Success Business Magazine - Issue 8 | February, March, April 2013

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15 MINUTES WITH: Napoleon Perdis


Success top tips For a great workplace

your chance to WIN

a corporate massage inside

publisher’s panel

cover story


Marissa Candy



Katie Brennocks

Debbie Giudes


Rachel Licciardello Tracey Lee Gordon

25 Years in Flight

DESIGN & PHOTOGRAPHY Callan Jones Teigan Guy Amber Burling Skye Millard

Success Business Magazine Pty Ltd PO Box 5660 Townsville QLD 4810

WHAT’S INSIDE THE REGULARS 8 10 27 29 30 42 60 68 69 70 72 74

Regional Update Andrew’s Angle On the Rise My Top 5 15 Minutes With Presenting Success Top Tips Your View Word Play Cheers and Beers Calendar of Events News Desk

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Investing in the future


All information and images are subject to copyright. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form without the prior permission in writing to the publisher. The views and opinions of authors and advertisers do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information at the time of print, the publisher accepts no responsibility or liability for any errors, omissions or subsequent consequences including loss or damage from reliance on information in this publication. Circulation: 10,000 copies quarterly Regions of Distribution: Townsville, Charters Towers, Ingham and Burdekin. © Copyright 2012


Choice Training Investing in staff to grow your business


Achieve Group Manage your energy, not your time


Nicholson First National Is there a better time of year to sell my property?


Townsville Podiatry Centre Promoting foot health to our children


Win Television Let WIN Television entertain you!


The Marketing Factory So you’ve just won an award. Where to from here?


The Right Foundation


Health and Wellbeing at Work Tips to improve your happiness and wellbeing


Sustainability Together we can create a sustainable future




ith so much information readily available, it’s sometimes difficult deciding which opportunities to pursue and which ones to let pass. Last year I was privileged to meet some extraordinary people, both through interviews for this publication and also through the Townsville Enterprise Emerging Leaders program. At one point, I felt like I had information overload. So many great ideas. Not a hope in hell of undertaking all of them. So the challenge begins; Which ideas do I think are most beneficial and which ideas do I have the capacity to undertake? This is why I love the New Year. With it comes a new view and focus on life’s direction. Taking time to make priorities and learn from past experiences. Your health and wellbeing would have to be one of life’s top priorities. Without optimal health, all areas of your life can be affected. In this edition, we take a look into the health and wellbeing industry, where some industry experts highlight their tools to ensure you remain at the top of your game.

A topic that is no longer a stranger to the corporate world is sustainability. We explore this further in this edition and hear from a picking of industry experts, with tips to save you money. In July last year we undertook some market research and I encourage you to view our results. There you will understand more about the fellow readers of our publication and how we are on track to achieving our goal of being North Queensland’s preferred business read.

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QR Code Scanner - Marissa Candy

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Glenys Schuntner

Business Advisor Enterprise Connect

Chief Executive Officer Regional Development Australia Townsville and North West Queensland Inc.

As I write this, 2012 is coming to a close and I have been reflecting on what has been an interesting year. Perhaps that is a bad choice of words. After all, there is that old Chinese curse – “May you live in interesting times”. The Australian Industry Group monitors activity in the construction, manufacturing and services sectors. The November 2012 Performance of Manufacturing Index showed that the manufacturing sector in Australia had contracted for the ninth consecutive month. Some industry sectors performed better than others. Food and beverage manufacturing improved as did wood product and furniture manufacturing. However, the PMI states that “the chemical, petroleum and coal products, construction materials, basic metals and fabricated metals sub-sectors all recorded significant decline”. Manufacturers are finding that labour and input costs are continuing to rise at the same time that demand is softening, selling prices are stagnant and competition from imports is increasing. Throw in the strong Australian dollar and manufacturers are facing the perfect storm. I am frustrated at times with the media’s (and sometimes governments’) focus on big manufacturing firms while SMEs (small and medium enterprises) garner little attention. SMEs drive employment in Australia and are the breeding ground for ingenuity and innovation. They are also flexible and can outmanoeuvre big firms because of their ability to adapt to changing circumstances or to quickly change direction. Losing a small business is like throwing a stone into a pond. The stone may disappear quickly but the ripples reach out a long way and affect a large area – in this case, the wider Australian economy. As an Enterprise Connect Business Adviser I work with manufacturing and other SMEs. Together we look at the firm’s operations to see if we can increase revenue, reduce costs and improve capacity and productivity. Around Australia, Enterprise Connect is working with groups of firms to find efficiencies across groups, provide connections to firms with compatible technology or services and to build capability so that groups of firms have opportunities to tender for larger projects. Other federal and state government agencies are also working on these projects and here in North Queensland one of these projects is underway now. I know from experience that running a business can be a lonely job and SME owners can feel isolated and unheard. There are, however, a number of people out there who are working at helping small and medium businesses and hopefully making a difference. Happy 2013 everyone. Here’s to a great year.


Telecommunications systems are absolutely critical for our communities and organisations whether for profit or not-for-profit, but keeping up with the technology and more importantly how we apply it is a real challenge. There is also a challenge in ensuring we have the right infrastructure in place to support telecommunications services. The following is a snapshot of what is happening around the world based on 2011 data sourced from International Telecommunications Union (ITU). There are now 6 billion mobile phone subscriptions, with 125 countries reporting more mobile subscriptions than inhabitants; there are more than 1 billion mobile broadband subscriptions with Korea and Singapore having more subscriptions than inhabitants; there are 590 million fixed (wired) broadband subscriptions with 30 million new subscriptions added in China in the previous 12 months; 2.3 billion people are now “online”. But how is Australia faring? According to ITU, in early 2011 Australia ranked 23rd in the world for fixed broadband subscriptions at 24.2 per 100 inhabitants but 4th in the world for active mobile broadband subscriptions at 82.7%. Another report suggests that 88.8% of the Australian population are internet users compared to 33.8% in 2000. And how about North Queensland? Data is not so readily available on a local level, but according to 2011 Census data, the Queensland Government reports that the region is less connected than the State average, with only Townsville above the State average at 78.6% of private dwellings having a connection with 91% of these on broadband. Unfortunately, parts of our north and north-west Queensland region are still facing infrastructure challenges with mobile blackspots without reception and limited access to opportunities for fibre connections to homes and business premises outside Townsville. Regional Development Australia has addressed these issues by undertaking a review of telecommunications in the region with the support of the Queensland Government and three local councils. This report is now released and available at It provides a good overview with an in-depth look at three regional council areas to ascertain opportunities for expanding telecommunications infrastructure. Our goal is to work with regional communities to develop their long term sustainability by addressing needs such as telecommunications infrastructure. Next steps are to use the information to obtain the right investment.

Dawson Wilkie

David Kippin

President Townsville Chamber of Commerce

Chief Executive Officer Townsville Enterprise Limited

The Chamber is a small business and like our small and medium enterprise members, we constantly review what our business is about in order to remain relevant. At its simplest expression, the Chamber is about its members. We serve them, represent them and support them. We did a lot of internal work to fulfil that mandate and this year, we are seeing the fruit of our labour. We now have 550 members and membership is growing at an annual rate of 7%. We have a goal of a 1,000 members by 2017. Over 2,000 people attended our events in 2012, a 31% attendance improvement on last year. We did eight Industry Sector Group (ISG) events in six months that attracted around 250 people in total. We did round table discussions, forums, networking, and tours of facilities like the Port and Queensland Nickel. About half of the attendees had never or had rarely participated in a Chamber event before. The quality of feedback and intelligence we’ve collected out of those simple events has been second to none. It means we found another way to reach out to members and engage with them in a meaningful way. We will do more ISG events in 2013. We do more advocacy work than ever before and our advocacy work cannot be underestimated. We are involved in 20 or so projects and have a network footprint of about 50 organisations. We participate in forums, working groups and committees that matter to our members and that matter to the development of the city. Along with the Young Chamber Committee, we will conduct our annual strategic planning session in mid-December and will be ready for another great year in 2013. It has been said that the history of Townsville is reflected in the Chamber’s history. As Townsville is poised to grow, so is the Chamber. 2013 and onward will be an exciting period for the city and this organisation. I invite members to participate in their Chamber and I invite non-members to join us. After all, the bigger we are, the louder we get.

A report released in 2012 by the Federal Department of Infrastructure and Transport, State of Australian Cities 2012, has revealed Townsville is the 13th largest city in Australia and highlights the region’s potential for future growth and prosperity. The report identifies that Townsville has experienced the largest growth of population aged 15–24 compared to other major cities including Canberra, Brisbane and Darwin. This is a reflection of Townsville’s active labour force, and is a critical component to attracting new investment and commerce to the region. With its average growth rate of 2.3%, the same as Brisbane, the city will overtake Geelong by 2015. The report acknowledges Townsville as possessing the third largest proportion of 0–14 year olds in comparison to other major precincts, identifying Townsville’s strong lifestyle attributes and its allure for families. Townsville Enterprise is working towards attracting more families and skilled workers to the Townsville region with the launch of its ‘Make the Move to Townsville’ website and prospectus. The new marketing suite provides information and statistics as well as highlights the benefits of living in Townsville. The report also makes specific mention of a number of the city’s sustainable initiatives including the Townville City Council CitySolar Program and the IBM Smarter City Challenge, reaffirming Townsville’s ambition to become a world leader in sustainable living. Townsville Enterprise, in conjunction with Ergon Energy developed the ‘Building for a Profitable Future’ project aimed at educating builders and developers on the benefits of constructing more energy efficient houses. Townsville Enterprise will continue to drive progress and future growth of Townsville as Queensland’s second capital city by undertaking several projects across its sectors; Tourism and Events, Economic Development and Convention Bureau. Energy opportunities will be reviewed to identify a viable solution to improving affordability of Townsville’s energy supply. The Convention Bureau will continue to promote Townsville as an ideal destination for conferences and events and the Tourism and Events sector will position Townsville as a destination of excellence for education, nature based and cultural tourism through the Townsville North Queensland Learning Landscapes project. We move into 2013 with confidence knowing that the business community in Townsville doesn’t wait for things to happen; it makes things happen.




Sick of not being able to change the things that drive you crazy in your business? Now I know that when we start talking about transformations we generally want results in days instead of weeks of even months, after all, life changed when 6-minute abs was released. But when it comes to transforming our business, it makes better sense to take a more strategic approach. I suggest trying the following system, that may appear really simple, which it is, but it is designed to get impressive results:

1. Identify exactly what you need to fix/ change/ transform in your business. Make a list and try to come up with key issues, rather than little nit picky irritations (these tend to go when you fix the bigger issues anyway). Ideally it would be great if your list has 12 key items on it, but hey, lets not nit pick. Don’t spend any more time thinking about the topics once you have them on your list.

2. Allocate one month to each topic in 2013. For example, the topic for January is “improving cash flow”, the topic for February is “standardising all documents” etc. Again, once you allocate an issue to a month, don’t put too much more thought into it.


Recommended Website This site has an enormous amount of information and advice for businesses of all sizes. I really like the contributors and the articles and there is a lot of great free material as well. The information covers a very broad range of topics, in fact more than most business sites. All in all a good site to check out a few times a week.

Recommended Reading

3. When a specific month is just about upon you, focus on that month’s issue and that alone. Work out what you want to change (specifically), what your goals are, what extra help or expertise you need to achieve your goal and how you will measure your results.

4. Then as the month progresses, address the issue of the month completely.

I have been doing a lot of research recently into habits and the role they play in the lives of successful people. This is a great book that breaks habits into an easy to understand concept, showing how habits can actually be used as tools that will help us to achieve some truly incredible things in our lives. There is a lot of research discussed, and some quite astonishing case studies, so you can go as light or as heavy as you want to on the subject of habits with this book.

Focus on it and it alone, talk about it, research it, get advice, implement changes and do whatever it takes to solve that month’s problem once and for all.

At the end of the year, look back at what you have actually achieved. I guarantee it will be an impressive list of accomplishments that will reflect very well on your bottom line. The big problem for most business owners is that the list of things to fix or change is often so long that just getting started is impossible. As simple as the system I have outlined above may sound, it has all of the key ingredients to make it work – strategy, focus, action and monitoring results.

“If you want to build a better business become a better person”

- Andrew Griffiths

I am doing my list of 12 problem areas that I want to fix in 2013 and I can’t wait to get into them.




Story by Rachel Licciardello Photography by Amber Burling

This year Debbie Giudes will celebrate her 25th year in business, following a turbulent career in the travel industry that has included soaring successes and near crashes. Through all phases of her career, Debbie has remained focused and persevered.

ith five Escape Travel agencies under her wing, an Escape Travel super store opening this month and more than 25 years in the travel agency biz, Debbie Giudes’ career appears to have hit cruising speed. But, like most business people will tell you, there’ve been the highs and there’ve been the lows; and the key to Debbie’s survival has been to focus, persist and adapt. Her journey’s been bumpy, but it’s been worth it.


THE TAKE OFF “I actually finished high school thinking I wanted to be an accountant,” recalls Debbie, who says the logic of accounting still appeals to her. “But within one week of working at a local accounting firm, I changed my mind,” she laughs. “I stayed at the firm for seven months, but each week I would visit TAA (Trans Australia Airlines) and enquire after a job. Eventually I got an interview and the manager said to me, ‘If we don’t give you a job will keep annoying my secretary every week?’ I said ‘yes’, and he gave me a job!” While working in reservations at TAA, Debbie found a way to blend her knowledge of the travel industry with her interest for accounting when she married in 1986. “My exhusband owned a motel and had just purchased a travel agency when we met, so I’d work two jobs – in reservations at TAA then in the office at the agency. I loved it because I got to do the accounting elements I enjoyed – balancing the books, working out profits and losses – all that fun stuff that some people think you’re looney for liking!”


THE JOURNEY – PART 1 There were 25 travel agencies in the CBD area in the 1980s. By 1992, Debbie had three small children – Britt, Liam and Tyler – and had just opened a third agency at Castletown, so she took a redundancy from TAA to focus full-time on the growing business, which was now operating under the Harvey World Travel brand. As anyone with a young family who’s trying to grow a business knows, business is demanding – especially when it’s your own. In 1994, the Giudes Group opened a fourth agency, expanding into Rockhampton, and the hard work and long hours continued. “When our three kids were at school, I’d go to work at 5.30am until 7am when I’d return home to do the breakfast and school routine, then head back to work until it was time to pick them up. Once they were asleep, I’d continue working at home. When you’re young and trying to make it all happen, you just go a million miles an hour; but you have the energy somehow,” reflects Debbie. “My folks have not only been a huge inspiration to me from the start [Debbie’s father Ralph Douglas built and operated a motor mechanic business, and her mum Barbara Douglas owned a childcare centre in the ‘80s], but were also an amazing support, helping out with the kids so we could build this business.”

THE TURBULENCE By the late ‘90s, the family business had grown to five stores – three in Townsville, one in Rockhampton and one in Cairns – and experienced a true test of endurance when it was discovered an employee in Cairns had misappropriated $100,000. “That was a really tough blow,” shares Debbie. “It’s hard to understand how someone you trust can betray you like that. If we’d had just that one store, it would have sunk us… It was an extremely stressful experience.” As the business began to recover, the turbulence continued. In 2001, the business underwent a shift as the owners separated, and Debbie became sole-owner of the business post-divorce. Then, a devastating event that no-one could have predicted stopped the world. On September 11 2001, terrorists hijacked airplanes in the US, resulting in one of the most monumental terrorist attacks the world has ever seen. “I flew my Rockhampton- and Cairns-based staff to Townsville, and explained to everyone that no-one would lose their job but I couldn’t guarantee we’d ever work the same way,” tells Debbie. “There’s always business – births, deaths, marriages – but people stopped non-essential travel. Things got so difficult at one point that I couldn’t sleep because I didn’t know how to pay wages the next day. At that time I was going through a divorce, I was still feeling the financial effects of that major misappropriation and then September 11 created an international fear of flying. It was like a tap just turned off – no more money.”

THE STOP OVER Three days after September 11 2001, Australian airline Ansett collapsed. “This was a godsend for my business,” tells Debbie, who at that time was still operating as a franchisee of Harvey World Travel. “We were aligned with

Qantas, so there were some big corporate contracts that became available and we were, thankfully, able to continue without closing stores or cutting staff.” After pushing through those tough years – both personally and in business – Debbie realised she needed a boost. “I knew I needed to refresh my focus, so I signed on for life coaching, which involved one intensive day working on my life each month. One of the best tools I took from that was planning my life; each morning I’d review and update my goals for my lifetime, 10 years, three years, one year, three months, one month, one week and tomorrow,” explains Debbie. “I was a single mother to three young children running a business and a household, so my goals were for career, family, personal and health. This goalmapping tool, along with identifying specific free, focus and buffer days, helped me progress with a clearer direction.” As part of building her confidence, Debbie nominated for the 2002 Westpac Business Owners Awards, and won. “I felt that nominating myself would also be an encouragement to my staff; that despite the business owners separating and the industry being rocked, they were still in capable hands.” Within a few years, the industry recovered. “By the early-mid 2000s, there was a lot of excess around. People were spending big on travel and leisure, so that helped with the recovery,” explains Debbie, who abandoned her relationship with the Harvey World Travel brand in 2006, after the company took a new direction that didn’t fit with Debbie’s philosophy. “I’ve always felt that my business is about offering a service, it’s more than just money-making. So I left Harvey World Travel and joined the Flight Centre group as a franchisee, under the Escape Travel brand.” Also in 2006 Debbie expanded into Mackay. “I was working with my accountant on a particular growth strategy, trying to achieve a business model that fit with that period of excess. At one point I had 10 agencies… Then, the GFC hit, and forced me to change my business model to focus on fewer stores with more staff and higher turnover.”

THE JOURNEY – PART 2 As the GFC tormented economies all over the world, Debbie worked to keep growing within her new model. “Within one year I bought seven agencies but kept none open. My strategy was to acquire experienced staff and databases, and also reduce the competition; that’s how my business survived.” Battling tight purse strings and a competitive online market, Debbie also knew her survival would depend on her business finding its niche. “I needed to package up my product – being my staff – as something different to what else was available,” explains Debbie. “Within our Flinders Street store alone we have more than 130 years of travel experience – that’s almost unheard of. “My business is different to internet or Flight Centre or other competitors, because it’s about accountability, loyalty and experience,” explains Debbie. “Our clients are busy people who don’t have the time to spend days or weeks researching the many African safaris available, and who want a guarantee that when they get off the plane, someone will be expecting them,” she explains. “Or

I genuinely believe that I wouldn’t have been able to achieve the success I have if I was not a Townsvillian


if something goes wrong – earthquakes, volcano smoke, hurricanes, whatever – your travel agent can help you because we get notified immediately and can get you on another flight or extend your hotel stay so that you don’t end up, along with thousands of other people, sleeping on the airport floor.” Debbie’s commitment to defining her niche involves opening a new 450sqm super store across the street from her current location in Flinders Mall. The new store, two and a half times larger than the current store and opening late February, will include retail at the front with specialised cruising, adventure and regular travel, as well as a theatrette for information sessions. “This store is part of my commitment to our CBD,” explains Debbie. “The mall has taken some big hits, but if we don’t support our CBD, who will? “I genuinely believe that I wouldn’t have been able to achieve the success I have if I was not a Townsvillian,” tells Debbie, “The opportunities this city has given me because of the people, because of its size, because I had a support network, have been unique.”

THE DESTINATION With 2013 marking Debbie’s 25th year in business, this year is a milestone. “It’s taken me a long time to realise it, but I’m successful because I’m happy – in my career and my life – I’m comfortable with who I am, and I feel that I can deal with whatever life throws at me.” If her new super store performs to expectation, Debbie already has plans to do something similar in Rockhampton. “One goal at a time though! I still have a lot I want to do. And after 25 years, I’m allowing myself a little more ‘me’ time,” admits Debbie. “Working in the industry, you’d be surprised at how little I’ve travelled,” she laughs, “but I’m making up for that now!”


For most of our readers, time at work takes up a large portion of our life. So being happy can contribute greatly to our overall health and wellbeing. There are plenty of changes we can make that can help make our work life happier, healthier and more productive. Inside this special highlight are some take home ideas and services to improve your happiness and wellbeing.


Combating Stress

First Things First Wellness Centre

While you may avoid second-hand smoke and wash your hands to keep germs at bay, what are you doing to prevent the spread of stress? In the same way that germs are contagious, so too is stress. Numerous studies and researchers have suggested that we soak up other people’s emotions like a sponge and adopt their anxieties. Stress is as contagious as the common cold. It’s even suggested that you can catch anxiety from those around you. Apparently, we mirror stress in others as a way to identify and emphasise with them. By doing so, we often take on their body language such as hunching our shoulders or scowling. Women are apparently more at risk, since they tend to be more in tune with the feelings of others. Second-hand stress is most prevalent in the

workplace, as it tends to be a prime location for high stress levels due to a heavy workload or unclear job role. No doubt the recent economic uncertainties have further fuelled anxiety in workplaces around the world. So now that we know stress is contagious, what can we do to avoid it?

3. Tell the offender that their stress affects you and then offer to help, if you know it won’t cause you anxiety. 4. Be positive! Positivity is just as contagious as stress, so sprinkle positive messages in a negative discussion to boost everyone’s morale.

We can build up our resistance to stress, the same way we can boost our immunity to colds and flu. Here are a few ways to combat second-hand stress:

5. Ask for help if you’re not coping, to avoid your stress spreading.

1. Avoid taking on other people’s stress: acknowledge their anxieties but step away and understand that it doesn’t have to be your stress.

6. Take time out if you work in a stressful environment: have a massage, go for a walk or sit quietly with a cup of tea.

2. Try to distance yourself from people who simply want to vent their frustrations without changing their situation.


massage CORPORATE If you run a business why not reward your staff and improve workplace morale, attract top performers and show commitment to your employees’ physical and emotional health and wellbeing

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*Applies to new corporate members who have a business with more than 4 employees.

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PHONE 4728 7165



g in w lo g u o y e r A ? e id s in e h t m fro


If you’re feeling sluggish after the festive season celebrations then it’s time to start the New Year with a fresh look at your health. Very few of us eat the diet we need to in order to achieve optimal health, not to mention the wine and pudding we indulged in over the Christmas break. But introducing fruit and vegetable juices to your diet gives your body that revitalised energy you lost with that last glass of wine. Juicing gives your body the vitality, nutrients and digestive enzymes that you should be ingesting, improving your health all year round. Better health through juicing naturally improves eating choices, curbing those cravings you once thought impossible to let go of. Foods that once weakened your energy


levels simply lose their appeal and you are exposed to the experience of feeling healthy and energetic. SqueezeMe proudly sponsors the Ashy Bines Bikini Body Challenge and supports clean eating to nurture and nourish the body while embarking on an exercise routine. Check out our calorie-friendly juices with the benefits of added green tea. Our health and well-being are our own responsibilities, so start the New Year by committing to one day a week or even a month devoted to juice detoxing and enjoy the benefits. Don’t forget the calorie content can be halved by using green tea as the mixer so you can have your juice and drink it too!

A fresh face in the workplace


Cosmetic Injections

Do you have a demanding career? Do you work long hours? Do your colleagues assume you are tired, worried or upset? Are you competing with a younger workforce? Do you deal with customers face-to-face? First impressions can have a huge impact on your success with business dealings. Stress, fatigue, dehydration and muscle repetition from frowning, concentrating and squinting can result in tension headaches and permanent expression lines. This can make you look unapproachable and prematurely aged. The natural process of ageing means you will also lose skin elasticity, fat pad volume, muscle tone and bone density. Janette at Suppelle® has 11 years’ cosmetic injection experience – helping men and women refresh their

appearance using Muscle Relaxants and Dermal Fillers. Are you in safe hands? How to choose the best clinician: • Professional training and knowledge: Anatomy; cultural and gender differences; universal guidelines for aesthetic proportions and ratios, products, techniques and complication management.

• Face-to-face review by a medical practitioner: This is Australian law for safe and legal prescription; Skype consultations cannot give a full and accurate examination. • Honest, ethical, realistic advice and referrals if necessary. • Medical emergency response and equipment onsite.

• Individual experience. • Comprehensive consultation process: Health, medications and allergies; facial assessment of skin condition, muscle mass and movement, natural fat volume, underlying bone structure; education of suitable products.

• Adherence to law: Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, Drugs and Poisons Regulation Qld, Therapeutic Goods Act, Commercial Law, Trade Practices Act.


y jo n e y ll u f s s e Keep fit to succ s s e in p p a h l a n o s r e p d n a r e care Contours

We all want to be a healthy weight, fit and enjoying our personal and professional lives don’t we? So what is stopping us from optimising our bodies so that we can enjoy a successful lifestyle? Especially when we invest so much time and money ensuring that our businesses and finances are in top order. So is your body doing as well as your business or career? Or is your body stopping you from achieving success? Often we are looking for unrealistic results without any of the ‘hard work’. How many times have you lost weight quickly only to put it all back on? Or undertook a fitness program that was unsupported and you got ‘lost in the crowd’ or so intense and unrealistic that you were burnt out by week two? We know that a successful business and career takes hard work, determination and commitment; and our bodies are no different.

That is why at Contours we specialise in women’s health and fitness. We can provide superior services and attention to detail that ensures each member is given individual advice and support to focus on achieving success. We have variable packages to meet the values and expectations of today’s busy women. We have qualified and experienced staff who are passionate about supporting busy women to take the time to achieve their goals and dreams. Contours offers women a fabulous opportunity to begin focusing on exercise. Our nutritional advice and support will enhance the positives in your life and increase your happiness at work and at play. Enquire today and receive a free consultation from one of our qualified health and fitness professionals.

Love your future self

with the Contours 6 Week Challenge! Join our effective and easy to follow 6 Week Program and receive: - Unlimited access to our studio - Nutritional Guide, complete with recipes - One on One training sessions - BioAge Fitness Assessments Plus, for every challenger entering the 6 Week Challenge, Contours will donate $10 to Ovarian Cancer Australia! Challenge starts 11/2/13. Hurry spaces are limited! Visit Contours Thuringowa Cnr Castelmaine and Toohey St Kirwan Ph: 4773 2700 * T&Cs apply. You do not need to be a Contours member to take part.


Something ll a r o f g in d r a rew


Skin Technology

Gone are the days when cosmetic surgery was only for Hollywood celebrities and those who could afford it. The concept of maintaining one’s youthfulness through cosmetic treatment is a taboo of the past. Cosmetic treatment is now more readily available and affordable in our society. According to Chrysalis Skin Technology’s Dermal Clinician and clinic manager, Nicole Ferraris, many patients are now opting for non-invasive treatments with minimal downtime. The option of peels, cosmetic lasering, cosmetic tattooing and injectables allow one to achieve and maintain a youthful appearance without the price tag and downtime associated with most surgical procedures. Most dermal treatments are fast, effective and in some cases results can be seen immediately.

Chrysalis Skin Technology offers a wide array of dermal treatments and procedures and sells and recommends medical grade skin care. The clinic is comprised of two cosmetic injectors, a dermal clinician, cosmetic tattooist and beauty therapist. The clinic also offers complimentary skin and injectable consultations for every new patient and works closely along side Dr Vucak and Dr Tassan of Queensland Plastic Surgery. For more information visit or phone 07 4725 8400 to schedule your initial consultation. Chrysalis Skin Technology welcomes you in taking the first step to achieving the skin of your dreams.


r o f s it b a h 5 ’s Kim in k s y h lt a e h r e sup


Beauty and Body

1. Treat your skin with respect, you only have one! Your daily skin care routine should take you about three minutes in the morning, and three minutes in the evening to cleanse, tone, correct and moisturise it. If you give your skin some daily love, it will love you back- with luminosity and vibrancy! Steer clear of super aggressive and harsh soaps, acids and scrubs, and aim to infuse skin loving antioxidants and vitamins like A, C and E. 2. Protect yourself from the harsh UV rays! A lifetime of cumulative sun exposure will lead to premature wrinkles, age spots and a risk of melanoma and other skin cancers. 3. Be active! Do something – anything that gets your blood pumping, for at least 30 minutes a day! This will boost circulation, allowing your skin to be fed


more nutrients, as well as help shift toxins in the lymphatic system. 4. This one is obvious, don’t smoke! Smoking tobacco essentially suffocates your skin, causing a lack of essential nutrients and oxygen needed for healthy skin. Tobacco smoke damages your fibroblasts (the awesome little cells responsible for collagen and elastin production), resulting in premature ageing and wrinkles. 5. Eat well, and don’t forget your good fats! Incorporating good fats such as Omega 3 and 6’s into your diet will nourish your skin, from the inside-out. Your skin will feel more plump and dewy, and your topical vitamins will be accepted into your skin easily. Intensive salon treatments will be more effective as your wound healing ability

will be increased too.

Quality tea – s t fi e n e b e h t y jo en

Fratello Coffee

The health benefits of tea have been discussed in many cultures for literally thousands of years. At Fratello Coffee, they have been discussed since the business first opened. When Alex and James, the founders of Fratello Coffee, selected the teas to be included on their menu, they never expected such a following! When opening a coffee shop, the boys knew coffee would be hero on the menu, but after taking the time to select the very best teas available to them, along with quality infusers and tea wares, they realised how passionate Townsville residents are about their tea.

suggested that tea benefits the body’s immune function, normalises blood pressure, and reduces cardiovascular disease risk, diabetes and dental decay. According to the boys at Fratello, their customers don’t mind whether the tea is providing health benefits or whether the 20 minutes they take out of their busy lives to sit down, relax and enjoy a pot of tea is actually providing more benefits to their health by de-stressing for just a while. They enjoy the quality teas all the same.

According to the Victorian Government’s Better Health website, more research is needed to determine the exact health benefits of tea drinking, but it is


’t n e r a s t n e m t Trea t a e r t l ia c e p s a just Hairhouse Warehouse

‘Hair treatments shouldn’t be reserved for special treats, they really should be a regular part of your hair regime.’ This is the advice you will receive from the 20-plus qualified hairdressers in any one of the three Townsville Hairhouse Warehouse salons. Quality hair treatments are essential to maintain beautiful healthy hair. By nourishing your hair regularly you will reduce the onset of split ends, increase natural shine and much needed protection from the harsh North Queensland elements. Each of the Hairhouse Warehouse salons stocks a huge range of take home products, so you can keep up the good work in between salon visits. The staff will show you a range of products specifically suited to your hair and individual requirements.


With international brands like Delorenzo, you know you can get the very best the industry has to offer. The De Lorenzo Essential Treatments are a luxurious range of six specialised treatment products infused with rich plant based oils including organic rose hip, pure botanical extracts, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals to replenish moisture lost through wind, sun and chemical processes. They feature liquid crystal technology, colour stabilising extracts and natural UV protectants. In addition to the massive range of take home products, Hairhouse Warehouse offers in-salon treatments that really make you feel like you are giving yourself a special treat.


At Kim Bartlett Master Jewellers our diamonds must pass strict quality assurance criteria that go far beyond the traditional 4C’s. Our expert team evaluate diamonds differently – taking into consideration not only whether a diamond looks good on paper, but whether it meets our visual standards for beauty and brilliance.

Our meticulous detail for diamond grading and decades of expertise ensure that every aspect of your diamond purchase is the absolute finest available in quality and workmanship.

The shopping experience at our store is also unique; we encourage clients to sit down in the calm atmosphere of our studio and take the time they need to be educated and guided by our knowledgeable jewellers to select the perfect diamond.

If you’re looking for the ultimate expression of your love, let your vision and style inspire our designers and craftsman to create a masterpiece for you like no other.

88 Denham Street, townSville Phone 07 4772 3622

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billboard advertising must be part of your marketing mix Paradise Outdoor Advertising is a locally owned Townsville-based company and is the largest regional outdoor advertising company in Queensland. We offer over 950 professional billboard locations and growing! Paradise Outdoor Advertising’s locations in Queensland include all major regional centres including Cairns, Townsville, Mount Isa, Mackay, Moranbah, Emerald, Rockhampton, Gladstone, Bundaberg, Maryborough, Gympie and all points in between. Our billboard family now includes 13 professional billboards in Darwin, Northern Territory. Contact us to find out how your business can make an impact!

We recently commissioned independent, extensive, and reliable research to help you understand just how effective billboard advertising is.


46 mins

of regional Queenslanders use a car for their

typical journey


is average time spent commuting on a weekday

44km on average round trip distance to work we drive because we have to, not because we want to; cars are a necessity, not a luxury.

T H I S M E A N S that any residents who use the roads by bus, car, truck or other vehicle - are exposed to billboard advertising; they do not have to turn on a radio, switch on a television, purchase a newspaper, pick up a phone book, or connect to a computer to see your advertisement.



who had seen a billboard once in the past week say they recall the message


billboards are ‘eye catching’

acknowledge they see billboards at least once per week


of regional consumers say billboards bring new products and information to their attention

Market research conducted by The Seed, July 2009. Survey of 1233 people in rural, regional and metro markets in Vic, NSW and Qld.

ON THE RISE Success Business Magazine talks with Jason Trim, Sales Manager of Paradise Outdoor Advertising, to learn more about his two years with the business. Photography Amber Burling

Who inspires you? The executive and management teams and staff at Paradise Outdoor Advertising – Phil James, Mitch James and Rod Heffernan in particular. The company started in the early 1980’s and has grown to over 950 billboards throughout Queensland and the Northern Territory. It was these teams that have brought about the current success of the business through hard work and vision. I also find inspiration from the business and community leaders I am fortunate enough to meet daily as well as from my wife and family.

Do you have a mentor? Yes, several. Mitch James, current Sales Director and incoming CEO, has been instrumental in educating and providing direction for me to achieve business and personal goals. His knowledge particularly in relation to outdoor advertising and concepts is highly rated in the outdoor advertising industry. I have also been very fortunate to be mentored by Jeff Lewis who was introduced to me whilst I was working in sport. I also like to bounce ideas off various business people and friends in business to gain an overall perspective on various topics. At Paradise Outdoor Advertising we are fortunate to have the services of our business coach, Arthur Trindall, who I will be working with closely along with executive and management teams.

What advice do you have for anyone looking to get into your industry? I always say, ‘If you enjoy meeting new people, building relationships, communicating, have a willingness to set goals and enjoy achieving, then sales is for you’. Selling is a very rewarding career both personally and financially and should be considered by everyone who has these traits as a career choice.

What is your favourite book? “The Little Red Book of Selling” by Jeffrey H. Gitomer. It is a great little book that my wife bought for me when she was in the USA – and having read it the first time, I find myself picking it back up often.

What do you enjoy most about working in our region?

719-725 Woolcock Street, Mount Louisa, QLD, 4814. PO Box 7546, Garbutt, QLD, 4814. Phone 07 4758 4600 Mobile 0448 024 367

The opportunity to work with small to medium size businesses in the region, particularly those who have made the decision to include outdoor advertising (billboards) as part of their marketing mix. To watch the impact and growth their business receives once their billboard campaign has commenced is very satisfying and rewarding. I would also have to say the opportunity to meet business and community leaders, and community members more broadly. I appreciate the tight-knit community that is North Queensland and regional Queensland as a whole and the community-mindedness of those who live here.


Investing in staff to grow your business By Kathryn Chapman. Managing Director at Choice Training.

Right now is the perfect time to look at your investments, and I don’t mean any old investments, I mean your staff investments. How will you invest in your staff in 2013? Investing in both you and your staff is a great way to build your business capacity. Don’t wait ‘til the wheels fall off, revenue drops off or great employees leave before you decide to invest in your staff; be proactive. You’ve heard the saying, “What happens if I train my staff and they leave?” but consider this – what happens if you don’t and they stay! Investing in your staff’s professional development is a way to ensure you are enabling your business to perform and grow. However, figuring out what exactly you need to do can be daunting. How do you figure out what staff need, what is the top priority


and what is the best way to do this? Being proactive about your needs includes looking at employees’ jobs and their position descriptions, are these still accurate? What skills, knowledge and behaviours do you expect from this position? Are there any gaps in the skills, knowledge and behaviours? Once you establish this, you can then formulate a plan for appropriate training and professional development to meet these gaps. You may choose to engage a qualified professional from a registered training organisation to help with this process. Remember your employees can’t do what they don’t know. Being proactive about investing in your staff doesn’t mean that you need to just spend money. Talk to your staff, depending on the type of training or professional development, many employees are happy to share costs and time if they have input into selecting the appropriate training. Examples of this working well include:

• Sharing the cost of attending conferences. • Allowing staff to attend master classes in work time. • Subscribing to online industry forums and allowing all staff to log in and catch up on the latest information. • Investigating free seminars and webinars for staff to attend. • Encouraging staff to form discussion and coaching groups to enable staff to discuss and develop new ideas/policies/procedures. • Allowing time for staff to attend formal courses and complete assessments. • Investigating funding options to support formal training. Make 2013 the year you invest in your staff and watch your staff and your business grow. The sky really is the limit.

my top 5

BUSINESS TOOLS with Miles Poljakow, Business Administrator at Choice Training Photography by Amber Burling




Swarovski Pen

I would be lost without my Swarovski Pen – I love to add a little bling to my work day.

Ruby is the newest edition to the Choice Training family. She is great to zip around Townsville.

4. iPhone To ensure I always have contact with the office,I don’t go anywhere without my iPhone.



Whenever I’m away from the office, my iPad comes in handy for checking emails and making appointments with clients.

5. Choice Training Printer Our fit and reliable printer gets a good work out every single working day.


15 minutes with:

Perdis 30

One man making significant changes to the world of make up is Napoleon Perdis. On his recent trip to Townsville Terry White Chemists, we spent 15 minutes with him to uncover his secrets to success. Story by Marissa Candy Photography by Amber Burling

Q. Tell us about how the Napoleon brand started and what the inspiration was behind it? I have always been very ambitious and I always liked the idea of my name on a brand but... it all started with a studio in Broadway in Sydney, where I mostly did wedding make up. I am from a very traditional Greek family, and they really wanted me to explore the corporate world. When I told my parents what I really wanted to do, I knew I would do it forever. That certainty has been a real blessing and really helped propel me at times. I am constantly inspired by the woman on the street - Australian women have just such a simple, natural yet individual style. I am also constantly influenced by architecture, by the environment, art, fashion - it’s so important to keep your finger on the pulse of what’s happening out there. The taste of the nation changes swiftly and regularly!

Q. What business values do you employ? Passion is the most important thing. Living it, breathing it, dreaming it, and waking up with passion is the most important thing and for me it keeps everything going. If I didn’t have passion for what I do I couldn’t have grown my business to the extent I have, both here in Australia and in the US. I’m known to be a bit of a control freak - it’s all about the process. And it all stems back to the way the business was formed. My wife and I met while I was at university studying political science and business law. My brother came from a commerce background and we each had a very separate area of the business to look after. Then when we would come together in our board meetings, it was actually to create bridging and unification. Those processes from day one are still around today, just bigger. I always say that Retail is detail. Women really want to know that you are worrying about the little things. When there is a new product we launch, there is an educational program in a box that goes all across our distribution that is personalized with staff training. Process and passion are so important!

Q. What can small business learn from your business rise to fame? By being ambitious and always wanting more, by creating a business plan and strategy, and by getting out and working with everyday women to educate them whether it’s on the art of makeup or whatever your specialty. This has really been a key element of my success, people getting to know me and the brand. Always remember to be consistent, be authentic but still be inspiring to your customer. Staff training is everything is also imperative. In Australia, we have an amazing system of implementation and training that can radiate across the entire distribution. Arriving at the Terry White Chemist store, I was amazed to see the passion behind the training at every level of our staff and then every member of our distribution right here in Townsville.

Q. Who do you look up to in business? Michael Eisner, former CEO of Walt Disney is an amazing man. His mind is brilliant. And he probably doesn’t know how much just the little things he says are hugely important. My mother and father who worked so hard - night and day, seven days a week but also ensured we all spent a lot of time together as a family. Seeing that balance in reality was very beneficial for me. My brother is an intellectual and a huge resource for me - almost like a human encyclopedia! And finally, Rupert Murdoch and Helena Rubinstein.

Napoleon’s Tips for Success 1. A network of people around you who support and love you - for me that’s my family. 2. Very strong ambition, persistence and passion - and don’t let go at any stage, no matter what. 3. Stick to it! Don’t be influenced by negativity around you and stick to your vision. Remember, if you plant enough seeds and water them, they finally grow and give you fruit.

Napoleon Perdis

3 brand beliefs

1. 2. 3.

THE GLAMOUR PRINCIPLE – Glamour is at the heart of the brand. Sourced from within; it is the physical manifestation of confidence, strength and allure brought to life by sophisticated makeup and professional grade tools. RUNWAY AND REALITY – no matter what we do, we want to always ensure that our customer is getting the best education, the best pro tips, the best applic ation and a complete a la carte service of menu, in relation to how she customises her make up. THE HARVARD OF MAKEUP – Education is everything to the Napoleon Perdis brand! The Napoleon Perdis Makeup Academy, known as ‘The Harvard of Makeup’ and offers a range of professional tuition for aspiring makeup artists and more practical workshops for women wanting to perfect their personal makeu p skills, there are currently six campuses in Australia and one on Hollywood Boulevard in California with more to launch in the future.


manage your energy, not your time By Anita Hagarty. Managing Director at Achieve Group.

Overworked, stressed out, tired, consumed. No matter what you call it, burnout is a significant risk to employees at any organisation. It can zap productivity, drain morale, and make turnover skyrocket.

In applying emotional intelligent leadership attributes, it is our responsibility to support, implement and drive healthy practices. Ultimately if it means improving performance, then it means increasing the bottom line.

But before you can take steps to prevent or reverse burnout, you need to be able to recognise the signs and understand the risk factors. The article written by Tony Schwartz and Catherine McCarthy and titled Manage your Energy, Not Your Time, explores the work place rituals to help employees regularly replenish their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy. It may sound a little unconventional to some; however, improving productivity from your team in an environment where staff are expected to do more for less, it makes sense to look for alternative solutions to enhance performance.

Here are a few suggestions from Manage Your Energy, Not your Time:

BARRY GIBSON Chief Executive Officer at BCK Lawyers


• Physical Energy – learn to notice signs of imminent energy flagging, including restlessness, yawning, hunger and difficulty concentrating. • Emotional Energy – fuel positive emotions in yourself and others by regularly expressing appreciation through notes, emails, calls or conversations.

• Mental Energy – reduce interruptions by performing high concentration tasks away from phones and email. • Spiritual Energy – allocate time and energy to what you consider important. Never underestimate your ability to influence your team. Following your lead in managing where team energy is expended, is and can be a positive step in creating healthy, productive teams. For a copy of the full article, Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time, go to


Martin and Maddy Smith from The Sun Hotel

Basking in the best T

he 2011 renovations of The Sun Hotel have been nothing short of substantial and the results, simply stunning. Removing two internal supporting walls to create an open plan layout, the hotel has been rejuvenated with clean, sharp lines, contemporary finishings and ambient lighting. Hotelier and owner, Peter Ryan has been involved in the industry for many years and in 2012 was inducted into the Australian Hotel Associations Hall of Fame. “Peter has a reputation as an industry leader and his strategy behind the renovations was to turn the pub into a hotel in order to attract a larger range of clients,” The Sun Hotel General Manager Martin Smith explains.

Story by Tracey Lee Gordon Photography by Amber Burling

There’s not a cloud in sight on Ross River Road, with The Sun Hotel recently acknowledged by the Queensland Hotel Association with an Award of Excellence for Best Renovated Hotel under $2million. This outstanding industry recognition is a tribute to the massive undertaking by the PJ Ryan Group of Hotels to completely restructure the hotel and partner with Lion to shine as one Townsville’s favourite venues. Aimed to target family guests as well as traditional patrons, the inclusion of a kiddies play area, which adjoins the dining area, allows the whole family to enjoy the dining experience. “The Sun offers an affordable dining option, with made to order meals, desserts and a children’s menu. Our meals are very generous and we have found that the traditional menu is still the most popular. Guests can book tables or the adjacent lounge for celebratory occasions and we’ll decorate to theme. Of course we also cater for seniors with a seniors discount for lunch and dinner,” continues Martin. “The hotel has regained 145sqm with the old TAB moving back into the shopping centre, so for larger groups, we now have a separate function room which can easily accommodate up to 80 guests. This area can be used for family functions, special occasions such as engagement parties or receptions and we’ll definitely be marketing it for corporate functions.” In close proximity to 480 motel rooms on Bowen Road, The Sun Hotel is centrally located for businesses with guests coming in from interstate. “We have partnerships in place with many of these motels and we are just a short walk from most of them.” The traditional hotel patrons have been more than catered for with the renovation investment. “We have a private gaming facility and a sophisticated

public area with PubTAB, big screen TV’s and dry bars that sport their own private screens. “Putting private screens at the end of the bar tables has been a measure to ensure that our patrons have more choice,” explains Martin. “Some people like to tune into different sporting events, but if you want to bring your i-Pad or laptop in, that’s fine too, because we also have free Wi-Fi throughout the venue.” “Both Peter and myself have had long standing relationships in place with Lion, so a key element of the renovation strategy was to bring them on board as a partner. With XXXX Gold the number one seller in the country it just made sense. Lion were a fantastic support throughout the renovation period and have made a massive contribution with the reticulation system for beer on tap and merchandise. They’ve even provided historical brewery images, which complement our new décor. “Our Lion representative is very supportive, the product quality and brand merchandise is fantastic and we now have access to brands such as Corona, Guinness and Stella. Ciders are becoming more and more popular, we have 5Seeds on tap here and it’s a real winner, but without a doubt XXXX Gold is our biggest seller,” says Martin. “With Lion, it really is a partnership and our relationship is just getting better.”



ince I arrived in the region late in 2011, there has been much talk in North Queensland about the National Broadband Network (NBN) and what it means for Small to Medium Size Enterprises (SME). We brought Mike Quigley the CEO of the Broadband network to present in both Townsville and Cairns as part of our Business Excellence in the Tropics Series. One question I am often asked after that talk is how will the NBN affect businesses in North Queensland. Clayton Christensen coined the term “disruptive innovation” to talk about new technology that had the power to disrupt an industry and change the existing paradigms in the way in which business is conducted. We often see that one of the impacts is the disintermediation of the value chain. By this I mean that we see the traditional value chain is split apart and operators within this chain are able to go to market directly. One example of an industry, which has gone through such a transformation, is the travel or tourism industry. Prior to the internet most travellers used a travel agent and consulted their brochures for information. The agent had information available about flights, destinations, accommodation and activities; in other words they were an information aggregator who we could also book all these services with.

The Potential of the Internet and our Businesses in North Queensland Professor David Low, Professor for the School of Business at James Cook University, speaks to Success Business Magazine about how the internet is impacting our businesses.


The internet changed this, as a potential traveller we now have the ability to google our destinations for activities and accommodation; find out how to get from the airport to our accommodation, book hire cars directly and also check out flight schedules and book our flights directly. We are also able to read the reviews of other travellers and decide if we will visit a destination. With each of these providers having websites and promoting their products (or experiences which is what they really are) separately. Thus we can select our own package; and this process is what we mean by disintermediation of the value chain, as well as being an example of the disruptive nature of internet technology. My own industry of education is currently in the process of transformational change brought about by the internet and its connectivity. We see the advent of MOOCs (massively open online course), which are aimed at large-scale open participation in education providing access via the web. These are supported by institutions such as Harvard and Stanford, and participation by students is free – you only pay when you want certification by an institution (i.e. a qualification). You can access these free lectures through such services as “iTunes University” directly to your phone and watch the lectures at your own convenience. Most universities around the world are determining how to respond, there is general consensus that MOOCs will not be the end game but that universities must respond to these challenges. The Business School at James Cook has responded by providing its Bachelor of Business online from 2013 as one option for students; lectures will be available in small “chunks” much the same as the ones provided by the MOOCs and extra value added by providing online interaction with both academics as well as other students to create a true e-learning environment. We do not see our 2013 solution as being the final answer but rather we are monitoring new trends, evaluating opportunities and focusing on the student experience as well as their learning outcomes. This is the recommendation I make for businesses wondering how the internet may impact on their industry, don’t assume the status quo will remain, keep examining your operating environment, avail yourselves of current thinking and finally think laterally; the answer might be how other industries are tackling these challenges.


The man driving the brand Story by Rachel Licciardello Photography by Amber Burling

It’s been just over three months since Myer swung open its doors at Stockland, welcoming shoppers from across North Queensland into the shiny new two-level store. While much attention was paid to Myer Brand Ambassador, Jennifer Hawkins, we went straight to the boss, Myer CEO Bernie Brookes, to talk strategy, direction and lessons we can take from power brands like Myer. Bernie, you visited Townsville late October for the opening of Myer at Stockland; did all meet expectations? The opening trade was fantastic… We’ve been really pleased with the response from the Townsville customer. We thought this would be a good store opening, but were surprised, even taken back, by the number of people who attended the opening.

What role will regional centres like Townsville play in your omni-channel marketing strategy? We’re fortunate with 68 stores to have a pulse throughout a lot of regional locations. Locations like Cairns, Mackay, Bendigo, Ballarat and now Townsville are pick-up points for people who want products online. We call this click and collect. It means you can order online at any time that suits you, and then collect your purchase from your nearest Myer store.


This strategy sounds convenient for customers living outside of Townsville, and also locals who want to manage their time. Exactly. Also, you’re not limited by what’s in that store. You may want a Manning and Cartell dress or a Wayne Cooper dress we’re not carrying here, but you can purchase it online and pick it up at your Townsville store. We have 17,000 items here in store, but there may be another 150,000 items online; so your smallest store can become your biggest in a regional location. So not only is there the benefit to the customer of convenience, but for us, a large number of those customers will buy something else when visiting the store to collect. Department stores in the US and UK have been into the omni-channel for quite some time and are now seeing that 40% of their product is being purchased online and picked up in store.

Tell us about your customer loyalty program Myer One – how does it work and what is the strategy behind it? Members receive roughly a 2% rebate each quarter. So if you spend $2,000 you’ll get a $40 gift card sent to you, either electronically or through the mail, with a number of offers. The moment you spend your gift, you start redeeming and earning points again, so it has perpetuity to it and more importantly it has a really strong loyalty factor to it. There are two important parts to how we use our Myer One data. Firstly, we use the data to trait our customers; to understand the DNA of our customers – what they buy, when they buy, how often they buy – so we can determine our buying decisions, where to locate stores and how to stock those stores. Secondly, this gives us the opportunity to take that data and understand more about the customer to give them what they want. So, if you are buying classic women’s wear, we’ll send you a classic footwear offer.

Did your Myer One data assist in selecting stock for the Townsville store?

What lessons can small businesses learn from Myer reinvesting $26 million into customer service?

Definitely. Some of our guys came to Townsville, looked around at the local stores and the shopping centres to understand what was working and what wasn’t. We knew there was opportunity in women’s wear; we knew we needed colours, lighter fabric for the weather and larger sizes. We knew it was a very competitive market for electronics so we’ve included a very small electronics section.

When small businesses think about competing, they think about price then they think about range. My encouragement, and what we’ve continually done, is put service ahead of both of price and range.

We already had a couple thousand Myer One members who were shopping in Cairns or Brisbane, Melbourne or Sydney while holidaying so that gave us an idea of what they were purchasing.

Myer has developed a number of exclusive brands in response to market opportunities. What can we expect from this space? Myer-exclusive brands make up about 20% of our business, so roughly one in five items. And these brands aren’t just entry price points or generics; they’re products like Wayne Cooper, Milk & Honey, Sass & Bide, Trent Nathan… the brands we own.

You can sell a product at a slightly higher price or a slightly lower price, but it’s largely competing on how well you serve the customer. So for us, focusing on customer service instead of reducing prices first will increase volume. We also know that customer service doesn’t improve by just throwing more money at the problem. The solution isn’t to put additional staff into a department or store, you need to target where to add staff, which time of day they’ll be needed and of course you need to train them.

Will you open more stores in North Queensland? Yes; we are looking at Rockhampton, and we’ve always had an ambition to build two stores in Townsville. If the Stockland store continues its strong performance, we’ll be back in a few years to look at a second store at Willows.

Two things are going to happen in this space. Firstly, we’re going to stretch some of those brands into other areas. We’ve just launched intimate apparel for Sass & Bide, and you’ll see Trent Nathan move into footwear. Secondly, we’ll continue to develop and buy more brands.

Jennifer Hawkins In 2006, soon after Bernie joined Myer as CEO, he sought out a fresh face for the company, to replace then-ambassador Dame Edna Everage. Bernie enlisted Aussie glamour Jennifer Hawkins, and seven years later Jen remains the face of Myer. You have a personal interest in Myer’s success, outside of your ambassador role. Tell us about that. My own brand [swimwear label Cosi] is stocked in Myer, so obviously I want the business to grow. I could have chosen to stock Cosi somewhere else, but I know Myer stores are well-positioned, get a lot of traffic and the brand is highly respected. I love working with Myer, that’s why I’ve been with them for so long. I believe in the brand; it’s an amazing, iconic brand.

You have access to some of the best business minds in the world. Who do you go to for advice? Donald Trump is pretty amazing, obviously. I treat him as a friend and he gives me advice – he’s a great mentor. I also read a lot of business books [anything by Richard Branson or Donald Trump]; the biggest thing I’ve taken from these would be to surround myself with people who are good at what they do so I can focus on doing what I do.

What lessons do you as a businesswoman take from your experience with Myer? I see that Myer focuses heavily on customer service; it’s how they treat their customers that keeps customers coming back. Myer always tries to keep things fresh and new, and people are really pumped to be here. I try to achieve those elements in my own business.


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We had a fantastic time at our work Christmas Party held at Kingpin! The team were great in meeting our needs and providing us with a range of options to handle our large group. This was the first team event for 1300SMILES, and it went off without a hitch – we will definitely be using the venue again for corporate and social events. • Ashlee Burgess - Human Resources Officer

16 High Range Drive - Cannon Park Entertainment Precinct • Call 13-BOWL (13-2695) •


Investing in the future The Carey Group of companies may have a few Carey’s on the payroll, but they’re heavily outnumbered these days as the business shed’s its ‘small family business’ tag to take on corporate status.

Story by Tracey Lee Gordon Photography by Amber Burling


rom humble beginnings as a small Ingham based accounting practice, the Carey Group operations today consist of three divisions; Carey Accountants, Strategic Self Managed Super Funds (SMSF) and Carey Financial. The business employs 50 finance professionals across two offices and boasts an impressive local, national and international blue chip client base. Of the four Directors, Greg Watson, Robert Carey, Joe Carey and Peter Carey; three bear the Carey name, but with strong year on year results and new equity shareholders coming on board, the Carey Group can comfortably say that their business is no longer small; and it’s no longer just family. “The accounting industry has traditionally played a reactive role to individuals and business finance.” says Director Joe Carey. “More and more people are realising the benefits of future planning and the importance of strong financial management, strategies and practices that are proactive. We take the time to get to know our clients, their industries and their objectives and we’ve taken this knowledge and invested it in a robust business model that meets the needs of the market. We aren’t just number crunching; we’re helping our clients plan, grow and manage current and future interests, insurances, assets and investments.”

“We’ve harnessed cloud technology to enhance our service offering and I like to say we are not an accounting firm, we’re a technology firm. We have a heavy focus on process improvement, such as removing task duplication to streamline operations and provide clients with secure, online access for file and document transfer,” Joe explains. The three divisions of the Carey Group cater for the entire financial lifecycle for professionals and medium to large business. From business consulting and taxation services, through to insurance, wealth management; the design of highly sophisticated self managed superannuation funds and supporting services. Clients can utilise a selection of services, or have end to end requirements managed. “Many of our clients let us manage their entire financial portfolio. Industries change, legislation changes and it is a lot to keep on top of while you are also managing a career, a business or multiple businesses. It’s smart to entrust financial management with experts so you can focus on your core activities.” “ We’ve built a strong reputation for delivering strong results and all of our business to date has been based on referral and word of mouth. We are starting to develop a marketing plan as we map our future.”

“Carey Group isn’t a family business as such anymore, but in saying that, family values and personalised service still underpin our professional ethics. Accountability and customer service excellence is paramount in this industry. Our clients are investing in our ability to perform for them, so it’s important to have the right people in the business who can deliver dynamic results. We’re proud of the team at the Carey Group and we are strengthening that all of the time. Professional staff are our biggest investment, but also our greatest asset.” “Any business should start with the end in mind to ensure sustainability and future saleability. We want the business to continue to remain strong so we’re essentially investing in the future ourselves with the move to a corporate status.”

141 Sturt Street, Townsville p. 07 4772 7033 73-81 Lannercost Street, Ingham p. 07 4776 5300




Owner/Director First Things First Wellness Centre Photography by Amber Burling

Owner and Director of First Things First Wellness Centre, Megan Flux, shares a moment with Success Business Magazine to give us an insight into her six years in business.

Who inspires you? Women who can do it all! Working mothers who have families, own their own businesses or work in a business and still have the energy and time to work out and be with their family and friends. It is not easy finding balance. We have so many talented and inspiring women in Townsville who do this day in and day out.

How do you reward your customers? We reward loyal customers by offering them a corporate rate, which enables them to have $15 off each and every massage. We also offer them great specials through our marketing and our electronic newsletters.

What do you do to unwind? I go to the gym most days, this keeps my stress and body in tune. When I have time I love to have a detox and massage or an Endermologie treatment.

What is your favourite book? I read mostly industry related magazines and documents to increase my knowledge. However, I do love Happy Mind Formula written by my previous business partner, Tracey Carmichael.

What do you enjoy most about working in our region? Diversity of people, the weather, the ease of lifestyle and our sporting teams.

Rising Sun Shopping Centre, Shop 11, 10 Ross River Road Mundingburra p. 07 4728 7165


Stunning. The Diamond Revolution is here...

Loloma Jewellers has opened their first specialist store – Loloma Diamonds in Stockland. This new hi-tech store stocks an extensive range of diamonds including the exclusive Hearts on Fire Diamonds and the extremely rare Pink Kimberly Diamonds. The spacious new store has TV screens spread throughout displaying the impressive range of diamonds. The Loloma Diamond experts team use iPads to highlight the key qualities of diamonds, looking specifically at the 4C’s of clarity, colour, cut and carat (weight), to explain why one diamond sparkles more than the next. The new store is home to an extended range of the prestigious Hearts on Fire Diamonds known as “the World’s Most Perfectly Cut Diamond”, Pink Kimberley Australia diamonds - Diamonds beyond rare and Canadian Fire Diamonds that are reported to be amongst the cleanest diamonds in the world. Loloma Diamonds has many state of the art features to help make every jewellery purchase an easy and successful one. The store offers an extensive wish list and reminder service for all special occasions. This gives every woman the opportunity to communicate exactly what she wants and every man the confidence to make a perfect gift choice, giving him peace of mind! Loloma’s brand new store also has impressive, second to none design software. This program allows our experienced design team to create many jewellery design concepts with a simple click of a button! For a limited time the store will feature rarely seen 5 carat diamonds valued at $400,000 as well as 4 and 3 carat stunners.

STOCKLAND TOWNSVILLE Freecall 1800 646 508


Is there a better time of year to sell my property? By Wayne Nicholson. Managing Director at First National Nicholson Real Estate.

In other markets it may be different, for example southern states have successful spring campaigns as they come out of the cold miserable winters and a lot of southern colleagues tell me spring is a better time to sell. Traditionally in Townsville the transfer season is January/February/March and traditionally these months have been some of our better selling periods, but not always. The undisputed fact is that if you are committed to selling your home or residential property, and based on good past sales evidence, good marketing and good advice from experienced agents, your property will sell in any month of the year. For argument’s sake let’s take a mainstream property in Kirwan; 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 2 car garage and air-conditioned. Let’s say the past sales evidence suggests that this home is worth around $395,000 to

$400,000. Our experience shows us it’s okay to list this home for between $410,000 to $419,000, and if the marketing is good you will attract offers from the online advertising or open homes. If you list this home for $435,000 to $450,000 then regardless of what time of year you are selling; it just ain’t gonna sell! Remember you may be on the market at $450,000 but you are not in the market, and buyers will look at your property from afar. The internet provides today’s buyers with all of the comparison tools they require to compare your property with others in the area. If you choose to list your home at too high a price, you will not only not sell it, you will not attract much interest. Buyers will simply take your property off their shopping list before even making contact with agents.

I am constantly told two things. One is that “I am going to start high so I can come down in price,” and secondly, “I’m not going to give my property away”. In nearly 32 years of selling real estate, I have never seen a property ‘given away’. But I have seen vendors start their asking price too high, and experience absolutely no interest from prospective buyers, as they don’t even bother making an offer. In summary, anytime of the year in Townsville is a good time to sell, if your property is priced to the market conditions of the day.


Promoting foot health to our children By Mal Fernando. Podiatrist at Townsville Podiatry Centre.

Feet are often the last thing on our minds when it comes to children; from having to worry about homework, child-care centres, school lunches, soccer games and ballet classes, it’s no wonder that the lower ends of our bodies don’t get much notice. Most children begin to walk between 12 and 18 months of age. It is best to wait until your child is walking confidently on their own before they have their first proper shoes. Growth is rapid during infancy (1–4 years) and on average there is an increase of two shoe sizes per year! As bones are still developing, good fitting shoes, socks and plenty of activity is important. At 5–10 years, kids develop their walking pattern. Although the feet are the first part of the body to stop growing, it is not until your child is around 18 that the bone structure in their feet starts to complete. It is a journey.


Throughout the course of childhood there are many problems that can arise with our feet; • Flat-feet- most children don’t take adult-like heel-toe steps until they are about three years old. However, if your child seems to have flat feet, when they are 5-6, see a podiatrist. • Intoe-ing and outtoe-ing happens when toddlers walk with their feet turning inwards (pigeon-toed) or outwards. This sometimes can correct itself, but if your child is having problems with walking, it is important to get this assessed. • Toe walking is when a child walks on tippytoes without putting much weight on the heels. Persistent toe walking can be a sign of abnormally short tendons.

• Ingrown-toenails and warts will cause a lot of irritation and pain to your child and can be aggravated by pressure and skin trauma. Just like looking after our children’s teeth, it’s important to look after their feet. Good foot health practices and a visit to the podiatrist early in life when foot pain or abnormalities arise can make a big difference later. Feet are the structures that will keep children walking for the rest of their lives, so remember healthy feet are very important.

Success by design

Story by Tracey Lee Gordon Photography by Amber Burling

If you’re a jeweller, it doesn’t get any better than the coveted Australasian Jeweller of the Year Award. The Jewellery by Design (JBD) team may be still feeling the afterglow of their 2012 achievement, but the winning team see’s client satisfaction as an award they win every day.

“It takes a passionate team with knowledge and experience to deliver customer service excellence,” says industry veteran and JBD Business Manager Bevan Hill, who knows what it takes to make a jewellery store successful and has hand selected a team of 14 specialists, who are truly passionate and knowledgeable about jewellery. There is definitely a technical aspect to jewellery and it’s not knowledge that is gained overnight. It also takes time to develop as a good salesperson, so we’ve ensured we have strong and knowledgeable sales consultants by predominantly employing mature staff with a solid background in the industry. Women are generally more drawn to a career in jewellery sales so the female quota of expertise is higher. But regardless of gender we only select staff who see this as a career, not a job.” “My senior consultants have a wealth of experience between them; Janette for example commenced her career 23 years ago as a window dresser. She has progressed into a senior sales role and possesses the type of knowledge that we


Janette Eckersley • 26 years industry experience • 6 months with JBD

I’m a very high achiever and set daily goals for myself. I love people and I love the retail environment. Jewellery sales is especially rewarding because of the sentiment behind the purchase.

Kath Morley • 10 years industry experience • 18 months with JBD

Customer service is what I love the most, providing good customer service is very important to me and I love helping people select that special piece. And what girl doesn’t love working with Diamonds?

Susie O’Brien • 17 years industry experience • 1 year with JBD

I love the emotional purpose of jewellery. People buy jewellery for heartfelt reasons, often turning a dream into reality. It’s very special to be a part of it.

need to pass on to our junior staff. Kath possess 10 years experience and Susie has been in the industry since 1995. Youth have a lot to offer with their vibrant and creative energy, so it’s very much a trend in retail to employ younger people in sales roles,” says Bevan. “When it comes to jewellery though, the perception is that mature people possess the knowledge – and look it’s a pretty spot on perception because of the technical aspects of jewellery that take many years to learn. Generally customers are making a substantial investment and especially for custom pieces, it’s really essential to have technical expertise on the spot to answer any questions and assist with design options. So for us, there is definitely a benefit in employing mature staff and bringing younger staff up through the ranks progressively.” “Our younger sales consultants are learning from the best and will be the best. In turn our clients will continue to get the best in many years to come. We really nurture our younger full time employees and invest in their development. They gain their Certificate III in Retail Sales over a two year period and it is a continual learning process on the floor with six monthly performance reviews. We speak

individually to our people about where they want to go and when they have this first qualification, we’ll work with them to develop them into their area of interest in the business,” tells Bevan. “Of our 14 employees, eight are women, so the boys are outnumbered, but it’s a good, healthy balance and also a good balance of ages. We all learn from each other and we are a happy team. It takes special people to work in customer service. Authenticity is very important when engaging customers and for JBD to remain as a market leader we definitely need to have staff who are dedicated to delivering excellent customer service. Our success to date has been based on having passionate people who make our clients happy. When we have happy clients, we know we have done a good job and it’s very rewarding to see clients come back. It’s a true testament to our service and product quality.”


Over the past 30 years, sustainability has been a topic that has grown in both momentum and awareness and is now broadly accepted as a contributor to our earth’s changing climate. The effects of sustainability are felt broadly and challenge us both economically and socially. It cannot be controlled by only one human, but by many. The true power of global teamwork is required to force change. The ultimate goal of sustainability is to enable the earth to continue supporting human life as we know it. Sustainability is not only a modern goal; it is an aspirational place most Australians and the world seek. Detailed inside this highlight are strategies for you to consider in creating a sustainable future. If we can each do our share, the future will be bright for our children’s children.


Renewable energy a smart choice WITH WALTLEC With the endlessly increasing demand for electricity and foreseeable price rises ahead, many businesses are resorting to alternative sources of energy, including renewable energy. Solar power is one justifiable choice and can be used in various applications. Many businesses are now harnessing this alternate source of energy and advancing from its abundant advantages. Reduced running costs – Solar power systems can reduce or even eliminate your building’s electricity bill. For big or small businesses, this money saving can have an incredible impact. Having solar power installed is comparable to pre-paying for almost 40 years of electricity, but at just a fraction of what you are currently paying. The cost per kilowatt hour of your current electricity is much higher than what you would spend on solar. Good return on investment – Government incentives and the decrease of solar equipment costs means the utilisation of solar power is far more appealing and a good financial decision for any business. Investing in solar power generates both long-term

savings on electricity costs and quick payback period on the investment. Maintenance-free and reliable – Once installed, a solar power system will require little or no maintenance. The system will provide electricity quietly, cleanly and efficiently for 25 to 40 years and most solar panel manufactures provide a 25 year warranty.

gas emissions. By using this alternative source, any business can show its involvement in the battle against global warming and can reduce the country’s dependence on fossil fuels. Going green will not only reduce day to day operation expenses but will serve as a great PR and marketing tool by showing the community of your commitment to the environment.

Earning the “green” label – Utilising electricity from solar power will result in reduced consumption from your provider, thus reducing greenhouse


Save more and spend less with a Queensland Country Green Loan Queensland Country Credit Union offers competitive green loans to help local families improve the sustainability of their homes and cash in on greater energy efficiencies. The Eco Smart Green Loan is designed to help home owners purchase and install environmentally sustainable home improvements such as solar power, rainwater tanks, roof insulation or solar hot water systems. The loan rewards borrowers by waiving the loan establishment and monthly loan maintenance fees, making it cheaper and easier for households to introduce green home improvements. Local families are then able to enjoy the flow-on cost savings associated with using less energy around the home into the future.


Queensland Country is genuinely interested in discussing how a Green Loan can make your cost saving home additions a reality today. Visit or your local Townsville branch in Aitkenvale, Deeragun, Magnetic Island, Townsville Hospital or at the Willows. Minimum borrowing of $3,000, maximum borrowing of $20,000. Term of loan minimum of 1 year and up to a maximum of 5 years. Normal lending criteria applies. Full terms and conditions will be included in the loan offer. A Product Information Brochure is available at any Queensland Country Credit Union branch and should be considered before deciding whether or not this product is suitable for you. Queensland Country Credit Union Limited. ABN 77 087 851 027 Australian Credit Licence 244 533.


Townsville is one of the best places in the world to create solar power and many property investors are installing solar on their rental properties and warehouses to entice better tenants, more rent and as a hedge against rising power bills. Clever landlords are using solar panels to fill their warehouses with tenants. Some of these warehouses have been vacant for long periods of time. The pure fact is that business owners cannot afford to run a business from a building that is not energy efficient. The loss of the 44 cent feed in tariff does not affect commercial buildings as they operate during daylight hours and they use all the power the solar system creates, saving 23 cents kwh and representing a return on investment of 15% plus for business owners on outlay.

A commercial landlord wanting to attract a government tenant will find it easier to attract one with an energy efficient building due to the guidelines government department have to work within when sourcing rental space. CAUTION: Don’t be tempted with cheap prices by inexperienced operators or out of town companies. Many solar panels and inverters can’t handle the extreme heat, then rain we endure in North Queensland. It is critical you use brands such as Trina Solar Panels and Aurora Inverters that can handle these conditions. Horan and Bird are proud winners of the 2012 ECA Solar Installation of the Year.



Often we rely on Mother Nature at this time of the year to take care of our lawns and gardens. Most of the time she does a good job, but it’s easy to forget about planning and preparing for the drier months for when the heat starts to set in. Many consecutive days of warm weather leaves your green lawn and lush gardens dried and distressed.

Your home’s appearance plays an important factor in determining its market value. An attractively landscaped exterior, with lush growth and healthy plants helps your house project that fresh, well-maintained look adding further capital growth. It’s never too late to irrigate! Call PPS today on 07 4725 6860.

Now is the time to get out into the yard and install an irrigation system to take these woes away. The professional and experienced team at PPS can assist with design layouts of irrigation systems. These are personalised to your yard, but if DIY is not your thing, they are happy to recommend suitably qualified contractors to install for you. If you are feeling up to it, DIY irrigation systems are cost effective and a great investment for the long term. The benefits of installing an irrigation system at your home are vast; • It’s the ideal way to water your lawn and garden, designed to use your water only where it’s needed. • The system uses pipes, fittings, sprays and drippers to precisely water only within the boundaries avoiding over watering. • There’ll be no more spending long hours watering with a hose and you won’t have to worry about remembering to move it every 20 minutes. Your new system will do all the remembering for you ultimately saving YOU time. • How many times have you forgotten the water running outside, only to remember an hour or more later after hundreds of litres have drained into the street? An automatic sprinkler system can save you literally thousands of litres of water a year simply by remembering to turn itself off at the right time. • And just like you and I, most plants thrive on a steady, well-regulated schedule of nutrition. You can count on an automatic sprinkler to provide your plants with a carefully timed, precisely measured amount of water, exactly when they need it.


Success from start to finish WITH GTL ELECTRICAL With over 30 years of combined experience, it was no surprise that in 2004 Greg Lyon and Simon McInnes would join their passion for the electrical industry and establish GTL Electrical, now an award-winning business. During this time the business has completed projects in all areas of the electrical industry ranging from domestic, commercial and industrial applications. They pride themselves on quality workmanship and cover an extensive scope of electrical services including general electrical, data and communications, smart programs, air conditioning, CCTV and solar. GTL Electrical has recently demonstrated their success not only at a local level but nationally, recognised as award winners in the 2012 Electrical Contractors Association (ECA) Awards. But the awards don’t end there; with the business having award wins at the North Queensland ECA Excellence Awards for various projects and categories in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2012. The company’s most recent awards were Project of the Year in Smart Wiring and Communication Data, for their work accomplished at the Dalle Cort Fit for Life Financial Centre on Charters Towers Road in Townsville. Due to the changing attitudes towards a greener approach in energy usage and cost reductions, GTL Electrical has paralleled their focus with respect to renewable energy systems and technology. We believe this technology is the way in which businesses will conduct themselves into the future, as demand for clean energy increases. Phone 07 4779 2028, or visit Unit 8/62 Keane Street, Currajong.


Study at James Cook University solar made simple WITH Infinity solar Have you been approved for the 44cent feed in tariff? Or are you simply confused with all the governmental regulations changing in the solar market? Infinity Solar’s local expert will guide you through the process step by step and make solar simple. With a customised solar system from Infinity Solar you will not only receive great returns but be assured to have at least 25 years of lasting quality. Respected businesses such as the Brisbane Airport Corporation and University of Queensland have relied on them and 98.9% of their customers recommend their services. Best of all, Queensland based Infinity Solar is ranked as one of the top 10 solar power companies of Australia. So whether you’re after a hybrid, grid or off-grid system, choose smart and local – Infinity Solar. It’s solar made simple.

The Bachelor of Sustainability at James Cook University is a multidisciplinary qualification, providing students with the skills and understanding to expand their careers. The degree incorporates areas such as conservation, planning, resource management, tourism, agriculture, environmental management and business, equipping graduates to work in a range of professions. Courses also take full advantage of the exceptional fieldwork facilities from reef to rainforest, and students are able to access a range of field courses at other universities to accelerate degree completion and gain exposure to other natural environments. The need for professionals with knowledge of sustainability is growing at a fast pace. Make it happen;

Phone 07 4724 0214, or visit 59B Ingham Road, Townsville.


TILL IT’S TOO LATE have you been approved for the 44 cent feed-in tariff application but don’t know which is the best solar company? Call Infinity solar now, it’s solar made simple.

Change your world


We specialise in customised residential and commercial grid-connect, off-grid and hybrid solar power solutions

James Cook University is internationally recognised as a leader in sustainability research. Ranked in the top 4% of universities worldwide*, JCU is number one in Australia for environmental science and management.†


Premium equipment installed by our own Clean Energy Council accredited electricians

Applying practical solutions to solve the big issues facing our world, the Bachelor of Sustainability produces graduates with the cross-disciplinary skills required to join the rapidly expanding green jobs sector. With streams in business, science, or social science, the Bachelor of Sustainability will enable students to influence policies, programs and corporate direction.


We are one of australia’s top 10 solar companies

Make it happen Apply now for 2013. 1800 246 446 or

4724 0214 | 1300 146 346

59B INgham Road, WEst ENd Electrical Contractors Number: 73948


*Academic Ranking of World Universities 2011† Excellence in Research for Australia, ARC, 2011; Essential Science Indicators, Thomson Reuters, 2011


LEFT: Laura from Jupiters Hotel and Casino, Townsville


52 shades of green With corporate sustainability becoming increasingly important to employers and employees, Success Business Magazine looks at one local business’ approach to reducing waste and increasing awareness about environmental responsibility. With an employee base of almost 500, and a business that operates 24 hours each day, 365 days each year, Jupiters Townsville Hotel & Casino knows the importance of operating efficiently. “We have a large team and business that literally never sleeps,” explains Jupiters’ Chief Operating Officer Will Keiler. “So we are very aware that even small changes within our team have the power to add up and be significant.” It was early 2012 when the company’s Innovation Committee, made up of 16 representatives from various departments within the business, met to discuss how Jupiters as a company could reduce wastage of energy, water, paper and rubbish, and increase environmental responsibility and accountability. The group realised whatever approach they chose, the 500 individuals within the company would need to drive the change in order for it to be successful. The result was a team-focused campaign that would promote one new idea or action each week to help increase awareness of environmental issues and obligations, or reduce the company’s waste. The campaign was titled 52in52, representing 52 actions over 52 weeks. The turn of the financial year saw week one kick off, and since then the Jupiters team has embraced the program and put more than 30 ideas into action, many of which were suggested by employees. “We wanted to engage our team members, because obviously that’s a large part of any successful program that relies on the actions of people,” explains Will. “So we started collecting ideas from our


As part of Jupiters’ 52in52 campaign, the company has supported external suppliers and programs including: • MobileMuster – mobile phone collection for recycling • Battery World – battery recycling program • Eartherapy – eco range of hotel guest bathroom products • Soap Aid – soap recycling initiative which collects barely-used bars of soap and breaks them down, sterilises the soap, recasts it and delivers it to domestic homeless shelters and third-world countries • Antipodes Water – carbon neutral bottled water available in Kobe • EcoPure biodegradable plastic wraps – used for bulk mail outs

team four weeks prior to the campaign’s launch, and we’re still getting ideas even today.” Actions have ranged from switching hard copy systems to electronic (saving more than 100 reams of paper each year), changing hotel soaps and other toiletries to eco-friendly products in biodegradable packaging and getting involved with a recycling initiatives for waste, batteries, mobile phones and soap. “Many of our actions have taken place onsite, but some have stretched out into the community. Our Week 26 action fell on the same week as Christmas, so we donated 100 second-hand hotel sheets to a local women’s shelter. We’ve really focused on those fundamentals of being environmentally responsible – reducing, re-using, recycling and changing how we think.” Importantly, Will says the program has done more than reduce waste and increase environmental awareness. “The motives behind this program included engaging our team, fostering a team culture and highlighting our accountability as a group and as individuals. We have 500 minds driving our business, and that’s 1000 eyes to view our business through a sustainability lens, and 500 minds to generate ideas, which in turn stimulate more ideas. “Even if some of our actions are only small, they still contribute to change, improvement and a more responsible work environment. That’s important to Jupiters as a company and to the individuals who drive our business.”





and somewhere you enjoy going each day Respect each other


Have fun


Give useful feedback


Listen intently


Empower your team


Choose your attitude


Share the overall vision




Treat other people as you expect to be treated.

Smiles are contagious.

Rather than criticise, give details on what can be improved.

Stop and take time to give the person your full attention.

Don’t just delegate tasks, delegate responsibility.

It’s your choice what attitude you take to the workplace.

So each team member is aware of the direction and destination of the business.

It doesn’t cost anything, but adds heaps of value.





The Army Reserve is now recruiting for a variety of roles in Townsville. Gain exciting new life experiences, meet new mates and learn new skills, all whilst giving back to your local area and earn 100% tax free pay. Apply now by calling 13 19 01 or by visiting




Let WIN Television entertain you! By Marco Della Valle. Station Manager at Win Television.

As Station Manager, Marco is responsible for putting together the comprehensive news bulletin five nights a week, supporting 23 staff on a daily basis and watching his clients’ businesses grow.

As a lot of us are getting back into the New Year, television programmers have already been busy putting the final touches on the 2013 program line-up for your viewing pleasure. Last year, the WIN Network delivered a myriad of programming ranging from news, comedy, drama, reality, sport and tele-movies with an increased interest in real life drama’s including Howzatt: The Kerry Packer Story and Beaconsfield. With 2013’s television season getting ready to launch in Australia, the WIN Network is set to showcase some of its best programming yet. Kicking off 2013, the ratings smash-hit, The Voice is back with superstar coaches Seal, Joel Madden and Delta Goodrem and joining them for the first time is latin sensation Ricky Martin to discover Australia’s next Voice. New to the network this year will be the global phenomenon, the Great Australian Bake-Off. Hosted by Shane Jacobson and Anna Gare, this ultimate kitchen battle is set to erupt when 10 home-baking enthusiasts will be put through a series of gruelling elimination challenges, baking a selection of cakes, pies, tarts, pastries, bread, biscuits and desserts, in the hope of being crowned Australia’s Best Home Baker.

Ramping up our fix on renovation shows, this year will feature not one but two seasons of The Block. Kicking off 2013 with The Block All-Stars where all four of The Block’s favourite couples will be competing against each other in the home renovation blockbuster. With only six weeks to renovate four heritage-listed Bondi cottages, this season will re-introduce The Block favourite’s including Dan and Dani (who was previously from Townsville) where they will be slogging it out for television’s top real estate prize. The WIN Network will later feature a new full series of The Block with eight new couples striving to win in 2013. To ensure viewers get their quota of comedy during the year, Hamish and Andy will be back on the road experiencing exotic cultures and embarking on new challenges as they star in another season of Hamish and Andy’s Gap Year. Also returning to our screens in 2013 will be Australia’s highest rating comedy of 2012, The Big Bang Theory along with comedy favourites, Two and a Half Men and 2 Broke Girls. Aussie audiences love a good Australian drama and in 2013, WIN Television will be delivering the next instalment in the Underbelly franchise, Underbelly: Squizzy. Set between 1915 and 1927, it tells the epic story of Squizzy Taylor’s relentless quest for power which ultimately created a public persona that made him Australia’s first superstar gangster.

Across the year we will also see the premiere of Schapelle. Schapelle lifts the lid on what went on behind the headlines of Schapelle Corby’s infamous ill-fated trip to Bali. It is a story packed with bizarre twists and intrigue to the highest level. In keeping with great Australian drama, Howzatt: The Kerry Packer Story was heralded as the highest rating tele-drama of 2012. From its creator’s, the new mini-series, Power Games: The Packer-Murdoch Story will come to life on our screens in 2013. Power Games will feature the lives of Sir Frank Packer and Rupert Murdoch and is set from 1960–1975. It will tell the story of how the epic ambitions of Rupert Murdoch and the Packer family collided as they battled for control of Australia’s newspaper and television industries. With only weeks to go before the NRL season kicks off, the WIN Network will again be the home of sport as each week, we bring you three games of football across Friday night and Sunday afternoons as well as the all important State of Origin series, City vs Country and of course the NRL Grand Final. For these, and some more surprises, keep tuned to the WIN Network as we deliver some of your favourite programs in 2013.


So you’ve just won an award. Where to from here? By Bree Dwyer. Brand Manager at The Marketing Factory.

As Brand Manager for The Marketing Factory, Bree is responsible for developing campaigns for small business to large enterprise including Catholic Education Office, Jewellery By Design and Knight Frank among others.

For many of us, whatever our chosen industry, we work tirelessly year in year out to be the best we can be, striving for that ultimate recognition amongst our peers as the leader within our field. So we get there, and we find ourselves awarded with an accolade of great achievement, but now what? Is that where it ends? Do we simply display the trophy showing our success and be done with it?

from officially starting. Drinks were flowing, nerves were rising. And then it begins! The team and I sat nervously waiting for the categories we were finalists in to be announced.

No! This is just the beginning. Let me share with you our story.

We continued celebrations well into the night, reflecting back on the hard work dedicated to producing award-winning projects, with the help of our fabulous team and our wonderful clients who help make these wins possible.

Our team recently returned from a trip to the far north, representing Townsville in the prestigious Queensland Multi Media Awards. We were joined by fellow advertising and marketing agencies from Townsville and afar, all eager to see if all our award nominations would take us to the very top as category winners. All glammed up, we nervously made our way to predinner drinks (to calm our nerves really) and mingle with some of the best within our industry. As we look around, we see some well known faces and think, wow, there are some really talented people in our region (which is no surprise really); only that this is going to prove to be another tough year! The doors to the grand ballroom open and we were ushered in to take our place, with the night moments away


That night, we were very fortunate to be acknowledged three times, as award winners in three separate categories.

With framed certificates and the judges’ comments in hand, we made our way home to Townsville ready to share the news, knowing that we had some hard work ahead of us. Once you win an award, the first and sometimes the only people we tell are our friends, family and clients. What about the rest of the community? Do they know how fabulous you are? Are they thinking of using the services of your industry in the future and looking for that piece of information to help make them choose you? The opportunity to leverage off an award win will go

as quickly as it came. Here is a snapshot of things to consider doing once you have scored that award win; • Compile and send a media release of your award win to all media outlets in your area. Help your story be newsworthy by adding quotes and comments from the award organisers or governing body. • Go social media crazy! Upload photos, update your status and tweet about your experience both on the night and after the event (ensure you take lots of photos). • Send an email blast to your clients, or include a flyer with your monthly statements. • Look at options to install some signage, further celebrating your award win. • What does your music on hold sound like? If you have the option, record a message about you being an award-winning company. • Finally, display your awards in a public place. Allow the awards to be a conversation starter and place them in meeting rooms or reception. With our region continually being recognised on the national stage, we applaud all businesses and encourage them to keep the award-winning journey going and reap the further rewards.

Foundation THE RIGH T

When Kim Baker moved to Townsville in 2002, she had aspirations of bringing the finest skin care to our region. She doesn’t do things by halves and with 10 staff now employed between her City and Kirwin stores, it’s clear Kim has applied the right foundation for success.

Story by Tracey Lee Gordon Photography by Skye Millard

Kim Baker has always been interested in beauty and when she did work experience in high school at a beauty school fell in love with the science behind it. “It’s not just about painting nails or applying creams and potions. Beauty and skin care is about maintaining beautiful skin and repairing damaged skin and I’ve established Boheme Beauty and Body with a core focus on skin therapy,” says Kim. “The anatomy and the biology behind skin science is really very interesting and very complex. If skin is functioning well, it looks great. It’s not about beauty, it is about health and often lifestyle is the biggest impacting factor. Smoking is by far the biggest deteriorator of skin health. Working with clients and watching their skin improve it so immensely satisfying.” The Boheme Beauty and Body stores have been very successful and Kim has found that building a business is a bit like approaching skin care - there are


I am passionate abou t sk in sc ie n ce and I’m passionate abou t m y busine ss

different layers to manage. Knowledge about your industry and your products is essential but building a good business structure from the ground up is equally important.

a little bit of healthy competition as an incentive and motivator, so this is the best way to identify the right people to send on the right courses. The people that want it the most get it.

Kim currently has a great business coach, but in 2005, she participated in the Townsville Business Women’s Networking Mentoring Program. All of the ladies who undertook this course, found the program really helped to kick start their businesses. “It was a six month program with monthly meetings and one on one consultations. I would really like to see this program run again; it was a great instrumental tool,” comments Kim.

“I’ve been blessed with the team that I’ve got and our client numbers are testament to our service quality. We are very busy and I wouldn’t rule out expanding further, but the biggest challenge is finding good people, who are dedicated and who want to learn,” reveals Kim.

“The beauty industry has changed and will continue to change so it’s very important to remain educated and keep that education up to date. Our knowledge of skin care and the way the body functions is constantly expanding. I have a Diploma in Health Science, I’ve studied aromatherapy and remedial massage and I regularly undertake additional post graduate studies.” Kim gives all of her people the opportunity to continually develop, with a lot of learning on the job, also through attendance at valuable industry courses and forums run regularly. “I can’t have everyone out at the same time, so I undertake a selection process. All of the guys have different areas of interest, so when something is coming up, I let them know and they write me a letter stating why they wish to attend the training and what value they will get from it. I do believe in

“I am passionate about skin science and I’m passionate about my business. I work six days a week in the stores and cover annual leave periods and the like, so it is hard work, but very rewarding work. I love growth, growing, learning new things and having satisfied clients. I was recently invited to speak at TAFE about the industry and the advice I gave the students was to work in the area you are passionate about and do it well. Be little sponges and learn, learn, learn.” Considering her entrepreneurial spirit, what’s on the cards next for Kim? “Well I have ideas running through my head all of the time and they are all diverse. It’s about settling on the right ones. The irony of my surname is that I use baking as a great stress reliever and I regularly bake goodies to bring into work. Maybe I should open a boutique bakehouse,” she laughs. “2013 is going to be a big year so we’ll just wait and see.”



Success gains the view of the business community to find out

What sustainability initiatives does your workplace encourage?

Clint Williams

Petrina Rinaldo

Cowboys Leagues Club

Tyann McKenzie

From lighting to air-conditioning and appliances, the Cowboys Leagues Club is currently working with Ergon Energy recommendations to reduce energy consumption.

We set our default printing to black and white duplex, to save paper and consumables. Any paper printed that is no longer required is used as notepaper.

Phil John

David McNeale

Signs of Excellence

Ryan Catholic School

We have recently installed solar panels on the roof of our business as we were paying up to $700 per month for electricity. We just received a power bill for $185 and are ecstatic!

In a college as large as ours, it is important to consider all the impacts that our daily routines have on the community and environment. We have invested in energy and waste reduction programs and also education not only for our students but our families as well through our newsletter and website. We also allow our students to be involved and our environmental group, EcoHeroes, plays a huge role in the formation of these programs and strategies for the college.






See if you can find the correct meaning for each of our unique words and challenge yourself to use them in your next business meeting.

just for fun.

Please turn to page 71 for answers.




a. a foolish demeanour

a. shedding leaves annually

a. to entice

b. a spark of a candle

b. person who has trouble making a decision

b. to be in a state of total tranquillity

c. a beam of light

c. person who makes decisions too hastily

c. a sky blue colour

d. a large mosquito

d. type of trench dug for plumbing pipes

d. the formal term given to people with red hair



Mung bean



a. a person of the night

a. used to describe someone who is very slim

a. the use of patronage for political advantage

b. a type of earthworm

b. type of fruit from the tomato family found

b. a technique used to preserve porcine meat

c. a legislator d. a negative person

mainly in Brazil

for exportation

c. low hanging vine

c. jostling

d. a bushy annual herb

d. technique used by opponents in fencing


CHEERS &BEERS Altitude Wealth Solutions Christmas Party & 5th Birthday

Townsville Yacht Club







1. Dennis DiBartolo, Mary & Mark Menkens 2. Dimmy Bogiatzis & Phyllis Pott 3. Mark Tyrell, Lucia Taylor & Dave Muguira 4. Robyn Murray, Alicia Fell & Liam Fowles 5. Ailsa Bragg, Anita Hagarty, Wade Chiesa & Casandra Webb 6. Doug Winterflood, Dianne & Russ Pyers







1. Barry James, Gavin Runde & Peter Carey 2. Nicole Hayes, David Metcalfe & Ross Contarino 3. Glen Maidment, Martin Locke & Kent Burbidge 4. Barry Gibson, Adriano Bellocchi & Cr. Pat Ernest 5. Kevin Gill, Stephanie Cairns, Patricia O’Callaghan & Bridget Woods 6. Susan Kinobe, Matt Trevett-Lyall & Carl Forrest


Townsville Enterprise Limited Christmas Party

Greek Community Centre

Brian Fanning & Paul Parker Altitude Wealth Solutions Christmas Party & 5th Birthday

Choice Training Master Class

Jupiters Hotel & Casino







1. Kathryn Chapman & Lindsay Adams 2. Warren Mathieson, Val Waszkiewicz & Ross Adrewartha 3. Bernie Hock, Roxanne Grey & Clint Amos 4. James Withey, Greg Smedts & Anthony Williams 5. Danielle Carey & Bevan Hill 6. Kim Perrin, Joanne Lucke, Michelle Stout & Miles Poljakow







JBD Tolkowsky Event

The Pier

1. Marianne Vecchio & Kiah Lee 2. Dallas & Melanie Kugel 3. Bianca Fusarelli & Helen Bogiatzis 4. Tash Newman, Carly Lubicz & Sharon Pozzebon 5. Lizette Du Plessis & Gillian Tassan 6. Jenna Cronin & Sheridan Duff

Word Play Answers - 1.b 2.c 3.a 4.d 5.c 6.a Prize Winner - T. Scott won a group bowling session at Kingpin Bowling.



North Queensland Toyota Cowboys vs. Melbourne Storm 16 March Townsville Stadium

Network your way to success with our threemonth business outlook.

Valentine’s Day 14 February




Townsville McDonald’s Crocodiles vs Sydney Kings Townsville Entertainment and Convention Centre

North Queensland Cowboys Community Day Townsville RSL Stadium

Choice Training Executive Master Class - Marketing management – How to drive your dollar further Jupiters Hotel & Casino






Townsville Fire vs Dandenong Rangers Townsville RSL Stadium

Townsville McDonald’s Crocodiles vs Cairns Taipans Townsville Entertainment and Convention Centre

Chamber Coffee Flinders Square

Chamber Coffee Flinders Square


AFL NAB Cup Carnival - North Melbourne Kangaroos vs Gold Coast Suns Tony Ireland Stadium


Townsville Arts Awards Townsville Civic Theatre


Townsville McDonald’s Crocodiles vs Woollongong Hawks Townsville Entertainment and Convention Centre


Chamber Coffee


Choice Training Executive Master Class – How to manage and lead your team through change

Flinders Square

Jupiters Hotel & Casino




Townsville McDonald’s Crocodiles vs Melbourne Tigers Townsville Entertainment and Convention Centre

Anzac Day Services

Choice Training HR Master Class – HR Standard HR101

25 April

Mercure Townsville

Anzac Park Cenotaph and Thuringowa Cenotaph

Chamber Coffee Flinders Square


Easter Long Weekend


29 March - 1 April 11


North Queensland Toyota Cowboys vs Penrith Panthers Townsville Stadium Choice Training Executive Master Class – Financial management - Keeping the books balanced Jupiters Hotel & Casino

Chamber Coffee Flinders Square


Choice Training HR Master Class – Recruitment Mercure Townsville


North Queensland Toyota Cowboys vs Canberra Raiders Townsville Stadium


Comedy Festival Road Show Townsville Civic Theatre



your local news feed.

new appointments.


New Appointment for Achieve Group

Congratulations to...

After 18 years with the North Queensland Cowboys, Peter Jones has recently joined the team at Achieve Group in the capacity of Operations Manager. Peter’s main responsibilities are overseeing safety requirements associated with Achieve Group labour hire employees and refining organisational processes.

Greg Lyon and Simon McInnes’s locally owned and operated business, GTL Electrical Pty Ltd, were winners of two awards at this year NQ ECA Awards – 2012 Smart Wiring Project of the Year and 2012 Communication and Data Project of the Year. GTL Electrical was then nominated for the National ECA Awards held in Brisbane in September and won the National 2012 Lex Batterham Communications and Data Award.

An Addition at The Factory The Marketing Factory would like to welcome Callan Jones to the team as Graphic Designer. Callan is a JCU graduate and comes to The Factory from Mackay with direct advertising agency experience and knowledge of regional brands.

Cowboys Leagues Club the best in Australia Cowboys Leagues Club general manager Clint Williams is no longer just the new kid on the block. He is now the proud general manager of the best restaurant in a pub, club or tavern in Australia. The Cowboys Leagues Club was presented this accolade at the 2012 Savour Australia restaurant and catering HOSTPLUS awards for excellence in Brisbane.

Announcement The North Queensland Emerging Leaders Program (NQELP) is pleased to announce the 2013–2014 cohort at the Townsville Enterprise networking function on 21 February 2013. The NQELP is a two year community leadership course designed to educate a select group of emerging leaders on the issues, opportunities and challenges that impact the Townsville region, locally, nationally and globally. The NQELP is a succession plan for the region, ensuring the skills and talent within the community are retained and developed, particularly as existing leaders shift into retirement.

Exclusive Major Stockist License Fratello Coffee have been given a license to sell T2 tea as an exclusive major supplier of its retail selection and tea wares for Townsville. This allows Fratello Coffee to be the only T2 retailer in Townsville, apart from an actual Tea2 store.

Name change Magnitude Financial Planning in Townsville has changed its business name to Altitude Wealth Solutions. This name change does not affect in any way our relationship and agreements with the Magnitude Group as, apart from the name change, all other legal requirements and responsibilities of all parties remain exactly the same. We look forward to providing the same quality advice to our clients across Townsville and surrounding areas.

State Champions At the recent Queensland Multi Media awards, The Marketing Factory was acknowledged with three state awards including, Best Advertisement in Print, Best Corporate Identity and Best Logo Design Corporate. The team was delighted with their honours, proving you don’t have to be located in a capital city to be recognised as the best in the state.

State Finalists Our very own magazine was named a state finalist in two categories at the recent Queensland Multi Media awards including, Best Advertising Feature in Print and Best Non-Daily Publication.

HIA Awards the best builder Local Townsville builder Martin Locke Homes picked up another three awards at the recent North Queensland HIA awards which showcase the best in quality building practices across the region. These are added to the thirteen other awards the company has picked up over the past four years. Martin Locked Homes winner of Display Home over $300,001, Townsville Display Home of the Year and North Queensland display home of the year.

Submit your business news, achievements, staff movements in 75 words (or fewer) to


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