Irving Parent, May 2019

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May 2019 \ FREE

A commitment to love






RESTORE THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP The new rules of the sisterhood






e will never be able to get our children to understand this message until they themselves are parents, and maybe that’s God’s plan! As a mother, I can see clearly that all the “mothering” my own mother provided to her four children came from a deep seeded and unending love to protect and nurture according to God’s plan for her. I lost my mother late last year; however, I am fortunate to remember how she continued to nurture me in many ways as I was nurturing my own children. (Thank you Mom, In Heaven) I’ve often reflected upon and share with my children what they were like while in my womb. I told them that I knew them before they were born. After I said those words, I realized I have read them before. God said those words. Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you…” What I’ve come to realize is that a mother’s love is a reflection of God’s love. God nurtures me and gives me strength. My mother nurtures me and gives me strength. I nurture my children and give them strength. This would not happen without the love of God. I also shared with my children how they are not much different now, as far as temperament, or behaviors, as they were before they were born. My son was not anxious to change his environment; he was perfectly happy in the womb. I had to work hard to deliver him. My daughter was ready and pushed her way through and sprang out into the world. If you are pregnant now, God has already provided you with a deep seeded and unending love for the life of your baby. You are a reflection of His love! Happy Mother’s Day to all!

Mary Ellen Caldwell, RDN


COPY EDITOR Francie Morin

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Christa Melnyk Hines Rachael Moshman


COVER PHOTOGRAPHER Misty Stagnone Photography

AD DESIGNERS Alex Canales Michael Gomez Linsey Sohee Lee



ACCOUNTING Carrie Vincent



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PHONE/MAIL Our Cover Kid

Camryn, 7 years Camryn is very sweet and very smart. She makes all A’s in school! She loves to go to the movies and takes acting classes in hopes of being a movie star someday. She has two older sisters, Tara (15) and Matylin (8). And she has three dogs too – Tater, Wrigley and Murphy.


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972.887.7779 1333 Corporate Drive Suite 116 Irving, Texas 75038 Suburban Parent and Irving Parent are registered trademarks. Reader correspondence and editorial submissions are welcome. We reserve the right to edit all submissions due to space. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without express written permission is prohibited.

YOU SHOULD KNOW A Mother's love


WHAT’S BETTER THAN A HUG FROM MOM? NOTHING. But, according to one study, a phone call is just as good. In the study, a group of girls were put in a stressful situation and then allowed to be physically comforted by their mother, verbally comforted by her, or neither. Interestingly, the girls who were only able to call their mom still experienced the same rise in oxytocin levels (which helped lower stress levels) as the girls who were able to have physical contact with her. (The third group showed no rise in oxytocin levels.) What’s more, the calming effects lingered long after the conversation was over. It’s kind of comforting to know a hug from mom is just a phone call away.

HAPPINESS IN TODAY'S TEENS Is the decline linked to digital media activities? According to the World Happiness Report of 2019, happiness and life satisfaction among US adolescents suddenly declined after 2012 while the year before (from 1991-2011), it had been primarily increasing. What happened? Some say smartphones. By 2012 the majority of Americans owned smartphones and began spending more of their leisure time on digital media activities such as gaming, social media and texting, and less leisure time on other activities linked to happiness like face-to-face interactions, attending religious services, and sleeping. Experts think it could be the displacement of these other activities that is making us less happy, and not simply the addition of the digital media activities.


You may not want to hug your child when they’re throwing a tantrum, but it may be just what they need. No, you’re not rewarding bad behavior. You’re actually helping them calm down. Hugging triggers the release of oxytocin, the feel good hormone that helps reduce stress. Remember, kids don’t throw tantrums simply because they’re stubborn. They do it because they can’t self-regulate their emotions. Once everyone’s calm, you can address the problem.

KIDS IN FOSTER CARE MOM WORTH Last year, surveyed stay-at-home moms and discovered they spend up to 96 hours per week working to keep the family running. This work includes academic advising, accounting, educating, event planning, housekeeping, grounds keeping, maintenance supervision, network admin and more. Then, they calculated what the average annual salary for mothers would be - if they got paid for all that work. The amount? Over $160,000. Bummer there’s no actual paycheck.


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There are over 400,000 children in foster care in the US. The average age of kids entering foster care is 7. More than 60% of the children spend two to five years in the system before being adopted. About 30,000 age out of the system without being adopted and research has shown that those who never find a forever family are more likely to experience homelessness, unemployment and incarceration as adults. Something to consider.



Talking to my kids about having good manners is not working as well as planned. What else can I do?

Early in life, kids are taught proper manners because most parents understand the social, educational and, eventually, professional benefits it could have on their child’s future. Kids do watch their parents, so make sure they see your own good manners often. Being polite and respectful at home will help children learn to navigate through life’s challenges appropriately, like having consideration for the rights and feelings of others. Continue to talk about how being on time and showing up when they say they will, having good table manners, and being polite to others will keep them on the guest list of any party or gathering! Regularly discuss cell phone etiquette. Start with no phones during dinner! Amber Griffin \ Owner, Model Prep \


What are some things to consider before becoming a foster home?

Fostering children who have come from hard places should not only mean you are providing a safe place for these kids, but also helping them heal through relationships, giving them voice, and seeing the need behind behaviors. Children in foster care have experienced trauma, and they are typically functioning in survival mode. Behaviors like stealing, aggression, and lying are survival strategies to get needs met. As a caregiver it is your job to figure out the need behind those behaviors and find a way to replace those survival skills with appropriate ways to meet their needs. CASA believes that all children are precious and deserve a loving, safe home that is able to meet the complex needs they have. Sarah Barker \ Child Advocacy Supervisor CASA of Tarrant County \


My Mom reads your magazine. Last week while waiting for my dental appointment, I asked her what she would like for Mother’s Day, and she said that I should write to the Questions Editor at Suburban Parent magazine for advice.


My husband doesn’t have a ton of friends and is jealous of mine. What can I do? I need my friends!

Blake, I am happy to help you. Moms do typically want to be with the family on Mother’s Day, and are happy to receive a written poem or a drawing with a sentiment. And since I don’t know your age, I might say that making her a special meal, maybe with help from your dad, would be pleasing as well. After you sing or present your gift make sure to encourage your mom to take some time for herself. Maybe spend the day with her own mother or another mom friend. And of course do not let her clean up the kitchen, you should do that!

Yes, we all need a balance with our committed partner and friends. Friendship is important for everyone as it offers a different value than our partner. We fall into an unrealistic expectation that our partner needs to fulfill every aspect of our life and in reality - we have to find balance. Our partners can’t meet all our needs. This is where having friends, family, and hobbies help form our individual self. By finding the person we are- we begin to unravel our needs and the expectations that we have of others get fulfilled in other ways. Encourage your husband to find a hobby that makes him happy. Be supportive on his journey of finding his authentic self.

Editor \ Suburban Parent magazines

Shavana Lopez, LPC-S, NCC \ 469-450-2448

Our Experts Mary Ellen Caldwell


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Amber Griffin

Sarah Barker

Shavana Lopez 469-450-2448

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Giving back

CARE SKINCARE + Every Mother Counts This gel-cream moisturizer has an incredibly soothing texture. The multiple weights of hyaluronic acid absorb deeply to provide multi-level hydration and support skin elasticity. Designed for use as a daily moisturizer and can be applied under or over makeup. The moisturizer can also be used as a quick-rehydrating, leave-on mask. Every Monday in May 2019, Care Skincare will donate 100 percent of proceeds from its Deep Moisture Fix Hydrating Water Cream to Every Mother Counts. $35, available exclusively at


TEATIME by OMGard Teapot

This beautiful and modern Tea Pot with filter is great for hot or cold beverages. OMGard Teapot has a heat-resistant body and high quality, removable stainless steel infuser so it can brew loose or bagged tea. The removable infuser enables you to make the strength of your tea easily and clean easily. $25.66,

Roll it away with this Migraine Stick

Moms, you are busy every day - don’t let a migraine get in the way. Carry this Migraine Stick in your purse for when a headache or migraine starts to ruin your day. Migrastil Migraine Stick™ aromatherapy roll-on contains essential oils and is applied to the temples, forehead and back of the neck. The stick has a built-in roller ball for easy application and is the perfect size to take with you in a pocket or purse. Ingredients: Therapeutic Grade Peppermint, Spearmint & Lavender Essential Oils in a base of Fractionated Coconut Oil. Set of three $24.99,

CUTLERY WITH DIGNITY Do you have a parent that has dexterity issues? This polished-looking adaptive silverware set brings a sense of dignity to those with dexterity issues who need the extra help, but don’t want to stand out. The ergonomic designs feel good in the hand and are easy to maneuver, and because the set is made with stainless steel, it looks more like typical cutlery. A rounded handle is easy to pick up and a flat bottom prevents the knife, fork, or spoon from rolling out of reach. $89.95, We found it at


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SPINNING SPRINKLER By Hoppy’s Garden Art Artist Steve Hopkins, aka Hoppy, handcrafts this functional (and fun) sculptural piece that spins, sprays, and shines in outdoor spaces! Each one is built with polished copper hoops and a blown glass orb that won’t fade over time. A statement piece that measures up at four feet tall and is as much about creating whimsy in the garden as it is about actually, you know, watering the garden. Stake it in the ground, attach the hose, and let the sprinkler mesmerize you! $240.


DESIGNED BY NATURE! Award winning body essentials with 50 mg per oz of premium CBD

Pain Cream: Offers relief for sore muscles, aching joints, and chronic skin conditions. 50mg per oz. of premium CBD. Try the 3oz. at $80.00 Salt Soak Concentrate: A blend of immune-boosting mineral rich sea salts, combined with premium CBD, to reduce stress and induce relaxation. Try the 3oz at $40.00 Body & Massage Oil: Features organic coconut oil infused with premium CBD. Can be used for therapeutic and oncology massages. Helps to reduce inflammation too! Try the 1oz @ $29.00 Learn more at

FREE Public Charter School, Manara Academy International Baccalaureate (IB) Instruction, STEM Education, Pre-K, Daily Foreign Language and Expeditionary Learning

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The smart photo manager Perfect for parents who take tons of pictures of their kids but are afraid to lose them. With 2TB of memory, and never connecting to the cloud (so there are no privacy concerns), it’s easy to organize via the ibi app on your smartphone, and you can invite your friends and family to add photos to your ibi as well! Find it at or, $179.99

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A Compulsively Readable Book

I’M FINE AND NEITHER ARE YOU In this book, writer Camille Pagan brings to light the unspoken rules of womanhood: that you must measure your pain against other people’s before admitting it exists. “If yours is not as serious as the person sharing theirs, you’re expected to swallow your feelings, paste on a smile, and remind yourself how very lucky you are,” explains Pagan. Readers will see how this rule plays out for two women, best friends who become so good at hiding their pain that those closest to them don’t know anything’s wrong. Camille Pagan \ For Women A Project for Moms

MAKING YOUR OWN GREETING CARDS AND GIFT WRAP This “crafty” book shows how to make impressive cards, boxes, bags, tags, wrapping paper and envelopes. With more than 50 fun and unique projects that use all of the wonderful materials now available to card-makers including stickers, transfers, napkins, wire,… and more. Go ahead, get your “craft” on! You may never need to buy a card again! Vivienne Bolton \ For Moms 365 Days of Inspiration and Encouragement

THE LITTLE BOOK OF FOSTER CARE WISDOM This beautiful devotional is filled with inspiration, including 365 days’ worth of daily tips, inspirational quotes, motivational short stories and anecdotes. Dr. John DeGarmo, director of The Foster Care Institute, with his wife, Dr. Kelly DeGarmo share their experiences to inspire other foster parents. Dr. John DeGarmo \ For Families

RESTORE THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP The new rules of the sisterhood The time has come, ladies! For too long, we believed there weren’t enough seats at the table and women are competition. This authentic and outspoken author challenges those beliefs and encourages us (through humor, common sense and a little sarcasm) that we need our sisters and creating healthy relationships with them is possible. Her new ’rules’ are what we need to change the conversations and start rebuilding the sisterhood. Janet Bernstein \ For Women

Moms Need a Bit of Momspringa

THE OVERDUE LIFE OF AMY BYLER What happens when an overworked, underappreciated single mother of two gets an opportunity to spend a week away from reality in NYC? And, what happens when this rare gift of personal freedom, self-reflection, and fun comes to an end? This delightful and empowering new novel is about a middle-aged woman’s much needed Momspringa! (A period of time when moms are given more personal freedom and time away from the demands of daily life, including their children, so they can recharge and reconnect with themselves as human women.) Kelly Harms \ For Women


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B for foster and adopted children By Rachael Moshman

ringing home a new child is an exciting experience. It can also be overwhelming, especially when the child comes to you through foster care or adoption. The child has already been through the trauma of at least one move and separation from familiar caregivers. They are likely scared, and confused. The same is often true for the new parents and any children already in the home. My daughter entered foster care at age four and lived in a dozen places before my husband and I adopted her when she was nine. We met her on a Monday and she moved in with us that Friday. This included flying half way across the country with us. We had anxiously been preparing to bring her home for six months while we waited for interstate placement paperwork to clear. However, she wasn’t given nearly the same amount of time to process the change. We weren’t allowed any contact with her before our first meeting and she didn’t even know we existed until days before our arrival. She had a new state, home, school and parents to adjust to with very little preparation. It was a difficult transition for our family. We understood each home has a different set of rules, expectations and dynamics and that our daughter would need time to adjust. However, my husband and I underestimated how challenging it would be for us to settle into our new life as parents of a traumatized nine-year-old. Therapist, Nancy Mehesy, has worked with many foster and adoptive families. She offers the following advice.

HAVE REASONABLE EXPECTATIONS Nancy says, “Foster and adoptive families have a delightful desire to care and love but are often surprised when the child is not responsive and appreciative. Expectations are usually unrealistic.” She suggests parents consider what the situation is like for the child. “Children are usually very scared and have no idea what to expect when they enter a new home. It’s like arriving in a foreign country in which you do not know the language or customs until you step on the landmine and are corrected.” She encourages those starting this journey to talk to experienced foster or adoptive families and caseworkers who can guide them towards more realistic expectations. She also emphasizes that the family will never be the same. “Adding a child to the home through foster care or adoption changes the dynamics, priorities and daily operations of the home and impacts every member of the family.”


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WORK TO EASE THE CHILD’S FEAR AND ANXIETY Nancy says there are several steps foster and adoptive families can take to make the transition easier. She suggests: • Allow the children to have choices when appropriate. • Respect items they bring with them from previous homes, such as books, toys, clothing and photos. • Give the child plenty of notice and time to adjust to the family’s expectations and schedules. • Help the child find words to express their feelings. • Provide a safe and quiet space for when the child is overwhelmed. • Grant permission for the child to continue caring about their biological family or previous foster parents. She adds, parents shouldn’t expect bonding to occur quickly or to try to force it. Attachment takes time for everyone involved. She urges, “Be honest with yourself about all your feelings, hopes and fears, even if you think they are unacceptable.”

PREPARE FOR CHALLENGING BEHAVIOR Nancy explains that the child may never have experienced structure or adult responsiveness. Instead they’ve learned that the world isn’t a safe place and they can only depend upon themselves. They may act out in an effort to keep themselves closed off to the new family for fear that they will be rejected yet again. Each move is very traumatic and often results in the child building stronger internal walls in an effort to protect themselves. She includes that challenging behaviors, including defiance, tantrums, aggressiveness and destruction, are common in foster and adopted children. “Their wounds are silent and often misunderstood. Their behavior, which may be unusual, has a much deeper meaning than trying to rebel against authority.” She offers three warnings: 1 The child may go through a “honeymoon period ‘good’ behavior” at first. 2 Traditional parenting methods are often ineffective with traumatized children. A therapist experienced in trauma and adop tion issues can help you explore alternatives. 3 Friends and family may pull away because they don’t understand the situation or know how to respond. She adds, “A commitment to love even when children behave in an unlovable manner is vital.”

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By Christa Melnyk Hines


of MOMS 16

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e know that happiness is an emotion that can come and go. But how do we recapture that bubbly feeling amid the challenges and stresses of parenthood? Here are a few tips from moms for staying positive and feeling good.




In a gratitude study at Eastern Washington University, researchers found a positive correlation between gratitude and happiness. “We have found that grateful individuals tend to be happy individuals and that grateful thinking improves mood,” the researchers report. Try writing down three things you are thankful for each day--small moments count too.

Several moms polled for this article agreed that moms’ night outs with their friends help them feel more optimistic. And science proves it. Studies find that time spent bonding with friends boosts a woman’s level of oxytocin, a natural hormone that reduces stress. Check out mothers’ groups in your area if you are struggling to build a support network.


Women who make time to care for their bodies, enjoy a stronger self-image and feel more self-confident and energetic. Exercise, try to get adequate sleep, schedule regular massages and make healthy food choices to feel your best. “I know that when I am reasonably well-rested and happy, I am absolutely more patient, energetic and empathetic to everyone in my household,” says Erica Wilson, a mom of one.


Whether you like surfing Pinterest, training for a 5K or simply taking a warm bubble bath, moments stolen throughout the week contribute to our overall sense of well-being. “I try to take at least a few minutes a day outside. I close me eyes, take deep breaths, and listen to the sounds,” says Melanie Werner, a mom of one.


During the rush of the week, most of us throw meals together just to get our hungry crew fed. If you enjoy cooking, find a day when you can slow down and relish the preparation. The process of chopping and measuring ingredients is meditative and soothing. Create a feast to delight all of the senses by serving your meal on a table laid out with your favorite dishes and cheerful flowers.



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Kids say hilarious things. Pay attention and write those gems down. Next time you need a lift, read them. Need more ideas? Look at funny family videos or photos, hang out with lighthearted friends, watch a silly movie or read a humorous book.



Studies find that people who lean on an inner belief system are happier. There are many traditional spiritual practices. Whether you prefer journaling, meditating quietly or attending an inspiring religious service, take time each day to intentionally seek a sense of peace to get the most out of your spiritual practice.


Whether she participates in a Jazzercise class or switches on upbeat dance tunes in her kitchen, Jessie Mallicoat, a mom of three, says, “If I’m in a bad mood, I put on some ‘dancy’ music and it usually helps.” In fact, studies find that dancing boosts the body’s feelgood endorphins. Dancing has even been found to reverse depression and increase self-confidence.


Moms who are happier make conscious decisions on a daily basis about who and what is allowed into their lives. Switching to this way of thinking is empowering. You don’t have to be harsh or hurtful to accomplish this goal. Politely decline invitations that don’t fit with your priorities and limit interactions with negative individuals


Seek reliable childcare in order to feel secure pursuing personal interests, maintaining routine health check-ups and for date nights with your partner. A positive marriage contributes to the overall emotional health and happiness of your family. Having trouble finding a sitter? Check out, and ask other parents for references.


Parenting philosophies that work well in one family, may not work well in another. Thanks to the influx of information at our fingertips, parents have no shortage of advice. Decide which strategies make sense for your family. And beware of spending too much time on social media if you’re starting to feel like you don’t measure up. “Being happy with yourself and how you parent is key to accepting other moms and how they parent, which creates a more supportive parenting community all around,” says Mandy Yokim, mom of two.

Freelance journalist, Christa Melnyk Hines and her husband are the parents of two boys. She finds happiness in historical romance novels, sunny days and chocolate chip cookies. Christa is the author of Confidently Connected: A Mom’s Guide to a Satisfying Social Life.

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Calendar \ May 2019



Be showered in confetti by candycoated unicorn pigs, or swim in a pool of 300,000 marshmallows! candytopiadal

Candytopia 10am-8:30pm Explore the sprawling sanctuary of confectionary bliss, with 14 carefully curated and crafted rooms and environments. Be showered in confetti by candy-coated unicorn pigs, or swim in a pool of 300,000 marshmallows! Discover the sweets of Candytopia with 9 samples of candy items throughout the experience. Multiple timeslots available each day. Tickets start at $23. Closed on Tuesdays in May and June. See website for more information. Through July 31. 8021 Walnut Hill Lane Suite 2000, Dallas www. The History of Sega Channel 10am-5pm This new limited-timeonly exhibit chronicles the history of Sega’s 1994 on-demand gaming network with prototypes, memorabilia, promotional items, and more. $12 general admission; $10 for children 10 and under. Through September 30. 8004 Dallas Pkwy, Frisco



The AT&T Byron Nelson is one of North Texas’ biggest sports attractions and most anticipated social events of the spring.


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JumpstART Stories & Art – Moms are Amazing! 10-11am Every first Thursday of the month, explore new stories and fun art projects. Create a take-home art project with your kids as part of this fun and free morning activity. The inspiration for this month’s stories and art is mom! Celebrate your mom by making her something extra special after story time. For kids ages 2 and older. All supplies are provided. Galleries are open

for viewing afterward. Call to register groups of 10+. Free. 3333 N MacArthur Blvd, Irving www. Mayfest 3:30-9pm Mayfest has a myriad of activities for the whole family in one of the best greenspaces in town: live music, festival food, carnival rides, bounce houses, FREE children’s activities, petting zoo, performing arts groups, paddleboats, rock-climbing, people-watching, art and gift market, student art contest, and more. See website for daily hours and activities. Free admission for everyone on Thursday. On other days, tickets are:$8 adults;$5 seniors 60+ and children 3-12. Through May 5. Irving Concert Series 4 Kids: David Chicken in Concert 10am. Enjoy a free family friendly, outdoor concert. David invites members of the audience on stage to sing, play instruments and be a star. Gates open at 9am. Irving Soccer Complex, 3585 World Cup Way. See ad in this issue. Irving Concert Series: Mr. Carter Davis 7pm. Come hear a free family friendly, outdoor concert. His voice is comparable to Hozier and influenced by the skies of Texas. Whistlestop Plaza, 123 W. Irving Blvd. See ad in this issue.

FRIDAY 3 The Island of the Skog 7:30-9pm Based on the book The Island of the Skog by Steven Kellogg, the best laid plans of mice and

well, Skog, are upended in this lively musical adventure that navigates land and sea. Recommended for ages 3 and older. Tickets from $17. Through May 25. 5938 Skillman St, Dallas

SATURDAY 4 Cinco Music Fest 3pm A two-day Cinco De Mayo Latin Music Festival featuring music from multiple award winning latin artists. General admission if free. VIP, $25. VIP Tickets include free event T-shirt, meet and greet, VIP event lanyard and preferred seating in VIP area. Irving Mall Parking Lot, 3880 Irving Mall, Irving www. Mariposas Butterfly Celebration 10am-2pm Why go to Dallas when you could spend Cinco de Mayo right in your own back yard? Check out the City of Lewisville’s butterfly festival, Mariposas. This fun outdoor celebration of conservation has treats and crafts the whole family can enjoy from butterfly kite-making to life-sized #WingSelfies. Explore how the city is working hard to help the Monarch butterfly along their yearly migrations. There will be Spanish/English interpreters at the festival. Lewsiville Lake Environmental Learning Area, 201 E Jones St, Lewisville Cottonwood Art Festival 10am-7pm Now in its 50th year, Cottonwood Art Festival is a semi-annual event featuring works by more than 240 artists. Stroll through the park, shop for art, enjoy live music and entertainers,

food and drinks, and the ArtStop Children’s Area. Free. Through May 5. 1321 W Belt Line Rd, Richardson May the Fourth Be With You Celebration May4-5 Celebrate the power of the Force with special activities, films, performances, character meet and greets and treats! This two-day event is an opportunity to dress in costume and connect with the light and dark sides of the Force. Activities are free with general admission. 2201 N Field St, Dallas Safari Nights 7pm The Safari Nights concert series is back again for another rockin’ summer. Original artists and tribute bands will fill the park with music for 11 consecutive Saturday nights. Safari Nights is included with admission, so you can see more than 2,000 animals during the day, then enjoy the concert and after-hours programming at night. Bring your own chairs and blankets. Through July 6. 650 S R L Thornton Fwy, Dallas Free First Saturdays 11am-5pm Look, learn and love your time at the Nasher every first Saturday of the month. Bring the whole crew to create, discover and make new memories together. Each month features a rotating schedule of things to see and do. From 11am–1pm, make art with guest artists, sketch in the galleries with Suzuko Davis, tap your feet to the beat by DJ Sudie and more. Free. 2001 Flora St, Dallas www.

SUNDAY 5 Cinco de Mayo Parade 1-3pm Marching bands, dancers, floats, special guests and DJs on every block are all part of the festivities at the Dallas Cinco de Mayo festival presented by the Oak Cliff Coalition for the Arts. Shops, restaurants and vendors along Jefferson and beyond will offer samplings, discounts, games, prizes and more. There will be free tailgating and parking available. Parade runs along Jefferson Blvd in Oak Cliff.

MONDAY 6 Art Babies: Home, Sweet Home 10-11am Just for children 0–24 months old and their caregivers. Join us in the galleries for songs and story time, followed by playtime and an opportunity to mingle with other parents and caregivers. In June, explore the colorful interiors in the work of American artist Jonas Wood through songs, stories, and movement, and then enjoy sensory play in the studio.$5 DMA Member, $8 public Dallas Museum of Art: 1717 North Harwood Street, Dallas

TUESDAY 7 First Tuesdays at Dallas Museum of Art 11am-2pm First Tuesday programming is specifically designed for children ages five and under, but all ages are welcome. Enjoy thematic art-making activities, story times, performances, and gallery activities. Free activities with DMA regular admission. Dallas Museum of Art, 1717 North Harwood Dallas

On Mother’s Day

WEDNESDAY 8 AT&T Byron Nelson - Free Admission Day 8am-7pm The AT&T Byron Nelson is one of North Texas’ biggest sports attractions and most anticipated social events of the spring. For the second year, the event will be held at Trinity Forest Golf Club in Dallas. Practice round day. Free admission for all guests today. 5000 S Great Trinity Forest Way, Dallas www.

THURSDAY 9 AT&T Byron Nelson 8am-7pm The AT&T Byron Nelson is one of North Texas’ biggest sports attractions and most anticipated social events of the spring. For the second year, the event will be held at Trinity Forest Golf Club in Dallas. First Round Day. Daily grounds: $45. Complimentary admission for

We remember all the mothers who have babies in heaven We are a Christian, non-profit organization that reaches out to families who have suffered the loss of a baby through miscarriage, stillbirth or early infant death. We publish free bi-monthly newsletters, hold two commemorative ceremonies each year and host support groups in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.


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TIME OUT children 17 and under. Through May 12. 5000 S Great Trinity Forest Way, Dallas

FRIDAY 10 Xanadu 7:30-9:30pm This Tony Award-nominated, hilarious, roller skating, musical adventure about following your dreams despite the limitations others set for you, rolls along to the original hit music. Based on the Universal Pictures cult classic movie of the same title, Xanadu is hilarity on wheels for adults, children and anyone who has ever wanted to feel inspired. Tickets start at $24. Through May 25. Irving Arts Center, 3333 North MacArthur Blvd., Irving www. Zorro the Musical 7:30-9pm Zorro the Musical retells the dramatic tale of a romantic hero with spectacular sword-fighting and incredible magic – all set to the famous red-hot Gipsy King beat brought to the stage with the authentic colors of traditional flamenco. Through May 11. Tickets from $16. 444 E Pipeline Rd, Hurst www. Irving Concert Series 4 Kids: Rockin’ with Leonardo 10am. Enjoy a free family friendly, outdoor concert. A Parents’ Choice Award-winning musician performs a humorous high-energy concert that entertains, educates and empowers all little rockers. Gates open at 9am. Irving Soccer Complex, 3585 World Cup Way.

See ad in this issue. Irving Concert Series: Party Machine 7pm. Come hear a free family friendly, high-energy performance with nonstop music, lights and motions covering everything from the 50s to today. Whistlestop Plaza, 123 W. Irving Blvd. See ad in this issue.

SATURDAY 11 Mother’s Day Picnic & Concert 5-7pm Celebrate Mother’s Day with family and friends on the A.W. Perry Homestead Museum grounds while listening to the New Horizons Dixie Swing Band play from the front porch of the historic home. It’s fun for the whole family. Bring a picnic basket, blankets, and lawn chairs. Free ice cream and lemonade will be served. Children can make a card and an old-fashioned handmade gift for mom. Free. 1509 Perry Rd, Carrollton www. Lone Star Bark 2:35-6pm Enjoy a dog-friendly day at the races at the annual Lone Star Bark event at the racetrack. In addition to Thoroughbred racing, there will be dog races, animal rescue organizations, pet friendly vendors and giveaways for every dog. The Family Fun Park will be open with bounce houses and other fun attractions for kids. Dogs are free, but must be pre-registered. 1000 Lone Star Pkwy, Grand Prairie lone-star-bark

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TIME OUT Open 7 days a week • 10am to 10pm • Mother’s Day Performances from The Dallas Opera 11am-12pm NorthPark Center, welcomes The Dallas Opera for a special Mother’s Day weekend performance. Sopranos Courtney Stancil and Gabrielle Gilliam, accompanied by Mary Dibbern, will perform back-to-back programs that showcase a variety of popular love songs and much-loved arias. Performances at 11 and 11:30 in NorthCourt. Free. 8687 N Central Expy, Dallas




8350 N MacArthur Blvd #100 • Irving 972 402 9799

7927 Forest Ln • Dallas 972 392 2272

Second Sunday Funday 1-4pm Irving Arts Center offers the perfect framework for adults and children to experience art together. Second Sunday Family Fundays give parents and children projects they can co-create. Find inspiration in the gallery exhibitions, holidays and seasons as families make art, friends and fun. Each month features a different theme: May 12 – Masterpieces

with Mom. It’s Mother’s Day! Free. 3333 N MacArthur Blvd, Irving Mother’s Day Concert with Butterfly Release 12:30pm and 2:30pm Two concerts conclude with a live butterfly release in the 2-story butterfly habitat. Complimentary family photos available in the lobby with on-site photographer between 1:30–2:30pm. 12:30pm performance is tailored for families with young children, with new programming. 2:30pm performance follows traditional crowd-favorite format. General admission seating: $10 child; $25 adults. 3601 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Dallas Mother’s Day Train 1-5:45pm This excursion departs from Grapevine at the Cotton Belt Depot at 1:15 p.m. It will arrive in the Fort Worth Stockyards at approximately 2:35 p.m. where you’ll have roughly an hour and half to treat mom to lunch or buy her something nice at the many shops in the Stockyards. The train will return to the Grapevine station at ap-

Now Enrolling for Summer & Fall 2019 School Year

Summer: Ages 6 weeks to 11 years Fall: Ages 6 weeks to 5 years Tues & Thurs 9am-2:20pm


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Let our advertisers know you found them in Suburban Parent MAY 2019


TIME OUT proximately 5:45 p.m. Tickets start at $18. 707 S Main St, Grapevine


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Candytopia 10am-8:30pm Explore the sprawling sanctuary of confectionary bliss, with 14 carefully curated and crafted rooms and environments. Through July 31. 8021 Walnut Hill Lane Suite 2000, Dallas event/candytopiadal

TUESDAY 14 The Art of the Brick 10am-5pm Hands-on, interactive Lego brick gallery, with building challenges, and open play spaces. $7 for members; $10 plus general admission for non-members. Through August 18.Perot Museum, 2201 N Field St, Dallas www.

offers over 30 different shows for daycares/ schools/libraries & More!


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WEDNESDAY 15 Toddler Storytime 10:30-11am This story time is geared to kids ages 1-3 years. Due to high demand of Storytime programs at the Valley Ranch Library, tickets are required to attend. Visit the library’s Information Desk 30 minutes prior to the program to pick up a free ticket. 401 Cimarron Trail, Irving

THURSDAY 16 Garland Jazz in the Square 7-9pm Experience a laid back, relaxing evening in beautiful downtown Garland while sipping coffee and soaking in the soothing sounds of jazz. Chairs and blankets welcome. May 16: Garland High School & Sachse High School – Jazz Ensembles; May 23: Texas Instruments Jazz Band. Free. Downtown Garland Square

2 years - 1st Grade

Now Enrolling (Limited Space)

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TIME OUT Birthdays


FRIDAY 17 Irving Concert Series 4 Kids: JBradly James Skistimas/The Juicebox Jukebox 10am. Enjoy a free family friendly, outdoor concert from a songwriter and recording artist of music that has appeared on TV shows.. Gates open at 9am. Irving Soccer Complex, 3585 World Cup Way. See ad in this issue. Irving Concert Series: Brave Combo 7pm. Come hear this Grammy Award-winning band from Denton play a music mix ranging from blues to salsa. Free. Whistlestop Plaza, 123 W. Irving Blvd. See ad in this issue.

SATURDAY 18 Juliana \ 11 May 7

Maggie \ 5 May 7

Jacob \ 5 May 16

The Interesting World of Insects 10am-12pm Master Naturalist Judy Meagher will present a 1-hour PowerPoint about insects and then a 1-hour tour through the Coppell Nature Park pointing out the valuable contribution of nature’s bugs. Admission is free. Biodiversity Education Center, 367 Freeport Pkwy, Coppell

SUNDAY 19 Sensory Sundays at Crayola Experience Plano 9-11am Designed for kids and families with sensory needs to experience the arts and craft activities. Included with general admission: $21.99 plus tax per person. Online price $19.99. Free for 2 and younger. 6121 W Park Blvd Ste A100, Plano

MONDAY 20 Mason \ 8 May 19


Upload your Birthday Kids picture @ Submit by 10th of the month prior to their birthday.


Celebrate the Children 9am-5pm In the Rory Meyers Children’s Adventure Garden, there are experiments and fun learning activities daily. General admission: $15 adults; $10 children 3–12. Through Oct. 31. 8525 Garland Rd, Dallas www.

TUESDAY 21 The Lightning Thief – The Percy Jackson Musical 7:30-9pm The Greek gods are real, and they’re ruining Percy Jackson’s life. The Lightning Thief is “mesmerizing”

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and proves “lightning can strike twice!” Tickets from $29. Through May 26. Winspear Opera House, 2403 Flora Street, Dallas

WEDNESDAY 22 Away from the White House – Presidential Retreats 9am-5pm Come see this special exhibit exploring presidential retreats. $19 general admission; free for members. Through 10/7. George W. Bush Presidential Center, 2943 SMU Boulevard, Dallas

THURSDAY 23 Cool Thursdays 7:30-9:30pm: Bruce in the USA, a Bruce Springsteen tribute band. Single tickets: $21 adult members; $31 adult nonmembers; $10 children ages 3–12. 8525 Garland Rd, Dallas www.

FRIDAY 24 Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat 7:30-9pm Told entirely through song with the help of a main character Narrator, the musical follows preferred son Joseph. After being sold into slavery by his brothers, he ingratiates himself with Egyptian noble Potiphar but ends up in jail after refusing the amorous advances of Potiphar’s wife. Tickets from $16. Through June 29. 444 E Pipeline Rd, Hurst

SATURDAY 25 Scarborough Renaissance Festival 10am-7pm Here you will discover a 35-acre recreation of an English village with a festival of entertainment, artisans, food, magic and merriment. Through May 27. 2511 FM 66, Waxahachie

SUNDAY 26 Memorial Day Music Fest 2-6pm Meet on the lawn at Klyde Warren Park comes alive with the park’s first-ever music festival. Between performances, explore vendor booths, play in the family game zone, have your face painted and feast on bites from our famous food trucks. Free. 2012 Woodall Rodgers Fwy, Dallas

MONDAY 27 Memorial Day Train 1-5:45pm The 21-mile trip rolls at a leisurely pace and is perfect for the entire family. Tickets start at $18. Special rates are available for service members and their families. 707 S Main St, Grapevine

TUESDAY 28 Let Me Be Myself: The Life Story of Anne Frank 1-3pm Let Me Be Myself tells the story of Anne Frank in a modern way. Free with admission. Through August 2019. Dallas Holocaust Museum, 211 N Record St #100, Dallas www.

WEDNESDAY 29 Dinos at the Dallas Zoo 9am-5pm This exhibit extends throughout ZooNorth, and you’ll learn how dinosaurs are connected to the animals you see here at the zoo. All activities are included in general admission: $17 adults; $14 children ages 3–11; free for children 2 and younger and for Dallas Zoo members. Through Sept. 2. 650 S R L Thornton Fwy, Dallas www.

THURSDAY 30 Cool Thursdays 7:30-9:30pm Single tickets: $21 adult members; $31 adult nonmembers; $10 children ages 3–12. 8525 Garland Rd, Dallas

FRIDAY 31 Taste Addison 6-11pm The region’s original food festival continues to deliver Addison’s favorite eateries, national music artists, and activities for the whole family with a three-day menu of fun, May 31 - June 2, 2019. $15, Kids $5, Free for 5 and under. 4950 Addison Circle Drive, Addison

SAVE THE DATE JUNE 3-6 Eric Bell Soccer Academy Day Camps at TCU 817-257-6680. See ad in this issue.

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Part One

Part Two

• Because she always hugs on me. — Amy, age 5 • Well, she hugs me and takes me to the park. She probably wouldn’t do that if she didn’t love me. — Kat, age 6 • If she can do something to make me or my brother happy she does it. But we say thank you, my dad said you should always say thank you to your mom. — James, age 7 • She told me so! — Caleb, age 4 • My mom is always there if I want to talk to her, and she listens even though maybe what I’m saying isn’t that interesting. — Katie, age 10 • She makes us breakfast every day, even if she isn’t hungry and doesn’t want anything to eat. — John, age 6 • Because that’s what moms are supposed to do! — Kaitlyn, age 7

• I make her pictures with me and her and lots of hearts because hearts mean lots of love if you draw them over the heads. — Shania, age 4 • I like to do stuff for her. Like if she is tired I might bring her a pillow and a blanket. — Marcus, age 6 • Sometimes I make my bed. She seems to get really happy about that. Don’t ask me why. — Kenneth, age 7 • I remind my dad to get her flowers when he goes to the store. She always says, “THANK YOU!!!” when we do that because it’s not even her birthday or anything. — Jeffrey, age 6

GOTTA LOVE ‘EM I took my 4 year old daughter to the doctor because her tummy was upset. The doctor told me, “Looks like she picked up a little virus somewhere.” She looked at me with big eyes and said, “I bet I got it from daddy’s computer!”

Off Beat Holidays TO FIGURE OUT IF SOMETHING IS EVENLY DIVISIBLE BY… • 2> – The number must end in an even number. Therefore, 148 and 236 are, but 257 is not. • 3> - The sum of the digits are divisible by 3. Therefore, 357 is (3+5+7=15) and 243 is (2+4+3=9), but 245 is not (2+4+5=11) • 5> - The number ends in 5 or 0. Therefore 100 is, but 103 is not. • 9> - The sum of the digits are divisible by 9. Therefore, 3960 is (3+9+6+0=18) but 4291 is not (4+2+9+1=16).


MAY 2019 Let our advertisers know you found them in Suburban Parent

to celebrate in May May 3: Hug Your Cat Day May 4: Star Wars Day May 5: Cinco de Mayo

May 6: National Nurses Day May 9: National Lost Sock Memorial Day May 10: Clean Up Your Room Day

Let our advertisers know you found them in Suburban Parent MAY 2019



Your living space

THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME GO AHEAD, CLICK THOSE RED SHOES Your living space should be a relaxing retreat from the stress of everyday life. According to sensory science, the notion of the home as a sanctuary is helpful for you to find that the environment you create has a big impact on your outlook and sense of well-being; from the pictures you have on your walls to the pillows on your couch. These influences can have a great impact on your mood and attitude. Any change you make could nourish your senses and turn your home into a healing haven.


Relaxing with music 30 minutes a day can lower the stress hormone cortisol better than relaxing in silence; and including some deep breathing while listening to music can ease anxiety as effectively as a massage! — Group Health Research Institute in Seattle



In Ancient Egypt the onion was revered as a symbol for eternity, due to its circle-withina-circle shape just inside its skin. Sulfur compounds thin your blood and lower blood pressure. The quercetin in onions helps to prevent oxidation of bad cholesterol and defends against cancer and cataracts. To gain maximum quercetin, choose red onions, then yellow, then white.


MAY 2019 Let our advertisers know you found them in Suburban Parent

Wait 48 hours to shampoo. Dye molecules need time to set into strands. When you are ready to wash, choose a shampoo for color treated hair, which contains gentler detergents. Rinse with tepid water. Hot water expands the cuticle, which will lead to fading.

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