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ELSA Institutional Study Visit and European Legal Training Brussels 28 February– 3 March 2013

ELSA Belgium • ELSA France • ELSA Portugal • ELSA Romania• ELSA Sweden •

Five Countries – Two Key Areas – One Vision

19 active

CONTENTS About ELSA ............................................................................................................................. 3 Forward ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Scheduled Programme ............................................................................................................. 5 Meet the Participants ................................................................................................................ 6 European Parliament Visit ...................................................................................................... 13 European Commission Visit ................................................................................................... 14 Council of the European Union Visit ................................................................................... 15 Lawyers @ Work Event – CNUE & ENN .......................................................................... 16 Simulation/Debate on EPPO ................................................................................................. 17 City of Brugges ........................................................................................................................ 18 ELSA International House Visit ............................................................................................ 19 Parlementarium Visit ................................................................................................................ 20 Meet the Organizing Committee ............................................................................................ 21


About ELSA The European Law Students’ Association, ELSA, is an international, independent, non-political and non-profit-making organisation comprised and run by and for law students and young lawyers. Founded in 1981, by law students of Austria, Hungary, Poland and West Germany, ELSA is today the world’s largest indepent law students’ organisation.

Our Philosophy Vision

A just world in which there is respect for human dignity and cultural diversity.


To contribute to legal education, to foster mutual understanding and to promote social responsibility of law students and young lawyers.


To provide opportunities for law students and young lawyers to learn more about other cultures and legal systems










To assist law students and young lawyers to be internationally minded and profesionally skilled. To






Our Network









ELSA currently has members and observers in: Albania,

ELSA’s members

Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia and

ELSA’s members are internationally minded individuals


who have experiences with foreign legal systems and





Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany,


Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan,

Seminars&Conferences, Academic Activities and the

Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, The

Student Trainee Exchange Programme our members

Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of

acquire a broader cultural understanding and legal

Macedonia, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovak

expertise. ELSA prepares law students for living and

Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey,

working in an international environment.






Ukraine and The United Kingdom.

Our Special Status ELSA has through its activities and commitment within the international community gained a special status with several international institutions. In 2000, ELSA was granted Participatory Status with the Council of Europe. Furthermore, ELSA has Consultative Status with several United Nations bodies; in 1997 ELSA obtained Special Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC, UNCITRAL, in 1994 ELSA was granted Consultative Status in Category C in UNESCO. ELSA also has obtained Observatory Status with WIPO, a co-operation agreement with UNHCR and co-operates with ICRC and all the European Institutions.

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Forward ELSA (The European Law Students' Association) is an international, independent, non-political, non-profitmaking organisation run by and for students. It is comprised of students and recent graduates who are interested in academic and personal excellence in addition to their studies at their universities. ELSA offers law students a perfect platform to develop their existing skills, acquire new skills and meet fellow students and legal professionals throughout Europe. Five law students from Austria, Hungary, Poland and West Germany founded ELSA in 1981. Today ELSA is the world's largest independent law students association and it is represented at nearly 300 law faculties in 41 countries across Europe with membership in excess of 38 000 students and young lawyers.

A just world in which there is respect for human dignity and cultural diversity. United towards a common objective, ELSA Belgium, ELSA France, ELSA Portugal, ELSA Romania and ELSA Sweden are organising the 1st edition of "Institutional Study Visit and European Legal Training in Brussels" for their members! The project aims to provide students with the unique opportunity of interacting at close range with students from other universities from different corners of Europe and engage in interactive legal exchange on hot current European legal topics. It is also aimed at providing students with the opportunity of visiting/seeing firsthand the EU institutions and to engage in interactive discussion with professionals in the field. After all, a Communication in 2011 by the European Commission (BUILDING TRUST IN EU-WIDE JUSTICE: A NEW DIMENSION TO EUROPEAN JUDICIAL TRAINING) shows that the EU wishes that at least half of all legal professionals in the EU receive training in EU Law or in the national law of another member state. It is this way that we can build mutual trust and mutual recognition. http://ec.europa.eu/justice/criminal/files/2011-551-judicial-training_en.pdf Members from each of the organising countries: Belgium, France, Portugal, Romania and Sweden will be present, representing different regions of Europe and promising a fantastic exchange of academic and social culture. Dates: 28th February - 3th March 2013 Brussels, Belgium We look forward to meeting you and sharing this experience all together ! The Organizing Commitee of the ELSA Institutional Study Visit and European Legal Training


Scheduled Programme Breakfast Morning

Thursday Friday Arrivals

Lunch Early 15.00-16.30 Afternoon Visit of European Parliament Late FREE Afternoon TIME

Saturday Hostel 08.40 – 13.00 10.00 – 13.00 European Simulation Commission


Dinner (EARLY)

Lunch 15.00 – 16.30 Visit of the Council of the EU 17.00 – 18.00 Lawyers @ Work – Dinner (EARLY)


Laser Tag, Dinner

Bowling, Dinner

Official Posters


Lunch Visit of Brugges

19.00 ELSA International House Visit Dinner evening at ELSA House

Sunday 10.00 – 12.00 Visit of Parliamentarium Visitors’ Centre Departures

Meet the Participants Ana Cojacuru, ELSA Romania Ana is a second year law student at the University of Bucharest. Having enrolled in ELSA Bucharest since her first year, she was able to be a part of plenty of challenging ELSA projects, both at national and international level, including international summer schools and STEP programs. These activities have sparked her interest in International Law, a field in which she wishes to pursue a career. At the moment, she is involved, as a legal investigator, in a project the purpose of which is to fight discrimination. Anne Bochow, ELSA France Anne is currently doing her Master’s Degree in European and International Law in Nantes, France. She is originally of German nationality and grew up in Berlin. Prior to her stay in France, she studied at the German Law Faculties in Constance and Mainz and spent a year abroad at Cardiff University in the United Kingdom. She is now a participant of an integrated course program that allows her to obtain the French Master’s degree as well as the German Bar Exam and a German Diploma in comparative law Anne has already attended a few Summer Law Schools and Seminars, for example in Copenhagen, Nantes, Hamburg, and Munich. She is fluent in the three main working languages of the EU and hopes to get an internship for the summer while she is in Brussels. When she finishes her studies she aims to work either in an international law firm or in an institution of the European Union. She loves to travel and explore new cities, meet new people and eat yummy food! Andra Carlan, ELSA Romania Andra Carlan is a second year student at Bucharest University, Faculty of Law and is also the Head of the Organizing Committee of the International Summer School on Banking and Finance Law. To supplement her student experience, she decided to join ELSA, which proved to be a very useful tool for enriching her knowledge by attending both national and international events organized by ELSA. She enjoyed very much studying European and International Public Law, which explains her interest in attending this event. She is a very active person and also very professional when it comes to completing her tasks.


Adriana Moças, ELSA Portugal Adriana is a Law student at University of Minho, in Portugal. She took her first steps in ELSA in early 2011. Since then, she has gained a broader view of the world, as well as of its possibilities, and realized that Law is so much more than we imagine, so much more than what we see inside the “walls” of our Universities. Her dream for the near future is to work in the field of Animal Rights, since she has been passionate about this area for a very long time. Despite the long hours she dedicates to her studies and ELSA activities, Adriana also loves listening to music, reading, travelling, being with her family and working at the kennels in her hometown. Bárbara Miragaia, ELSA Portugal Bárbara is a final year law student in Lisbon. She loves to travel. Her major interest is in international law. She started her ELSA career hoping to dig deeper into this area, expecting to be part of something unique and dynamic. She has been an active member of ELSA, where has already participated in national and international events. With the ISV and ELT, she intends to retain some important fundamental knowledge in crucial areas such as those in focus during this event, hoping to find some guidance to choose the path of her future, after this final year of studies. Beatriz Esperança, ELSA Portugal Beatriz is a second year student at the faculty of law at Lisbon University. Before entering law, she attended the German school of Lisbon where, despite still living in her home town, she opened her mind to cultural exchange and international political experiences, by engaging in extra- curricular activities such as the Model United Nations and the Model European Parliament. Her life goal is to work in international law, preferably in the human rights area. For this reason, she hopes to gain experience through the opportunities provided by ELSA. Calvin Chui, ELSA Portugal Calvin Tinlop is a 3rd year law student at Universidade Católica Portuguesa in Lisbon, Portugal and a member of the local group, ELSA UCP Lisboa. Before studying in Lisbon, he had attended school in a wide range of educational systems: elementary school in Macau, China and high school in California in the US.


Catalina Apostu, ELSA Romania Catalina Violeta is a student of the Law Faculty at Bucharest University, in her second year of studies. She also is an ELSA-member of ELSA Bucharest, in the domain of Seminars and Conferences since 2011. At present, she is Head of the Organizing Committee of the first edition of the International Summer School on Construction Law”, . Daniela Guimarães, ELSA Portugal Daniela is a law student from the University of Minho and is president of local group, ELSA University of Minho. She loves cinema, books and music. She is a big fan of Pink Floyd and Hitchcock and her favorite writers are Ken Follett, Umberto Eco and José Saramago. Her ELSA adventure began in 2011 when she became Vice President for STEP and Director for Seminars and Conferences. She loves ELSA for the opportunities offered to law students such the STEP program and ELSA Delegations. She is currently taking a Chinese course, as well as working on the organization of the first summer law school of ELSA UMinho and finishing her Law degree. She is also member of the Center of Studies in European Union Law and the Lusophone Observatory of Human Rights of the University of Minho. She loves international law and would like to pursue a career in the UN. Hugues Colombani, ELSA France Hugues is a third-year student at the Faculty of Law in Nantes, France. He plans to do a Master in Commercial Law, being particularly interested in European business law. Friendly and dynamic, Hugues wants to bring another meaning to what is meant by "being a law student." This is the reason why he joined the local group, ELSA Nantes, in October 2012. His participation in the ISV & ELT is motivated by his interest in the European dimension of Law, both nationally and internationally, which is becoming an increasingly important aspect with the continued development and growth of the European Union. Jimmy Astruc, ELSA France Jimmy is passionate about European law and about the European Union. ELSA is an important element in his life. This ISV and ELT is not only a great opportunity for discovery for him, but it is also a great idea and he did not want to miss it!! He is student specializing in patrimonial law and he has graduate degrees in private law and in other Public and European law. He is the president of the local group, ELSA Montpellier and he is the student representant in his university.


Laura Coroiu, ELSA Romania Laura is a second year student within the law school of the University of Bucharest and she joined ELSA in March of 2012. She was not sure about what to expect at first when first enrolled in law school, but Laura soon realized that she really enjoyed her classes. They motivated and challenged her all the time to become better and more curious about the real implications of law. In order to pursue her newfound interest, Laura therefore joined ELSA Bucharest, where she was able to meet new people that were also interested and passionate about law. Luca Ciuboratu, ELSA Romania Luca is a student in his third year at of Law and is also a second year student at the Banking & Finance Faculty, both at University "Alexandru Ioan Cuza". He finished high school in 2010 as valedictorian of his class at the National College, "Eudoxiu Hurmuzachi". He is interested in European and Economic Law. During this year he will benefit from an Erasmus year in Paris, France. He has taken part in many ELSA events, including an International Study Visit to Bruxelles organised by ELSA Iasi in 2012, co-funded by the European Parliament. He is also President of the local group, ELSA Iasi. Ludovic Suttor-Sorel, ELSA Belgium Ludovic is studying at the Institute of European Studies of the UniversitĂŠ Libre de Bruxelles. He has a background in art, and is involved in his University's free inquiry defense association. He is passionate about economic and political issues, and never misses an opportunity to attend a conference.

Maria Koliasta, ELSA Belgium Maria is from Thessaloniki. She studied law at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and is very involved in many social and sporting activities. She is particularly a member of the volleyball team of the sports association, "Panathlitikos Syllogos Sykeon" and she participated in the weekly television show ''Time for Volley'' run by television network, 'Europe1', for the period 2009-2012. During her undergraduate studies, she worked as a translator at the International Trade Fair, which is held every September in the city of Thessaloniki. Maria Radelet, ELSA Belgium Marie is a 20-year-old law student in her second year of a Bachelors in law. She has been a member of ELSA Belgium since July 2012 and is organizing this year's Belgian National Moot Court.


Natali Afsar, ELSA Belgium Natali is a Belgian student currently in her first year of Masters at KU Leuven. She caught travel-fever after a trip to New-Zealand and enjoys meeting new people- reasons why she has recently joined ELSA Belgium. She is happy to welcome other ISV & ELT participants here in the EU capital and is looking forward to participating in the event. Nikolay Marinov, ELSA Belgium Nikolay is 22 years old and is studying law at the Free University of Brussels (ULB). He is in his first year of his Masters degree. Has been involved with ELSA for three years, first at local and then at national level. He currently President of ELSA Belgium.

Sabrina Adil-Koaiche, ELSA France “Expect nothing from the 21st century: it is the 21st century which expects everything from you� - Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Sabrina is currently in her final year of a European Business Law Studies degree and this visit represents for her a great opportunity, on the one hand, to have a deeper and practical view of EU Law, and on the other hand, to discuss European legal topics and the (positive) future of the EU with European students. Optimistic and adventurous, she does not have a tendency to worry or feel anxious about life because however unlucky you have been in life, there is always a chance that things will work out well in the long run. She always tends to try to get what she wants from life, even if the chances of success seem slim. She likes swimming and Renaissance art and is a member of local group, ELSA Aix-Marseille. Sofia Ribeiro, ELSA Portugal Sofia is a 2nd year law student at the Catholic Law School of Lisbon. Her career ambition is to develop as a jurist and be involved in International and European institutions such as EU. Throughout her academic path, Sofia has been interested in exploring the road to international careers. One of her concerns as a socially-aware human being is to promote human rights, both internally and around the world: Human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights. It has always been a strong motivation of hers to pursue justice. Additionally, this is her first year in ELSA as the Vice President for Academic Activities in local group, ELSA UCP Lisbon. Besides this, Sofia is a very athletic person who loves the gym and dancing. 10

Mircea Ciuta, VP STEP ELSA Romania Mircea is a student at the Law Faculty of Bucharest University, in his third year of studies. He has been a member of local group, ELSA Bucharest, in the STEP Departament, since 2010. Now he is the Vice President for STEP in the ELSA Romania National Board of 20122013. Diogo Ferreira, ELSA Portugal Diogo was born in Braga, Portugal, in April 1993. Nowadays, he is a second year student in the Law School of the University of Porto. Even as young boy, he had already worked in some activities from the Portuguese Parliament, namely, "Parlamento dos Jovens" (Youth Parliament). He has almost finished the Piano Course in the Conservatory and he had founded and still works for a local journal called "Jornal Fradelos". He joined local group, ELSA FDUP, in 2011 for all the opportunities that could be created. Today, he is Director of Academic Activities and he loves Diplomacy, International Relations and International Politics. Laurentiu Lele, ELSA Romania Laurentiu is 22 years old and is the Secretary General of ELSA Romania for the term 2012/2013. Before that, he was Secretary General for two years running in his local group, ELSA Oradea. His birthday is on 19 April and he is an Aries- that is why he likes the thrill of the moment! His secret desire is to lead the way for a better future for others. In 2009, he decided to study Law in his hometown, continuing the legacy of his great- grandfather and his father, to became a successful lawyer. A year later, he considered being a great lawyer is not enough and so his bigger step is to have a great law firm which will be efficiently and successfully run thanks to his decision to also study management and engineering as a second degree. Aurelia Ykman, VP S&C ELSA Belgium Aurelia is Belgian and lives in Brussels. She studies law and philosophy at UniversitĂŠ Catholique de Louvain, in Louvain-la-Neuve, a student city near Brussels. Aurelia has various interests, such as languages, the history of philosophy, sailing, travelling and going to concerts (pop, rock, classical). This year is her first year in the ELSA Belgium board. Vira Pylypyuk, ELSA Belgium Vira comes from Ukraine. She graduated from the Institute of International Relations at Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University with a Masters in International Law in 2011. She is currently doing her LL.M in International and European Law in Vrije Univeseteit Brussel. She is interested in International Business Law, Trade and WTO Law, Competition and Arbitration. She is a very sociable, easy-going, responsible and motivated person. 11

Thursday – 28 February European Parliament Visit 15h – 16h30 Founded in 1952 as the Common Assembly of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and renamed the European Parliamentary Assembly in 1958, it became the European Parliament in 1962. The first direct election took place in 1979. The current MEPs were elected during the 2009 elections and will serve until 2014. The evolution of the Parliament is closely linked to a succession of treaties culminating in the current Lisbon Treaty. These treaties define the rules and scope of the Union and have turned the ECSC of old into what is now known as the European Union. Over the years, milestones like the introduction of the euro and European enlargement have left their mark on the European Parliament, its powers and its composition. A key player and witness to EU history, the Parliament now houses central historical archives that provide unique perspectives on our commom history including early debates from the assembly and archives of former EP Presidents. Source: European Parliament official website

The European Parliament, with the status of European institution, was opened as a location for debates on international and european issues. Legal, economic and cultural issues are emancipated, leading to discussions based on the search for global answers. Aimed at broadening European horizons and strenghtening political, institutional and cultural bonds, the European Parliament also focus on the Law making proccess by exercising the legislative function of the European Union. EU Law has seen a recognised and immensurable progress therefore demanding the necessary tools to follow such an evolution, not to mention the importance of endowing the European Union with a capacity to “coordinate” European relationships and find external solutions. The European Parliament, as the largest democratic electorate in the world, stimulates such debate and social responsability. Most national parliaments of European Union Member states are represented. The EP shares legislative and budgetary powers with the European Council, controlling the EU budget. It also elects the President of the Commission and approves the appointments of the Commission as a whole. This will be a guided visit last one one and a half hours and includes an introduction by an information officer about the role and work of the European Parliament and a visit to Parliament's plenary chamber. If the parliamentary agenda allows, this will be followed by a discussion with an MEP.


Friday 1 March European Commission Visit 08h40 – 13h00 2013 – Year of the Citizen ! Meet and greet professionals working in the European Commission !!! The European Commission represents the interests of the EU as a whole. It proposes new legislation to the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, and it ensures that EU law is correctly applied by member countries. The Commission has the right of initiative to propose laws for adoption by the European Parliament and the Council of the EU (national ministers) Once EU legislation has been adopted, the Commission ensures that it is correctly applied by the EU member countries. The Commission is divided into several departments and services. The departments are known as Directorates-General (DGs). You will get the chance to interact with three professionals from the Directorate General for Justice. http://ec.europa.eu/justice/index_en.htm 1.

Heiko Wagner – Civil court judge in Germany, he is a National Expert currently working in the Judicial Training team of the Criminal Law Unit.


Alexandra Jour-Schroeder – Head of Unit of the Criminal Law Unit


Petra Schott - Lawyer in the Gender Equality Legislation Unit

Here is a fantastic opportunity to ask questions and learn about the functioning of the European Comission at first-hand.


Council of the European Union Visit 15h00 – 16h30 The Council is an essential EU decision-maker! Acts which are directly relevant to the lives of EU citizens and have a considerable international impact are adopted by the Council, usually in conjunction with the European Parliament. The Council is the EU institution where the Member States' government representatives sit, i.e. the ministers of each Member State with responsibility for a given area. The composition and frequency of Council meetings vary depending on the issues dealt with. Foreign ministers, for example, meet roughly once a month in the Foreign Affairs Council. Similarly, economics and finance ministers meet once a month in the Council which handles economic and financial affairs, called the Ecofin Council. Source: Council of the European Union Official Website Acts which are directly relevant to the lives of EU citizens and have a considerable international impact are adopted by the Council, usually in conjunction with the European Parliament. The Council is the EU institution where the Member States' government representatives sit, i.e. the ministers of each Member State with responsibility for a given area. The composition and frequency of Council meetings vary depending on the issues dealt with. Foreign ministers, for example, meet roughly once a month in the Foreign Affairs Council. Similarly, economics and finance ministers meet once a month in the Council which handles economic and financial affairs, called the Ecofin Council. Presidency order of rotation Council decision of 1 January 2007 determines the order in which the office of President of the Council shall be held. Ireland is holding the Presidency for the 7th time from January to June 2013 To know more about Irish Presidency – http://www.eu2013.ie The next presidency, starting on 1 July 2013, will be held by Lithuania and will see the entry of Croatia as the 28th EU Member State !

During 90 minutes, we will have a tour of the Council and learn about this essential EU Institution. To know more Council of the European Union check the official website http://www.consilium.europa.eu/homepage


Lawyers @ Work: European Notarial Network & Council of Notaries of the EU 17h – 18h At its meeting in Marseille on 11 October 2006, the Council of the Notariats of the European Union (CNUE), the official body representing the notarial profession in Europe, decided to create the European Notarial Network (ENN). The ENN is a tool that deals with cross-border cases being handled by the civil law notaries of the CNUE’s 21 member notariats. The ENN’s purpose is to help civil law notaries who are confronted with practical questions with a cross-border element. L@W is an opportunity to meet and interact with professionals in the legal profession. This event in Brussels is all about providing you with a European dimension. So be prepared to meet with the professionals at European level in the exclusive field of notaries ! This is a specialized area of the legal profession that differs between countries for reasons as varied as the form of education and vocational studies to the actual practice of the profession. Who: Raul Radoi, Coordinator for the European Notarial Network, part of the Council of Notaries of the EU (CNUE) and Clarisse Martin from the Council of Notaries of the EU. More info: • http://www.enn-rne.eu/reseau-notarial-europeen-en/001/index.html • Position Paper concerning the European notariat’s integ ration in the European Judicial Network in civil and commercial matters – http://www.enn-rne.eu/reseau-notarialeuropeen-en/presentation-prise-position-cnue-rje-11-10-06-en.pdf • http://www.cnue.be/


Saturday 2 March Simulation / Debate on European Public Prosecutor’s Office 10h00 – 13h00 Here is YOUR MOMENT TO SHINE ! You will represent the ideas of your country (yes yes, homework required) on this topic and will engage in an interactive and lively debate on the proposal to be launched by the Euroepan Commission later this year on the possibility of having a Euroepan Public Prosector’s Office. http://ec.europa.eu/justice/criminal/judicial-cooperation/public-prosecutor/index_en.htm The criminal misuse of EU money affects all EU citizens. The idea behind the possible setting-up of a European public prosecutor's office is to be able to fight such crimes efficiently throughout the EU. Tasks: The European Public Prosecutor's Office would be responsible for investigating, prosecuting and bringing to justice those who damage assets managed by or on behalf of the EU. It would also exercise the functions of prosecutor in the competent courts of the EU countries, in relation to such offences. The European Council may adopt a decision extending the powers of the European Public Prosecutor's Office to include serious crime having a cross-border dimension. To do so, the Council shall act unanimously after obtaining the consent of the European Parliament and consulting the Commission. Special Guest Panelist: ELSA ALUMNI: Delia Orabona, Lawyer, Altius Law firm. Check out important documents and legislation here as well ! General documents:

http://ec.europa.eu/anti_fraud/about-us/legal-framework/g reen_paper/index_en.htm


Legal Basis: Article 86 of the Treaty on Functioning of the European Union (eurlex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:C:2010:083:0047:0200:EN:PDF)

GREEN PAPER non criminal-law protection of the financial interests of the Community and the establishment of a European Prosecutor http://ec.europa.eu/anti_fraud/documents/fwk-greenpaper-document/green_paper_en.pdf

City of Brugges AFTERNOON VISIT Known as the Venice of the North, Bruges is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. It was a justified motive that prompted UNESCO in 2000 to include the entire historical city centre on the World Heritage list. Walking along the maze of winding cobbled alleys and romantic canals, you imagine yourself to be in medieval times. The wealth of museums is a striking image of this city's stirring history. Bruges is also home to contemporary culture, such as the new Concert Hall, which is one of the most prominent music complexes in Flanders. The restaurants in Bruges which offer gastronomic cuisine and the exclusive hotels are a true feast for those who enjoy the good things in life. A brief historical background The history of Bruges begins around 2000 years ago. At that time there was a Gallic-Roman settlement on the site of the city. The inhabitants did not live by agriculture alone, they also traded with England and the rest of Gaul. Around 270 the Germanic people attacked the Flemish coastal plain for the first time. The Romans probably still had a military fortification here at the end of the third century and during the fourth century. So it is very possible that Bruges was inhabited in the transition period to the early Middle Ages. When Saint Eligius came to spread Christianity in our area around 650, Bruges was perhaps the most important fortification in the Flemish coastal area. Around a hundred years later trade started with Scandinavia in Bruges. The name Bruges in fact comes from the Old Norse "Bryggja" which means landing stage. The name Bruges has appeared on documents and coins since the middle of the ninth century. At that time there was already a strong citadel in Bruges (the Burg). And the city was not plundered by the Norsemen. The overseas trade between Bruges and Scandinavia, the Norsemen's home, probably continued. So Bruges has a long tradition of international port activity. The oldest trade settlement of Bruges and the early middle age port was accessible from the sea until around 1050. The second area of occupation outside the Burg was close to the present day Steenstraat and the Oude Burg. It was here that the city grew fastest until around 1100. The two oldest parish churches in Bruges, the Church of Our Lady St.Saviour's, were then at the edge of this district. They date from the ninth century.


ELSA International House Visit From 19h00

Welcome to the ELSA House! ELSA Board standard Construction (at International, National and Local level):

President – Secretary General – Treasurer – Vice Presidents: Seminars & Conferences, Academic Activities, Moot Courts (new post also in the area of Academic Activities – exists at International level and in some national groups), Student Trainee Exchange Prog ramme, Marketing . Supporting areas: Board Management, External Relations and Expansion; Internal Management, Treasury, Marketing Key Areas: Seminars and Conferences; Academic Activities; Student Trainee Exchange Programme The International Board of ELSA is elected at the International Council Meeting held during spring each year, and their term runs from August to August spanning six months. The IB lives and works fulltime and unpaid, at ELSA's headquarters in Brussels Belgium for the duration of their term (1 August – 21 July). They coordinate activities at international and European level and assist national groups and officers in the network in the organization of their projects. 18

Sunday 3 March Parliamentarium – The European Parliament’s Visitors’ Centre 10h00 – 12h00 The European Parliament opened its new visitors' centre The Parlamentarium – in Brussels on 14 October 2011. The Parlamentarium is the largest parliamentary visitors' centre in Europe and it is fully operational in 23 official EU languages.

Discover the fascinating world of the European Parliament at the newly-opened Parlamentarium, the Europe’s largest parliamentary Visitor Centre. This is European politics as you have never seen it before! Children and adults alike can see how decisions are made and how they influence our daily lives in a completely fresh and dynamic way. The Parlamentarium’s attractions include: • a vast 3D lighting installation representing a shifting map of Europe • a 360° surround-screen digital projection of the hemicycle (Parliamentary Chamber) • an interactive virtual trip through Europe to discover each Member State • a video wall with messages from Members of the European Parliament When you arrive you will be asked which country are you from and then you will receive a audio system in your native language, which will guide through the Parlamentarium. Want to know more about the origins of European Union and History of Europe in general?

Parliamentarium is the right place!


Meet the Organizing Committee Alexandre Ghafari, VP S&C ELSA France Alexandre is a French jurist specialized in Environmental law and European law. Having graduated in Nantes University, he got a postgraduate diploma in Cardiff University and a Master 2 in Aix-Marseille University. His professionnal aim is to work within the European institutions, for the protection of the environment. His main field is Biodiversity conservation. While studying, he participated to the reconstruction of the European Law Student Association in France, and is currently the Vice-president for Seminar and Conferences of ELSA France. Internationally minded, eager to meet new people and discover new countries and culture, he sees this event in Brussels as a great way to fulfill the purpose of ELSA : "To contribute to legal education, to foster mutual understanding and to promote social responsibility of law students and young lawyers." Organizing and participating in this event will allow him to deepen his knowledge in some EU laws areas and exchange with students from all Europe

Bozang Hussein, VP S&C ELSA Sweden As the VP S&C for the National Board of ELSA Sweden, Bozang is honored to present herself to you. She is 22 years old and in her third year of law at the University of Ă–rebro. Bozang started her journey in this unique network as VP S&C in the local group, ELSA Ă–rebro, in 2011. While getting to know more about the organization and what ELSA really stands for, she discovered the importance of this organization and decided to continue to be part of it. She was elected as VP S&C for the national board at the spring national council meeting in 2012. To spread the purpose and vision of ELSA is one of the most important goals for her. She is looking forward to meeting all of you and to making our days in Brussels together unforgettable!


Cassandra Matilde Fernandes, VP AA ELSA France Cassandra was one of the original group of students that ressurected ELSA France in 2010 and has been enjoying the experience every minute since. She was cofounding President of local group, ELSA Rennes and has been working at national level for Academic Activities of ELSA France, first as director and now as VP for 2012/2013. She has two masters degrees in France, in Sports Business Law and in European Law and an LLB in Law and French from Cardiff University. She is currently on a traineeship at the European Commission and hopes to use her studies, ELSA and living in five countries towards a career promoting the social develpment of disfavoured groups through sport and cultural activities. She loves to learn languages (she speaks 5), play sports and can even play you a song on the piano! She is looking forward to this fantastic weekend of sharing of academic and social culture, with some real ELSA Spirit. . Diana Correia de Sá, VP S&C ELSA Portugal Diana is a 4th year law student at the University of Porto and is an active member of ELSA Portugal since 2009. Since her first year in law school, Diana worked closer to several students' associations, especially local group, ELSA University of Porto and the law school Students' Union, thus developing her skills in areas such as external relations, accounting and budgeting. She was VP for Seminars and Conferences for two years in her local group at University of Porto Law School (ELSA FDUP) and since 2011 she was elected to work at national level as VP S&C ELSA Portugal. This year, together with ELSA University of Minho she decided to launch the 1st edition of the Summer Law School on Intellectual Property Law. Besides ELSA, Diana loves to travel and to meet people from other cultures. She loves learning new languages (fluent in Portuguese, English and Spanish and a basic understanding of French). Diana Laura Caţă, VP S&C ELSA Romania Diana is 21 years old and she is studying Law at University Babes-Bolyai in Cluj-Napoca. She started her ELSA career in October 2010, as an S&C Member in local group, ELSA Cluj-Napoca. The following year, she was elected as VP S&C in the same local group for the term 2011/2012. Having an active involvement in ELSA projects, she managed to develop her skills, abilities, and working experience. Currently, she is VP S&C of ELSA Romania and she is enjoying every minute of it! 21

Daniela Cardoso, VP AA ELSA Portugal Daniela Cardoso is a 21 year- old Portuguese law student at University of Minho. She sees herself as a compulsive reader and an enthusiastic writer. Both activities have allowed her to nurture an eager and critical spirit and to help her play her role as a concerned citizen. She is the current Vice President for Academic Activities of ELSA Portugal, national coordinator of legal research and responsible for the implementation of the National Moot Court Competition. She has been involved in ELSA since the beginning of her graduation, having taken part in a number of national and international meetings and projects such as Model United Nations and Legal Debates. Apart from ELSA, she combines her studies with other activities. To mention a few: the study of foreign languages; research at Centre of Studies in European Union Law and attendance of extra-curricular courses as well as volunteer experiences associated to Human Rights on a local and national context. Emmanuelle H-de Buisseret, VP AA ELSA Belgium Emmanuelle is studying at UniversitĂŠ Libre de Bruxelles. After being involved at local level, she joined the ELSA Belgium national board last year and took part in many events, such as the ELSA International Council Meeting in Batumi. Organizing the ISV & ELT was hard work and she hopes this will be an unforgettable experience for the participants. Besides her studies and ELSA, Emmanuelle enjoys playing music and can rock some tango moves! Ola Linder, VP AA ELSA Sweden Ola is studying at Stockholm university in Sweden. He is currently postponing the finalization of his degree. The reason for this is to broaden his knowledge within certain areas of law, such as human rights and EU law. Towards the end of this semester, his plan is to participate in a moot court competition about the European Convention of Human Rights. Having been a member of ELSA since 2009 and currently halfway through a term in office as VP AA of ELSA Sweden, the work he has done in ELSA spans from participating at international events and projects to organizing local activities. He believes in ELSA's vision and by working by the means set out in the philosophy statement, he believes that we can tangibly work towards "a just world." When not active in ELSA or studying, he spends his time around music, good food and outdoor activities. 22

ELSA Institutional Study Visit and European Legal Training Brussels 2013 ELSA Belgium • ELSA France • ELSA Portugal • ELSA Romania• ELSA Sweden •



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