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Get your right and daily dosage at Toni’s Pharmacy in Laguindingan

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FOR residents in western Misamis Oriental such as the towns of Gitagum, Initao and Alubijid and even the other barangays in Laguindingan like Tubajon and the uptown villages, Toni’s Pharmacy is the only complete drugstore that you need.


Toni’s Pharmacy doesn’t just sell medicines, they also sell milk, liniments and diapers as well.

You can definitely be sure that Toni’s Pharmacy has all the quality supplies as it is run by a licensed pharmacist who has been in the industry since 2007.

A pharmacy graduate of Southwestern University in Cebu City, licensed pharmacist Toni Rose Sandra LabisTumulak has been working in a pharmacy chain for more than ten years before returning to her beloved hometown in Laguindingan and established her own pharmacy business.

With its address at Zone 2, Pading St., Poblacion, Laguind- ingan, Misamis Oriental, Toni’s Pharmacy has been serving the people of western Misamis Oriental since 2019. It is open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. every day including Sundays.

Trying to maximize its reach, Toni’s Pharmacy is the only one in Laguindingan which accepts call and pick up so you can get your purchase immediately. Just dial 09177128258.

Take care of your body and stay healthy. Trust Toni’s Pharmacy!

Republic of the Philippines Supreme Court

10th Judicial Region REGIONAL TRIAL COURT

Branch 4, Butuan City email: rtc2but004@judiciary.gov.ph / hotline: 0946-0307554

ROSALITA T. TORDOS-GODBEY, Petitioner/s, SP PROC NO. SP2023-0018


For: Judicial Recognition and/or Enforcement of a Foreign THE LOCAL CIVIL REGISTRAR OF Judgment BUTUAN CITY, AGUSAN DEL NORTE, and THE CIVIL REGISTRAR GENERAL OF THE PHILIPPINE STATISTICS AUTHORITY (PSA), Respondent/s. x-----------------------------------------------/


Raffled to this Court is a Petition for Recognition of Foreign Divorce. The subject divorce decree was issued by the Government of the State of Iowa, United States of America on 29 August 2014. 1 The petition alleges that:

1. Petitioner Rosalita T. Tordos-Godbey is a Filipino citizen, of legal age, and a resident of Dalao-an, Barangay Rizal, Buenavista, Agusan del Norte, Philippines;

2. Petitioner Tordos-Godbey and Roger Godbey, a U.S. National, were married in Butuan City, Agusan del Norte, Philippines on 13 November 2009. 2 The marriage celebrated in Butuan City is valid under the laws of the State of Iowa, United States of America;

3. Due to the serious problems plaguing their marriage, Roger Godbey filed for Dissolution of Marriage against Petitioner Tordos-Godbey in the Iowa District Court in and for Linn County, United States of America;

4. Petitioner Tordos-Godbey and Roger Godbey were divorced on 29 August 2014.

Petitioner Tordos-Godbey thus prayed that judgment be rendered recognizing the foreign divorce decree in this jurisdiction. In support of her petition, Petitioner Tordos-Godbey submits the following documentary evidence:

1. Records, Authenticated Decree of Dissolution of Marriage, Annex “B”.

2. Ibid., Certificate of Marriage, Annex “A”.

Annex “A” Certificate of Marriage

Annex “B”

Annex “C”

Authenticated Decree of Dissolution of Marriage

Authenticated Laws of Dissolution of Marriage and Domestic Relations, Chapter 598

Annex “D” Passport Annex “E” Barangay Certificate

Finding the petition to be sufficient in form and substance, the court gives due course to the petition and sets it for hearing on 07 August 2023 at 02:00 o’clock in the afternoon at which place, date and time, any person who may have interest in the petition may oppose the same.

Let a copy of this Order be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the Philippines once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks, pursuant to Rule 108 of the Rules of Court.

Furthermore, let copies of this Order together with the petition and its annexes be furnished to the Office of the Solicitor General, Office of the City Prosecutor, Office of the Local Civil Registrar of Butuan City, and Office of the Civil Registrar General, for their comment or opposition, which must be filed within fifteen (15) days from receipt hereof.

Likewise, let a copy of this Order together with the petition and its annexes be served upon the respondent at his last known address through registered mail.

Lastly, let a copy of this Order be posted on the bulletin boards of the following places:

1. City Hall, Butuan City;

2. Butuan City Post Office;

3. Provincial Capitol; and

4. Hall of Justice, Butuan City.

SO ORDERED. Butuan City, Philippines, 08 May 2023.


from page 4 nothing happened because of the powerful LGU. NCIP has been well informed of this violation of our water rights, yet, nothing has been done by this office. In San Fernando, Bukidnon, Bae Leah had fought against the violation of her tribe’s water rights but was shot to death in 2019. Again, where is NCIP?

“What is so horrible is the ejection of some one hundred families of the Talaandig Tribal Community from their more or less 73-ha. ancestral domain at Sitio Gabunan, Barangay Lapok, Talakag about two years ago. They are now living in extreme poverty and hunger as they have been ousted from their ancestral domain by a powerful alleged “buyer” a certain Mr. Jerry Martin Tamsi who together with the Policemen forcibly drove the IP families in sometime in the latter part of 2021out from their land using backhoes to dismantle their homes and destroyed their crops. When they stood-up for their rights, no less than their chieftain, Datu Junard Enecito known as Datu Ladlaran, has been declared “persona-non-grata” signed by no less than the LGU officials headed by the Mayor Vergito O. Factura himself. In that declaration, even the “seven tribes of Bukidnon,” have been declared “persona-non grata.” Has the NCIP been informed of such “Persona-Non-Grata” declaration? If so, has it given its consent? We believe that no less than the NCIP has the knowledge on the legitimacy of the 7-tribes of Bukidnon led by no less than Datu Migketay Vic Saway who before was the IP representative to the United Nations.

“ Now we ask, why use force to oust the poor IP families? If in fact, the 73 hectares have been a subject of the buy and sell transaction which is against the IPRA law as ancestral domain cannot just be a subject of “buy and sell” dealing. Is there any order of eviction?

Can the buyer show any title issued in his name? None. In fact, the IPs ownership is well guaranteed by a Certificate of Land Title as the area is part of the CADT issued to Milalitra. Question: How come the military and the Police sided with the buyer using force to evict them without following due process of law? It was the force of “money” and influence by a powerful buyer whom we heard did buy the land for two million pesos, ousting the IPs without any title! NCIP, where are you?

“All told, NCIP, please be informed that glaringly, indigenous lands have become battlegrounds of conflict against powerful forces that aim to grab our lands and resources to advance political and economic interest in support of agenda that is driven by corporate greed. Dispossession and displacement of IP communities from our ancestral lands continue unabated despite the recognition of IP rights by the IPRA Law as well as International Human Rights Laws. Ah, we believe that truism is very glaring.

Why has NCIP allowed these painful realities to continue all these years? Apparently, thousands of hectares of the IPs’ ancestral domain are now being transformed into massive plantations through corporate globalization in cohort with powers-that-be.

“Please be informed that the Indigenous Peoples are not disposable wastes. KAMI PO

AY TAO AT HINDI BASURA. Indeed, all these years, we have been treated as disposable waste. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. We are human beings with dignity made in the image and likeness of MAGBABAYA. WE WILL STAND FOR OUR RIGHTS TO MAKE LIFE BETTER ESPCIALLY TO OUR CHILDREN NO MATTER WHAT. Indeed, there is no greater love there is than those of our brethren who have willingly given up their lives to protect our human rights and maintain our dignity!

“NCIP, please be informed that the violations of our human rights are continuing without let-up, manifesting the painful truism that the enrichment of the rich by acquiring our lands means our own dispossession. Land, water, forests and natural resources called commons are our economic assets which for thousands of years we have been using in the spirit of sharing and service to one another as the IP culture has given high adherence to the sacredness of nature. Now that the IP rights are being violated which are well protected by the IPRA which created NCIP to be our vanguard, you have miserably failed to do your mandate as the IPs now are the poorest and the most oppressed. Out ancestral domain has been converted into massive plantations to serve the consumerist lifestyle of the people in advanced countries while we cannot even have enough staples, i.e. rice and milk, for our people. We are now forging our unity and with all the ecological movement to oppose the destruction of the vital commons which are essential to our survival. Without water, fertile land and crops genetic diversity aptly known as “commons,” economic development for us will become impossible. There is now the continuing exclusion of these commons at the expense of the Indigenous Peoples who are now living in extreme poverty and are now the most oppressed!

“We have now collectively come together to harness our collective power as one Indigenous Peoples to fight for our rights. Because you NCIP HAS NOT DONE YOUR MANDATE, YOU BETTER BE CLOSED! THAT IS NOW OUR ADVOCACY. The time has come to rectify a glaring SOCIAL WRONG - NCIP IS AN INUTILE OFFICE THAT HAS CONNIVED WITH THE RICH AND POWERFUL TO PRIVATIZE THE COMMONS! WE WILL NOT STOP TO RECTIFY SOCIAL WRONGS TO LIBERATE OUR


TECT THE RIGHTS OF THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLES YET HAS REMAINED INUTILE AT SO MUCH EXPENSE TO THE FILIPINO PEOPLE! WE ARE THEREFORE VEHEMENTLY CONDEMNING SUCH GROSS NEGLIGENCE AND ARE CALLING FOR A REVIEW OF THE IPRA LAW! We now call on all the 17 million Indigenous Peoples in the country to fight for what is right, what is true and what is just to liberate the Indigenous Peoples from the quagmire of poverty and massive oppressive!



a supplier in Opol than do it themselves.

Even the pool water sourced from the deep well required more preliminary treatment since it did not meet standards for turbidity. This initial processing was done in a settling tank built from a 40-ft container van where dispersed solids were allowed to settle by chemical process and the sediment was removed by a filter pump using diatomaceous earth, chlorine and muriatic acid to balance the pH.

This pre-treated water is then distributed to the machine rooms for another round of filtration via several sand filters. All pools within the park have separate machine rooms with huge sand filtration systems (1,800 liters) and chemical injection pumps.

Water Quality Issues use of water and we are the first waterpark in the country to use it as our primary filtration unit. It is also fully automated with programmable logic controllers (PLC) compared to the sand filters which require a lot of manual labor,” he added. “Another bonus is the lesser sedimentation, requiring less vacuuming and clean up, further reducing our labor costs.” blow air through dissipators at the bottom of the mixing tank.

But this system proved too costly to maintain since the pumps had to be operated 24/7 resulting in an average monthly electric bill of P1.6M for operating the resort’s 50 pumps. Even the preliminary process of pre-treatment of raw deep well water added labor, electricity and chemical costs.

By installing inverter variable frequency drives on each of the resort’s 50 motors, they are now able to adjust the pressure using computers which resulted in an almost 50 percent savings over their previous electric bill.

A state-of-the-art Ozonizer system has also been installed along with a UV Ultraviolet system which has improved water quality, eliminated viral and bacterial contaminants, resulting in clearer water and reducing dependence on chlorine and muriatic acid to balance the PH of the pool water.

“We expect to replace most of the sand filters in the Wave pool and Kiddie Pool using Perlite Media filtration systems and install more UV treatment in our piping system,” Mr. Paras said.

This induces bacterial action in the tanks by injecting beneficial bacteria which when oxygenated, processes the waste, after which the solids are collected in a series of tanks before the treated effluent exits to the drain.

“We are now able to comply with the standards required by EMB despite our big biological load,” Mr. Paras admits. “In almost six years of our existence, we have not received a single complaint about the quality of our pool water which you can now literally drink because of the way with which we process it.” in technology to ensure compliance with the strict global standards for water safety of the waterpark industry.”

The waterpark treats its water on a 24-hour basis which enables it to reduce, reuse and recycle it without any discharge to the environment except for its backwash and evaporation loss.

Water Challenge

Initially, the park used sand filters to process every six hours the waters mainly from its Dual Wave Pool and Lazy River which have a combined volume of 3.3 million liters or 3, 300 cubic meters.

However, it had to build a 66 meter (200 feet) deep well some 500 meters from the shoreline after the limited water supply from the Cagayan de Oro City Water District (COWD) was swallowed up by the increasing population of Bgy. Barra.

Since the brackish water from the deep well was less than ideal due to salinity and detected coliform count, slight tint and turbidity, the resort had to install sand filters and chlorinate for preliminary filtration of bigger suspended solids.

The raw water was pumped up to two 5,000 liter water tanks for storage and distribution initially to two lines: one for in house treated potable water for the kitchens, washrooms and drinking fountains; and another for raw untreated water distributed to various pools and buildings for utility and various toilet facilities.

However, this process proved too costly for the resort’s potable water needs, and Mr. Paras admits they would rather buy bulk treated water which meets the standards from

Aside from the expensive power bill, the frequent backwashing (every other day) of the sand filters resulted in significant water loss and the increased use of chemicals to sanitize and clean the pool waters.

Algae would form when chlorine levels were not maintained, along with pool sedimentation and water turbidity.

Worse, the sand filters frequently broke down due to high pressure generated by pumps resulting in delamination and leaking of fiberglass vessels.

“Since we are now totally dependent on our brackish well water, our operating costs increased,” Mr. Paras observed.

Innovative solutions

To address this myriad of issues, the resort installed a ‘proof-of-concept’ solution with a Regenerative Media filter using Perlite Media capable of filtering solids up to 1 micron in size, compared to the 5-10 microns for sand filters. Fully natural, lightweight and chemically inert, perlite filter media offers a high performance, yet cost effective, method for the removal of microbes, bacteria, and suspended solids.

“The Perlite filter we installed as a proof of concept for improving the water quality of the Lazy River has been working for almost eight (8) months now with minimal maintenance, decreased water wasted by backwashing by 75%, lowered power usage by 10-20%, and more significantly, reduced chemicals used by 50% (for solid/liquid chlorine & muriatic acid), aside from decreasing the space previously occupied by our sand filters,” Mr. Paras said.

“It is very efficient in the

“With this, the resort expects to reduce the usage of deep well water and use its potable water supply when available, for the kitchen and cooking needs of its commissary and restaurants. More importantly, our guests can now enjoy cleaner, clearer and safer pool water for a happy, stress-free experience.”

Waste Water Treatment System

from page 1 Awards...

Aside from the Perlite/UV and Ozonizer System to address its water quality issues, the resort is now using an MBBR (Moving Bed BioReactor) Sewage Treatment in two locations inside the waterpark.

MBBR plastic media is used in the sewage tanks to oxygenate the septage which is pumped from different septic tanks within the park. Each sewage treatment plant (STP) building uses a 2HP Roots Blower to from page 1 ences “collectively worked in solidarity with fellow academics, community leaders, and knowledge bearers in Mindanao to contribute to the broader endeavors of addressing historical issues of marginality, inequality, injustices, and neglect confronting the area.” (MindaNews)

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