Diana Laura Caţă - Vicepresident Seminars&Conferences ELSA Romania “Dear all,
My name is Diana Laura Caţă and I am the Vicepresident for Seminars & Conferences of ELSA Romania 2012/2013. It is a great pleasure for me to present the S&C activity of our 10 Local Groups and 1 initiative Group for this first half of the term.
ELSA Romania is already recognized for her active involvement and her professionalism in organizing S&C events, from local Pannel Discussions, to national Study Visits or international Summer Law Schools. Year after year we manage to increase the quality of our events.
The 1st Edition of the Seminars & Conferences ELSA Romania Newsletter gathers all the S&C events organized in ELSA Romania from 1st of August 2012 until 28th of February 2013. We are proud of these events! Enjoy it!”
In this edition of the ELSA Romania Seminars&Conferences Newsletter Diana Laura Caţă - Vicepresident of Seminars&Conferences ELSA România ................................................................................................................................ 1 Contents ............................................................................................................................... 2 Seminars&Conferences ELSA Arad .......................................................................... International Conference on European Legal Development ............................. Summer Law School EU Law 2012 ........................................................................ Study Visit ELSA Arad - ELSA Braşov .................................................................... Andra Silvana DANCIU - Newsletter Coordinator ...............................................
Seminars&Conferences ELSA Bucharest ................................................................ English Contract Law ............................................................................................... Health Law Conference ........................................................................................... Study Visit ELSA Bucharest - ELSA Timişoara .....................................................
4 5 6 6 7 8 9 9 9
National Conference “Taxation in Romania. Where are we? Where are we going to?” ................................................................................................................... 10 Anca BOESCU - Newsletter Coordinator ............................................................... 10
Seminars&Conferences ELSA Cluj-Napoca ........................................................... Summer School on WTO Law ................................................................................. Study Visit ELSA Cluj-Napoca - ELSA Timişoara ................................................. Mircea FARCĂU - Newsletter Coordinator ...........................................................
11 12 12 13
Seminars&Conferences ELSA Iaşi ............................................................................. ELSA Iaşi organizes Internet Law Summer School ............................................. Students from the Faculty of Law visiting Bruxelles .......................................... Georgiana PAVALOAIEA - Newsletter Coordinator ............................................
17 18 18 19
Seminars&Conferences ELSA Craiova ..................................................................... Pannel Discussion - Persons and Organs Trafficking ......................................... Study Visit ELSA Craiova - ELSA Sibiu .................................................................. Antonio CARNELUTTI .............................................................................................
Seminars&Conferences ELSA Timişoara ............................................................... ERASMUS Student Exchange Programme ............................................................ Summer Law School EU Law 2012 ........................................................................ Study Visit ELSA Timisoara - ELSA Arad .............................................................. Ioan SUCIU - Newsletter Coordinator ...................................................................
14 15 15 16
20 21 21 22 22
Other Events Organized Between August 1st and February 27th by S&C Area ............................................................................................................................... 23 Future International Events ........................................................................................ 24 ELSA Bucharest Organizes an International Summer School on Construction Law ................................................................................................. 24 ELSA Bucharest Organizes an International Summer School on Banking&Finance Law ......................................................................................... 25
Merits ..................................................................................................................................... 26
“This is my second term as Vicepresident of Seminars&Conferences ELSA Arad and I choose to mention this first because I believe it represents me the most. I chose ELSA because I knew it would offer me a great environment for social interaction and also for networking on a national and even international level. I am a 3rd year student now and studying is a very important part of my life. Wherever life takes me, I will stride to be the best at it.� Andrea GALFI - Vicepresident Seminars&Conferences ELSA Arad
International Conference on European Legal Development
This two-day Extraordinary Conference held at „Vasile Goldis” West University from Arad done in colaboration with Universitat Wien had the intention to reunite the best law professors in Europe that discussed the current legal issues our countries deal with at the moment. This Legal Research Institute was established to initiate, conduct and facilitate research, make recommendations and provide practical guidance in the field of European legal development. By organising this conference we also wanted to celebrate five years of it’s existance and activity. Professors from around Europe gave lectures and answered questions like: What are the advantages and disadvantages of reforming the European Legal System in the context of the global economic crisis? To what extent can be implement these idea? Are they beneficial to all european countries in an equal matter? What are the problems that we can encounter along with implementing these new strategies in applying a common international Private Law among all countries? These two days were devoted to seven private sessions involving lectures held by our speakrs. The final parts of each day of the
conference culminated with a workshop moderated also by our professors where students interacted personally with them. Speakers that gave lectures included: Professor Dr. Lajos Vékás from „Eotvos Lorand” University in Budapest; Professor Dr. Tatjana Josipovic from Zagreb; Conf. Dr. Christian Alunaru from „Vasile Goldis” West University in Arad; Professor Dr. Ab. Andrzej Maczynski from Cracovia; Professor Dr. Christiane Wenderhorst from Universitat Wien. Also, workshops included: Professor Dr. Rudolf Welser from Universitat Wien; Professor Dr. Brigitta Zöchling-Jud from Universitat Wien; Dr. Bán Dániel from Budapest; Professor Dr. Dursun Koçer from Kültür Universität in Istanbul; Professor Dr. Wołodymyr Kossak from „The John Paul II“ Catholic University in Lublin; Professor Dr. Jan Lazar from Bratislava; Dr. Nemessányi Zoltán from Pécs; Professor Dr. Jerzy Poczobut from Warsaw University; Doc. Dr. Meliha Povlakić from Sarajevo; Professor Dr. Irene Welser from Wien; Professor Dr. Walter Schrammel from Wien; Professor Dr. Jozsef Szalma from Novi Sad; Professor Dr. Ilhan Ulusan from Istanbul and many more other professors that were present and actively participated in our workshops.
National Summer Law School EU Law 2012
ELSA Timişoara, in cooperation with ELSA Arad, managed to successfully organise the first Summer School in our Local Group’s history. The event lasted 8 days, bringing 35 participants from Arad, Bucharest, Sibiu and Timişoara and 3 speakers together on a marvelous adventure that we will always fondly remember. We were blessed with an amazing location, close to nature, clean air, delicious traditional dishes, open-minded and friendly speakers, motivated participants, interesting topics regarding the relationship and connections between our national legal system and the European Union legislation (of which we talked about late into the night), as well as plenty of teambuilding activities, such as trainings on Communication and Negociation, shooting bows and arrows, a paintball competition, a 20 km hike that lasted an entire day and pushed the participants
beyond their limits. Each day ended with singing and dancing late into the night, getting to know each other, swapping stories, laughs and good will. More than an attempt to improve our participants’ development as law students, we aimed and always aim to help them develop as human beings, to teach them about tolerance and respecting those around us. After all, it will be our duty to serve our fellow citizens and to uphold the law, which can only be done properly with respect, patience and understanding. It has also been a worthy experience through the fact that this project was the result of two Local Groups – ELSA Arad & ELSA Timisoara working together, sharing ideas and resources, exchanging thoughts and finding solutions together.
Study Visit ELSA Arad – ELSA Brasov From 2 until 4 of november, ELSA Arad hosted four students from the Faculty of Law of Brasov, also members at ELSA Brasov. During those three days spent with our colleagues
from ELSA Brasov we had a vast program. On Friday, the arrival day, all the Seminars and Conferences department leaded by our Vicepresident Andreea Galfi expected them at 6
the train station, then we took them at the accommodation place. The first activity we had on our schedule, was a tour at the court. They were delighted to see our beautiful palace of justice. After we finished the tour, went to take lunch at one of at Miorita Restaurant, one of the best restaurants from our town. After lunch, we took our four visitors on a tour at the Museum. When we finished the tour, we went at our Faculty, “Vasile Goldis” West University of Arad, and we all participated at the Constitutional Law cours. They were delighted to see the way that our professors teach. In the evening we went to dinner, and after that we had our first party together at Rocco pub, we had lots of fun, dancing an joking with each other, but we also discussed law matters.
The next day was more interesting because we played pool, we went at the cinema to see a movie, we also went in the forest for a walk and a bit of fresh air, then we went at The Clasic Theater “Ioan Slavici” to see a play and then to party again, because it was our last party together from this study visit. Sunday, was the day of departure so we didn’t had much time, because their train was leaving a few hours after lunch, so we only went to play some pool, because our visitors really enjoyed it the first day that we played. In conclusion this was our first study visit with ELSA Brasov, we had a lot fun and we’re looking forward for another study visit as soon as possible.
Andra Silvana DANCIU – Newsletter Coordinator “I have chosen to be a part of ELSA, of the Seminars&Conferences Department because it represents a chance for any law student to assert himself/herself. I have found a mirror image of myself in this department, because of my organisational spirit. As a 1st year student, ELSA and studying are my primary concerns. I live my life with this motto in mind: Whatever you are, be a good one!”
“For me, being Vicepresident of Seminars and Conferences Departament means, in the first place, to coordinate a group who organizes interesting projects concerning innovative subjects which are not enoughed discussed during classes. At the beginning of this term, I promised myself to see as many smiles as possible on my members’ faces and also, together with the team, to manage to awake their interest of knowledge and throughness. Sounds great in theory, but it’s not that easy in reality as it’s a challenge to be attentive to every detail which could jeopartize the events. Nevertheless, I would like to mention that the members of my team are extraordinary people and I have the confidence that we are going to have a great collaboration.” Alexandra HUZA - Vicepresident Seminars&Conferences ELSA Bucharest
English Contract Law The lectures lasted 8 weeks, every Tuesday from 8:00 to 10:00 (starting with 13th March of 2012) in Basilescu Amfitheatre. These were meant for second to the forth year Law students. Every lecture was coordinated by lawyer Luminita Gheorghe. This year edition had a number of 150 participants. As the project was endorsed by the University of Law from Bucharest, the students who attented English Contract Law courses will benefit of 3 extracurricular credits for their Licence Certificate. Coordinator: Daiana Miu
On Wednesday, 28th November of 2012, from 10:00 to 14:30, in Constantin Stoicescu Hall ( University of Law, Bucharest) took place “Health Law Conference. Legal borders in Medicine. “ The conference enjoyed a huge success among Law and Med students. Many of the 73 participants recommended in their feedback questionnaires that there should be organised even more events based on this subject. The conference lasted 4 hours and had 3 parts: during the first one, lawyer Raluca Simion talked about doctors’ penal charge and gave many examples in order to make herself
Health Law Conference understood. After that, there was a Q&A session. The next speaker, lawyer Mihai Costache, gave information about doctors’ civil charge and explained notions such as physical prejudice, inviolability and so on. He also gave many examples to make himself clear. During the final part of the conference, the winners of the “Physical prejudice” contest ( another event organized by Academic Activities) read their essays and were rewarded. According to the feedback, the audience was really impressed by the way the conference developed and by the way it was organized. Coordinator – Corina Ricman
Study Visit ELSA Bucharest – ELSA Timisoara
During 16th-18th March of 2012, took place in Bucharest a SV between Law students from Bucharest and 5 Law students from Timisoara. On the first day, we took lunch at Excalibur,then we visited Antipa Museum and in the evening we took a walk in the old centre ( Lipscani, Calea Victoriei) and also in Cismigiu Park. 9
On the second day, we visited Palace of Parliament and we ate at Caru’ cu Bere. After that, we went at Law School in order to show the others our workplace. The day finished with a night out in Vault Club. During the last
day, we visited Cotroceni museum and took a picnique in Herastrau Park. The students from Timisoara said they had a great time in Bucharest and were very grateful for everything. Coordinator: Apostu Catalina
National Conference “Taxation in Romania. Where are we? Where are we going to?” During 30th-31st March of 2012 took place the National Conference : “Taxation in Romania. Where are we? Where are we going to?” which wanted to analyse taxation system in nowadays economy. The conference lasted 2 days (Friday-from 10:00 to 18:00 and Saturday- from 10:00 to 14:00) in Constantin Stoicescu Hall (University of Law-Bucharest). There were 140 participants. The speakers were famous and respected people who have wide information about the subject. (for example: Ioana Gheorghe, Tax Manager Mazars Romania,
Adrian Rus, Tax Senior Manager, Ernst&Young, Gabriel Sincu, Partener Head of Tax and Outsourcing,Mazars Romania Dan Dascălu, Partener D&B David şi Baias,Ionut Sas, Tax Senior Manager Pricewaterhouse Coopers Romania). There were also manys sponsors who helped us to make turn this project into reality, namely : Biriş Goran, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Mazars, RSM Scot plus one of ELSA’s parteners: Reff and Associates. The event enjoyed huge succes and the feedback was extremely positive.
Anca BOESCU – Newsletter Coordinator
“For me, helping the other colleagues to create the National Newsletter of Seminars and Conferences Departament, proved to be an interesting and challenging experience. As I am a “baby” in ELSA, I did not have the chance to participate to all the events that were organized. So, taking part at this project turned to be a great occasion to find out more and more details about the events that took place before and also to get familiar to ELSA’s spirit and targets.”
“Being Vicepresident of Seminars&Conferences ELSA ClujNapoca had a big impact on my personality. I learned how to deal a stressful situation so that I am much more calm now if any problem occurs. I had the opportunity to meet a lots of people all over the world. But during my activity what I liked the most was to see how the people of S&C department came together as a team and to observe the constant development of true teamwork.� Claudia PRIPON - Vicepresident Seminars&Conferences ELSA Cluj-Napoca
International Summer School on WTO Law The Summer School on "International Arbitration and WTO (World Trade Organisation ) Law took place from 27 July to 4 August 2012 in the city of Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Our goal wasto gather students from all the European countries – and around the world interested the topic of the summer school, in order to elucidate specific legal issues. Our participants, ten in total, were as follows:BaibaSkara (Lithuania), Giorgio Savo andTiesta Luca (Italy,) ChrysoulaMavromati (Greece),Suse Andrei (Romania), Pamela Serrano (Mexico), Amelia Martinez (Argentina),Balint Kovacs (Romania), FranGebauer, (Austria) andHokesovaVeronika (Czech Republic). The above mentioned law students had the chance of learning from wellknown personalities from the international trade field. Courses and lectureswere taught by people knowledgeable in the field, such as and Jan Bohanes, member of the WTO Secretariat, Roberto Rios Herran, a lawyer specialized in international arbitration, Dan Balan,a judge and professor, and PietroPoretti, holding a position within the WTO Secretariat.
The Summer School was conducted in English and covered a vast area within this law branch,some of the subjects beingthe rules of negotiation, the dispute resolution system, intellectual property, organizational structure, implementation and monitoring, WTO and non-economic goals, interaction between trade policy and competition, the link between international arbitration and the protection of the environment, international trade and investment measures etc. The purpose of this event was to provide a favorable learning environment in order to better understand and study this branch of law and to encourage the development of this field in within the education institutions and system, as well as to contribute to the debate on globalization in the context of international trade agreements.
Study Visit ELSA Cluj-Napoca – ELSA Timisoara The Study Visit in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, hosting our friends and colleagues from the city of Timișoara, took place between 15 - 18 november 2012. We were glad to greet Flavius Draghici, Magdalena Neicu and Anca Pera, all outstanding people. The first event they participated at, as soon as they arrived in Cluj, was the ELSA Day, a private party celebrating ELSA Cluj-Napoca. As Cluj-Napoca is one of the most important cities in Romania, being one of the biggest
cultural centers in the country, housing more than 100.000 students each year, we had the opportunity to show our guests both what the perks are of studying in a town like this, as well as what this city has to offer for your leisure time. Being foremost a study visit, we took them on a visit of the corridors and lecture halls of the Faculty of Law, part of the prestigious BabeșBolyai University,and of the Court of Appeal in the Palace of Justice, also taking them to a 12
lecture on Constitutional Law taught by one of
our professors. Afterwards we took our guests on a tour of the city, visiting the imposing Central Library, old relics and buildings dating as far back as the Roman Empire. On the last full day, we took some time off and decided to go to the salt mine in Turda ( a town situated at about 30 km from Cluj-Napoca ), one of the most magnificent and visually stunning salt mines in the world. We were very happy to have the fine folks from Timisoara as our guests, and we welcome them again with open arms.
Mircea FARCAU - Newsletter Coordinator “Why is it important for us to create and publish this newsletter? It’s a way for us to show the Network what the Seminars &Conferences departments in ELSA Romania are all about. It’s a way to show you our own experiences through our eyes, an opportunity to explain and make you understand that there are no limits to what a local group from Romania can achieve when they put their mind and body into it, while keeping the perfect mind-set throughout the whole process. A newsletter such as this can inspire and motivate ELSA groups world-wide by sharing ideas, impressions and advice, but most of all, by telling them “It's possible. We’ve done it. Now it’s your turn.”
“I first heard of ELSA during my second week of law school from a friend who knew some people in the association and even though I wasn't quite intrigued from what I had heard I became a recruit and joined the S&C department after asking three of my friends at that time about their own options. At the end of my first year I decided to candidate for Seminars & Conferences Vice President with the idea of improving our local group and gathering even more experience in what it means to be an ELSA member. If I look back at how it worked so far, even with a really good transition from my old Vice President and with a good planning I still wasn’t ready to be a Vice President at first because I felt like doing the projects by myself and wasn’t thinking like a true coordinator in a team and there is when I learned that I have a really capable member next to me with high ELSA spirit and from that point on our department became Strong&Confident.”
Alexandru SPÂNU - Vicepresident Seminars&Conferences ELSA Craiova
Pannel Discussion – Persons and Organs Trafficking
While constant and thorough studying might be important for a Law student, a complex vision of the surrounding world is as important. In this respect, the ELSA Craiova Seminars and Conferences department organised a panel discussion with the title “Organ and person traffic”, which took place on
November 19th 2012, in the faculty council room. Lasting for aproximatively two hours, the two speakers, from the National Agency Against Trafficking in Persons and the Directorate for Investigating Organised Crime and Terrorism, talked about the most delicate aspects concerning the subject, keeping an interactive dialogue with the participants, answering all their questions to the best of their ability. Afterwards, the students were given questionnaires so they could express their opinions and give a feedback, regarding the event organisation, the theme or future events. The overall opinion was positive, the students being happy they were given the opportunity to ask questions as well as being impressed by the willingness showed by the speakers who tried to answer everything they could. At the same time the speakers were happy with the interest the students showed, and were delighted with the idea of future events.
Study Visit ELSA Craiova – ELSA Sibiu
Being part of the ELSA family provides opportunities, the chance to grow and meet new people from your country or abroad. In this spirit, ELSA Craiova and ELSA Sibiu, having established a long and lasting friendship over the years, got together for a study visit, which
took place in november 2012, over the course of 4 great days. The 3 students from Sibiu, Cristi, Dorin and Vlad, arrived in Craiova on Friday, november 16th, being welcomed by our Vice president, Alexandru Spanu and the study visit coordinator, Smaranda Cojocaru. The welcoming party took place at George’s pub, where our guests not only had a great time, but also met the other ELSA Craiova members. The following day, they were taken for a trip around town, to some of our most important attractions, such as: the university, the “Nicolae Romanescu” National Park, the Museum of Art and the National Theatre. The day ended as expected, with another ELSA Craiova party, which included music, dancing and a lot of fun. 15
On Sunday, after visiting the old town centre, our guests felt the hospitality and the warm, greeting spirit of the people living in Oltenia. Although the study visit ended on Monday, the
past days marked another significant chapter in the existence of both local groups, strengthening our friendship even more.
Antonio CARNELUTTI – Newsletter Coordinator “Working on the newsletter has been great, not only because it gave me, as a coordinator, the opportunity to boss around a few people, but also because it made me remember the hard work, dedication and joy we put into each project, as I am sure it happened with every other local group. The importance of the newsletter is undeniable. Centralizing all the work done will give us a view on what works and what doesn’t work on national level, so we can change and adapt, while also serving as a motivation for members to try harder and do better than before. This transparency will have an impact on an international level aswell, promoting our cities and our country, and at the same time bringing us closer to the other ELSA members.”
“ELSA came into my life for a very simple reason: curiosity. The idea of being part of a students’ association, of getting involved in organizing projects and meeting new people who share my vision, was the decisive factor on my part. I never foresaw, however, that ELSA would become more than just about being a volunteer, that it would turn into true passion. The Seminars&Conferences Department gained my interest through its complexity, through the diverse opportunities it presents related to organizing events, by the enrichment to my personal development that it has ensured since my first weeks as a member. By means of the events we organise, we aim to bring controversial issues forward and shed light upon them.” Diana FINKELSTEIN - Vicepresident Seminars&Conferences ELSA Iaşi
ELSA Iasi Organizes Internet Law National Summer School
ELSA Iasi organized during the period 19-26 august 2012, the first Summer school with the central theme of the Internet Right from Romania. The event was held at the Sighişoara and has proposed to bring into question one of the topical issues of this century: Cybercrime. The academic program, extremely varied will be supported by specialists with a background in the field, like : Mr. Bogdan Manolea –lawyer in Internet Law, executive director of the Association for technology and the Internet, Coordinator of the academic programme of the
Summer School, Mr. Iustin Priescu -Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science, University "Titu Maiorescu", computer security consultant, Mr. Maxim Dobrinoiu – lawyer in Cybercrime at the University "Nicolae Titulescu", Mr. Florin Encescu - Judge President of the Court of first instance, Mr. Alin Popescu – lawyer in computer law , managing partner Avocatnet, Ştefan Tănase - Senior Security Researcher, Kaspersky Lab, Romania, Adrian Porcescu Tehnical Consultant, Kaspersky Lab, Romania, George Drăguşin - Emporiki Bank, IT Security Officer. Costs of participation were 650 lei, including accommodation for seven nights at the threestar motel , three meals a day, logistics and social program. The program was not outdone. Treasure hunt, "The Witches", medieval Theatre, fire camp and themed parties were just a few of the surprises organized by ELSA Iasi. The 2011 edition of the Summer School organized by ELSA Iași was held at Vama Veche, with 42 participants and three guests, including ex-Justice Minister, Monica Macovei, with the theme of freedom of expression.
Students From The Faculty of Law Visiting Bruxelles From 4-9 March 2012, a group of students of Faculty of Law of the University Alexandru Ioan Cuza of Iasi, was in the capital of Belgium-Brussels, where he organiyed a study visit at the most important European institutions. In carrying out this project, participants received material support from the European Parliament. The first institution concerned within the framework of this experience, was the European Parliament, the representative body of about 500 million European citizens.
The activity started with an overview of the structure of the European Union, followed by deepening knowledge of the functions of the European Parliament, how it cooperates with the other European institutions, as well as the impact it has on both the EU and the Member States. Present in the plenary session, the participants were able to find useful information about how to conduct meetings and the voting mechanism, and about the system that provides activities in the 23 official languages of the European Union. The 18
highlight of the meeting was a role-playing game, in which the students were able for a few hours to put "into European Parliament’s boots”. With a well made point, they have had the two directives: one with respect to the construction of a water pipeline through Europe, and the other on the implantation of microchips in humans. The experience was exhilarating and constructive, as says just one of the participants: "By playing this role I had the chance given us, in addition to a real understanding of the decision-making mechanism, and the opportunity to develop and strengthen the skills of negotiation and talking in public. Also, I would like to mention that we are the first group that has carried out this role in the Romanian language, which can only please us”. The usefulness of this event is further intensified by the fact that the information and knowledge gained within it can be transmitted through the participants, in their capacity as public opinion
multipliers, by all those concerned, thus contributing to an opening and a thorough understanding of the role and purpose of the society is for the European Union.
Georgiana PAVALOAIEA – Newsletter Coordinator “I’ve wanted to become a member of ELSA ever since highschool. What appealed to me was the fact that ELSA is an association specially designed for law students. I became a member on the first semester of my first year, which was one of the reasons I decided to study law in the first place. I am proud to be part of a team composed of intelligent and selfless young people. I consider the Seminars&Conferences Department to be special, as it offers its members the opportunity to be part of large scale projects and to improve themselves both as students and as individuals. I have gained much from taking part in the organization of events such as Summer Schools, Study Visits and many Pannel Discussions. What ELSA means to me can best be described by the following: Passion needs no motivation. It does not require to be explained or understood. On the contrary, passion begins where there is nothing left to explain and it ends when the need for clarity is due.”
Georgiana 19
“I have always seen ELSA as a whole, not divided into Departments. Since I became a member of the Seminars&Conferences Department almost two years ago, I have had the pleasure of getting involved in the activity of other departments as well. I feel it is important to have a larger perspective on things, for the more one gets to know others by interacting with them, the more one manages to know himself. It has been a privilege to be the Vicepresident of this Department, to coordinate a complex and challenging team, consisting of dedicated and enthusiastic young students, bent on making the world a better place. I am grateful for the path that lies behind me and am eager for the path that lies before me. My true strength lies not within me, but within those close to me.â€? Ioan SUCIU - Vicepresident Seminars&Conferences ELSA TimiĹ&#x;oara
ERASMUS Student Exchange Programme
ELSA Timişoara has introduced the students of The Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences to the ERASMUS Student Exchange Programme, through the efforts of the Seminars&Conferences Department and with the support of the Faculty. The event took place on Novemeber 28th 2012, with the participation of Mrs. Conf.Univ.Dr. Florentina MUŢIU (ERASMUS Programme Coordinator for the
Law Faculty), who offered the 50 attending students detailed information about studying abroad for six months or even a whole year. Mrs. MUŢIU was accompanied by two ERASMUS beneficiaries: Dragoş POPESCU (3rd year student), who was about to study at the University of Udine (Italy) the next Spring for a period of five months and Bianca TRIF (3rd year student) who had already been on a 6 months exchange programme at the University of Milan (Italy). The two students shared their experience related to applying for an ERASMUS scholarship and studying abroad, answering the participants’ questions and inquiries. Both speakers and participants have declared themselves very pleased with this event, the aim of which is to broaden the horizont of young students and offer them the possibillity to experience another country, another culture and another educational system, enriching their development as servants of the law and also as individuals. In light of the speakers’ and participants’ feedback, we proudly feel we have attained our goal.
National Summer Law School EU Law 2012
ELSA Timişoara, in cooperation with ELSA Arad, managed to successfully organise the first Summer School in our Local Group’s history. The event
lasted 8 days, bringing 35 participants from Arad, Bucharest, Sibiu and Timişoara and 3 speakers together on a marvelous adventure that we will always fondly remember. We were blessed with an amazing location, close to nature, clean air, delicious traditional dishes, open-minded and friendly speakers, motivated participants, interesting topics regarding the relationship and connections between our national legal system and the European Union legislation (of which we talked about late into the night), as well as plenty of teambuilding activities, such as trainings on Communication and Negociation, shooting bows and arrows, a paintball competition, a 20 km hike that lasted an entire day and pushed the participants beyond their limits. Each day ended with singing and dancing late into the night, getting to know each other, swapping stories, laughs and good will. 21
More than an attempt to improve our participants’ development as law students, we aimed and always aim to help them develop as human beings, to teach them about tolerance and respecting those around us. After all, it will be our duty to serve our fellow citizens and to uphold the law, which can only be done properly with respect, patience and understanding. It has also been a worthy experience through the fact that this project was the result of two Local Groups – ELSA Arad & ELSA Timisoara - working together, sharing ideas and resources, exchanging thoughts and finding solutions together.
Study Visit ELSA Timisoara – ELSA Arad During 16th-18th November 2012, ELSA Timisoara was the proud host of 6 students and dear friends from the Faculty of Legal Sciences in Arad and also members of ELSA Arad, during a Study Visit organised by the Seminars&Conferences Department. The visit’s schedule consisted of the following: attending a Criminal Law class, a tour of our faculty, a proffessional development presentation organized by Bizzcamp, bowling and karaoke night, a visit to the Museum of Art, a party in Club D’Arc, a visit to the Metropolitan Cathedral, as well as to other sights and institutions of interest.
Ioan SUCIU – Newsletter Coordinator
“This project has been a true team effort, based on the work of all the other Newsletter coordinators, on their passion to gather information about the projects organized by the Seminars&Conferences Departments of their Local Groups. We consider it is a fitting way to reward the dedication of our colleagues and to keep a record of our work, to share our ideas and experience with the rest of the ELSA Network.”
Other Events Organized Between August 1st and February 28th by S&C Area ELSA Arad:
Lecture on "Online piracy of software, movies and music."
ELSA Bucharest:
Living Library Event. Lecture on "Plagiarism between ethics and law."
ELSA Braşov:
Lecture on "Thanatology and Traumatology: Coroner and Legality." Seminar on "Murder - juridical, psychological, criminological and political approach." National Study Visit with ELSA Sibiu
ELSA Cluj-Napoca:
Panel Discussion on "Extradition and European Arrest Warrant under the new regulations and jurisprudence."
ELSA Galaţi:
Seminar on "Drugs, a scourge of the modern world." National Study Visit with LSA Constanta
ELSA Oradea:
Panel Discussion on "Law Perspective." National Study Visit with ELSA Arad
ELSA Sibiu:
Panel Discussion on " Assisted Euthanasia." National Study Visit with ELSA Craiova
LSA Constanţa:
Lecture on "The right to freedom of expression."
Future International Events ELSA Bucharest Organizes an International Summer School on Construction Law For the first time ELSA Bucharest is proud to present to you “Construction Law” International Summer School. Due to the fact that Construction Law is still an unexplored area, we want to offer you the opportunity to get to know this field. This matter covers a wide range of legal issues including contract law, bonds and bonding, guarantees and sureties, liens and other security interests, tendering, construction claims, and related consultancy contracts. The main purpose of our summer school is to provide information and to share some of the experience gained by those who work in this particular field, beginning with the fundamental notions and ending with practical aspects. The lectures present a balanced view upon Romanian and English legislation, offering the point of view the contractors. Also, the summer law school aims at an overall understanding of the field before excusevly examining successful contract management techniques, the art of negotiation, the role of the engenieer etc. To provide a very good academic program for our participants, our summer school aims to collaborate with: Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, NNDKP, CBRE, Coldwell Banker, Jones Lang LaSalle.
This edition is about promoting Construction Law through a series of lectures, seminars and workshops, case studies and moot court competitions. We plan to provide 30 motivated students with lecturers from Romania and foreign top universities and celebrated guests. The summer schools take place simultaneously at the same resort, in Bucharest, the difference being the well planned academic program for each event. The free-time program includes social events during evenings and study visits which allow you to discover the traditions and realities of a great country together. If you don’t believe everything we say you try it yourself.
ELSA Bucharest Organizes an International Summer School on Banking&Finance Law
“Banking & Finance Law”, one of the most appreciated projects of ELSA Bucharest, has now reached its 5th edition. Due to the approached subjects and due to the involvement showed by both students and professionals, “Banking and Finance Law” has risen each and every year, fact that was reflected in the number of participants and also in the importance of the speakers that held the lectures. The purpose of this summer school is to show to those who are interested what
involves working in this area and also sharing the experience gained by those who are already working in this particular field. To provide a note of professional academic programs, our summer school aims to continue working with one of Romania`s biggest banks: The Romanian Commercial Bank (BCR) and top law firms, such as: CMS, Kinstellar, NNDKP, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, DLA Piper. The participants also have the opportunity to visit Bucharest, the most dynamic city of the country while enjoying a four-star accommodation that includes meals and social program, during a 10-day stay. By attending this summer school each participant will have the opportunity of interaction with professional in the field. “Banking and Finance Law” builds bridges between current and future practitioners.
Merits “I would like to thank all the Newsletter Coordinators for their efforts in the making of ELSA Romania’s first (and hopefully the first of many) Seminars&Conferences Newsletter: Andra Silvana DANCIU Anca BOESCU Mircea FARCĂU Antonio CARNELUTTI Georgiana PĂVĂLOAIEA
Newsletter Coordinator ELSA Arad Newsletter Coordinator ELSA Bucharest Newsletter Coordinator ELSA Cluj-Napoca Newsletter Coordinator ELSA Craiova Newsletter Coordinator ELSA Iaşi
It is the dedication and hard work of these enthusiastic young ELSA members that has made the realisation of this project possible. A special thanks goes to our dear Vicepresident, Diana Laura CAŢĂ, who was the spark that set the Newsletter project in motion. She was the one who shared her vision regarding this idea, encouraged and coordinated us towards achieveing what I believe to be a great accomplishment, although it barely manages to do the work of ELSA Romania’s Seminars&Conferences Departments justice.
I am proud and honored to have been given the opportunity to be the lead Coordinator of this Newsletter, for it has been a rewarding experience. This project has made it possible for me to feel yet again what the ELSA Spirit is all about: passion, initiative, ideas, communication, understanding, sacrifice. Most of all, we should be grateful that, through ELSA, we are able to better ourselves, to go beyond our limits and, most of all, to have a positive impact on the world around us. We hope you will enjoy our work. Stronger together!”