SUDes Workshop Conference 2010 - Task

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S U D e s w o r k s h o p conference


september 20th - september 21st, 2010 lund, sweden

urban green, urban form rich urban quality, environmental sensitivity

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urban green, urban form S U D e s workshop conference

TASK Task Direction “How do we deal with green spaces as an important aspect of high quality urban design, in a situation with increasing demands on areas available for densification?”

Introduction, Engelsberg Seminar 2009

This urgent design question highlights the search for a design understanding which combines and overlays urban green and urban form seeing them not as separate components of the urban fabric, but as forming a three dimensional urban system. This year’s conference centers around a theoretical approach that calls for the creation of an urban typology which is an integrated urban tissue. Controlled systems (such as buildings, infrastructures, and communications) are combined with variable ecosystems (such as weather and living habitats); demanding both precision and flexibility in the design outcome. The approach searches for new ways to define density; in terms of built area, quality places, landscape ecology, movement and energy systems. It challenges not only what we think about the city; but how we think about the city. This design understanding will be presented through innovative design strategies with detailed investigations into the layering and combinations of systems and activities that will create a higher quality of urban green, urban form. Organization Students are assigned into workshop groups; each with a workshop leader. The workshop leader will act as the project manager, facilitating discussion and exposing the group to the design dimensions brought up in the task direction. The workshop runs from Monday afternoon to Tuesday afternoon. Four jury groups have been created and each workshop group will present. Juries will then choose the award winning groups. We will gather again for the final presentation and selected jury members will briefly present all of the projects from their jury and announce the award winning groups.

What is a design charette? The design charette is a mechanism used give a charged and energetic beginning to a design challenge. A charette ignites creative brainstorming, discussion, strategising and designing. A static, yet complex problem is transformed into a series of creative concepts which can be further developed into future, buildable plans. (National Institute of Building Sciences) The design workshop at Lund is an international and interdisciplinary mini-charette. In the next two days you will hear lectures addressing the above direction, and then work in a workshop group to further create a concept and design for an area of Lund. The output of the design charette will be a clear and strong concept regarding this year’s theme, urban green, urban form. The perspective should then be applied to a spatial design on the given site. Although it may not be complete in detail, it should be a strong and workable design, with a clear concept, process and outcome. Task Challenge “We need to deal with those general over-all concepts of how we understand the city, examining our own way of thinking, but at the same time we need to work on a very concrete local level.”

Jens Kvorning, Engelsberg Seminar 2009

This year’s task focuses on the centre of the university campus, and extends to the LTH campus. In this area of Lund there are many university buildings, student housing buildings, and large scale institutions. With development plans both in the centre of Lund, and outlying areas, connection between the various morphologies is increasingly important. task | 3

urban green, urban form

The task challenge is to create a design understanding which illustrates how designers can think about urban green and urban form, and create spatial solutions which address environmental, economic and social sustainability. This perspective should then be applied to the site in Lund. Suggested Questions in Lund • How can the new conference centre for 950 visitors inhabit and vitalize the wider perspective of city. How can we refine, use and add to existing facilities? • Can we add 500 - 1000 more student dwellings? What sorts of living places would be ideal for students in Lund today? Suggested Questions on Site • How can these spaces form nuclei for a web of inter-connections that would enliven university life? • What might their edges be like; what variety of uses and what range of public and private spaces may be included?

The Program Specifics in Lund Together with the TASK DIRECTION of urban form, urban green; each workshop group is challenged to consider the specifics of working in the city of Lund. Donlyn Lyndon has provided the following guidelines. “Create a network of encounters and connections that can make the university a more livable city of learning within Lund. Provide linkages from the central city through the campus, and weave your site with it’s edges, as an urban tissue, a web of inter-connections.” The Program Specifics on Site Bring the concept from the TASK DIRECTION, and apply it to the specific qualities of your site. You may incorporate both new development and refining existing processes toward sustainability. Donlyn Lyndon has provided the following guidelines. “Describe the encounters such a web of facilities and spaces would make possible… bringing together differing people, multiple ideas, the presence of historical places, exposure to natural processes and new opportunities for both reflection, stimulus and connection.” SITE [1] SITE [2] SITE [3] SITE [4]

The areas fronting the University Building including Lundagård Spaces approaching and surrounding the Main Library and Old Hospital Gate The slope of spaces along Sölvegatan north to include the Observatory The top of the slope and around Kårhuset

Resources • Each workshop group has been provided with a package of supplies such as pens, pencils, sketch paper, drawing paper and coloured pens. Hand drawn work for both process and the final presentation is encouraged. • Each workshop group has been provided with modelling materials. Modelling as part of your process and for the final presentation is encouraged. •The computer rooms are marked on the location maps. Scanners are in the East computer room. A Lund student needs the swipe card and code to enter the rooms, and the login name to use the computer. • Each group has been given a printing card. This balance can be added to a Lund student’s account for printing. Printers are marked on the location maps. • There are extra maps, images, and information available on the server at G:\TemporaryTransfer\Unprotected\SUDesWorkshopConference task | 4

urban green, urban form

Logistics On monday afternoon, each workshop group will walk from Palaestra, in the centre of Lund, to their site. You will be supplied with sketch paper and pens, but don’t forget to bring your sketch book as well. Groups are encouraged to meet and brainstorm while on site. Each group is then provided a room in Kemicentrum for further working. On tuesday morning, each workshop group will gather again with their workshop leader to continue working, and ensure that they are on track to meet the deadline and have completed the PRESENTATION REQUIREMENTS. Supplies for the PLANTING INSTALLATION will be available in the KC foyer. A USB with a file of the group’s BOARDS, will be handed in at 12:00. Your work must be handed in at this time and it will be printed for you. After the file is handed in the group will have lunch and work on creating the ORAL PRESENTATION. Your prints will be delivered to your jury room.

Planting Installation On tuesday morning, supplies will be set up in the KC foyer so each workshop group can go to the site and carry out a planting as the first step towards their proposal. Scilla bulbs will be planted. These plantings are meant to give the workshop group an experience which will bring them closer to their site, and to the realities of urban green. The results may be a part of your process, or may be described in the final presentation.

Presentation Requirements The following are required for the final presentation from your workshop group and other content is up to you. Read through the TASK again and be sure your design discusses this years direction. • THREE (3) SECTIONS, THREE (3) SCALES create three different sections each at a different scale of your choice but by a multiple of 10 •THREE (3) TIMES create a set of three drawings each showing a different time (of day, of year, of decade, etc.) • THREE (3) COMBINATIONS (3) MATERIALS create three drawings showing three materials (alive or otherwise) that are used in combination to produce desired spaces and qualities Presentation Formats Note that all files should be .pdf. There will be no projectors for the jury groups, you will present from your boards and models. Put your site[#] and group name on your boards. • BOARDS : 2, A1 posters (1 .pdf file, “group name_print.pdf ”) (brought on USB to KC foyer for final printing) • ORAL PRESENTATION : 10 minute presentation to the jury • DIGITAL PRESENTATION : 2, A1 posters and 2, other images (1 .pdf file, “group name_site number.pdf ”) (brought on USB to Kårhuset for the final presentation)

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urban green, urban form S U D e s workshop conference


think outside the box

specific issues

DIRECTION • discussion • brainstorming • formulating the perspective

broad questions





Suggested Task Timeline Group Dynamics There are various mediums available for the workshop groups to carry out their designs. Feel free to split up the group and take on different tasks, such as sending a few people for model making, drawing, computer layouts, planting installation. This way everyone will have a task, and all of the tasks will be completed on time.

day 1

monday, 20 september

day 2

tuesday, 21 september

15:30 - 18:00 EXPLORE! Site Analysis (walking outside) Broad Questions (brainstorming) Create Perspective (discussion) Specific Issues (walking, sketching) Documenting Site Analysis

8:00 Review of Perspective and yesterday’s progress

18:00 DELVE IN! Dinner Discussion of Experiences

11:00 - 11:45 RED THREAD! Compilation of process work Compilation of PRESENTATION REQUIREMENTS

19:00 - ??:00 DESIGN! Researching and Testing Variables (sketching, discussion) Design Strategies (drawing, mapping) Design Details

11:45 HAND IN

9:00 - 11:00 FINAL SKETCHES! Development of Design Strategies (drawing, mapping) Detailed Design and Material Investigation Model Building

12:00 - 14:00 PRACTICE! Compilation of ORAL PRESENTATION (review discussion, perspective, concept) Finalizing the Model Building, Installation

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urban green, urban form S U D e s workshop conference


SITE [1]





Oliver Grundahl

4MN 162-166

Therese Magnusson

4MN 150-156


Ashwin Karjatkar

4OP 138-141


Åsa Samuelsson

4OP 147-150


SITE [2]


Ulrika Bjartmar, Gunnar Cerwén Anette Grönbaek, René Sørensen, Donlyn Lyndon




Marco Pusterla

4QR 162-168

Sara Hallström

4QR 168-174


Urban Skogmar

4QR 180-186


Martin Arfalk

4QR 186-192




Marc Jay, Susanna Oliver, Julie Lindhardt, Henrik Valeur workshop and jury groups | 7

urban green, urban form





Henrik Valeur

4QR 195-201

Anette Grönbaek

4QR 201-207


Gunnar Cerwén

40P 174-189


Ulrika Bjartmar

40P 207-213


SITE [4]


Marco Pusterla, Sara Hallström, Urban Skogmar, Martin Arfalk





René Sørensen

40P 174-189 30P 198-204


Julie Lindhardt

Susanna Oliver

30P 132-141


Marc Jay

3QR 135-138



Åsa Samuelsson, Ashwin Karjatkar, Therese Magnusson, Oliver Grundahl, Harrison Fraker workshop and jury groups | 8

urban green, urban form S U D e s workshop conference


monday, 20 september

Part 1 : Lecture Series LOCATION : PALAESTRA Moderator: Harrison Fraker Professor of Architecture and Urban Design College of Environmental Design, Berkeley USA 9:00 Peter Siรถstrรถm : Welcome and Introduction to SUDes Director of SUDes LTH Ax:son Johnson Institute at Lund University 9.15 Annette Stambolovski Building Manager, Lund University 9.45 Lars Johansson : Make Room for the Landscape Town Gardener, Uppsala Community 10.10 Coffee 10.35 Jens Kvorning : Density, Everyday Life and Suburban Transformation Professor, Centerleader Urban Design Kunstakademiet, Copenhagen DK 11.10 Nina Mathiesen : Blue and Green City - Nordhavnen, Copenhagen Architect and Planner, Cobe, Copenhagen DK 11.35 Donlyn Lyndon : Making Places in Lund Eva Li Professor Emeritus of Architecture and Urban Design College of Environmental Design, Berkeley USA 12.00


13.15 Jeppe Aagaard Andersen : Urban Blue Form Landscape Architect, JAAA Architects, Helsingรถr DK 13.40 Dorte Mandrup : Building in an Urban Forest Owner and Director of Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter, Copenhagen DK

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urban green, urban form


14:05 Per Björkeroth : Logistics of Workshop LOCATION : PALAESTRA Lecturer Urban Design and Planning, LTH Lund 15:15


15:30 Site Studies LOCATION : PALAESTRA - KEMICENTRUM, Rooms allotted in Kemicentrum Each workshop group is assigned a site which is located between the Palaestra building and the Kemicentrum building. 18:00 Dinner LOCATION : IKDC Dinner will be served. The workshop will continue after dinner and into the evening! day 2

tuesday, 21 september

Part 2 : Workshop cont. LOCATION : KEMICENTRUM

9:00 Office Opening Coffee and bread will be served in the KC foyer. Workshop leaders meet with workshop groups and review each office’s work. Groups continue working to complete proposals.


Groups will hand in a .pdf file in the KC foyer. BOARDS will be printed for you. 12:10 LUNCH and Presentation Preparations Lunch will be served on KC foyer. Groups will then prepare their ORAL PRESENTATIONS.

Part 3: Jury Sessions LOCATION : JURY ROOMS, KEMICENTRUM 14:00 Jury Sessions Each workshop group will present their work in the assigned Jury Rooms. 15:30 Coffee and Jury Decisions Workshop groups will leave the Jury Rooms for coffee in KC foyer. Jury Groups will discuss which workshop group will receive the award for their proposal. 15:45 Collection of workshop group proposals LOCATION : KÅRHUSET Each workshop group will bring their DIGITAL PRESENTATION to Kårhuset on a USB. 16:00 Final Presentation and Awards Selected jurors will present all of the proposals from their Jury Group, give comments, and announce the awards. 17:00 Discussion Moderators will invite any closing remarks from the workshop leaders. 17:30 Reception Reception where participants can view proposals, images from the workshop, enjoy refreshments and mingle! workshop and jury groups | 10

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