Dallas Parent, July 2017

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JULY 2017 | FREE suburbanparent.com

inform | educate | inspire



the baby & maternity issue

POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION Know how to help a friend with the “Baby Blues!”










Happy Summer


Mary Ellen Caldwell, RD, LD, CLT editor@suburbanparent.com



ummer is a very important season to us. It’s a chance to relax a bit, enjoy the outdoors, and maybe take a vacation from work and home. It’s also important for our health. That’s right – almost all the processes in our body are regulated by sunlight! It’s interesting that we are less likely to die of a heart attack during summer. We’ve got to thank Vitamin D for that; which is synthesized by sunlight. Several studies also have shown that ovarian, breast and colon cancer are slowed by exposure to sunlight. Do you have skin issues? Some skin disorders are caused by an over-sensitive immune system, and UV rays are known to reduce that sensitivity. Be careful; the therapeutic effects of sun usually occur in 15-20 minutes of sun exposure. After that time, it’s important to apply sunscreen, and reapply after swimming or sweating. And eat summer fruits and vegetables! This is their season too, embrace it. Find a local farmer’s market. Oh, and don’t forget to stay well hydrated! Without water our bodies can’t properly flush those toxins that cause problems. Okay, now go forth and shine; enjoy these God given days of summer, with longer days, beautiful colors, playing outdoors and eating pie. All with a Godward gaze.

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. ­— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Renée Higgins renee@suburbanparent.com

COPY EDITOR Francie Morin




Misty Stagnone Photography mistystagnonephotography.com

AD DESIGNERS Alex Canales So Hee Lee Won

ADVERTISING EXECUTIVES Denise Miller Julie Lesser Williams


Francie Morin francie@suburbanparent.com


Carrie Vincent carrie@suburbanparent.com

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The Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) was founded in 1998 and invites college students into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church, inspiring and equipping them for a lifetime of Christ-centered evangelization, discipleship and friendships in which they lead others to do the same. Contact editor@suburbanparent.com


MEET OUR COVER KID... JAKE, 11 MONTHS Eleven months in this picture, Jake is 3 now. He has a big sister, Natalie (5) and a little brother, Everett (1). He also has 4 dachshunds. He loves swimming, riding his tricycle and the color orange. He also likes to smash bugs. When he grows up, he wants to be a cowboy.


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morning bond


Parenting experts agree that... Taking a few minutes to connect with your child first thing will make all the difference in your morning routine. Simply snuggling for five minutes before barking orders will “fill your child’s cup” and make them more motivated to cooperate. Don’t have 5 minutes? At least give a hug and ask how they slept. It will not only strengthen the bond between you, science says it will promote optimal brain development in your kiddo too.

why hire a doula?

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) issued a Committee Opinion citing evidence that shows continuous, one-to-one support from a labor companion (doula) improves outcomes for women in labor. Benefits include shortened labor, a decreased need for pain medications and a reduced likelihood of cesarean birth. The Committee Opinion recommends several beneficial labor and birth practices; use of a doula is just one of them.

BABY ON BOARD Travelling while pregnant is perfectly safe as long as it’s a normal, healthy pregnancy. It’s a good idea to discuss your trip plans with your doctor or midwife, though. When driving, keep travel time to around 5-6 hours and take plenty of breaks. When flying, choose an aisle seat so you can get up and stretch if you need to. And, it’s recommended that you don’t fly after 36 weeks.

sad dad. Dads can suffer from postpartum depression too. It’s true. Reported rates range from 1-25 percent. Lack of sleep, worry, and yes hormone changes play a role. Men are most vulnerable if they have other health problems, are unemployed and/or the mother is depressed. If that’s the case, the couple should seek outside help since dad may have trouble stepping up to help mom. It’s actually imperative for everyone’s well-being.


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The best shoes for your baby are no shoes at all, especially in the summer. Going barefoot helps build arches and strengthen ankles as babies learn to walk. Plus, kids keep their heads up more when walking barefoot. It’s looking down that throws them off balance.

Of course, shoes are important to protect tiny feet from rough surfaces when walking outside. Just make sure they are made with breathable material (not plastic), and have flexible nonslip soles and secure closures.

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welovethis win

Enter for a chance to win these goodies at winthis@suburban parent.com

THE BABY BOX It’s not just about the Box, it’s about Education. The initiative allows every expecting woman to claim a free Baby Box once receiving prenatal care and parenting information on preventing SIDS through safe sleep practices; along with a range of other important topics at www.babybox university.com. Combining the box, loaded with essentials, and the education, The Baby Box program, with the partnerships of several institutions, including Dallas Medical Center in Farmers Branch, is undeniably increasing parental engagement with valuable educational content. Learn more: www.babyboxuniversity.com


1 Tranquilo Mat

When babies are transitioning after birth, they miss the soothing constant motion and sound, like “whoosh” of mom’s heartbeat and the gentle jostle of every move she makes. So this mat soothes by mimicking these motions through gentle vibrations and soft sounds. Created by a maternity nurse to help fussy babies. Find it at www. tranquilomat.com. Starting at $85

2 Baby Book – The Story of You!

A modern fill-in-the pages baby book designed with busy parents in mind. Knowing timelines and little ones don’t always mix, this baby book doesn’t focus on the typical milestones but lets you focus on the everyday moments that matter most. Also includes an area for handwritten notes and

That’s right! No need to wake your baby up. The Braun No Touch Forehead Thermometer gives you two options to take your child’s temperature – completely non-invasive no touch, or the traditional forehead touch. Proven clinically accurate for all ages. www. target.com, $44

4 Trust the Temp

The Braun Thermoscan 5 Ear Thermometer with exactemp technology delivers accurate temperature readings that you can trust. The ear canal is noted as the best site to get an accurate reflection of the body’s core temperature. www.target.com, $41


Big thanks to CEO Jennifer Clary, and Founder Michelle Vick, both Native Texans, for bringing The Baby Box program to Texas!


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3 Sleep on Little One


TheBabyBox. com program is designed to reduce infant mortality rates.


cards for your baby. Find it at: www. artifactuprising.com, $120

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5 tips for

Choosing a Pediatrician


fter your baby is born, you will visit the pediatrician often. In the first year, your baby will have seven well visits. Studies show that first time parents may visit their child’s pediatrician up to sixteen times before baby’s first birthday. Your child’s doctor plays an important role in your baby’s life; therefore, you will need to find one that is a good fit for you and the child. It can be challenging to find a pediatrician that is right for your family. Here are some tips to get you started on your search.


Start with recommendations

As a first time parent, or a family that has just relocated, it’s hard to know where to


begin your search for a pediatrician. “I asked other moms for a recommendation. It’s a great way to see what names came up repeatedly,” says local mom, Jill. Stacy, nurse and mom of three suggests asking your OB GYN for a recommendation. “I figured if they were good enough for my doctor’s kids then they were good enough for mine.” Some parents, like Nathan and Wendy, chose the same primary care doctor for the whole family. “All four of us use the same doctor. It is super convenient.” says Nathan. Another great way to narrow your search in a new area is to call a local NICU and ask the nurses who they would recommend. “The nurses are more likely to give unbiased feedback,” says Rodganna, mom of three.

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Cover the basics

First you must compare your list of candidates with your insurance policy. Look to see what providers are in your network and then start looking for reviews of those doctors online. “I was able to find a doctor that was better than we ever expected,” says Stephanie, mom of two. Check if the doctor is certified by the American Board of Pediatrics. This means the doctor has passed a specialized test in pediatrics. If you choose a family doctor, ask if the doctor is certified in the American Board of Family Medicine. Family doctors are trained to treat patients of all ages, including children, but they do not have a specialty in pediatrics. Next consider the basic office information that can be

found online or with a quick phone call. What are the office hours? Do they have walk in hours? Will the doctor visit the hospital where you will deliver your baby? What hospital will your child be admitted to if needed? Is the office location convenient to your home, work, school, and daycare? Take these things into consideration as you narrow down your list.


Visit the office

To find out if you feel comfortable in the pediatrician’s office, you will have to take a tour. Call the office and ask if they have times set up for potential patients to come and visit the office, or if you would need to make an appointment. Maybe ask if you can interview the doctor at the same time. Remember to ask if there is a charge

for visiting. Verify with your insurance company to see if the cost would be covered or if you would be responsible for the fees. When visiting the office be aware of what the overall environment feels like. Take into consideration if the office staff is courteous, polite, and willing to help. Is the office clean and inviting? Was parking convenient? Do they have separate sick and well waiting areas? Take all of these things into consideration in your decision. If you plan to visit more than one office, be sure to take notes for later consideration.


Ask some questions

After you have decided that the office environment is a good fit, you will need to interview the pediatrician. Pharmacists, Darcy and Phil said, “After collecting recommendations, I scoured their websites, set up appointments and interviewed them. After the visits, it was very clear which was a good fit.” Start by asking how sick appointments work. How long would it take for a sick child to be seen? Is there a good chance the child will be seen by his own doctor? Do you have similar views on health and wellness such as circumcision, breastfeeding, and immunizations? It’s also important to consider what your preferences are. “Do you want a doctor who offers choices and lets you decide which one works best for you? Or would you be more comfortable with one who gives a lot of directions?” Overall, does the doctor seem genuinely interested in your child or does he seem distracted or rushed? Take your overall impression into account when making your decision.


Bedside manner

How the doctor interacts with your child will have a lot of impact on the decision to choose a pediatrician. Do you feel comfortable around the doctor? Does your child? Are they willing to take the time to

listen to your questions and concerns? A good bedside manner can go a long way in making you and your child feel comfortable. Finding the right pediatrician can be overwhelming, but realize your decision does not have to be permanent. “It’s important to recognize you are

When is it time to find a new pediatrician?

If your child cries the wholetime, that alone, is not cause to switch. However, if the doctor doesn’t seem to care or make an effort to soothe your child, you may have a problem.

If you’re unclear why a certain medication is prescribed or why a test is done. If you can’t come to an agree ment, or at least a middle ground, on most issues. If the location and hours are no longer working for your family. If the doctor often seems inaccessible when your child is sick. If the doctor is making you feel bad or consistently reproaching you for parenting choices. If you feel the doctor is not listening to your concerns. Before switching, discuss your concerns with the doctor. If a compromise cannot be made, it’s time to look elsewhere. Your child’s health is top priority.

not stuck with your decision. You see your pediatrician a lot in those first months and if there is something really bothering you, it’s okay to switch,” says Becky, mom of 3. The parent’s goal is the same as the pediatrician’s, a happy and healthy child. When you find a doctor that is a good fit for your family, you can all work together to reach this goal. SP

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When a friend suffers from Postpartum Mood Disorder


e h t n a h t e r Mo

Baby Blues Y

our friend just had a baby and at first she seemed happy and excited to be a new mom. As you drop by in the following weeks however, she seems anxious, angry, or withdrawn in a way that you wouldn’t expect. She confides one day that being a new mom isn’t what she expected. What can you do to help when you think a friend might have more than “the baby blues”? What if she still seems unlike herself weeks after the baby is born and might need some extra help? Postpartum mood disorder (PMD) is the number one complication with childbirth. It affects fifteen to twenty percent of new mothers and is often undiagnosed in women, leaving new moms worrying and wondering why they don’t feel “normal”. PMD can affect women who have had a baby, stillborn child, or miscarriage, women who are pregnant, or women who have ended breastfeeding. PMD can include any number of symptoms: obsessive-compulsive behavior, depression, anxiety, or anger. Talking with a trusted friend may be the first step in reaching out for help. Though you can’t diagnose PMD yourself, if you have a friend who you think is struggling, there are ways that you can help.


Offer to babysit so that she can take a nap. Sleep not only helps ease symptoms of PMD, it will help any mom who is feeling the toll of sleep deprivation. If she is willing, take the baby out on a walk with your own


little one or let her drop her baby off at your house. You can babysit while your child plays and she can take a nap back at her house or at yours.


Bring her a cup of coffee or her favorite decaffeinated drink and listen to her celebrations and fears. Don’t dismiss or try to solve all her problems, but listen and let her feel heard. It might be hard to listen without trying to fix all her problems, but a listening ear is what she really needs right now. If she says something that truly concerns you, encourage her to reach out to a professional who can help her.


Perhaps you’ve been through PMD yourself. Share your experience with her and let her know that she is not alone. This type of sharing can help others feel less isolated. PMD is misunderstood and undiagnosed for so many moms. Let your friend know that how she feels is not her fault, and that she deserves health and happiness.


Did you have a baby group that helped you feel a part of a community? Perhaps you found it through the hospital where you had your baby, or perhaps there was a walking group or a ‘mommy and me’ class that helped you meet other moms. Let your friend know which organizations and groups support new moms and provide a

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community of other moms with babies the same age as hers. There is a normalizing power to having a safe place where you can talk about your fears and know that other moms are going through the same challenges at the same time.


If your friend would like more support, she can start by contacting Postpartum Support International. PSI has a national “warm line” at 1-800-944-4773. This number is staffed by trained volunteers, some of whom have had PMD themselves. They quickly return the messages left on their confidential voicemail and help with support, information, and resources. PSI also has information on local area coordinators who give resource suggestions that are closer to home. So, if a friend thinks she may have PMD, she should try to get help as soon as she can, not because she needs to feel guilty, but because she is worth it. It can be hard to just listen to a friend rather than trying to “fix” her. Sometimes you may feel like you’re not doing enough to make a difference. However, sharing your own story and being open about your experiences lets them know they’re not alone. It creates a better climate for others to share their thoughts and feelings as well. Sometimes helping a friend means being present with them through their storm and reminding them that they are not alone, it’s not their fault, and there is help. SP

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t meout community calendar | july 2017



Jewelry, Gems, Minerals & Fossils

Movies on the Beach Rogue One

9am-6pm. The 60th AGMC show consists of over 25 vendors, a mobile mine, silent auction, kids area and classes. Grapevine Convention Center, 1209 S. Main Street, Grapevine www.agemclub.org


8pm. The movie is free with park entry. Concessions will be available for cash purchase. Loyd Park at Joe Pool Lake, 3401 Ragland Road, Grand Prairie 972-237-4120 www.loydpark.com

Fourth of July Weekend

11am. The Garden will feature blues bands throughout the garden to enliven your Independence Day picnic. Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden, 8525 Garland Road, Dallas 214-5156615 www.dallasarboretum.org

Old Time Music Jam

2pm. Folks gather ‘round to play old time tunes – a sort of acoustic, fiddle-infused precursor to bluegrass and country as we know it. Come join in the fun. Dallas Heritage Village at Old City Park, 1515 S. Harwood St., Dallas 214-421-5141 www. dallasheritagevillage.org

Safari Nights at the Dallas Zoo

5pm. Four Way Street performs a musical tribute to Crosby, Stills and Nash. Dallas Zoo, 650 RL Thornton Freeway, Dallas www.dallaszoo.com


3 | MONDAY Addison Kaboom Town

4pm. Annual Fourth of July fest which features an airshow, live entertainment, concessions, games, rides and 30 minutes of awesome fireworks. Addison Circle, Addison www. addisonkaboomtown.com


Old Fashion Fourth

10am. Explore the village and chat with costumed characters. Dallas Heritage Village at Old City Park, 1515 S. Harwood St., Dallas www. dallasheritagevillage.org

Fair Park Fourth

12pm. Fair Park, 1300 Robert B. Cullum Blvd., Dallas 214-4263400 www.fairpark.org

5 | WEDNESDAY Dallas Farmers Market Open Daily! 10am-8pm. Dallas Farmers Market, 920 S. Harwood, Dallas www. dallasfarmersmarket.org

6 | THURSDAY Movies in the Park at Main Street Garden

Highland Park Fourth of July Parade 9am. Highland Park Village, 47 Highland Park Village, Dallas 214-443-9898 www. hpvillage.com

8pm. Fun, free and family friendly. Bring your own chair or blanket. Main Street Garden, 1902 Main Street, Dallas 214-744-1270 www. downtowndallas.com

Lake Highlands 4th of July and Festival


9am. Parade and carnival. Lake Highlands High, 9449 Church Road, Dallas www. lakehighlands4th.com

Parade of Playhouses

Check out the playhouses at NorthPark Center and

22 C k y le 1 o n J u lyr 8

Makayla 3 on July 15

Leo 23 u ly 4 on J

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enter the raffle to win one. All proceeds benefit the abused children served by Dallas CASA. Runs through 7/23. Dallascasa. org. See ad in this issue.

Movies at The Park

8:30pm-10:30pm. Movies At The Park, the free outdoor movie series at The Shops at Park Lane, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Grab a spot on the lawn or relax and dine on one of the numerous patios. 8020 Park Lane, Dallas, TX 75231

8 | SATURDAY Household Hazardous Waste Drop Off

8-11am. Drop off old batteries, paint, cleaners for proper disposal. Dallas Zero Waste, 5910 Cedar Springs Road, Dallas, www.dallasrecycles.com

Weekend Marionette Shows

11am. Fun with a few strings attached! Geppetto’s Marionette Theater, Inside the Hilton Anatole, 2201 N. Stemmons Freeway, Dallas 469-442-1925 www. geppettostheater.com

Showtime Saturdays

11:30am. All ages. Every Saturday, enjoy the amazing FREE entertainment provided by Galleria Dallas and our friends from Slappy’s Playhouse. Shows are located near the Children’s Play Place and Nordstrom on Level 3, 13350 Dallas Parkway, Dallas 972-258-6313 www. slappyandmonday.com

Safari Nights at the Dallas Zoo

5pm. Escape performs Journey’s greatest sing-along hits. Dallas Zoo, 650 RL Thornton Freeway, Dallas www.dallaszoo.com

9 | SUNDAY Dub Splash 2017

10am-6pm. One of the largest Volkswagen car shows in the country. Fun for the whole family. Sandy Lake Amusement Park, 1800 Sandy Lake Road, Carrollton 972-242-7449 www. sandylake.com

10 | MONDAY 2017 Summer Chess Camp at UT Dallas

Join beginner, intermediate or advanced chess classes for ages 7-14. Camp runs thru 7/14. Next camp Jul 17-21. Register at www.utdallas.edu/chess. See ad in this issue.

Circus Summer Camp

9am. Run away with the circus and discover the thrill of being a circus star! Lone Star Circus www.lonestarcircus.org $10 and up.

Mad Science Fun on the GeO-Deck

11am. The Mad Science team will transform laboratory science into fun, interactive learning experiences. Reunion Tower, 300 Reunion Blvd E, Dallas 214-712-7040 www. reuniontower.com

Adoption Information Open House

6pm. Interested in building your family through adopting from foster care? Attend this open house for more information. Hope Cottage, 609 Texas St, Dallas www.hopecottage.org


11 | TUESDAY Putting Green at Klyde Warren Park

10am-8pm. Bring your favorite club and enjoy the Putting Green on the East Lawn anytime of the day. Klyde Warren Park, 2012 Woodall Rogers Freeway, Dallas 214-716-4500 www.klydewarrenpark.org

12 | WEDNESDAY Dallas Farmers Market Open Daily! 10am-8pm. Dallas Farmers Market, 920 S. Harwood, Dallas www. dallasfarmersmarket.org

13 | THURSDAY Summer Fun Thursdays presents SciTech Discovery Center

1-2pm. Free indoor activities. All events take place in Grand Court between Neiman Marcus

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timeout and the Food Court. The Shops at Willow Bend, 6121 W. Park Blvd., Plano 972-202-4900 www.shopwillowbend.com

14 | FRIDAY Mayor’s Summer Reading Challenge

12pm. Grades 2-12. This summer, the Nasher invites children who live or attend school in Dallas to create a work of art on a bookmark. Nasher Sculpture Center, 2001 Flora St., Dallas 214-242-5100 www. nashersculpturecenter.org

Cowpoke Camp: Wild West

8:30am-12pm. Ages 6-10yrs. Come on down to the Wild West show. Learn a few roping skills and show off your western style through games and crafts! National Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame, 1720 Gendy Street, Fort Worth 817-336-4475 www. cowgirl.net $35

15 | SATURDAY Young Men of Our Community Youth Summit

9am-5pm. Social Change! Leadership building! Water balloon games, and more! Want to see what kind of youth leader you were born to be? Then come join us for a new summer leadership program series titled, “ARC (Advocates Rising for Change) Institutes! $48

Zombie King Arthur Suydam at the NTX Comic Book Show

• JULY 10-14 • JULY 17-21

10am-5pm. Professional Artist (Marvel, Batman, etc.), Arthur Suydam, The Zombie King, heads to the North Texas Comic Book Show. He will be doing free sketches for the kids. Tickets are $15 for single day / $25 for two days. Comic Book Dallas (North Texas Comic Book Shows), 500 West Las Colinas Blvd., Irving www.eventbrite.com

Safari Nights at the Dallas Zoo

5pm. Prophets and Outlaws performs red dirt Texas country jams. Dallas Zoo, 650 RL Thornton Freeway, Dallas www.dallaszoo.com


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16 | SUNDAY Dora & Diego - Let’s Explore! 10am-5pm. Enter the enchanting world of Dora the Explorer, Diego, and Boots and Baby Jaguar! Fort Worth Museum of Science & History, 1600 Gendy St., Fort Worth 817-255-9300 www. fortworthmuseum.org

17 | MONDAY When the Earth Shakes

9am-5pm. Be an engineer as you design and build structures to withstand earthquakes on the Shake Table. CR Smith Museum, 4601 Texas Hwy 360 at FAA Road, Fort Worth 817-967-1560 www. crsmithmuseum.org

18 | TUESDAY Flight 1549: Miracle on the Hudson

9am-5pm. Retrace the path of US Airways Flight 1549 from its departure from La Guardia International Airport to the emergency landing and evacuation on the Hudson River. CR Smith Museum, 4601 Texas Hwy 360 at FAA Road, Fort Worth 817-967-1560 www. crsmithmuseum.org

19 | WEDNESDAY The Professor Branius Show 10:30am. Join us for an exciting journey through the world of Science! Bookmarks at NorthPark, 8687 North Central Expressway, Suite 1514, Dallas www. professorbrainius.com

20 | THURSDAY Dollar Day at the Dallas Zoo

9am-5pm. Annual Dollar Day with special $1 admission and other discounts. Dallas Zoo, 650 South RL Thornton Freeway, Dallas www.dallaszoo.com

2017 DFW Summer Boat Expo 3-8pm. The largest boating event in North Texas. Dallas

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Market Hall, 2200 Stemmons Freeway, Dallas 972-247-1369 www.dallasboatexpo.com

Fair Park Crits

5:30pm. KRG’s Thursday Night Criterium in Fair Park draws consistent crowds and an average of more than 300 elite and novice amateur racers each week. Fair Park - Parking Lot 8, 1121 First Avenue, Dallas 214-426-3400 www.fairpark.org

21 | FRIDAY Garden Gigs

7:30pm. Stroll through the garden and enjoy music by local musicians, adventurous choices from food trucks and off-the-beaten path spots in the garden. Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden, 8525 Garland Road, Dallas 214-5156615 www.dallasarboretum.org

‘Til Midnight at the Nasher

6pm. Live outdoor concerts featuring the best in regional music talent and film screenings. Nasher Sculpture Center, 2001 Flora St., Dallas 214-242-5100 www.nashersculpturecenter.org

22 | SATURDAY World’s Largest Super Soaker Battle

2-4pm. This second attempt to make a Guinness record will be a family-friendly event with food, fun, games, giveaways and more. Mavericks Stadium, 1309 W. Mitchell Street, Arlington www.uta.edu

Splash Dash 5K

8-11am. 1K and 5K race, as well as a free water park pass with every race entry purchase. Bahama Beach Waterpark, 1895 Campfire Circle, Dallas 214-671-0820 www. bahamabeachdallas.com

Autism Awareness Family Celebration

9-11am. On selected days, the DMA will be open early for children with autism and their families to enjoy art together in a fun environment. Dallas Museum of Art, 1717 North Harwood, Dallas 214-922-1200 www.dma.org

Moon Day 2017

10am. Featured speaker, NASA Astronaut Janet Kavandi plus explore the galaxy in our planetarium. Frontiers of Flight Museum, 6911 Lemmon Avenue, Dallas www.flightmuseum.com

23 | SUNDAY National Geographic Photo Ark Exhibition at the Dallas Zoo

9am-5pm. Large-format images taken by photographer Joel Sartore on display. Dallas Zoo, 650 S R.L. Thornton Fwy, Dallas www.dallaszoo.com

24 | MONDAY Mad Science Fun on the GeO-Deck

11am. The Mad Science team will transform laboratory science into fun, interactive learning experiences. Fun for all ages. Reunion Tower, 300 Reunion Blvd E, Dallas 214-7127040 www.reuniontower.com

25 | TUESDAY My Best Friend’s Dog Park 10am-8pm. Dogs can be off-leash where they enjoy jumping fountain and playing with others. Klyde Warren Park, 2012 Woodall Rogers Freeway, Dallas www. klydewarrenpark.org

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timeout The Professor Branius Show 1pm. Join us for an exciting journey through the world of Science! Polk Wisdom Library, 7151 Library Lane, Dallas www. professorbrainius.com

26 | WEDNESDAY Flight 1549: Miracle on the Hudson

9am-5pm. Retrace the path of US Airways Flight 1549 from its departure from La Guardia International Airport to the emergency landing and evacuation on the Hudson River. CR Smith Museum, 4601 Texas Hwy 360 at FAA Road, Fort Worth 817-967-1560 www. crsmithmuseum.org

27 | THURSDAY Fritz Park Petting Farm

10am-6pm. All Ages. Free. Learn about farming and farm animals-from goats, sheep, chickens, horses, ducks and rabbits. Fritz Park, 312 Vilbig St., Irving 972-579-1319 www. cityofirving.org

28 | FRIDAY Dallas Farmers Market Open Daily!

10am-8pm. The Market is a 26,000 square foot food hall and artisanal vendor market. Dallas Farmers Market, 920 S. Harwood, Dallas www. dallasfarmersmarket.org

29 | SATURDAY Autism Awareness Family Celebration

9-11am. On selected days, the DMA will be open early for children with autism and their families to enjoy art together in a fun environment. Check the schedule. Dallas Museum of Art, 1717 North Harwood, Dallas 214-922-1200 www. dma.org

North Dallas Toy Show

9am-3pm. Vintage toy show for collectibles and more. More than 70 tables to browse. Dallas Events Center, 4343 Sigma Road Suite 600, Dallas 214-358-3628 www. dallas-events-center.com

Preston Valley Market

9am-2pm. Meet local farmers, artisanal food producers and craftsmen, but sample and purchase their products in a colorful, family-friendly venue. 12817 Preston Rd., Dallas www. fourseasonsmarkets.com

30 | SUNDAY B Kustoms Lowrider Expo

12-6pm. Art on Wheels. This is a different kind of automobile show at the Fair Park Automobile building. Fair Park - Automobile Building, 1121 First Ave., Dallas 214-4263400 www.fairpark.org

Sunday Fun Day Family Matinee

1-5pm. With every adult ticket purchased, a child (age 2-12) can ride for free. Children under 2 yrs. ride free in laps. Create a family memory aboard the excursion into the beautiful Piney Woods of East Texas. The Texas State Railroad, 789 Park Road 76, Rusk 877-726-7245 www. texasstaterr.com

31 | MONDAY Dallas Farmers Market

10am – 6pm. Get your food ready for the week. Shop at Market Provisions, you are not only helping a small business succeed, but you are also helping make a difference in your neighborhood by supporting GROW North Texas. In other words, all proceeds from Market Provisions go straight back into the community. 214-7026655, 920 S Harwood St., #162 Dallas, TX 75201

Please note: Although we strive to bring you the most current information available regarding event dates & times, confirming with the event venue before going is always a good idea.


JULY 2017 Let our advertisers know you found them in Dallas Parent


game on of worddsom wis ELIZABETH


Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.

Beat the heat with these in-house games that are fun for special needs kids too! Guess the Object

Ball Darts

In this game, the conductor has an object which he or she hides in a box. The children have to guess what the object is. They can only ask questions for which the answer is “yes” or “no”. Some questions could be - Is it something we eat? Is it something we play with? In this manner, the children collect clues and guess what the object is.

This game requires a cardboard box in which a few holes have been cut out. The children need to take turns and throw a small ball into any one of the holes. If a child has difficulty in using their arms, the box can be brought closer to the child. Otherwise, the holes can be made very big. This game requires visual skills.

Passing the Hat In this game, children sit in a circle and music is played. A hat is passed around. Each child has to place the hat on their head and then pass it on. When the music stops, the person who has the hat has to sing a song, or tell a little story, or do a little dance.

Musical Numbers Children move around and dance when the music is playing. When the music stops, the conductor calls out a number. The children have to get into groups of that number. excerpted from www.brighthubeducation.com

You kidding me? What does a baby computer call his father?


What did Baby Corn say to Mother Corn?

Where’s Pop Corn?

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pregnancy nutrient plan Do you have one? You may have heard this already, however, it’s worth hearing again. It’s important for pregnant, or soon to be pregnant, mom to eat a variety of foods from each food group. The goal is to provide you and your growing baby with key nutrients. Ideally, you should have foods that will supply you with Folic Acid, Iron, and Calcium; vital nutrients during pregnancy.

Natural Food Sources

Off to the farmers market By cutting out middlemen, farmers receive more food dollars and shoppers receive freshly picked in season produce at its peak in flavor and nutrition. Also, a great way to get your kids involved is to let them pick out something new to try. Some farmers also have recommendations for preparing their products. So support your local farmers, it can strengthen your community.

Folic Acid. Reduces the risk of birth defects.

Pregnant women should consume at least 400 micrograms daily. Eat legumes, green leafy vegetables and citrus fruits, as well as cereals, pastas and bread that are fortified with folic acid. Always read the food label.

Iron. Pregnant women need 27 milligrams of iron each day. Foods include red meat, chicken and fish, fortified cereals, dark green vegetables, and more! Not a meat eater? Increase your iron absorption by combining plant-based sources of iron with Vitamin C rich foods. Calcium. Not just for you, but your baby too! Aim for 1000 milligrams per day. Your developing baby needs calcium to build strong bones, teeth, a healthy heart and more, and if you don’t get enough in your diet your baby will draw it from your bones. And for you, enough calcium can reduce the risk of hypertension and pre-eclampsia. At least 3 servings/daily.

Not pregnant yet? Out of every 100 couples, 20 will conceive within a month. It takes time, and stress doesn’t help. Finding out when you ovulate and having sex in your ‘fertile window’ can increase your chances of conceiving. But, shhh, don’t tell him, just plan for “no stress fun!”


JULY 2017 Let our advertisers know you found them in Dallas Parent

tip When nursing, breasts are a “no soap” zone because it can dry them out. Rinsing with clear water is fine.

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