A Diet for Leaky Gut Syndrome

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==== ==== Leaky Gut Syndrome: What Is Leaky Gut Syndrome http://ow.ly/8oK6M ==== ==== A Diet for Leaky Gut Syndrome

Many diets that help to eliminate leaky gut syndrome from your system are more like guidelines: what foods to eat and what foods to avoid. There are certain foods that you should eliminate from your diet for one month in order to allow your body to begin to heal itself. Leaky gut syndrome occurs when the lining of your intestines becomes compromised and allows toxins like bacteria, fungus, and particles of food to escape through your intestinal wall and enter your blood stream. When your antibodies attack certain particles of food, they wait for them to appear again. Once you have eaten that same food that your antibodies just attacked, your body reacts like the food is a danger, which results in food sensitivities or allergies. In order to help your body to heal itself, start by eliminating certain fruits and vegetables from your diet such as bananas, strawberries, kiwis, citrus fruits, corn, pineapples, and papayas, plus nightshade vegetables such as eggplants, peppers, potatoes, and tomatoes. You should also eliminate soy and dairy products from your diet, including eggs. Grains and foods with yeast such as bread, flour, wheat, spelt, kamut, rye, barley, oats, and millet should also be eliminated from your diet. In addition, you need to eliminate beans, caffeine, chocolate, honey, vanilla extract, vinegar, mushrooms, and peanuts. There are many foods that you should not eat, but there are also foods that you should eat. Stick to certain fruits and vegetables such as apples, apricots, lettuce, avocados, onions, peaches, pears, beets, Brussels sprouts, carrots, plums, cherries, nectarines, coconut milk, spinach, figs, and grapes, plus berries (except for strawberries). For the first month, you can also include parsnips, bok choy, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, cilantro, brown and wild rice, dandelion greens, sprouts, sunflower seeds, and kale. After the first month, start to add certain meats such as fish, chicken, and turkey back into your diet. Do this by adding one food at a time. Wait three days between new foods, but eliminate the food again if it gives you a bad reaction. Following this process, you can also add foods such as bananas, nightshade vegetables, beans, soy, papayas, and pineapples. Once youve had success with those foods, you can start to add other foods into your diet: oranges, caffeine, kiwi, peanuts, refined sugar, peas, strawberries, and sesame seeds. Continue to follow the one-food-at-a-time, three-day interval process. Once you have had success with those foods, you can add bread, corn, dairy products, gluten grains, millet, and yeast to your diet through the same process. By following this diet, you can help your body to heal itself and end the cramping, bloating, and gastrointestinal discomfort that you are experiencing with leaky gut syndrome. You are able to

allow your body to get used to foods that once may have given it trouble. Many times when someone has food sensitivities, they have trouble narrowing down the exact food that is giving them a problem. This diet helps you to do just that and allows you to get on the road to recovery.

==== ==== Leaky Gut Syndrome: What Is Leaky Gut Syndrome http://ow.ly/8oK6M ==== ====

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