Suburban Parent ND, March 2020

Page 14




ot a day goes by without parents getting bombarded by new and scary reports about all the horrible things kids are doing to themselves by spending too much time on their screens. Parents are regularly told that too much screen time can make kids apathetic, depressed, lazy, or unimaginative. But perhaps the situation is not so dire after all. Research shows that it’s not how many hours kids spend on their screens that matters, but rather what they do when they’re on their devices. “How children use the devices, not how much time they spend on them,” say the authors of a recent study, “is the strongest predictor of emotional or social problems connected with screen addiction.” How do parents know whether their kids are harming or helping themselves online? Researchers note that sitting for hours at time scrolling mindlessly through their social media feeds is really bad for kids, a fact that parents well know. However, playing electronic games that either stimulate them physically or mentally can in fact be really good for kids. Here are three of the most popular games that can stimulate your kids physically or cognitively. They’re fun and can be enjoyed by kids of all ages, and the best part is that they’re completely free.

NFL Play 60

If your kids love sports, especially football but it’s hard to get them to do any actual exercise, NFL Play 60 is the right game for them. Created by the NFL in collaboration with the American


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