4 minute read
Calendar and quiz
KITTY FLANAGAN AND DAVE O’NEILL While healthy eating has become a global obsession, Kitty Flanagan and Dave O’Neill are bucking the trend by embracing junk food. Chips, chocolate, ice cream ... you name it, if it has a one-star health rating (or thereabouts), the Aussie comedians are discussing, rating and blind-testing it. The co-hosts will often go out of their way to fi nd unique treats for each other, with many laugh-out-loud results. MUM SAYS MY MEMOIR IS A LIE
ROSIE WATERLAND Rosie Waterland’s autobiography The Anti-Cool Girl reveals intimate, brutal and hilarious details of growing up with mentally ill, drug and alcohol-addicted parents, child protection and foster care. Rosie’s mum had been sober for almost a year at the time of recording. Rosie reads excerpts from the book to her mum, who often challenges her version of events, leading to frank and funny banter. ABC CONVERSATIONS
RICHARD FIDLER AND SARAH KANOWSKI Candid conversations with some people you’ve heard of, some you haven’t, but all reveal am azing stories. Hosts Richard Fidler and Sarah Kanowski interview with curiosity and empathy. Listen to our favourite, “A boy, his pony and the Sydney Harbour Bridge” — the true story of a nine-yearold who rode his pony about 1000km from Leongatha to see the opening of the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
1In what year was the Woodstock music festival first staged?
2Botanically, is the cucumber a fruit or vegetable?
3Leading into the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, what did the Australian surf team name itself?
4At which Victorian beach did the then Australian prime minister Harold Holt disappear while swimming in 1967?
5What is the national flower of both India and Vietnam?
6Musophobia is the fear of what?
7What nut is used to create the confection marzipan?
8Which is the most commonly transplanted organ from living donors worldwide?

9How many legs do insects have? 10 In which Australian state or territory was model and actress Megan Gale born? 11 Which character in the TV series Game of Thrones said: “I don’t plan on knitting by the fire while men fight for me.” 12 How many Melbourne Cups did champion racehorse Phar Lap win, and in what year or years? 13 Before starring in the film Dirty Dancing, Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey first acted together in what 1984 film? 14 Before 1999, the region of Macau was a territory of which country? 15 Boris Badenov is the main antagonist of which two animated cartoon characters, who are best friends? 16 Which award-winning actress directed the 2014 film Unbroken, based on a true WWII story? 17 Which two actors have performed in more than 4000 episodes of the TV series Neighbours? 18 Who is regarded as the inventor of the World Wide Web? 19 “It might seem crazy what I am ’bout to say, Sunshine she’s here, you can take a break” are lyrics from which 2013 hit single by Pharrell Williams? 20 Name the area where the Apollo 11 astronauts first set foot on the moon.
— Compiled by WORDEDIT Jolie; 17. Stefan Dennis (as Paul Robinson) and Alan Fletcher (as Karl Kennedy); 18. Tim Berners-Lee; 19. Happy; 20. Sea of Tranquility. 8. Kidney; 9. Six; 10. Western Australia; 11. Lyanna Mormont; 12. One win in 1930; 13. Red Dawn; 14. Portugal; 15. Rocky and Bullwinkle; 16. Angelina ANSWERS: 1. 1969; 2. Fruit; 3. The Irukandjis (a deadly species of jellyfi sh); 4. Cheviot Beach, near Portsea; 5. Lotus; 6. Mice or rats; 7. Almond;
What’s on
Hand hygiene, particularly washing with soap, is the most eff ective way to stop the spread of virus and disease. Let October 15 be a reminder of the importance of always washing your hands, not just in a pandemic.
On October 27, celebrate World Children’s Day, part of Children’s Week, which is dedicated to protecting and increasing the rights of children, as well as improving their life conditions.
Spread a little kindness in your community, family or among friends. Send a card, shout a mate a coff ee or do an extra household chore on November 13. It’s a day to perform acts of kindness towards others.
In Australia, statistics show one in three women has experienced physical violence since the age of 15. Take a stand and commit to action to stop men’s violence against women on White Ribbon Day, held on November 19. Organise or participate in an event that works for increased awareness and change.
Give a gift to the planet and save money by following Planet Ark’s practical ideas in the lead-up to Christmas. Suggestions include making decorations and wrapping paper, giving gift experiences such as movie or show tickets, and disposing of live Christmas trees in an environmentally friendly way.
About 18 per cent of Australians deal with disability in their daily lives. On December 3, the International Day of People with Disability asks us to challenge the way we think and “see the ability in disability”.