight you will have increased motivation to keep up with your fitness plans.
Sign up for an endurance race. Take on a new challenge, support a good cause or run/walk/roll for the health of it. Be certain to select an event within your range of conditioning and consult a physician before beginning any exercise program. Check each issue of Suburban Family for updates. Event information may be out of date due to the coronavirus (COVID-19). Please confirm details with event organizers.
FRIDAY, JUNE 5 VIRTUAL LaGrange Rocks 5K Run/Walk Fri., 6/5 Benefits The LeaderShop’s Youth Programs www.theleadershop.org
Foodie 5K. Libertyville. SolveHungerToday.org/Foodie5K Chicago Gospel Run 10K Run, 5K Run/Walk and Half-Mile Kids’ Run. Chicago. gospelrun.com. Cori’s Kids Triathlon Swim, Bike and Run. Oak Brook. obparks.org. Great Steps Neurofibromatosis 3-Mile Walk. Naperville. nfmidwest.org. Run the Ridge 5K and 1K Run/Walk. Burr Ridge. runtheridge5k.com.
Trot Against Trafficking 5K Run, 1-Mile Walk and
Kids’ Race. trotagainsttrafficking.com. THE DASH Around Lake Opeka 5K & Millennium Mile. Des Plaines. dpparks.org/programs/the-dash-5k-2020 DASH for Detection 5k walk/run. Montrose Harbor, Chicago.dashfordetection.com
SUNDAY, JUNE 7 VIRTUAL Run for the Zoo 5K/10K Sat. 6/7 Benefits Lincoln Park Zoo Chicago www.lpzoo.org/run-zoo
March for Babies 3-Mile Walk. Chicago. marchforbabies.org. North Shore Classic Half Marathon and 5K. Highland Park. northshoreclassic.com. Tour de Cure Ride with multiple route options. Aurora. tour.diabetes.org. Walk for Wishes. Chicago. illinois.wish.org
Take Steps Walk. Naperville. crohnscolitisfoundation.org. Walk and Roll 5K Run/Walk, 10K Skate, 15K Bike and Kids’ Dash. Chicago. walkrollchicago.org.
Naperville 10K. Naperville. Naperville10k.com Tunnel to Towers 5K Run. Lake Zurich. eventbrite.com.
ET Batavia Triathlon, Duathlon, Youth Splash and
Dash, and Kids’ Dash. Batavia. bataviatriathlon.org. Honor Ride Chicago Bike Ride. Evanston. evanstonsubaru.com.
Breaking the PTSD Stigma 5K. St. Charles. notallwoundsbleed.com. Miles for Migraines 2 Mile Walk, 5K/10K. Chicago. milesformigraine.org. Not All Wounds Bleed 5K. St. Charles. notallwoundsbleed.com
PrairieFest 5K Run and 1-Mile Dog Jog. Oswego. oswegolandparkdistrict.org. Father’s Day 5K & 10K Wheaton. runsignup.com Ricky Byrdsong Memorial Race Against Hate. Evanston. ywca-ens.org/rah/ Daisy Dash 5k & Kids Fun Run. Clarendon Hills. Daisydash.com Father’s Day 10K/5K Run and Kids’ Dash. Cary. ttcca.org.
Bike MS: Tour de Farms 2-day event with multiple route options. St. Charles. nationalmssociety.org. PurpleStride 5K Run/Walk. Chicago. purplestride.org. Run the Runway. Wheeling. chiexec.com/rtrcea2020/
Swedish Days Ride. Maple Park. fvbsc.org. Chicago 10K Run. Chicago. runmfg.com. Patriot Run 5K Run/Walk. Crystal Lake. mchenrycountypatriotrun.org