18 minute read
March & April great events
Here’s your source for current and upcoming great events. Event information is subject to change without notice, therefore, we encourage you to call ahead and confirm. Preregistration for most events required. And, be certain to tell ‘em you saw it in Suburban Family Magazine!
If you have an event of regional interest that you would like included in the Great Events section, please send an e-mail to: mail@subfam.com Deadline for inclusion in the May/ June issue is Friday, April 14.
PRETEEN Dodgeball and Pizza – Enjoy some pizza and Dodgeball in our gymnasium. 6-8PM. Register. CORE Gymnasium. Lemont. Lemontparkdistrict.org
ADULT Dancing with the Band – Move to the music on the dance floor at Garden Terrace located in the Pavilion. 7 – 9 PM. Elk Grove. elkgroveparks.org
SENIOR Senior Stroll – Seniors can explore preserves and learn history surrounding the land. 10AM-12PM. Creek Bend Nature Center. St. Charles. Kaneforest.com
KIDS Flashlight Clover Hunt – Meet us at Firefighters Park to find special clovers, some for prizes. Bring a basket and dress for outdoors. Ages 3-11. 6:15-6:45PM. New Lenox. newlenoxparks.org
FAMILY Dino Activity Day – Fossils and hands-on activities, plus a take-home craft and Bingo. Register. 10AM4PM. Lizzadro Museum. Oak Brook. Lizzadromuseum.org
FAMILY Multicultural Fest – Student performances, crafts, games, activities and foods from around the world to educate and celebrate many cultures. 11AM-2PM. Community Rec Center. Schaumburg. Parkfun.com
FAMILY St. Patrick’s Day Parade and Fest - Enjoy floats and fun in historic downtown Lemont. Parade steps off at 1PM. Lemont. Lemont.il.us
FAMILY Woodland Family Hikes: Maple Tapping –Discover the cultural and natural history of maple trees and maple tapping at Morton Arboretum. 11AM. Lisle. Mortonarb.org
OUTDOORS Maple Sugaring – Learn how to identify and tap a maple tree and try drilling a tap. Enjoy cocoa and ice cream while the syrup simmers over an open fire. 12-
3PM. Leroy Oaks Forest Preserve. Kaneforest.com
CONCERT Community Music Programs – Small ensemble music performance of Menghua Guan, Chinese Zither, with community musicians. 2PM. All ages. Register. Oak Brook. Reserve spots at Lizzadromuseum.org
FAMILY Irish Parade – Enjoy the Tinley Park Irish Parade along Oak Park Ave. Enjoy delicious Irish fare. Tinley Park. Tinleypark.org
OUTDOORS Maple Sugaring – Learn how to identify and tap a maple tree and try drilling a tap. Enjoy cocoa and ice cream while the syrup simmers over an open fire. 123PM. Leroy Oaks Forest Preserve. Kaneforest.com
FAMILY Adventures in Nature – Kids connect with nature through outdoor exploration. 10:30-11:45AM. Greenbelt Cultural Center. North Chicago. Lcfpd.org
ADULT The Challenge: Live Quiz Game – Show off your knowledge as you compete for prizes during this quiz game featuring pop culture, music, history, geography and other categories. Register your team or we’ll place you with one. 7-8:30PM. Mayslake. Dupageforest.org
KIDS Lucky Charm Dive – Dive into our leisure pool filled with charms to collect. Turn them in for small prizes. 5:30-7:30PM. Wheeling. Wheelingparkdistrict.com
CLASS Rockin’ Jewelry for Kids – Children make their own gemstone jewelry, a necklace, keychain or pin. All materials included in kits. Scavenger hunt after, jewelry badge for scouts. 1:30PM. 8yrs+. Register. Oak Brook. Lizzadromuseum.org
FAMILY Superfood Friends are Exhibit Kick-Off –The Art Center in Highland Park will kick off its new exhibit with Prescott Ellison and Superfood Friends character Andy Apple. 1-3PM. Highland Park. Theartcenterhp.org
FAMILY Pot of Gold Park Stroll – Search for leprechauns, rainbows and more in Mt. St. Mary Park. St. Charles. Stparks.org
FAMILY St. Patrick’s Parade – The parade returns this year at 2PM in downtown St. Charles. Check the website for updates on events around town. St. Charles. stcstpatricksparade.com
KIDS Rock and Mineral ID Class – All materials included to identify 9 specimens, followed by a tour of the museum. Completes Earth Science badges for Scouts. 10:30AM. Lizzadro Museum. Oak Brook. Register. lizzadromuseum.org
SHOPPING Grayslake Antiques and Flea Market –
Zurko Promotions presents its annual flea market at the Lake County Fairgrounds. Grayslake. Zurkopromotions.com
FUNDRAISER Glen Ellyn Food Pantry Celebration of Tables – Tickets available for this gala to raise funds for the Glen Ellyn Food Pantry at the Arrowhead Golf Club in Wheaton. Glenellynfoodpantry.org
SHOPPING Grayslake Antiques and Flea Market –Zurko Promotions presents its annual flea market at the Lake County Fairgrounds. Grayslake. Zurkopromotions.com
VIRTUAL Native Landscaping: Creating your Garden Plan – Get tips and tricks for incorporating native plants into your gardening goals. Ages 18+. Register. 3-4PM. Dupageforest.org
FAMILY St. Patty’s Day Bingo – Fun, family night of Bingo with prizes, passes and gift cards. 5:45-7:15PM. Bartlett Community Center Oak Room. Bartlett. Bartlettparks.org
KIDS Lucky’s Flashlight Hunt – Lucky the Leprechaun will be leaving green and gold coins and treats to find. Everyone gets a goody bag. Bring a flashlight. Ages 1-14. 8PM. Itasca. Itascaparkdistrict.com
LECTURE The River Flows Through It series – An opportunity to provide your input and ideas to create a lively riverfront environment. 7-8PM. Baker Community Center, St. Charles. Register at stcrivercorridor.org
SENIORS Springtime Bingo – Bring your friends and join us for FREE Bingo at the CORE Gymnasium. St. Patrick’s Day Theme. Register in Advance. 1-2PM. Lemont. Lemontparkdistrict.org
SENIORS Active Adult Bunco Parties – Join us for a Bunco party with prizes. A light lunch will also be served. Register. 11:30AM-2:30PM. Plainfield Township Community Center. Plfdparks.org
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
SENIORS St. Patrick’s Bingo – Join us for Bingo and the chance to win exciting prizes. Pre-registration required. 1-3PM. Wheeling. Wheelingparkdistrict.com
ADULT Adult Egg Hunt – Hunt for eggs filled with goodies including gift cards and a cash prize. Free. Wilder Park. Elmhurst. Epd.org
CRAFT Spring Fling Craft Show – More than 150 vendors selling handmade crafts, Jewelry and home décor. 10AM - 4PM. Community Christian Church, Plainfield. communitychristian.org
KIDS Easter Egg Hunt – Bring your basket for a traditional egg hunt at the Lisle Community Park Bandshell. First time slot: 10AM. Lisle. Lisleparkdistrict.org
KIDS Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt – Bring your basket and flashlight for this fun evening egg hunt. 8PM. Lisle. Lisleparkdistrict.org
MUSIC St. Patrick’s Day Celebration – Live music and curated meals and a special holiday scavenger hunt. 126PM.The Forge, Lemont. Forgeparks.com
OUTDOORS Maple Magic - Learn where maple syrup comes from and how it is made. Enjoy a pancake breakfast served with real maple syrup. 9AM. Delnor Woods Park St. Charles. stcparks.org
OUTDOOR Maple Fest – A short indoor presentation, then hitting the trails for a history on maple syrup. Refreshments available for purchase. Red Oak Nature Center. Tickets needed. 12-2PM. Batavia. redoaknaturecenter.info
OUTDOOR Sugar Bush Fair – Spring Valley’s popular celebration of Spring’s arrival. Learn the history of maple syrup and enjoy breakfast in an enclosed tent from 9AM-12PM. Preregistration highly encouraged. Schaumburg. Parkfun.com
OUTDOOR Maple Fest – Join our annual tradition of turning maple sap in Maple Syrup. Register for timed presentation. 9AM-1PM. Red Oak Nature Center, Batavia. Foxvalleyparkdistrict.org
ART Spring Palette Art Show – The Gregg House Museum is transformed into an art gallery. Paintings, prints, drawings, glass and sculptures for viewing and purchase.
11AM-4PM.All ages. Westmont. Westmontparks.org
FAMILY Sugar Bush Fair – Spring Valley’s popular celebration of Spring’s arrival. Learn the history of maple syrup and enjoy breakfast in an enclosed tent from 9AM-12PM. Preregistration highly encouraged. Schaumburg. Parkfun.com
FAMILY Dog Admission Day – Hit the trails, at The Morton Arboretum, with your canine friend. Dog and human admission passes must be reserved in advance. 7AM-sunset. Lisle. trees@mortonarb.org
FAMILY Let’s Go Girls – An afternoon of activities in celebration of women’s history and female empowerment, including the Rockford Peaches! 12-4. Cantigny Park. Wheaton. Cantigny.org
OUTDOOR Maple Fest – A short indoor presentation, then hit the trails for a history on maple syrup. Red Oak Nature Center. Tickets needed. 12-2PM. Batavia. redoaknaturecenter.info
OUTDOOR Maple Fest – Join our annual tradition of turning maple sap in Maple Syrup. Register for timed presentation. 9AM-1PM. Red Oak Nature Center, Batavia. Foxvalleyparkdistrict.org
VIRTUAL Native Landscaping: Creating your Garden Plan – Get tips and tricks for incorporating native plants into your gardening goals. Ages 18+. Register. 3-4PM. Dupageforest.org
CLASS West Suburban Lapidary Club – monthly meetings with demonstrations, presentations and information on cutting and polishing stones. Club meets at 1PM. Programs at 2PM. Lizzadro Museum. Lizzadromuseum.org
CRAFTS Art and Market Aurora – Curated indoor market featuring food and artisan vendor as Society 57. Free entry. 11AM-12PM. Aurora. Auroradowtown.org
CRAFTS Shower of Crafts – Midwestern artisans selling high-quality, handcrafted art and crafts. College of DuPage, Glen Ellyn. Craftproductionsinc.com
DOGS Doggy Egg Hunt – Dogs hunt for treat-filled eggs at Clow Stephens Dog Park. 12-12:30PM. Plainfield. Plfdparks.org
DOGS Hound Egg Hunt – Head over to Fred P. Hall Amphitheater for a hound-only egg hunt. Check website for entry time by weight. Palatine. Amphitheater. Palatineparks.org
FAMILY Dunn Museum Sensory Friendly Hour –9-10AM. For those who need a calm and quiet visit before it is open to the public. A quiet room will be available for breaks. Libertyville. Lcfpd.org
GARDENING 1800’s Vegetables – Come plant your own vegetable seeds to take home, tour the farmhouse and learn about growing vegetables in the 1800s. 10AM-12PM. Lisle. Lisleparkdistrict.org
CONCERT Chicago Immigrant Orchestra – Orchestra members play instruments native to their countries for a one-of-a-kind music experience. 2-3PM. Elmhurst History Museum. Elmhurst. Elmhursthistory.org
FAMLY Family History Day – Special time reserved for families to drop in and enjoy the “In Pursuit of Happiness” exhibit. Drop in 11AM-3PM. Elmhurst History Museum. Elmhurst. Elmhursthistory.org
FAMILY Dunn Nature Play and Crafts – 1011:30AM. Drop-in to Dunn Museum’s North Shore Gas Classroom for hands-on experiences. Adult supervision required. Libertyville. Lcfpd.org
FAMLY Passport to Community History – Pick up a Community History Passport to begin your local adventure at 3 historical sites in Bensenville 11AM-3PM. Various sites. Bensenville. Elmhursthistory.org
GARDEN Weed Ladies Spring Preview – Features creative seasonal floral arrangements for sale, silk and dried floral creations. 10AM-3:30PM. Proceeds benefit Naperville Heritage Society. Naperville. Napersettlement.org
FAMLY Immigration Storytime – Family-friendly stories about immigration on the hour and half hour, as well as coloring sheets and exhibits. Elementary age children. 10AM-12PM. Elmhurst History Museum. Elmhurst. Elmhursthistory.org
FAMILY Flashlight Egg Hunt – Kids can hunt for eggs filled with prizes and candy at Bott Community Park. 8-8:30PM. Plainfield. Plfdparks.org
FAMILY Flashlight Egg Hunt: Kids Night Out –Bring your flashlight and a basket to find candy and toy filled eggs. Pizza will be served. Register. 6:30-8:30PM. Community Rec Center. Wheeling. Wheelingparkdistrict.com
GARDEN Weed Ladies Spring Preview – Features creative seasonal floral arrangements for sale, silk and dried floral creations. 10AM-3:30PM. Proceeds benefit Naperville Heritage Society. Naperville. Napersettlement.org
KIDS Nerf Wars – The gym at Westmont Community Center is transformed into a Nerf battleground complete with obstacle course. Pizza and drinks included. Westmont. Westmontparks.org
ADULTS Flashlight Egg Hunt – Adults 21 and over can find hundreds of prizes and gift cards and stay for drinks an socializing. Big Camp Timber. Elgin. Register. Flashlightegghunt.org
FAMILY Hop Til You Drop – Games and prizes in this carnival style event. 50 participants every 45 minutes. Register. Free. New Lenox Park District. New Lenox newlenoxparks.org
FAMILY Easter Bunny Photos – Visit with the Bunny in the gazebo on Stolp Ave and receive a free photo. 1-3PM. Millennium Plaza, Downtown Aurora. auroradowntown.org
KIDS Easter Egg Hunt and Eggstravaganza – Bring your basket to Deer Grove Leisure Center for games, crafts, inflatables and the Easter Bunny. 10-10:30AM. Bensenville. Bvilleparks.org
FAMILY Easter Egg Hunt – Meet the Easter Bunny for photos and an Easter Egg Hunt. 9AM. Freedom Park, Tinley Park. Tinleyparkdistrict.org
FAMILY Easter Egg Hunt – Bring your baskets to collect eggs and treasures. Adult supervision. 10AM. Pottawatomie Park, St. Charles. Stcparks.org
FAMILY Doggy Egg Hunt – Bring your fur baby out to hunt for colorful eggs and treats at Riverbend Community Park. $5 per dog. 10-11AM. St. Charles. stcparks.org
FAMILY Spring Fling eggs at Washington Park and will stick around for photos. Check eggs for prizes! FREE. Itasca. Itascaparkdistrict.com
KIDS Preschool Egg Hunt preschool playground to find candy and toy filled eggs. Meet the Easter Bunny, too. Register. 9:30AM-11:15AM. Commu nity Rec Center. Wheeling. Wheelingparkdistrict.com
KIDS Kids Egg Hunt at Camp Big Timber ages 10 and under will have an egg hunt, Goody bag and visit from the Easter Bunny. 9AM. Elgin. Register. Flashlight egghunt.org
KIDS Egg Hunt hunt at the Lombard Community Building. 10:40-11AM. Lombard. Lombard.parks.com
KIDS Hippity Hoppity Bunny Trail table at Centennial Park Trail for treats! Participants encour aged to dress like a bunny. 10AM-12PM. Lemont. Register. Lemontparkdistrict.org
KIDS Egg Hunt baseball field in Gregory B. Bott Community Park Bring your camera for phots ops with the Easter Bunny. 10:00-11:00AM. Plainfield. plfdparks.org
KIDS Preschool Egg Hunt playground for fun and games. Bring your camera for pho tos with the Bunny. Register early. Ages 1-3. 9:30-10:45AM. Wheeling. Wheelingparkdistrict.com
KIDS Bunny Bash freshments and the Easter Bunny. 9:30-11AM. Circle Park. Bloomingdale. Bloomingdaleparks.org
FAMILY Easter Egg Hunt
Egg hunt returns. Check back for details as date approaches. 10AM-4PM. Cantigny’s Parade Field, Wheaton. Cantigny.org
KIDS Flashlight Egg Hunt
March/April 2023 and head to the Springbrook Nature Center for an egg hunt in the dark. Ages 1-14. 8PM. Itasca. Itascaparkdistrict.com
FAMILY Drop In at the Dunn Nature Play and Crafts – 10-11:30AM. Drop-in to Dunn Museum’s North Shore Gas Classroom for hands-on experiences. Adult supervision required. Libertyville. Lcfpd.org
TEENS Eggstreme Teen Night – FREE. Hundreds of eggs will be hidden at Washington Park, so bring your basket and flashlight to find eggs and special prizes. Ages 10-15. 8PM. Itasca. Itascaparkdistrict.com
PRETEEN Dodgeball and Pizza – Enjoy some pizza and Dodgeball in our gymnasium. Register 6-8PM. CORE Gymnasium. Lemont. Lemontparkdistrict.org
DOGS Doggie Easter Egg Hunt – Bring your doggie to Circle Park to find eggs filled with doggie treats. Dogs must be leashed 6:45PM. Bloomingdale. Bloomingdaleparks.org
FAMILY Amazing Amphibians – Free to families with kids under 12 years. Drop in to learn about and meet Lake County amphibians. Dunn Museum. Libertyville. Lcfpd.org
KIDS Flashlight Egg Hunt – Bring your brightest flashlight and hunt for the golden egg containing a gift card! 7:30-7:50PM. Register. Bloomingdaleparks.org
KIDS Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt – Bring a flashlight and a basket for your goodies. Hunting occurs in 2 head Springs Farmhouse. Hampshire. Kaneforest.com
TEENS Flashlight Egg Hunt – Bring your flashlight search for eggs filled with candy and prizes. Ages 11–16. 8PM. Wilder Park, Elmhurst. Register epd.org
KIDS Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt & Hike - Let’s take a hike through our natural area! Bring your flashlight in search of treat-filled eggs along the trail. Hickory Knolls Discover Center. 6PM. St. Charles. stcparks.org
DOGS Doggie Eggstravaganza – Celebrate spring with your four-legged friends for an egg hunt just for them. 11AM sharp. Berens Park. Elmhurst. Epd.org
KIDS Hippity Hoppity Bunny Trail – Head out to Heriage Park for fun and games. Bring a basket and a camera for pics with the Easter Bunny. 10AM-12PM. Wheeling. Wheelingparkdistrict.com
KIDS Underwater Egg Hunt – Hunt for Easter eggs in the shallow end of the pool and stay to take photos with the Easter Bunny. 12:15-2PM. Register. Norric Rec Center, St. Charles. Stcparks.org
KIDS Egg Hunt – Bring your baskets, hunt for treats, and visit with the Easter Bunny at Robbins Park. Spring crafts and entertainment is fun for the entire family. Hinsdale. villageofhinsdale.org
KIDS Egg Hunt at Berens Park – Hop over to the baseball fields at Berens Park to hunt for candy and prizefilled eggs. Adults accompany kids. Ages 2-10. Register.
KIDS Milto’s Marvelous Egg Hunt – 10AM. Blackberry Farm. Aurora. Foxvalleyparkdistrit.org
KIDS Floating Egg Hunt – Vaughan Athletic Center, 9-11AM. Aurora. Foxvalleyparkdistrict.org
KIDS Downtown Batavia Egg Hunt – Hop around downtown Batavia businesses to find eggs for a chance to win raffle prizes. Includes games, music, and activities. Batavia. Enjoyaurora.com
KIDS Egg Hunt on the Island – Go on a scavenger hunt via Stolp Island. See their website and Facebook page for details closer to the date of the event. 1-3PM. Aurora. Auroradowntown.org
OUTDOORS Bird Walk – Cantigny bird walks are conducted in partnership with the DuPage Birding Club. Beginning birders and kids at least 8 years old welcome. 7:30AM. Cantigny, Wheaton. Register cantigny.org
Happy Easter!
DEMONSTRATION Blending and Glazing with Acrylics – Dale Olsen demonstrates how he achieves oil-like effects using acrylic paints. Bloomingdale Park District Museum. Bloomingdale. Bpetrosius@gmail.com
SENIORS Springtime Bingo – Bring your friends and join us for FREE Bingo at the CORE Gymnasium. St. Patrick’s Day Theme. Register in Advance. 1-2PM. Lemont. Lemontparkdistrict.org
SHOPPING Grayslake Antiques and Flea Market –Zurko Promotions presents its annual flea market at the Lake County Fairgrounds. Grayslake. Zurkopromotions.com
LECTURE Yellow Peril: Understanding Asian America through Storytelling – 2-3PM. Mix of intimate personal storytelling and mini presentations. Elmhurst History Museum. Elmhurst. Elmhursthistory.org
SHOPPING Grayslake Antiques and Flea Market –Zurko Promotions presents its annual flea market at the Lake County Fairgrounds. Grayslake. Zurkopromotions.com
SENIORS Active Adult Bunco Parties – Join us for a Bunco party with prizes. A light lunch will also be served. Register. 11:30AM2:30PM. Plainfield Township Community Center. Plfdparks.org
ADULT Egg Hunt – After you very own egg hunt at
PARC, relax and enjoy pizza, pop and a chance to win some prizes. 1 raffle ticket included and more available for purchase. 6-8PM. PARC. Plainfield. Plfdparks.org
CRAFTS Art and Market Aurora – Curated indoor market featuring food and artisan vendor as Society 57. Free entry. 11AM-12PM. Aurora. Auroradowtown.org
FAMILY FOREGE FEST – Nature trail, vendor village, activities for kids, workshops, conservation projects, live entertainment, food trucks. Free.The Forge. Lemont. Theforge. gives
FAMILY Earth Day Story/Walk – Walk the trail through the park while reading pages of an Earth friendly story, plus more activities. 10AM-12PM. Volunteer Park. Tinley Park. Tinleyparkdistrict.org
FAMILY Earth Day – Celebrate Earth Day with the whole family with a nature walk. Learn about Wheeling’s wildlife, view live animals up close, plant seeds in our butterfly garden. 11AM-1PM. Wheeling. Wheelingparkdistrict.com
OUTDOORS Earth Day – Celebrate Earth Day with a nature walk, view animals up close and plant seeds in the butterfly garden. Free. 11AM-1PM. Heritage Park Performance Pavilion. Wheeling. Wheelingparkdistrict.com
FAMILY Arbor Day Celebration – Join the Lemont Park District Pre-school Academy for a celebration including butterfly aviary, activities and a visit from Seemore the Eagle. 12-1PM. Centennial Community Center. Lemont. Lemontparkdistrict.org
FAMILY STEMCON – Experts will be on hand to provide cutting-edge demonstrations and hands-on exhibits for careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. FREE.10 AM - 4 PM. College of DuPage cod.edu/stemcon
KIDS Touch a Truck – Have fun learning about and climbing all over trucks, cars, and all types of fun vehicles. FREE. 10AM-1PM. Old Quarry School. Lemont. Lemontparkdistrict.org
FAMILY Lore and Legends: Spring Traditions
– Gather with farm friends to explore different cultural customs, games, bonfire and refreshments for purchase, or bring your own. Primrose Farm. St. Charles. Stcparks.org
FUNDRAISER Chicago Zoological Society Gala –Black-tie event held at the Hilton Chicago, 6PM-Midnight. Proceeds benefit animal care and welfare initiatives as well as educational programs. Register. Czs.org
LECTURE GPA Healy: Prodigious Painter of Cottage Hill – 2-3PM. Museum staff-led lectures shed light on a portrait of Jane Byrd Brian by renowned painter G.P.A. Healy. Reservations required. Elmhurst History Museum. Elmhurst. Elmhursthistory.org
CRAFTS Art and Market Aurora – Back at Society 57 Saturdays through the end of April. Featuring food and artisan vendors, Free entry. 9AM-12PM. Auroradowntown.org
EXHIBIT Women and the Environment Series –Open Fridays through March 2023. Celebrate the contributions women have made to the Natural World through these programs. Morton Arboretum, Lisle. mortonarb.org
EXHIBIT Black Creativity Juried Art Exhibition –
Longest running exhibition of African-American art in the US featuring over 100 Black artists. Runs through April 23 at the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago. msi chicago.org
EXHIBIT Chicagoland Antique Advertising, Slot Machine and Jukebox Show – Annual show returns to the Lake County Fairgrounds in Grayslake. 4/28-4/30. Early buyers show on Friday. Chicagolandshow.com
EXHIBIT Superfood Friends are Exhibit – The Art Center in Highland Park hosts this new exhibit by Prescott Ellison featuring artwork, books and toys about the Superfood Friends characters. Highland Park. Theartcenterhp.org
EXHIBIT Be-Longing Sculptures – Solo exhibition by Indira Johnson’s sculptures reflecting her efforts to maintain a sense of belonging. Runs 3/3 – 4/8. The Art Center, Highland Park. Chicagogallerynews.com
EXHIBIT In Pursuit of Happiness: Immigrants in our Communities – Exhibit runs through May 14, 2023 examining personal stories and experiences of immigrants and their descendants, told through photos, objects and stories. Elmhurst. Elmhurstartmuseum.org
EXHIBIT The Negro Motorist Green Book – The Illinois Holocaust Museum runs this exhibit 1/29 through 4/23 and shares the history of The Green Book, an annual travel guide for African American travelers. Skokie. Ilholocaustmuseum.org
EXHIBIT Northern Illinois Boat Show – Presented by Muson Marine at the Lake County Fairgrouds, Grayslake. Runs from 3/3-3/5. Chicagoareaboatshow.com
EXHIBIT Through Darkness to Light: Photographs Along the Underground Railroad – 1/28-3/19. A visual story of 2,000 miles of the Underground Railroad. Dunn Museum, Libertyville. lcfpd.org.
FAMILY First Fridays – A night of art, fun, music, dance and community at local businesses and venues in downtown Aurora the first Friday evening each month. Aurora. Auroradowntown.org
FAMILY Maple Sugaring – March 4, 5, and 11, 12. Discover how sap becomes syrup as you try tapping with tools from the 1890s, and watch sap thicken over the fire. All ages. Free. Kline Creek Farm, West Chicago. Dupageforest.com
FAMILY Paleo Fest – March 3-5. Dress in your best paleo costume, and jump into so many fun ways to win contests, learn about prehistoric animals...and explore the halls of Burpee with our education staff and international speakers. Burpee Museum, Rockford. burpee.org/paleofest
KIDS Hands on Learning – Join DuPage Children’s Museum for Arts & Maker programming which provides children with the materials, tools, inspiration, and opportunities for collaboration that truly lets their imaginations soar. Naperville. dupagechildrens.org
KIDS Tiny Great Performances Series – Saturdays in March and April features an integration of play performances. Included with museum admission. Performance times vary. DuPage Children’s Museum, Naperville. Dupagechildrens.org
OUTDOOR Hiking Group – Chicago area people looking to get outdoors and socialize can join an event leader for a hike at various locations and distances. Register. Meetup. com/chicagohos

THEATER Bartlett Park District Youth Theater
Presents Newsies – Newsies unite to fight for what is right! March 9–12. Reserved seating. Check website for dates and times. Bartlettparks.org
THEATER Charlotte’s Web – Presented by AlphaBet Soup Productions, playing at various venues. See website for venues and times. Absproductions.com
TOURS Arlington Heights Historical Building Tours – Saturdays 10:30AM and 2:30PM. Meet in the Heritage Gallery for an hour long tour of 5 historical buildings on the museum campus. Arlington Heights. Ahmuseum.org
Catch 35
From the ocean to your plate – Celebrate Lent at Catch 35 Chicago/Naperville! Succulent seafood specials offered daily. Prince Edward Island Mussels, House Smoked Shrimp, Crab Stuffed Maine Lobster Tail, Szechwan scallops, Fish & Chips, pan roasted Chilean sea bass, and so much more. Join us for lunch or dinner.

The Catch 35 menu offers a variety for all to enjoy such as our fresh from the farm dishes like grilled skirt steak, roasted beet salad, braised beef short rib, the wedge salad, and our house burger. In addition, Catch 35 Naperville offers a casual, neighborhood wine & cocktail bar serving fresh oysters, sliders, lobster rolls, and much more. Perfect for afterwork cocktails or meeting up with friends and family. Every Monday celebrate at Catch 35 with half off select bottles of wine.
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for special offers. Contact us at 35 S. Washington St. Naperville, Illinois 60540 – 630-717-3500. Dine in, delivery, & curbside pickup available. Visit www.catch35.com.
A Mykonian escape in the Chicago suburbs, VIOLI represents a Modern Greek restaurant located on the east side of Oakbrook Center. Inspired by its big sister, LYRA, and DineAmic Hospitality owner’s travels through Greece, the team partnered with Greek Top-Chef Athinagoras Kostakos to bring the Greek lifestyle to Illinois. VIOLI is open 7 days a week for dinner and weekday lunch, beginning at 11:30am. Weekend brunch on Saturday and Sundays will be coming soon!
The space includes a 6,300-square-foot interior, an expansive fourseason outdoor pergola patio, a beautiful oval shaped bar, and a fully private dining room. From intimate happy hours and celebrations, to corporate buyouts and catering, our passionate events team is ready to plan the perfect event for 12 or more guests. Inquire today - events@tavernavioli.com. 260 Oakbrook Center Oak Brook, IL 60523. www.tavernavioli.com.

Antico Posto
Antico Posto is a cozy Italian cafe and wine bar serving Italian classics. Located in Oakbrook Center, signature dishes include Chicken Meatballs with arrabbiata sauce, Hand-Stretched Brick Oven Pizzas, House-Made Gnocchi and Baked Eggplant Parmesan. Dine in the main dining room, order catering for an at-home celebration, or enjoy the intimacy of Antico Posto’s private dining room. 630-5869200. 118 Oakbrook Center. www.antico-posto.com

Located in Oakbrook Center, Beatrix is an all-day restaurant, coffeehouse and meeting place open for weekday breakfast, lunch, dinner, happy hour and weekend brunch! The menu features healthy meets delicious options, and is known for its iconic coffee and bakery counter, including signature cookies and in-house pastry favorites. Plus, celebrate your next event in the private dining room accommodating groups up to 65 guests, or enjoy Beatrix catering. 630-491-1415 272 Oakbrook Center. www.beatrixrestaurants.com 9200. 118 Oakbrook Center. www.antico-posto.com
Biaggi’s Biaggi’s is a casual Italian restaurant with 3 locations in the Chicagoland area offering large portions of affordably priced, authentic Italian dishes prepared with the freshest ingredients available. Relax in a comfortable, inviting dining room while enjoying your meal from an extensive selection of pastas, soups & salads, pizza, fresh seafood, steaks and desserts. Signature dishes include Fettuccine with Lobster, Ziti al Forno and White Chocolate Bread Pudding.
Open daily for lunch and dinner, Biaggi’s Chicagoland locations include Algonquin, Deer Park or Naperville. For a complete menu or additional information visit www.biaggis.com.